Walk in Another's Hooves

Story by GeoHolms on SoFurry

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Here's a story about a dog and a horse roommate who end up swapping bodies due to a mischievous fox and some odd alcohol.

This was a story prompt from hobbesdawg http://www.furaffinity.net/user/hobbesdawg using his characters Hobbes and Roderick. Admittedly didn't really plan to have any really explict scenes, it just sorta is where the characters ended up (and kinda matched up with where the characters seem to end up anyway http://www.furaffinity.net/view/3658805/ )

Hobbes and Roderick © http://www.furaffinity.net/user/hobbesdawg

Story © Me

"Come on, pup. You know you want to."

Hobbes did want to. However, his mouth said, "Naw, Rod. I have some lesson plans to write up tonight, and it's a weekday, and I don't want to get hungover again." The Bernese mountain dog rubbed the back of his neck, hoping the topic would end there.

Roderick gave a nickering chuckle and the large black horse trotted over, rubbing Hobbes between the ears with his hooved digits. Hobbes knew the horse meant it to be demeaning, and yet he couldn't keep his tail from wagging whenever Roderick did it. He wished the horse would do it more. Not that he would ever say that aloud. He suspected Roderick knew, and the horse just liked goading a smitten doggy.

"Lesson plans? That's a weak-ass excuse. The hangover I can believe. You're all fluff and not enough buff, pup. But that's why you need practice!" The horse flexed his arm, his sleek black fur glistening on the obvious muscles, and Hobbes thought how much he wanted to nuzzle the shire stallion's arm, then nuzzling his chest, his abs, his...he caught himself daydreaming, and the stirring in his sheath.

"I don't know."

Roderick placed an arm over Hobbes' dark brown furred shoulders and pulled him in close. "I need a wingman, and Casey is being a stick in the mud as usual. Come on, pup."

Hobbes liked it when the stallion called him pup. Just another in a long list of things he could never say to Roderick. He looked up at Rod's long face, white fur down the middle of an otherwise black-furred head, mischievous violet eyes, to match the devious grin. Gods, he couldn't resist that face. "OK. I'll go. But I need to limit my drinks."

"That's the spirit!" Roderick clapped Hobbes on the back, causing the dog to lose his breath.


A few hours later, Hobbes was staring at an empty glass, buzzed and melancholy. He wanted to be happy and flirty and social, yet all he could do was sit here, embroiled in his thoughts, the faint taste of a fifth cosmopolitan on his tongue.

"Girl troubles?" Hobbes looked up, and found the bartender standing there, a red fox, rubbing a glass clean. "No pun intended, but you have such a hangdog expression, I had to ask."

Hobbes looked across the bar, at Roderick, speaking to a female donkey, making animated rude gestures as he told some exgerated tale, keeping the jenny at rapt attention. This was the fifth conquest of the horse's evening. Not that Hobbes had been keeping count, but at least three of which had ended up following the horse to the restrooms, and the dog could guess from the afthermath of disheveled fur and clothes when they reappeared what had happened there. Hobbes wished he could experience first hand what had happened there.

"Guy troubles, perhaps?"

Hobbes looked back to the fox bartender, who was giving a knowing smile, still rubbing the glass clean. He noticed the fox had a white steak of fur running down the center of his face, between his eyes, right down to his nose. It gave the vulpine an interesting appearance, though Hobbes couldn't decide out what kind of interesting in his alcohol buzzed mind.

Hobbes gave a long sigh. "Yeah. That my roommate. I dunno. I jus'...really want him to do me. Oh. Wait. Yeah. I want him to do me." The dog felt he couldn't quite control the words. He realized may have drank a bit more than he wanted. He hoped Roderick wouldn't talk to him much in this state. The horse would never let him live it down. He tried to speak again. "He jus' makes it seems so damned easy. I wanna just be tha' confident. Ya know? I just wanna get tha' big muzzle and kiss it. Yeah. Tha' would be great." He smiled at the thought.

"Sounds like you have things you need to work out with him."

"Ya. Maybe."

