Twisting Winds: Old Habits

Story by Talon Drago on SoFurry

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#3 of Twisting Winds

Here is the third installment of the Twisting Winds story. I have this listed as adult due to innuendos. As always I give credit to Dasher Cheetah for helping me as much as he does. It is my pleasure to write with him. I have the next chapter mostly finished, still a little work on my end before I give it to Dash to edit. As always comments are welcomed. Hope you guys enjoy it!

Twisting Winds: Old Habits

Bane sat admiring the sleeping fox's beauty. His fur was white as snow. His body, lean and strong. Sebastian sat slightly behind Bane. He was still considering everything that he had observed thus far. It had completely contradicted his view of life. He considered everything that he knew and compared it to what he had seen. His world no longer made sense and that frightened him. He went back in his memories to his childhood. He seemed to be doing that quite often now.

He looked at his master but was master the correct word? Bane acted nothing like a master to him. He was questioning everything he knew, or rather thought he knew. Time didn't pass for him the way it did for ordinary people. Because of his power and his former master, he lived outside the normal flow of time others experienced. In fact he was quite older than anybody realized. He had decades of history behind him and none of it made any sense anymore.

He got up, excusing himself and approached Dasher. He still didn't really trust either of them but of all available sources, Dasher was the one he felt he could confide in the most. "Dasher,", began the dark cheetah uncomfortably, "can....can I talk to you?" Dasher nodded and rose, walking with Sebastian. It was obvious that the dark cheetah had much on his mind. AS they passed out of hearing range of Bane, Sebastian began, "Dasher, I know you have no reason to like me or trust me but I need somebody to talk to and I think our pasts are so similar, that you may be able to help me." Dasher nodded and said, "Alright, I'm all ears. Tell me what's troubling you."

Sebastian considered his words carefully, then continued, "Dasher, have you ever had your entire belief system called into question. I mean...I thought I had a good fix on what the world was, yet now suddenly I find I know nothing." Dasher nodded and smiled. It had taken the dark cheetah longer to come to him than he had thought it would. He said, "I do know what that's like." It took a human from another world to bring that conclusion to me." Sebastian nodded and continued, "I thought that there were two types of people only, slaves and masters. Bane is obviously a master yet he treats you with such fondness and dignity. Masters don't do that, at least where I come from."

Dasher chuckled and replied, "Sebastian, I'm not Bane's slave. I'm his friend. I owe him nothing but friendship and loyalty for what we have shared together. My dark friend, people are not property to be owned. Here, such is done but not where Bane is from. People are free, they are born free and it's their right to be free. Unfortunately there are bad people, like the slavers Bane and you killed. Those people steal individuals, such as yourself, away from families and sell them like possessions. They have no regard for anything but money. I doubt they even think of the pain they cause others."

Sebastian nodded thoughtfully and asked, "So, the entire universe isn't like that?" Dasher shook his head and told him, "Dear, you have to understand. You were taken when you were so very young. I at least was looked after, as well as one would look after a possession. You didn't even have that advantage. You were treated terribly, not even as well as one would treat a slave. As a result hun, most of your world view is shaped from a warped ideology. Perhaps that is normal where you came from, I don't know. I would hate to think your whole universe is like that but it is possible. The places I have been, that is not the norm."

Sebastian nodded. He was slowly coming to the same conclusion. Hearing it confirmed by somebody else, relieved his mind considerably. He turned and looked back at the white fox and said, "If Bane hadn't intervened, would the same thing have happened to him that happened to us?" Dasher thought a moment and answered, "Well, it depends. Chances are he would have ended up as a slave... Probably a sex slave. The best case scenario would have been him ending up as someone's personal servant. Worst case, he would end up in the hands of a brothel owner and become a sex slave or the slave of someone who would have abused him, much as you and I were. His chances were fifty fifty had that happened, of surviving for long, much less to old age."

Sebastian considered it and hung his head. He admitted sadly, "Bane charged in to save him and I did nothing. I could have erased them all, had I chosen to and I yet without Bane charging into danger, I would have done nothing." Dasher chuckled lightly and said, "You saved Bane when he needed protection and you stood by his side when he went to battle. That's what matters, standing beside your friends."

Sebastian considered and nodded as he said, "I suppose you're right but alone, I would not have lifted a paw to help that fox. That troubles me. If I can't understand why Bane is like he is, how can I ever deserve better than to be a slave? I... I want to earn his respect."

