Elle 2

Story by Fated Snowfox on SoFurry

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This was a sequel to my last story. A very special person, a close friend & someone I considered family inspired me to write both. That person is no longer with us, and I no longer have the heart to finish this. I hope you enjoy it and get a sense of how special this person was.

The bathroom filled quickly with hot, fragrant steam as I opened the taps up to full, powerful jets of water bursting torrentially from the walls and deluge head built into the ceiling. Elle squeaked with delight & dived under the cascade, her iridescent feathers ruffling out, flicking beads of water all over my pelt "This is one hell of a shower, Fox!"

"It's hard keeping all this pristine white," I grinned "Especially when I'm crawling around at work."

She held her wings out to me, pirouetting & dancing under the stream "I could use a paw here... I can't quite reach my back. Would you mind?"

I reached out for a bottle of shampoo "Is this stuff alright? I've never bathed a magpie before..."

"It's ok, you don't need it. The soap won't do my feathers any good. Come here.. I'll show you what to do." She cooed softly, beckoning me closer. "It's very simple," turning her back to me, her wings splayed, leaning against the jets pulsing from the wall "Get close and just stroke downward from the top, be gentle & the water will do the work"

I stepped up against her, nuzzling briefly at her neck as she moved against me, my fingers brushing over her crown & down over her nape, feeling the feathers flexing & moving against my touch, the water sluicing through to the down beneath "Ohh, Fox." She purred, "Just like that, nice and slow..." My touch moving down over her shoulders and across the spars of her wings, flight feathers splaying further apart, revealing the deep iridescence in the beads of water as they slid from the slick surface.

"Still doing ok? I whispered as my claws worked down to the very wingtips, feeling the hot water sheeting from them in rivers.

"Don't forget the front, Fox." She giggled "You might need to get a little closer." Arching her back toward me, her long tail plumes brushing over my legs as I pressed up against her back, fingertips caressing over the swell of her chest, teasing right into the deep, soft down. She squirmed slowly "Fox... You're poking me..."

I coughed & moved slightly, feeling my ears flush pink. I hadn't even noticed my arousal, so intent had I been on grooming the soft feathers. An admonishing cheep got my attention "Where, exactly, do you think you're going?" She chided, her tail fan opening against my thighs "Does it feel like I don't want you there?"

"I've got no lube in here." I admitted, leaning in to kiss along her neck.

"You don't need it, puppy. You're making more than enough." She cooed, baring her neck to me; her soft, pert rump rocking more insistently, slowly coaxing me between the downy globes "Try just..." She gasped "There!" Her tail fan splaying against my stomach as my foxhood sank into her yielding warmth, her muscles gripping me & pulling me deeper; she was right, I didn't need lube, my own precum proving more than enough against the resistance offered by my lover. She arched against me, wings splaying out beneath me as the hot water cascaded over us; my paws exploring her firm, pert tits, caressing her as I thrust firmly, slowly into her behind, muzzle locked against her neck to hold her in place, whispering that she felt so good, so..

"Perfect." She gasped, finishing my sentence. "Fox, God... I wish I'd done this years ago. I should have done this years ago..." punctuating her words with needy, maddening thrusts back toward me. "Need you Fox. Breed me..." She gasped, loudly as I thrust deeper "Ruin me..."

I needed no encouragement; her silken insides had been rippling, caressing me like nothing I'd ever experienced. My paws circled her waist, lifting her up against me, pushing her to the wall as I filled her hard and deep, brutally thrusting against the butter soft opening, taking my whole length with ease, despite the almost agonizingly sensitive bulb of my knot. She turned her head to me and licked my nose "Fox... I'm gravid. I don't think you'll be able to tie me, but oh God knot fuck me hard, you can't hurt me."

I nodded, growling deep in my chest as I drove myself to the hilt, her entrance offering no resistance to my knot as I gave it to her over and over. She screeched in frustration "Harder, Fox. Please. So Close!" I'd barely noticed her fingers buried deep inside her snatch, but I could tell by her scent she wasn't far off, slamming her hips back against me as we synchronized, moving almost in perfect unison, my knot harder than it'd ever been & I was teetering on the edge, oblivious to everything around me, there was just her and the white noise of my pulse thundering in my ears. A flurry of feathers and a screech so high pitched my ears flattened, and she was screaming for me, squirting torrentially against the glass of my shower stall as she came, arching so hard against me I almost fell, my knot driven deeper than I could ever have imagined and I came with her, peaking and crashing as my sac pulled taut, her muscles gripping and milking me for all I was worth, her wings spread taut under me as I held on, my legs giving way beneath me.