The fox hmm'd, then knelt under the counter, and the sounds of clinking bottles could be heard. He pulled out a dark blue bottle with an ancient label, pulled out two glasses, and poured a few digits of a blue glowing liquid into each. "I think this drink will help you guys out, make you open up to each other. On the house. What do you say?"

"I bet not drink anymo," Hobbes slurred.

"Trust me. This will do you good." The vulpine waved down a waiter, a ferret, and instructed him to give the second glass to the stallion across the room, while pushing the first glass in front of Hobbes.

While the fox spoke, Hobbes looked blurrily at the glass of glowing elixir, just thinking how he better not drink. He already felt drunk. He didn't want to drink anymore. He turned back towards where his horse roommate sat, just in time to see the ferret hand him a drink. The ferret points towards Hobbes, causing the stallion to grin and tip his glass towards Hobbes, before taking the drink in one swig.

"Told him the drink was from you."

Hobbes turned back towards the fox, horrified. "Wha? Why? I...I don'...you?" What would Rod think? He didn't want to give him any kind of message. What was this fox doing? He...he...

"Come on, pup. Take a drink. It will make you feel better." The fox gave Hobbes a wink, and Hobbes' attention fell back to the glowing elixir in front of him, faintly noticing that the fox's words sounded suspect.

Hobbes gave a sigh, and drank it.


Hobbes woke.

He felt the deep need to take a piss. He rolled out of bed, getting to his footpaws, then stumbling unsteadily, crooked, as if his body wasn't quite balanced right. He made his way out of the room, turned right and into a wall. He rubbed his snout and the disorientation increased, though Hobbes couldn't really figure out why, just the mere act of rubbing his hurt nose made his perceptions muddled. He'd figure that out later. Bathroom. Bathroom. To the...left. Did the door of the bathroom move? He'd never been this hungover.

Hobbes still needed to go, so he placed this debate on hold and entered the bathroom, rose the toilet seat, tried to pull down his boxers, paws found there weren't any, and so he just closed his eyes and let his dick do the rest.

He waited. And waited. This was taking longer than usual, and sounded like a lot more than usual too. He opened his eyes. Things seemed strange. Was he taller? He looked down, at the toilet, at his dick, and found it was not his.

Longer, thicker, black, rather more equine than the usual pink modest-sized canine member his white furred sheath contained. Hell, even the white furred sheath seemed to be absent. As he finished his business and the shaft started to pull in, he found it to be into a black equine sheath instead. He poked it, and found that instead of a dog claw, a hooved-tipped digit did this action, connected to a white furred hand.

His mind was having trouble keeping up. He slowly walked over to the bathroom mirror, took a deep breath, and looked into it.

Roderick's handsome stallion face looked back.

Hobbes rubbed his snout.

Roderick's reflection did the same.

Hobbes stuck out his tongue and made a face.

Roderick did the same.

Hobbes reached down and rubbed his chest, down to the stomach, before finally reaching his groin.

Roderick rubbed his muscled chest, his ab-lined stomach, then cupped his impressive equine balls and sheath. The equine cock poked a bit out after this, and Hobbes looked down and saw it from the first-person perspective.

It couldn't be. He was Roderick. He couldn't be Roderick. That didn't make sense. How could...how could...but if he was Roderick...how...?

He heard a howl.

Hobbes walked into the hall, looked back and forth. A door opened, and a familiar Bernese mountain dog stepped into the hall. Familiar, because it was the same dog that Hobbes looked into the mirror and saw every morning. Well, except this morning. And in a mirror he never quite saw himself from this angle. Hobbes' mind still tried to catch up as he took in his own dog body standing there, the details filtering in: the dog, dark brown fur, tan markings, white muzzle and underbelly, wearing silk boxers and...a red dog member poking out of the fly, a knot at the base, tip dripping.

The dog that wasn't Hobbes looked Hobbes up and down, mouth agape. "The fuck?!"

Hobbes managed to connect the dots to make a conclusion, not a conclusion that made any amount of sense in any logical way, and yet a conclusion that may just be crazy enough to make sense in this particular situation of him waking up in his roommate stallion's body.

"Roderick?" he asked.