Dasher nodded with a slight smile and said, "Give yourself time. These are big lessons for even someone born and raised here. You can't expect to learn overnight. Sebastian, I'm going to have to ask you not to mess with time. That's the one power you must never use here. It's against the laws and will draw the attention of those who will not be understanding of your intentions or listen to your reasons. Something about the disruption of the natural flow of time and fate. I don't understand it myself but I don't need to. I only know that doing so will put you and Bane in great danger of being erased yourselves."

Sebastian nodded and said, "But I'm not from here. My power is something I was born with. It isn't against any rules I know of." Dasher nodded and said, "Yes but you are now here and therefore the law applies to you as well. Different universes, different rules and different gods." Sebastian considered that and agreed, "Alright but if it comes down to it and my master's life is in the balance, I will do whatever I have to, to save him."

Bane approached from their camp and said, "Two kitty's standing side by sexy." They both blushed slightly as Bane chuckled and Dasher teased, "So what are you going to do about it?". Bane laughed and suppressed his first reaction, to jump the sassy cat pin him down, then proceed to show him what he wanted to do. Instead Bane said, "He's still asleep. As far as I can tell, he's perfectly alright just...asleep. Dasher, do you think that there could be more of his kind around here?" Dasher pondered the question and answered, "Well, I suppose it's certainly possible. Typically, slavers work in packs with teams of two or three scouting a good distance from a central camp. They stay and collect individuals from around the area, until they have enough to make it worth bringing them to a market. Then, they dismantle their camp, sell those they have collected and move on. They usually try to move around as much as possible, to prevent any grieved family or angry villagers from catching up. The thing is, I'm concerned that once the survivor gets back to their camp, they may come with reinforcements to take revenge. They don't take lightly to their slaves being stolen back from them."

Bane nodded, his ear cocking back as sounds of rustling came from behind them. The fox was waking up and slowly moving and moaning. The trio went back and saw the fox looking around, obviously dazed and confused. Bane stepped forward, smiling warmly as he said, "Welcome back to the land of the living! My name is Bane, this is Dasher and this is Sebastian." The fox rubbed his eyes and then replied in a meek voice, "Th-thank you, kind sirs. My name is Shaun. Thank you for saving me... I can pay you for your troubles. I don't have very much money but I'll pay you what I have in return for your help." The fox held his head down, ears splayed and tail curled tightly around his legs as he said those words.

Bane chuckled and sat down beside the fox, saying, "Shaun, I don't want your money. I heard someone in trouble and came to the rescue. Nothing anyone else would have done in time of need." The fox smiled timidly and said, "I can feel that you really mean that. It's nice to meet somebody who feels like you do. It's somewhat rare actually." He looked up to near where he had heard the wolfs' voice and Bane looked into the fox's eyes. They were glazed over, a milky white. Shocked, Bane asked, "Shaun, are you blind?" The fox chuckled and answered cryptically, "Well, that depends on how you define sight. If you're asking about my eyes, then yes, I cannot see. However, I could argue that I 'see', better than even you can. I can look into a man's soul and see what lies beneath."

At hearing this, Sebastian faded into the background. He had heard of people with this ability but had never encountered one. Shaun was empathetic to the point he could actually feel the , emotions, moods and reactions of another. Bane looked interested and said, "I meant no offense Shaun. That sounds like what Dasher can do." Dasher spoke up to say, "I read body language Bane. He actually sees things at a deeper level than I can. The fox nodded and said, "To take offense where none was intended is borrowing trouble and I know you meant none. You may not see in the way I do Dasher but your vision is as sharp. Just from a different angle." Bane looked between the two and smiled as he offered, "Well, we still have a meat left over from breakfast, if you're hungry? I would be happy to warm it up for you?" The fox shook his head and said, "Thank you but with all respect, we have to get moving. Others will be coming. I escaped and others will be seeking to recapture me."

Bane looked concerned and asked, "What do you mean you escaped?" Shaun shifted slightly as tho uncomfortable and answered, "Well you see, I am a medicine man by trade. I heal others with my herbs and sometimes my words. I was traveling a good distance from here, traveling between villages. I had heard that there were several families sick in the next village and I wanted to see if I could help. Along the way I was attacked by I don't know how many. They took me to what sounded like a large camp. There were others... like me. People that had been taken. They locked me in a cage with the others they had collected.

