Chapter 58 Wanting Daddy

Story by Tesslyn on SoFurry

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#58 of Fox Hunt 2: The Queen of Varimore

Alright. The titles suck on these next couple chapters. Sorry.

Also, some of these next chapters take place while Etienne is still in Skkye. So in this chapter, everything that happened with Candy Cane in Howlester is still fairly recent. This is also the reason why Louis doesn't yet know Donica is dead.

Wanting Daddy

Chapter 58

Corene bucked across King Louis' strong thighs, tears pouring down her face, her big white breasts jiggling as he spanked her. And he spanked her hard - so hard, she knew her backside was red. It jiggled and stung with every blow, and she closed her eyes, screaming softly each time that heavy paw came down. All she could think was . . . at least it wasn't happening at a garden party, or a croquet match, or before all the court as the nobles watched and leered.

The moment Corene awoke at the king's castle in Curith, she was naked and her wrists were tied to his bedpost. She sat on the floor and glanced around and was aghast to see Flavia had been tied to the bedpost beside her, only she was hanging upside-down. The moment the king entered, he made the little Beauceron suck his penis, and Corene watched in horror as Flavia took the king's massive penis down her throat and choked on his seed when he came, her helpless gurgles soft against his moans and sighs.

Corene was never given clothing, and she was kept on a leash at all times, like a lowly creature, like less than a slave, for even the white Akbash slaves of Wandourg Castle were not kept on leashes.

The beautiful white Akbash were not unlike the black Beaucerons of Wychowl, in that they enjoyed serving their masters, rarely if ever spoke, and had no wish to be free. The Akbash of Wandourg were all female and walked about naked, big breasts pointing with nipples as they served nobles drinks on trays. They baked sweets in the kitchen with jutting backsides and fluffy tails, and they were all so curvy that when they walked, things jiggled and rode, and their white fur was often blushing from having been groped or spanked in passing. They all of them had long lashes and long white manes, flowing simple and straight and devoid of curls.

King Louis told Corene he loved her curls because they were so different from the Akbash and their boring straight manes. He often grabbed her by the mane as he was riding her, and when she would protest and weep, he would tie a gag in her mouth. He told her once that she was not allowed to speak, and if she did, he would punish her.

The first week as the king's sex slave, Corene was angry and defiant, calling him names, cursing him and struggling against him as he took her. But by the end of that same first week, she was docile and defeated, undoing his belt for him with her teeth, grooming him every morning, serving his tea, sucking his erection when he snapped his fingers. If he told her to come, she always ran, breasts bouncing and tail streaming, for fear he would spank her for not moving fast enough.

There was nothing so humiliating as a spanking. Especially when it was public. Her naked body would be jiggling and blushing all over as she endured the trifling pain on her backside, and she hated her own sobs and wails, hated that her naked body was twisting and flexing and giving all the laughing nobles hard-ons as they watched her suffer. And he would get hard, too, as he spanked her. And then she would have to suck him. And his penis was so enormous when it was hard that it often hurt her mouth. And he loved to deep-throat, so she often found herself being choked. And all of this in front of Flavia, who was made to watch as she sat on the floor.

But Flavia wasn't the only one who witnessed Corene's humiliation and shame. The damned ghost Candy Cane stood in every corner in every room, laughing as she watched Corene taking it under her tail, laughing as she watched Corene rocking violently on her knees as she was pounded. Every night, Corene was tied to the king's bedpost again, and Candy Cane would mock her, reminding her that she had warned her, that she had tried to tell her to leave Etienne alone.

Etienne was dead. And because of Corene. And sometimes she wept as she thought of him. The damned ghost was right. She should have run with Jonathan. Etienne had never loved her. . . . and she had _never_been fit to become queen of Varimore.

Corene hiccoughed and bit her lip when King Louis walloped her again. She had been secretly dreading the day when Donica's letter would come true, and now here it was. The letter Donica left on her desk had spoken of the king's brothers and how they would rape her, and King Louis had spent the day talking about his brothers visiting and nothing else. He was spanking her now to make her docile, to remind her that she was helpless and that she had better not embarrass him in front of his family.

"And if you embarrass me," King Louis said, smacking her tender backside again so that she squealed, "I will give you to the horny Akbash males over at the Pit for an hour. Do you know what the Pit is, my dear?"