The Bernese mountain dog's eyes slanted. "...Hobbes? The fuck happened? Are you...what did you do?"

The voice sounded strange and foreign. It sounded like a recording of himself, except live, and being spoken by his body. Why was he even debating that? "Were you...what were you doing?"

"I..." The dog looks down at his still erect canine rocket and then back up at Hobbes. "I had morning wood. What of it?"

"I just...I..." Hobbes couldn't really figure out a proper argument against this, and he kept being distracted by his own canine member bobbing there, the dog giving it an unconscious rub, and Hobbes felt his ears go hot.

Another door in the hall opened, and a dog of tan fur spotted with brown spots, walked into the hall. Their roommate, Casey gave a yawn, then looked between the dog and horse, and then covers his eyes. "Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Didn't mean to walk in on you guys. Just heard the talking and was...I can go...I just...I mean...I'm surprised you're here...it's almost 8:00 and you guys..."

"It's almost 8:00? Fuck!" the dog that Hobbes suspected was Roderick barked. "We need to get out of here. We're gonna be late!"

"Late? What? To work? Are you insane? What about...this?" Hobbes gestured to his equine body.

"I'm not going to miss a day of work and break into my vacation time, pup. And neither are you. Don't have time to shower. Get dressed in something...I dunno...non-wussy."

"No time to shower? What about...you can't..." Hobbes found himself staring at the still exposed red rocket, now slowly pulling back into the boxers.

"Fucking prude," the dog smirked, "I know how to hide the scent of a bit of fun. Get dressed, now!" He runs back into his room, leaving Hobbes standing there, still dazed. He looks to Casey, who's still standing there, looking at him, a confused expression across his maw.

"Ur...we'll...explain later, OK, Casey?"

The dog opened his mouth, then just closed it, and just went back into his room. Hobbes took a breath, not certain what the hell that conversation looked like from the outside. He could tell this was going to be a long day.


The day had gone about as smooth as it could have so far. Roderick was taking Hobbes' classes, and Hobbes was taking Roderick's. As gym teachers, they mostly just did some gym classes and a few sessions of study hall supervision.

Everything still felt really weird to Hobbes, and he tried not to think about the situation too closely, or his head started to hurt. Everything he did, every movement felt foreign and off: his height, the shorter fur, the way his hooves clopped as he walked, his long haired tail which flicked about behind him instead of the solidness of a wag. Even merely moving his head felt odd, and he caught himself poking at the different structure, the long faces, the big nose, the way he could move his lips and snout, which was disconcerting and startling during lunch. Gods, even his tongue felt weird, thicker and stronger.

To say the least, Hobbes was not succeeding at not thinking about the situation, and the day seemed to drag.

When he saw his own body around, it seemed Roderick was doing much better in the transition, the dog's tail seemed to be wagging whenever he spotted him. Why wasn't he panicking the fuck out? Hobbes felt on the edge of stampeding out of the school at any moment, and had to stop himself from pawing his hoof at the ground as if about to make a run for it.

The carrots from Roderick's locker calmed him a little, finding they tasted exceptionally better than when he was a dog, and found himself thinking that an oat snack bag would be a nice treat.

The day went by without much event until the afternoon when Roderick didn't show up as Coach Hobbes for a gym session, and Roderick stepped in, and got the kids started on a casual game of basketball.

About halfway through, Hobbes saw his Berner body enter the room and trot over. He never really thought about the way he walked, but he swore that Roderick looked more confident than he ever could just in the way he held himself. Though he wasn't sure he agreed with the outfit choice, wearing a pair of shorts Hobbes hadn't worn since college, riding tight on his butt, and forgoing the t-shirt, saying he felt warm enough as it was with all the fluff.

The dog watched the kids playing the game for a moment, before cutting in with a whistle: "You little welps call that defense! Give me three laps!"

A ferret pipes in. "Defense? I thought this was just for fun...?"

"Four laps of the court. Any further questions?" Roderick barked.

The group of middle schoolers begrudgingly started to jog, looking a bit confused to Hobbes, who knew they weren't used to Hobbes barking about anything.

