Chapter 68 Meeting Half-Way

Story by Tesslyn on SoFurry

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#68 of Fox Hunt 2: The Queen of Varimore

Meeting Half-Way

Chapter 68

Etienne descended the stair into darkness. He took a few steps, and his ears pricked forward when his boots didn't make a sound. He stopped and looked back . . . and went rigid to see that the stair and the doorway with its square of light were gone. He was in complete darkness, and he had to wonder why they had bothered giving him a torch: the torch did absolutely nothing.

He walked on, waving the torch slowly back and forth in an attempt to catch something in the light -- a wall, a mural, anything. But there was nothing. And he was walking on _nothing._And still, his boots made no sound. But he could hear giggles in the shadows, whispers, feet running, and his ear flicked. It reminded him of the night the little spirit guided him to the altar, where he placed Azrian and she was healed, presumably by Ti'uu. That night seemed so long ago now, as if it had happened to someone else or in a dream.

The darkness seemed to swirl around Etienne, as if it were alive. "Kutre?" he called, hoping to hear an echo that would confirm, at least, the existence of walls. But there was no echo. His voice bounced against nothing and drifted away from him, as if it'd been snatched. It slowly occurred to Etienne . . . that he wasn't on Aonre anymore. The same lightheadedness he'd felt in Skkye came back to him, and he halted in the darkness, listening. The giggles and whispers continued.

"I came as you commanded, Kutre!" Etienne called. Still no answer. He heaved a frustrated breath . . . and then he heard it. Moans. Gasps. Grunts. The sounds of lovemaking.

Etienne swallowed hard and followed the sounds, still waving the torch back and forth to catch something in the light. He caught a glimpse of movement and paused. The sounds of gasping and moaning were growing louder, and something ahead reflected the light of the torch . . . like water. Water with light dancing through it.

"Oh! Oh, Sinte!" gasped a voice.

Etienne walked faster, his face twisted. That was Azrian's voice. What was this place? "Azrian!" Etienne shouted. The light reflected on something again and he ran toward it, barreling recklessly through the darkness . . . until he had come face to face with a great window open upon a pink sky. It reminded him of Skkye and he halted in surprise. His eyes darted over the frame, and he realized he was looking not through a window but through a great mirror, which reflected the pink sky and drifting clouds frothed in gold.

Etienne's throat tightened. Azrian was on a cloud, smiling as she straddled the black fox, smiling as she rode him. He could see the male's thick penis punching in and out of her lips as she leaned her weight on his chest and smashed her sex on him. She was wearing a flowing white gown, and it was down around her shoulders to reveal her naked breasts, which trembled every time she slammed her sex down. They were standing high against the air, as big, firm, and supple as Etienne remembered them, and the fox reached up and squeezed them with his big paws. Azrian's eyes hooded, and Etienne heard her moan, "Oh, Sinte!" when the male leaned up and suckled her gently. He started punching himself up and in -- so hard her buttocks jiggled under her flashing tail. She screamed rhythmically with his thrusts, and watching it happen with tears in his eyes, Etienne dropped the torch and sank slowly to his knees.

"Azrian . . ." Etienne whispered miserably. His eyes squinted up and he dropped his head back and screamed, "WHY ARE YOU SHOWING ME THIS!"

Again, no answer. Only whispers and giggles in the dark, and Azrian moaning and screaming shrilly, "Oh, Sinte! Oh! Ah . . . ah! Ahhaaha! Ahhh!"

Etienne roared and punched the glass. He was surprised when it shattered. A crack spread over Azrian and the fox as they made love and split off into a web. Then the mirror dissolved into thin air, scattering like fog. And plunging Etienne in the darkness once more.

Etienne could hear himself panting and realized he was shaking. He hated the sound of his own sobs. But how could she? How could she? Had she forgotten him? Just like that? He felt so stupid. He hadn't even known her long, and yet . . . and yet he had expected . . . What? For her to love him as desperately as he loved her? For her, part goddess, powerful, beautiful, to settle for less than godlike?

He stiffened when he felt a paw reach around . . . and grope his penis through his pants. He reached for the paw but it vanished, and he could hear feet running, giggles in the distance. He snatched up the torch and glared around. Was Kutre out there? Watching him and laughing?

The paw came again, and this time, he was quick enough to catch it at the wrist. He looked down . . . and recognized Azrian's red paw. It couldn't be! He whipped around and froze. Azrian was kneeling before him, smiling shyly. He thought she'd lost her eye but both were there, beautiful as sunlight blazing gold in the sky. She was naked, her full breasts high, her hips round, her thighs pressed together, her slender belly trembling with excitement, as it had always trembled when with him. Her long red mane tumbled around one side of her face as she lowered her lashes coyly and looked at him again.