King Louis dragged Corene upright, until she was sitting in his lap, sniffling with tears. Her mane was a mess and fell in her eyes. He gently pushed it away, and she looked at him.

The king was a handsome Andalusian Hound, red and white like Donica, hardy like most of his breed. He was twice Corene's age and had the skill of experience to back his finely aged face and hard body when he was on top of her. His long red mane was pulled back in a tail, and his sharp green eyes were so much like Donica's, there were moments when Corene couldn't bear to look into them. But she had to look into them. He grew angry whenever she failed to meet his eye because he viewed such a thing as disrespect and her simply not listening to him. He looked at her now and waited for her to answer him. Which would require a simple shake of her head.

More tears filled her eyes and she shook her head, her white curls tumbling. Her backside was throbbing terribly and she wanted to rub it. She rubbed herself discreetly against his thigh, but he noticed and smoothed his paw in a comforting caress over her left cheek. She blushed to her mane.

"Ah, of course you wouldn't," he said. He dropped his big paw on her lap and smoothed it over her round hip, his eyes turning to the window.

They were in his bedroom, and the afternoon sun streamed through to touch the tea he'd left on the balcony. A white Akbash slave was clearing the tea. Her name was Si-si and she was quite beautiful, her waist tiny, her hips round, her breasts full and high. She was the king's favorite slave and accompanied him everywhere, her gray eyes silent and docile as she served him drinks or massaged his broad shoulders. He would often call her with a whistle and she would come to him with swaying hips and do whatever he asked. Si-si was as indifferent and obedient as Primus, Corene thought.

"The Pit," said the king, still gazing out the window as his paw absently stroked Corene's curls, "is a place where male Akbash slaves - who have been starved of sex for some considerable amount of time - fight to have sex for sport. A young female is put into a pit with them, and all the males fight for her." He waved his paw and smiled, as if he was telling a lovely story to a child. "The nobles make bets on who will fuck the female the longest before coming - be it in her ass, her pussy, her mouth. It's all very aggressive and wild. The female is usually quite spent when it's over, covered in cum, aching from all the rough handling . . . well." He smiled with mocking green eyes at Corene. "You can imagine _why_you wouldn't want me sending you there." He pinched her chin. "So you'll be a good little bitch for Daddy. Won't you?"

Corene gulped breathlessly and nodded. She wanted to kiss him and her eyes dropped to his lips.

He dropped his paw away and turned his eyes. "Of course you will," he muttered and stroked her mane again, pulling her close to his chest.

Corene dropped her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes. She liked it when he held her. It reminded her of her father, holding her in his lap during the long carriage ride home. She nuzzled her ear into his neck, a silent plea for more affection, and she saw him smile. But he didn't give it to her. Instead, he whistled to Si-si.

"Darling, let all that be for now," he said, waving away what the slave was doing. "Come here, will you?"

Si-si blinked and obediently set down the tray of dirty plates she had lifted. She came to King Louis and Corene, and when he gestured, she slowly knelt before them.

Corene could feel her heart beating hard.

"As you know, my brothers are coming this evening," the king said. "I want Corene bathed and groomed and on display by the time they arrive."

On display? Corene thought wretchedly.

Si-si kissed the king's ring to show she understood and would make sure it happened.

"As soon I'm done here, I want her bathed," the king went on. "Right now . . . come here . . . I'd like your face between her legs."

Corene swallowed hard when the king took her by the neck and bent her back until she was lying across his lap, her big breasts thrust to the ceiling. She could feel his erection pressing through his pants. It nudged the side of her waist as he jerked his knee, knocking her thighs apart.

"Get her nice and wet, my dear," the king said. "I have something to take care of before I return to court."

Corene's eyes widened as Si-si's careful tongue began to slap her, rolling against the pink lips of her sex in slow, hot laps. She trembled as her moisture came, and Si-si ate her slower, deeper, burying her face and breathing hard through her pink nostrils. Corene's sex responded by swelling with arousal, and she began to eat ravenously, holding Corene's thighs apart as she devoured her.