The fluffy dog then trotted over to Hobbes and stood next to him a moment, watching the kids run, then leaned in close, whispering, "Why didn't you warn me about the knot?"

"What?" Hobbes tensed up, turning to stare down at the creature he was still trying to think of as his horse roommate Roderick, his mind still stalling out when he tried to make logical sense of that.

The dog smirked, then answered. "The knot. Your knot. My knot. Was fucking impossible to get out of Stan in time for class. Thanks for covering for me."

Hobbes gaped, and tried to keep his voice low under the rising panic. "Stan? Wait, the janitor, that badger? You were fucking Stan? With my body?"

"Why not? While I'm in a queer doggy such as yourself, why not get a bit of tail that I wouldn't try otherwise? You're cute. It's easier to woo some creatures with this cute face of yours. You're not using your waggy fluffbutt to it's full potential. As myself, in my magnificent display of equine, I have a reputation to uphold, but when I'm you, I feel more liberated."

Did Roderick just say he was cute? He felt his heart flutter as he looked down at the panting Berner. Wait. No. That wasn't the point right now. He refocused. Roderick was using his body for random flings with school staff. "But what about my reputation?"

"Pah. This sorta stuff will do your reputation good. You need to get out there more. And that badger seemed to really like taking the knot. Said you can visit anytime at the southwest broom closet." He nudged Hobbes with his shoulder and gave a big wink.


"I'll take care of the class from here. Will see you after school, Coach Roderick." He gives another large wink, then turns his focus back to the kids, barking something about their running speed in the laps, leaving Hobbes befuddled, the headache growing. He needed another carrot.

He trotted back to the shared office of him and Roderick, closed all the shades, closed the door, and then tried to collect his thought. Who did Roderick think he was?

That was a silly question. Roderick was in his dog body, and obviously taking full advantage of it.

And if Roderick was taking full advantage of his body, wasn't couldn't he take full advantage of Roderick's?

Hobbes flicked on the light. He pulled the waist of his athletic shorts and boxers, seeing the rounded top of the equine member poking at the top of his sheath. He really shouldn't, but if Roderick was going to have random sex with beasts, why couldn't he have a bit of fun too. He briefly thought if he could try and have a fling with one of the staff. He had Rod's body after all. He was sure half the staff would want a piece of this draft stallion's flank.

Still, trying to get to the point of even discussing that sort of arrangement made him sick to the stomach.

Well, that wasn't the only way to have a bit of fun.

Hobbes pushed his shorts and boxers down his thighs, fully exposing his sheath to the open air. He shivered as he cupped his balls, feeling strange in their larger and furless form. He huffed through his snout as he started to fondle himself. As he grew more excited, he almost didn't want to look down. When he did, he gasped, and then realized he was only half erect.

It was odd seeing it at this angle, and also seeing it without the flared tip, which seemed to be the focus of the pornographic material on stallions. The head remained rounded, already starting to leak as the member continued to push out, his hooved digits coaxing it out.

He couldn't get over the rush of familiar and foreign sensations, and just how damn big he was getting. Hell, if he just leaned forward with this long face of his, and dared to stick out his tongue he could...

He lapped the head his shaft. He liked the taste of equine excitement, it had a certain oat flavor. He licked again, then teased with his flexible snout, then went down further on the shaft. Hobbes was no stranger to this method of masturbation, but with the thicker tongue and different shaped mouth, as with everything else, it was a brand new adventure in perversion.

Before he could properly take it all in, he reached the edge, and hot equine seed shot into his mouth, and he gurgled with surprise, before swallowing the seed, the excess dripping out down his dark shaft as pulled his mouth off it. He swallowed again and licked his chops, dripping white strands of cum.

As he sank into the afterglow he settled on one thought: Fuck that was good.


"You seem more relaxed."

Hobbes ears perked and he looked over at the Berner in the driver's seat, still thrown off by seeing himself at this angle. Did he always look so doping when smiling?

Rod continued. "I smell it in the air. Hell, I smelled it in the office, pup. Goes everywhere, doesn't it?"

Like a water sprinkler of pleasure. Not that he would ever say that aloud. Instead, Hobbes just snorted, a sound that he found much easier to produce in this body.