I was too cleaver for them though. I'm used to taking care of myself, more than most folk. They made the mistake of not enchanting the locks or spelling the cages. The thing that lets people use magic of any power is so very rare, it was unlikely they would come across any. My mother had the ability but my father didn't. I can do some things but not much. I did however, learn how to open a lock when I was a young kit. I would often get into the pie safe when mother and father were asleep. I ran fast but they were faster. They hit me over the head. Next thing I knew, I woke up here. So you see, they will come looking for me. I wouldn't want you to put yourself in danger for me, even if you already have."

Dasher placed his hand on Bane's shoulder and told him. "Unfortunately Bane, I have to agree with him. They will return and in larger numbers. It's unlikely they will let his escape and the deaths of their men go unpunished." Bane nodded to his friend and joked, "Well, we have certainly been through worse. If they want to come, let them come. I will not back down nor will I run. I've done too much running in my life and I don't care for it much." Dasher knew Bane couldn't leave innocents in peril. It just wasn't in the wolf and he would have to make sure it didn't cost the wolf too dearly. That Sebastian would be along too was understood. He owed the wolf his life and to break his pledge would exact dire consequences. Dasher nodded and went for some water and food for their guest.

The fox blushed slightly, feeling the strength and resolve of the wolf and his friend. From the other, he sensed an iron commitment to Bane only but would do nothing against Banes' wishes, so it amounted to the same thing. Shaun shyly said, "I...I wouldn't feel right about taking your provisions. You need them far more than I do. You have come such a long way and seen so much."

Bane was taken aback by at that. He wasn't used to things such as this and it was showing. Dasher came back and sat beside Shaun, holding out the cup of water as he said, "Bane, why don't you go check on Sebastian? I will take care of our guest." Bane looked at Dasher and nodded. Taking the hint, he hurried off to find the dark cheetah.

Shaun took the cup as if he knew exactly where it was. His senses were unusually sharp. Dasher looked over his body then back to his eyes. The fox ate silently at first, then spoke up to say, "I didn't mean to make Bane uncomfortable. Many are often uncomfortable around me. . . . *sigh* I've grown used to it." Dasher nodded sympathetically and said, "I can understand how it would frighten some. Bane is not used to magic. I wouldn't say he's afraid of it but he is definitely intimidated by it. He prefers things he can see, touch, smell. Magic is none of those things." Dasher was idly imagining how Shaun would look under him when he felt a stroke along his tail. He blinked back to reality and saw the white paw, following it up to see shy smile on the fox's muzzle. Dasher blushed hard, realizing he had been found out. He also knew it would be useless to deny it, so apologized, "S-sorry, I couldn't help myself and you are quite handsome..." Shaun laughed softly and said, "No worries, Dasher. Why should I be upset that you find me attractive? That and you do know what they say about Foxes..." Dasher cleared his throat, remembering how Ron was and felt a wave of loss flow thru him.

The fox patted his paw comfortingly, ruefully chuckled and said, "Indeed. I can remember when I first began sensing others. I used to finish my mother's sentences and it annoyed her to no end. But you three are quite the trio. The wolf out of time, the dark cheetah that regrets and then there's you. You're the one who helped save so many from the evil sorceress."

Dasher blushed modestly and tried to deny it with, "Well...I had a paw in it but it wasn't me who defeated her. That was John and Ceasar's doing. I don't talk about it much... or rather, I try not to. I've been away for a while, so I suppose I'm just used to it not being an issue. As for Bane, yes I suppose you could say he's a wolf out of time. He's far away from his home but then, what is really a home? Sebastian is drowning in regrets. He had a dark existence before he was brought here with us. Still though, he's making progress. He at least has begun questioning things and that's a start." The fox nodded and said, "I would urge you to cut him a little slack. I think you will find in time that you two have a lot more in common than you realize. But for chance in where you come from, you could each be in the others' shoes."

Bane walked up to where Sebastian sat by the stream and took a seat beside him. Sebastian stared into the ripples and shook his head as he said, "I have heard of his type but it unsettles me." Bane watched the flowing water too and agreed, "I know the feeling. I've blown up entire planets. That would be enough to frighten anybody." Sebastian laughed quietly and one upped his master with, "I win! I've blown up galaxies." Bane put his paw on Sebastian's leg and said, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you by reminding you of your past." Sebastian waved his hand and dismissed it with, "Don't worry about it. What's done is done. There's just something about this place that I can feel, something new. You know, for the first time I'm free of my master. I have a new master in you but somehow I still feel free. You haven't tried to hurt or make me feel like a slave. Instead, you have done nothing but accept me and show me affection. I don't deserve it but you have... It's not something I'm used to. I would almost go as far as to call it unsettling."