Corene's lashes fluttered and she twisted against the pleasure. The king grunted, and she knew he was getting harder. He looked down at her and squeezed her swollen breast, his fingers sinking in its softness. He tweaked the nipple, looking her in the eye as he carefully rolled it in his large, gentle fingers. Corene stifled a cry and gushed until she felt her own juices seeping between her buttocks. She rolled her eyes against the pleasure and caught a flash of Candy Cane standing beside her, laughing.

"Mmm . . . get her pussy nice and wet, my dear . . . make it good for Daddy."

Si-si obeyed, moving her face between Corene's thighs as she licked her to shaking.

"Ah . . . that's it. Stop. She's going to squirt. And we can't have her ruining my fresh clothes."

Si-si obeyed, and Corene sagged across the king's thighs. Her body was burning with arousal. The lips of her sex were swollen, her clit was pumping, and her nipples felt so good . . . She stared at the ceiling, trembling and weak. She could hear the king unbuttoning his pants, and then he dragged her limp body upright like a ragdoll . . . and brought her down on his erection.

Corene gasped, arching her back and thrusting her breasts and backside as his hard paws moved her hips up and down. His powerful body seemed to consume her -- always seemed to consume her -- until she couldn't move, until she couldn't breathe. She could feel the strength of his thighs pressing tight through his pants as her slender legs held on, could feel the muscles of his belly and chest when he pulled her close in his arms. Her breasts rode gently as he brought her down slowly, to the base, and then faster, harder, until her breasts were slapping and her pink nipples rolling. Her mouth fell open, her head dropped back, and she knew she wasn't supposed to, but she reached back and touched his face. He was surprised, but he caught her little paw and kissed it - then he kissed her cheek and her neck in a sudden frenzy as he lifted her up and down, until she was squelching on him, bouncing on him, clenching her sex to massage him.

"Ah," he gasped. She could hear him grimacing. "So tight . . . little girl. . . . mmm . . . look at you . . . all sighing and weak, just dripping wet." He touched a finger to their joined sexes and tasted her. "You like it when Daddy fucks you." He looked at her with soft eyes and his gentle fingers caressed her clit, forcing a shudder through her. He buried his face in her neck and squeezed her breasts in fistfuls. "You and these big tits . . . My brothers are going to _love_you. Literally."

Fear struck Corene's heart and she whimpered. She couldn't stop herself whispering, "Please, D-Daddy . . ."

The king froze. She wasn't supposed to speak. She had broken his greatest rule. She felt his fingers curl slowly in her mane -- then he ripped her head back, forcing her big breasts to thrust out as they jiggled. She screamed softly as the pain tore across her scalp, and her entire body went still.

"What have I told you," he hissed in her ear, "about talking?"

"Please," Corene whispered and a tear filled her eye. "Please, don't give me to your brothers - ah!" She screamed when he yanked her off his erection and threw her like a doll to the carpet. She fell over on her side, her big breasts bouncing, and before she could get up, he had placed his boot on her throat. She went still as the pressure threatened to seal off air. She could see Si-si calmly standing and watching, her gray eyes indifferent.

"Your m-majesty . . ." Corene whimpered, lying frightened on her side. She sobbed when the boot pressed harder.

"Shut," he hissed, "up."

Now he was going to punish her. Corene broke down sobbing, desperately and wildly. She hated displeasing him. With glinting eyes, he took off his belt. She sobbed harder.

"I told you not to speak," he hissed, and leaning down to grab her by the tail, he flipped her over on her face, snatched her up by the arm, and threw her roughly across the chair he had vacated. She fell across the seat, her backside in the air, and she squeezed her eyes shut when he braced his foot on the chair and started whipping hard with the belt. Whack. Whack. Whack. "Disobeying . . . me . . you need a father, little girl . . . that's what's wrong with you . . . you need Daddy to spank you!" he snarled. She screamed, her buttocks trembling and burning red with every blow. Suddenly frantic, she fumbled to cover her backside with both paws. He hissed and smacked her paws with his fingers but couldn't get them off. He smacked her paws again, and she knew what he wanted but she didn't move them.

"You dare!" he flared.

"N-No! Your majesty, please!" Corene sobbed.

He continued to whip her, this time whipping her paws as well. The belt stung in several blows across her fingers, and it only took a few whacks before she grimaced, fangs bare, and snatched them away. He grabbed her by the tail and whipped her more, harder, longer, and as she wept and cried for mercy, she could see him getting harder and longer.