The dog smirked. "So, we're going to the bar? You think that fox bartender had something to do with this?"

"Yeah. He gave you and me this weird blue stuff and then I...we woke up like this."

"Hope he can fix this, because I don't wanna a wussy gay pup for any longer than necessary." He still gives that dumb goofy smile when he says this, and Hobbes rolls his eyes.

The bar is nearly empty, only being late afternoon, and Hobbes quickly spots the fox behind the counter. He clops up with purpose and slams his hands on the counter. "Fix this. Now."

The fox looks up, a bit less spry and bright-eyed than the evening before, and looks over a pair of glasses. "How may I help you, gentlemen?"

"We're looking for you."

"Oh. Are you looking for a red fox bartender who worked here, white streak down the middle of his face?" As the fox says this, his motions at the streak down his own face.


"Oh yeah, he quit last night." The fox picks up a glass and starts rubbing it with a cloth.

The horse and dog stare at the fox for a long moment, before Roderick pipes in. "Aren't you a red fox with a white streak down your face? Are you like his twin brother or something?"

"Nope. I'm a wolverine." Continues to rub the glass down.

"Oh, fuck," Hobbes sighed, "He swapped bodies with you, didn't he?"

The fox looks over his glasses again. "Yep."

"You don't seem as panicked about this as I would have expected."

"Eh. Nice to have a vacation from the aches and pains of my old grizzled worn wolverine body, figure may as well enjoy it. Also, not as fun to get angry and hit things with this body, I think I hurt my paw when I did." The vulpine licks at his left paw and gives a pained yip.

"Do you happen to know where he went?"

The fox shrugs. "Don't rightly know. Sorry." He looks between the horse and dog. "So, do you boys want to order some drinks?"

In sync both dog and horse said: "Yes."


Hobbes stared at the drink. He'd moved from beer, to a fruity mixed drink, to some hard alcohol now. He found the flavors of the beverages to be out of whack on his tongue, and he was still waiting for the buzz to kick in.

It appeared his original body was having no such issues in finding a buzz, the Berner dog leaning on him, panting and giving pleased growls as he lapped at some fruity concoction. "Oh, this is nice...everything tastes so good and...haven't been able to feel this nice so quick since I was..." The dog seems to try and count something out on his digits, then gives up and finishes off the drink with a swig. He leans against Hobbes again, sniffing. "Mmm...you smell nice..."

Hobbes rolled his eyes, though a little amused to see Rod this drunk, even if the circumstances were odd.

"Why do you always call me pup?"

Rod grins up at the horse with a dopey dog grin. "It's adorable to see your reaction, the way your ears twitch, your tail lowers. It's still adorable when you're in my body. Didn't know my body was capable of being an adorable little fucker." The dog nuzzles Hobbes' snout, giggling, giving it a small lick before saying "Pup" and giving a wink.

Hobbes felt his ears twitch and tassel tail lower, just as Rod had described. He turned away from the dog and grumbled, "Gods, you're such an asshole." Though he had to admit, it was nice to hear Rod call him adorable, even in his drunk asshole way. He lifts an empty bowl towards the fox bartender. "More oats please."

"And another one of this fruit thingies!" Rod added, rising his empty glass. He was panting a bit. "Damn. I feel so fucking hot in his fur of yours."

"So you think I'm hot?" Hobbes gave a soft wicker at his joke.

"Of course I think you're hot." Rod crunches some ice.

Hobbes ears perked and he looked at the dog, who seemed oblivious of what he'd said. Had Rod meant to say that? Yes, he'd just finished saying how adorable he thought Hobbes was, but there was a destinct different between adorable and hot. Maybe he was over-thinking the semantics. Anyways, Rod was obviously quite buzzed and not thinking straight. There was no meaning in that statement. He felt his pants tighten a little, making him reposition in his seat. Fuck.