Etienne dropped the torch without thinking. "Aren't you a sight . . ." he whispered breathlessly. He frowned. "Az? Is it really you? Oh, Azri . . . I missed you so much." He cupped her face, smoothed his paw through her mane. "Say something, beautiful. Please. I'm dying here."

She laughed girlishly, and his heart melted. That was her laugh.

"Etienne?" she said in wonder. She was just as shocked.

He touched her face and more tears came. "Azrian."

She shook her head and frowned. "You can't be real. This is a dream."

Etienne responded by taking her little paw and guiding it over his cheek, over his chest. Her eyes blinked with sad longing as she looked at him, and when he guided her paw in a stroke over the sudden bulge in his pants, she blushed furiously. But she seemed to believe he was real now.

"I pass the test?" Etienne whispered and slowly smiled.

She leaned forward on her knees and eagerly kissed him warm on the mouth -- so hard he leaned back. He melted into the kiss, thinking that he was always melting when with her. Her breasts were hanging down from the position, and he massaged them at once. Her lashes fluttered near his lashes, and her tongue in his mouth vibrated when she moaned. She pulled her lips away and dropped her forehead against his, frowning with pleasure as his paws massaged her breasts. They were so big and full, giving supplely to every soft squeeze and caress.

He smoothed his big paws along the curves of her body, grabbed her by the hips, and pulled her into his lap, whispering that he didn't care what she'd done, whispering that he loved her, adored her, and wanted her. She touched his lips with sweet kisses, her slender fingers touching his cheeks. She kissed his eyes. His nose. Her kisses trailed down to his neck, to his chest.

His paws were fumbling violently as he tried to undo his pants. He finally opened them with a rough jerk and heard a button fly but didn't care. His erection pushed free of the fabric and stood upright, slapping her slender belly.

She peered into his eyes as she slowly rose up . . . and brought her sex down on him. Her eyes hooded as he filled her, and she kissed him with trembling lips. She was as shaken, as trembling with emotion by their reunion as he. She kissed him tenderly and carefully, her breasts crushed to his chest as she moved her hips slowly on him, as he held her so tightly, he thought he couldn't hold enough, touch enough, kiss enough.

Their lips smacked as she tasted him, as she made love to him sensual and slow, and when she paused to look at him, tears were in her eyes. He was crying too, because he missed her, because he was happy. But she was crying because she was sad.

"Az?" he whispered breathlessly. He kissed her soothingly on the lips and rubbed his nose against hers. "What's the matter?" His strong arms held her tighter, as if to shield her from the sadness. He moved his hips slowly, curling them to press himself in, and she was still moving her sex on him, even as she looked him in the eye and wept.

"This is a dream," she said unhappily. "We'll wake up . . . and we'll be apart again."

Etienne held her tighter and whispered, "Then let's make it a good dream." Without warning, he crushed her to the floor and humped slowly, deeply, until she arched her back and moaned, pressing her breasts against him. They rose in soft mounds near his face, and he dropped his mouth to lick them, to lick her neck and cheek, his muscular back flexing to get him deeper as she twisted beneath him, gasping helplessly. He licked her neck again and she trembled, and he felt her moisture gush over him, felt her sex clench on him in a massage that sent a shiver down his tail. Her thighs clung, trembling, to his hips. He loved being trapped in the heat of her thighs more than anything. She looked at him from her wreath of red tresses and smiled. A lock fell across her eyes, and he nudged it away with his nose.

Her little paw smoothed up the bulge of his arm as he gently rocked her, and she frowned with pleasure. "Oh, Etienne . . . I missed you."

His heart leapt happily and he looked at her with soft eyes. "If this is a dream . . . let's never wake up."

"Don't be . . . an idiot . . ." she panted and frowned again when he thrust even deeper. "Oh . . ."

He kissed her lips and whispered against them, "I can't help it around you."

"I think you just can't help it."

He laughed softly. "Azrian . . . tell me where you are. So I can find you and help you. You're still in Wychowl, aren't you?"

She didn't answer. She just looked at him unhappily.

"Azrian . . . please."

"You can not go where I am going," she whispered.

He scowled. "_Watch_me."

Azrian shook her head against the tangle of red locks around her. She looked at him miserably and fresh tears started to her eyes. "Etienne . . . let go. My destiny . . . is not your destiny."

"Bullshit," he whispered, and suddenly determined to keep it a good dream, he humped her harder, faster, watching as she arched her back on every thrust, watching as her head tipped back and she moaned, revealing her long neck. He kissed down her neck to her breasts as he made frenzied, passionate love to her. And before long, her rhythmic screams were tearing through the air -- far louder, far more helpless, far more fervent and intense than they ever had been with the black fox.