He whipped her until he was panting and dishevel, until his shirt had come loose of his pants and his red mane was tumbling in his eyes. She glanced back and thought he looked handsome, powerful, and furious. She suddenly wanted him to take her in anger, there, over the chair. He was always biggest and hardest when he was angriest. And she thought as the belt came down one more time . . . that she liked being his plaything. Deep down. She did. She couldn't conceive of being given to his brothers, though. The thought of the pending gang rape . . . horrified her.

The king stopped to gasp for air, and thinking it was over, Corene sagged against the chair, her throbbing and punished buttocks still high. She sputtered when she felt his tongue licking her backside. Then it found her sex and licked hungrily, gently, caressing her to throbbing arousal. She trembled weakly as his thumb pried the lips of her sex apart so he could lick deeper still, and her lashes fluttered when he licked deep inside, gliding through the sheath of her heat and thrusting his tongue to reach her sweetness. But his mouth withdrew, and his enormous phallus plunged her clenching lips until they were taunt, and she screamed softly -- holding back a smile -- as he rocked her over the seat of the chair until he flinched inside and squirted, his hot seed rushing to fill her. He pulled his dripping penis from her with a soft squelch and let her tumble to the floor, where she lay with her mane in her face, crying quietly for the pain in her backside.

"You . . . defy me again . . ." he said breathlessly, ". . . I'll strangle you."

Corene wept harder. Because he meant it. She wanted to rub her backside but didn't dare. He was still watching her, waiting for defiance. She lay very still, hiding behind her mane and wishing he would lick her again, hold her tightly in his arms again, kiss her again. She wanted to be his slave and serve her king. All she had ever wanted all her life was to serve a king. And all her life, kings had never wanted her. She thought of Etienne and wept into her arm.

"Get her cleaned up, Si-si. And have her ready for dinner tonight."

Corene listened dismally to his boots stomping across the carpet. The door opened and slammed and he was gone. She lay on the floor, sniffling quietly. She didn't know why she had defied him. She thought perhaps he had grown some affection toward her and would listen to her pleas. The way he kissed her . . . She closed her eyes and smiled to think of those passionate kisses on her body. But he was angry with her now. She cried harder, thinking that if only she obeyed him, she would win his affection. She wasn't foolish enough to think that he could love her . . . but if only he would hold her, pet her, kiss her more . . . that was all she wanted. Someone to hold her. It was all she'd ever wanted.

Corene listened as Si-si ran a bath for her, and she could hear Candy Cane laughing as she approached. The hem of the red terrier's bloody dress stopped before Corene, and the ghost stood over her.

"Well," said Candy Cane after a pause, "that was hilarious. You should fight him more often. Gives me a good chuckle to see you with ya ass in the air, gettin' spanked. But you secretly like it all, don't you? Gettin' the attention you miss from Daddy? I'd even wager you like chokin' on his big cock."

"G-Go away . . ." Corene whispered, and Si-si glanced at her.

"You don't want me to go away," Candy Cane said. "I'm the only friend you've got. Turns out Flavia's being sold to one of the king's handsome brothers --"

Corene's eyes widened and she sat up, her mane tumbling around her. "What!"

Si-si looked at Corene and slowly looked away again: at this point, she was used to Corene's mad conversations with herself.

"That's right," said Candy Cane with a grin. "Today's the last day you'll see her. I expect they'll leave you locked up here 'til supper. You'll have plenty of time to make kissy faces at her before she's taken from you forever."

Corene felt the hot tears rising as Si-si gently gathered her in her arms and lowered her in the bath.

And Candy Cane was right. After she was bathed and groomed by Si-si, Corene was tied by her wrists to the king's bedpost and left to sit in the shadowy room alone. About an hour later, and Si-is returned with Flavia, bathed her and groomed her, and left her likewise.

Corene and Flavia sat in silence for a time, their wrists tied above their heads to separate bedposts. It was rare that they were ever left alone together, as the king didn't want them discussing ways to escape or run away. The fact that Flavia had been left alone with Corene meant that it was true that he was selling the Beauceron that night, and Corene felt a dismal ache in her chest.

"I'm . . . sorry I let this happen to you, mistress," Flavia whispered in a tiny voice.