The bartender fox brought more oats and a fruity drink, which Rod immediately grabbed started lapping. Hobbes kept running through the thoughts in his head. Even after everything that had happened, he hadn't really cut out the possibility that this was an extensive dream. He tapped the dog on the shoulder. The Bernese mountain dog turned towards him, giving him that adorable dopey grin. He pushed his face forward, trying to figure out how to get his mouth where he wanted it to go, which remained tricky with his long face and the face he couldn't see where his mouth would end up. Even the drinking still felt disorienting. He ended up nuzzling the top of the dogs head. Hobbes turned away, embarrassed. Stupid. Stupid.

He heard the clink of Roderick putting his drink down. He turned towards the dog and found Roderick taking long equine face in his paws, gave that same dopey dog grin from before, upturned his muzzle, and kissed Hobbes.

It was much different than the kiss from before. Less frantic and frenzied. Let urgent. Nicer. Softer. More comfortable. The slight flavor of fruity alcoholic beverages on the edges. Tongues playing off each other as the dog's paws rubbed the sides of his face, noses nuzzling in the process. Hobbes reached up, his own hooved digits rubbing the dog's head, behind his ears, knowing the special spots all too well, and smirking at the dog giving a muffled whine through the kiss. Time melted at the edges. Eventually, the kiss ended.

Someone cleared their throat. The fox bartender, rubbing a glass, giving a slight grin. "Do you guys want to close your tab?"

Hobbes paid with Roderick's credit card.


Hobbes woke up with a snort. A rather equine snort. His mouth tasted of oats and liqueur. Yep, still in Roderick's body.

He gave a wickering sigh, then heard a growling sigh, and a furry body reposition against him. His arms were wrapped around this furry body. Oh gods, had he picked someone up at the bar? He didn't remember getting that drunk. The details filtered back in. He_hadn't_ been that drunk. He'd driven Rod home and put the drunk dog to bed.

A very clingy drunk dog who wrapped his arms around the horse and pulled him into bed, and then promptly fell asleep.

Hobbes had been too tired to extract himself from the dog's embrace, and so had just let himself snooze, then fall into a deep sleep, leaving him here, hugging his former body close, enjoying the smell of dog, spooning the canine's butt, his half-erect penis feeling nice against the fur. Wait. He shifted a little. Yep, definitely morning wood. The dog shifted in his sleep, rubbing against it, causing Hobbes to muffle a moan.

Maybe he could sneak away from potential embarrassment. He tried to pull his arm out from under Roderick. The dog stirred again, his butt pushing back against his excitement. Hobbes bit his lip, and then heard a snickering. "Roderick. You fucker, you're up."

"So are you, pup." The Bernese Mountain Dog grinded back against Hobbes, who huffed, then pushed the dog away. Roderick turned over to face Hobbes, grinning, then wiggling up to nuzzle. "Sleep well, stud?"

Hobbes narrowed his eyes. "What are you up to?"

"What makes you think I'm up to something?"

"You're being too nice."

Roderick gave a barking laugh. "Oh, you know me all too well. I can lay my cards on the table. Let's just say I'm curious of how the other half lives."


"Well, since I still seem to be stuck as a subby little pup, I may as well act like a subby little pup at least once while I'm in here."

"I'm...I'm not sure about that."

"What? Admit it. You've dreamed of getting my massive horse cock under your tail. And since I don't have your inhibitions, I can get it under your tail for you. It's Saturday morning, we have the time."

"You can't be serious."

"Hey, I'm one to admit that I am handsome equine, and being outside of it for a bit is just highlighting the fact I thought I knew all too well."

Hobbes felt the dog's paw rub at his still exposed shaft. He couldn't muffle the sounds of pleasure he made anymore. It felt so good, those dog pads teasing along it. "On your back, stud, let's see what we can do."

Hobbes complied, as Rod took the covers off him and lowered himself down to the horse's neather region, grinning up, before licking along the shaft. Hobbes felt under the pleasure of the dog licking, getting the member nice and wet with drool, his shaft soon growing further out of sheath. "There we go." Hobbes looked down over his own pecs, and saw Rod had pulled his muzzle back, his pawpads still playing off the member. "That should get it slick enough. Now, to see if it will fit. Gods, haven't done anything like this since that time with the Clydesdale a few years back." He repositioned himself onto Hobbes stomach, his tail wagging against the now glistening black equine pride. "We'll take it slow. Ready for this, pup?"