Bane understood and quietly nodded as he said, "I respect your culture and what you have done for me. I just don't believe in making somebody feel like less than a person. Doing that neither makes me or them better people. People should be respected, not treated like property."

As the two groups were talking, Dashers' and Shaun's' ears flicked and they looked up. A wolf wearing leather pants and a buck skin shirt, walked out of the woods and into the camp. Sebastian looked up suddenly and said, "We have visitors! Bane reached for his blade as Dasher prepared for attack and Sebastian stood beside Bane ready for whatever happened. The wolf was carrying a white flag on a staff. The gray in his muzzle fur betrayed his age and the scars on his arms showed the battles he had fought. He looked around assessing things and confidently stated, "You have killed two of our men and stolen our property. You will return the property and pay damages or face the consequences."

Bane stepped out of the trees with Sebastian and laughed loudly as he approached the stranger, Bane eyed the white flag and stepped closer to Dasher and Shaun as he said, "Friend, you sure have a lot of balls walking into our camp and issuing threats like that. What makes you feel you can live up to that?" The wolf studied Bane closely and stated, "We have many men preparing to storm your little camp and deal with you, should the need arise. If you don't pay or I don't return, they will attack."

Bane nodded thoughtfully and rocked back on his feet as he asked, "Dasher? How many men do you think we have killed apiece?" Dasher grinned, knowing what the wolf was up to and said casually, "Well, I would say several hundred, between the two of us. Nearly all of them being hand to hand. If you count those who died by our orders... you top my count by millions." Bane nodded and asked, "And Sebastian, what do you estimate your count is?" The dark cheetah grinned and tossed back, "Oh, I would say several billions at least."

The wolf looked between the three, studying their faces and seeing no evidence of them kidding him. Either they were ones he would not play cards against for money or they were being truthful. Billions? The world didn't hold half that, so they must be lying, he concluded. Still... the dark cheetah sent chills down his spine, as did the wolf. He recognized the name Dasher but held his tongue. If this was Dasher, did he want to tangle with the cat who had defeated a major sorceress? Bane chuckled and spoke up once more, "I kinda figured as much. Friend, I would advise you to take your threats and yourself elsewhere. I have a cheetah and a demigod on my side. Not to mention what I'm capable of. I may not be magic but I would be willing to bet that I don't have to be to handle a motley pack of curs like you." The wolf once again studied Bane then Dasher and finally Sebastian. With more bravado than he felt, he said, "You have twenty four hours to comply. After that, we will return and deal with you."

The wolf turned and started to walk off. Bane ran after, grabbed the wolf and slammed him against a tree, where he growled into his face, "Friend, I'm going to make you a counter offer. You release all of your captives and I'll let you and your men live. How's that for an offer? Oh and YOU have three hours to comply or I'll save you the trouble of coming to my camp. Now GET back to your "camp" and tell them what I have said. If they are not released, you will deal with my wrath."

The older wolf scurried away, dropping his flag as he fled. Dasher walked up to Bane and placed his paw on his shoulder. Used to Bane, Dasher merrily told his friend, "You do realize they are going to arrange an ambush just outside of their camp. If you intend to try to rescue the captives, we will certainly be walking into a trap." Bane nodded and with a growl still to his voice said, "Yeah, the thought has occurred to me. However I'm confident we can arrange a surprise of our own." Bane turned and walked back to Shaun.

The fox was sipping the last of his water. He smiled as Dasher approached and said, "To answer your question, no. I don't feel this is my fault. Had I remained captive, I would most certainly have died. As it is now, perhaps my escape can bring release to those I left behind. I felt terribly bad about leaving them. They begged me to save them but I wasn't strong enough. If I had tried, it was certain we would have been recaptured. I'm not strong like you are. I am a healer, not a warrior." Dasher chuckled and said, "From where I'm standing, that's just not true. You had the strength to run against all odds of escape. In my book, that's brave."

Shaun looked around him. His eyes might be blind but his mind saw more than mere eyes could anyway. Those around him, while mysterious were also good. He smiled as he focused in on the one called Sebastian. Such a low opinion of himself. So much pain, such darkness but there was also a spark of such hope. There was a residual feeling of what could be described as evil but that was fading. It was being replaced with questions and hope. He was comforted by the fact that they would at least try to help the others. In doing so, perhaps they could even help themselves.