Corene glanced at her around her arm. "It's not your fault, darling."

Flavia's ears flattened. "It is. Everything's my fault. King Bastian used to protect you, but the moment he was gone, Donica was able to hurt you more. I didn't imagine his majesty the prince would run away and leave you alone with her! King Bastian would never have left you, would never have let her give you to her brother like this . . . If I hadn't . . If I hadn't . . ." She bit her lip as sudden tears filled her eyes. "I have been a bad slave to you. I am unworthy to have served you . . ."

Corene stared at her. "Flavia. . . what are you talking about?"

Flavia took a shuddering breath and looked at Corene with wet, miserable eyes. "I poisoned King Bastian."

Corene's mouth dropped open. "What? Why!"

"Because I thought Etienne would take the throne," Flavia said miserably, "and he would marry you . . . and you would have everything you wanted . . . and maybe . . . maybe Primus would . . ."

Corene closed her eyes, reflecting on Flavia's longtime crush on Primus. She had spent all those years thinking that Donica had killed Bastian, that Donica was trying to hide her foul deeds from Etienne. The truth was, Donica hadn't killed Bastian but knew she would be blamed, and so she scrambled to hide the evidence of what she thought was a suicide from Etienne. Corene had to ask herself what Donica had cared about more, though: the fact that she might be blamed for her husband's death or the fact that her husband was dead.

Corene opened her eyes again and glared at the little slave. "Flavia, how could you?" she scolded.

Flavia flinched and her ears flattened.

"You little fool," Corene hissed through her fangs. Her big breasts heaved. "If I could get my paws around your throat --!"

Corene sputtered to silence when someone entered the room. She looked up to see the prince and princess standing in the doorway, and her heart sank. Princess Alexandria and Prince Adrian were the adult children of King Louis and his wife Queen Yvonne. They were as unapologetically wicked as their father, as snooty as their mother, and bore the worst characteristics of both their parents combined. They were two rotten, annoying, brats, spoiled and entitled, who had begged their father many times to let them have Flavia for their plaything.

The princess looked like Donica probably had at twenty, and the prince looked like King Louis probably had at thirty-seven. Their identical green eyes smirked as they entered the room, quietly closing the door behind them.

Princess Alexandria was wrapped in a pink gown with ballooning skirts, trimmed in gold, and with a high white collar. Her red mane was piled atop her head in a bun, which was hugged by a tiara. She wore pretty rings and necklaces and pearls, and Corene looked at her, burning with envy that she was naked and abused while such a brat was free and spoiled.

Corene actually hated Princess Alexandria, and the feeling was mutual. The princess was jealous that Corene received so much of her father's attention, while Corene was jealous that the princess received so much of her father's affection. The prince was keenly aware of their silent rivalry and often mocked his sister that she should just trade places with Corene and be done with it.

Prince Adrian wore a black waistcoat and matching pants. He was thirty-seven, in line for the throne of Curith, and had a swollen head not yet big enough to wear his father's crown. He had often begged for Flavia, but what he really wanted was Corene. His greedy eyes alighted on her and he moved her way, licking his lips as he came.

"Now don't make a mess on her," the princess warned. "Remember, Daddy just had them bathed. And he shouldn't know we were here."

"I know, Xandria. Don't fuss. You sound like Mother," the prince complained. He stopped near Corene and smiled slowly at her. "Well, well, well. Look at you, all soft and beautiful. Does Father make you choke on his dick all night? Does Mother watch and laugh? I bet you're good at choking now." He unbuttoned his pants.

Corene swallowed miserably.

"What are you going to do?" the princess demanded. "Don't spoil her fur. She was just bathed."

Corene heard Flavia's weak cry and looked over. Flavia had been untied and knelt at the little slippers of the princess, who had her by the mane and was experimentally squeezing her breast until the nipple hardened. Her many rings were probably cold on Flavia, who was trembling slightly as the princess groped her.

"Stop nagging," the prince grumbled. "I'm going to make her eat cock. And I she'll swallow." He smiled at Corene. "Without spilling a drop." He tugged his pants open and his large erection pushed out, standing upright in Corene's face, pink and throbbing with veins.

"Wait," the princess said. She grabbed Flavia by her long black mane and dragged her along as she came over. "I want to eat her pussy." She looked at Corene with her sharp eyes. "But I'm not getting on the floor," she declared with a sneer.