Hobbes looked at his own panting dog face. He wanted to say no. He wanted to back out, to tell Rodrick how he felt about him, to get back into his own body, to be more dominate, to be cool, beasts to want him.

All those wants bounced around in his head for a time, until Rod leaned down and gave him a lick between the eyes, and then said, in that playful tone that only canines can manage. "Stud. Want to go fuck yourself?"

"Hell yeah."

The dog proceeded to push himself against the tip of the equine shaft, and the feel of the fur, and the teasing of the wagging tail, made Hobbes lightly wicker. Roderick grinned and pushed himself down, and before Hobbes could prepare, he felt himself enter the dog, and he clutched at the Berner's backfur. The dog kept going, pushing himself down onto the horse's excitement, whining. Hobbes huffed and snorted. "This...this is what you call slow?"

Roderick just grinned, and wriggled down further, growling and whining more. "Damn. Damn. Fuck that's nice. Never thought I'd feel this full. Fuck." Hobbes felt himself sink deeper into the dog, impressed his own butt could take this much horse. He'd always wished it would, but had not had opportunity (or confidence) to try. He almost felt jealous of Roderick, if not for how nice the sensation of having his huge member inside the Berner felt.

Roderick kept wriggling onto the shaft, and Hobbes stared at the red canine shaft fully pushed out of the white sheath. He reached down and rubbed it, liking how Roderick yipped and whined at his hoovetips, finding it surreal to see his own rocket from this perceptive, twitching and leaking as he teased it, though detached from the sensations. He soon was distracted by the sensation of the dog around his shaft, and he felt himself on the edge for a brief moment, before crashing over it, his eyes closing, letting himself release deep within the canine depths. Moments later, Roderick howled as his own member twitched, and released white dog jizz across the sleek black fur of Hobbes' stomach and chest.

A few minutes passed before the pleasure subsided, and the sounds of dog and horse transferred to panting. Roderick relaxed on top of Hobbes, grinning, giving a nuzzle and a soft lick at Hobbes' equine snout. Gods, he looked cute, Hobbes though, and he ruffled the dog's headfur, causing a pleased growl. Hobbes snickered. Rod recovered: "No wonder you dogs are fucking saps, every rub and scritch and touch is a fucking drug to you."

"Yep. Pretty much. That was nice. Thanks, Rod. I needed that."

"No problem. I figured it's not my butt getting wrecked, so why not." He repositioned a bit, whining more. "Might wait to pull. Fuck my cock is huge. Proportionally speaking especially."

"So what brought that on?"

"Curiosity. Mostly. And thought maybe a good fuck may break the spell. Like in the fairy tales."

"I think that's a kiss that usually breaks the spell."

"Where would be the fun in just a kiss?" Roderick chuckles.

"True. Well, if there's no way to fix this, we should tell Casey."

"D'aww. Can't we mess with him?"

Hobbes scritched the Berner behind the ears, liking seeing the fluffy tail wag as pure doggy bliss sets in/ "Bad dog. No. Gotta be up front with him. Don't want you taking advantage of that poor dog."

"Boo. But you're the big strong stallion, so I'm not in the position to argue." Roderick hugged Hobbes, and after a moment, Hobbes hugged the dog back, resting his chin on the dog's head, enjoying this nice moment. He felt he should be worried about this, worried that he would never get his body back, worried that he would be stuck in his horse roommate's body forever, forever trying to get used to this new situation, and all the strange weirdnesses. And yet, this comfortable moment, hugging this warm pup, he couldn't bring himself to worry, just glad he could get this close to his friend, knowing their relationship would never be the same.

To be continued...

Nothing Otter

Wend was skeptical the moment Luke professed his extreme love of sushi. He didn't profess it verbally as much as show it while eating at every meal and mid-meal snack. And it was just the way he fed upon it. "Ravenously" was the only word that properly...

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"Watch it move, watch it learn, watch it do its little dance across the floor." "I'm not sure I would call it a dance," Triss commented. "A scientist can be poetic in their descriptions," Howard said, placing a hand over his heart. "You must...

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