The prince glanced at her irritably. At last he said, "Alright. We'll put her on the bed. Have that little bitch untie her."

The princess shoved Flavia forward and smiled darkly at Corene, "You heard him, pretty."

Flavia obeyed, and as her quick fingers pried at the binds, the princess grabbed Corene hard by the face and glared at her. Corene went still as her green eyes pierced her with their gaze. Her long pink nails were pinching, but Corene didn't wince, not wanting to give the princess the satisfaction.

"You cause us trouble," the princess whispered, "and we'll kill you. And Daddy won't care about some tart bitch from Varimore. He'll drop you in the lake like the last slave who crossed us. And the world will go on. Understand?"

Corene nodded slowly against her paw and the princess let go. She could still feel the pinch of her nails and rings when her wrists came free. The prince grabbed her by the mane and dragged her up on the bed, where he threw her on her back and straddled her belly. He smiled at her as he squeezed her big, soft breasts, then smacked them back and forth until they blushed. Flavia was ordered to hold Corene's wrists down, and then he had crammed his penis in her mouth . . . and was thrusting against her face.

The prince wasn't quite as large as his father, but he was still big enough to choke Corene, whose lips quickly became sore as he rocked against her. She gagged, her spit gushing over and the drool dripping down her face as her cheeks bunched in her eyes, as tears clung to her lashes. He grabbed her mane in his fist and pounded harder and heavier, and as she struggled to breathe through her nose, she felt her thighs pried apart . . . and then the princess was licking her.

Corene's cries of ecstasy were muffled on the prince's punching erection. The princess was really good. Too good. Corene's sex squirmed against that hungry mouth, as if to escape the pleasure. But there was no escaping. Her legs were splayed, her sex bare, and the princess licked, sucked, and tasted everything between, even fingering her tight anus and licking it as well, until it was glossy with spit. Then the princess pulled her mouth away . . . and Corene's eyes widened at the sudden intrusion of a fist between her buttocks. She screamed on the prince's penis as the princess -- laughing girlishly -- drove her little fist deep past the wrist.

Corene's anus strained and heaved to take that fist. And as she thrust her breasts to take it, she was silently grateful that the princess had removed her rings. Under different circumstances, she most likely would not have.

"Yes," the princess whispered. "Let's loosen you up for Daddy and Uncle. . . ." She smiled. "And Uncle. And perhaps Cen. And anyone else who's commanded to fuck you."

Corene's heart leapt. _Cen?_But the princess didn't elaborate. She withdrew her little fist . . . then plunged it again . . . and again . . . and again . . . punching Corene in her anus as the prince punched himself in her mouth. She pinched Corene's pumping little clit and twisted it and sucked it, then withdrew her fist, and licked her quivering anus tenderly.

"Mmm! Mmm! Mmm!" Corene's muffled cries filled the room, and the prince was thrusting into her mouth so hard, Flavia's breasts were flapping in her face as the bed rocked. Flavia held on, obediently pinning Corene's wrists until the prince grunted. His erection twitched in Corene's mouth and released. She had no choice but to choke on the hot fluid, and he didn't remove his penis, so that it dripped right down her throat. She couldn't breathe. She was choking! She twisted and bucked to get away, but Flavia looked at her apologetically and didn't release her.

"You dare!" the prince cried when Corene fought harder, and grabbing Corene by the mane, he thrust himself in her mouth to the base, forcing her to swallow his seed. He pulled his dripping penis free with a grunt, and Corene was horrified to see he was still hard. The princess crawled up on the bed beside her brother and watched as he pushed his erection between Corene's big breasts. She pinched Corene's nipple with fascinated eyes, then mashed her breasts on her brother's erection, squeezing and massaging them. The prince began to thrust, and Corene moaned when the princess leaned down and lightly licked her nipples, rolling them with her tongue even as the prince's erection fed between them.

The prince looked as if he was going to sneeze. "Oh . . . I'm going to . . . again . . ."

"In her mouth!" the princess hissed.

Corene closed her mouth tight at the very idea, and when the prince poked the head of his throbbing penis against her lips, she kept them closed.

The prince scowled. "You ornery bitch!" he cried in disbelief.

"I'll take care of her," the princess said darkly and pinched Corene's nose.

Corene's heart sagged as her mouth snapped open for air, her lips already dripping with the prince's cum. The prince crushed her great breasts to his erection and poked the head in her mouth, grunting as he came a second time. Corene gurgled helplessly to swallow, and the prince and princess watched her struggling, laughing darkly.

"_Swallow_it," the prince growled when Corene started to sputter his cum up. He held her mouth shut, and she choked it down as her mane tumbled in her eyes. She lay there, eyes closed, breasts heaving for breath as he touched her face. "Good, little bitch," he whispered. "You're more obedient with Father than with me. Why? Is he your _Daddy_too?" he mocked, cupped her face and peering into her eyes. He shook his head. "What goes on in that pretty little head of yours?"

"Absolutely nothing, that's what," said the princess derisively. "She's got nice tits, though. And I suppose that's all that matters in her case." She gave Corene's big breasts a hard slap, and Corene gasped as her nipples rolled.

"Yeah. . . look at these titties," the prince agreed and squeezed them in fistfuls. He leaned down and sucked, squeezing Corene's breast tight in his paw. The princess licked her lips and sucked Corene's other breast. And Corene gasped and moaned, watching as their mouths pulled on her. She looked up at Flavia -- who was still holding down her arms -- and thought the little Beauceron breathless and aroused.

"I could suck her tits all day," the prince said breathlessly and trailed kisses up to Corene's neck. Corene turned her face away, but the prince cupped her face and made her look at him, then he kissed her on the mouth. Her lashes fluttered: he wasn't a bad kisser. And the princess was still sucking her nipple. But as if she had to do everything her brother did, she kissed Corene's neck as well, and then her brother moved back, cupping Corene's face so his sister could kiss her next.

Corene was surprised by how hungrily the princess kissed her. She hesitated but kissed back, and their tongues were flexing in a kiss when the princess pulled back -- and suddenly slapped Corene. Corene lay very still as the siblings looked at her, trying not to cry in the wake of the vicious blow. Even the king never slapped her that hard.

"I wish Father would let me fuck her. Shit." The prince bit his lip as he looked at Corene and cupped his slowly hardening penis as if to tame it.

The princess rolled her eyes. "At least you can have all the female slaves you want. Daddy won't even let me have a male slave."

The prince laughed as he tucked his penis away. "Why? So you could get pregnant and cause a scandal?"

The princess rolled her eyes. "Don't be foolish. The slave would be neutered."

They dragged Corene and Flavia from the bed by their manes and tied them back to the bedposts.

The princess stroked Flavia's mane and gave her a loving kiss on the lips. "So small and obedient, precious thing," she said. "Perhaps whichever uncle buys you will let me have you from time to time." She petted Flavia's head and glided gracefully from the room.

Corene sat very still as the prince looked at her.

"You're a brilliant cocksucker," he said, eying Corene. "Perhaps I'll come back for another visit." He started to turn away but turned back as if he'd suddenly remembered something. Corene choked back a cry when he slapped her hard across the face. She sat very still as her cheek burned from the blow, her mane in her eyes. Now both sides of her face were red.

"That's for disobeying me," the prince whispered and left the room.

The silence that followed was unbearable, but when Flavia whispered Corene's name, she told her to shut up.

"If you hadn't killed the king," Corene snapped at her, "I wouldn't be here now!"

"Aren't you bein' ah bit harsh on her?" whispered Candy Cane from the shadows. "You're here because you couldn't leave well enough alone. And 'sides, I thought you _liked_serving a king. Isn't this what you always wanted?"

"I said SHUT UP!" Corene screamed.

Flavia bowed her head and wept, thinking Corene was yelling at her.

Corene sat against the bedpost, her paws bound above her head, her breasts riding as she tried to catch her breath. She closed her eyes, listening miserably to Flavia's crying. "Flavia . . . darling . . . it's alright. Please, don't cry . . ."

"I l-love you, mistress," Flavia sobbed. "I just wanted to help you. . . ."

"I know."

They didn't have a chance to speak more. A group of beautiful Akbash entered the room and surrounded them with their hot scents and fluffy tails. Corene's eyes dulled miserably as they fastened her collar and leash on.

It was time for dinner.