Of Blood And Slavery - Ch.1 : Sine Consensu

Story by Arkahik on SoFurry

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Another try to make something with more background. May be a begginning for several writings. I'm not fully satisfied of this one, I may rewrite it someday.

    The crowd was one more time asking for a bloody execution, my enemy was lying in the sand as I cut his Achilles' tendon. "Please, make this quick" He asked between pain shrieks. As a slave, my master would have punished me if did not make this spectacular for the spectators, so I smashed his head in a mace-thrust, which broke every inch of his skull in a painfull sound of crushing.

    Each day you survive the arena is another day of suffering, life when you are a gladiator looks like a long walk to suicide. After the fight the jailers congratulated me, and other challengers was looking at me with that uncanny face showing they understood how I felt, or showing that they were affraid to fight me tommorrow. 

"Slave, that was a great fight" said one of the jailers

"I don't think great is the word, I survived that's all"

"Nevermind slave, just go to the cart, we'll get home soon."

    After the usual hour long walk, we arrived to the camp I share with other gladiators, that became my friends, except one, which was the favourite. He was called Crixus, this 6 foot tall muscular lion was the most cherished by our master, and had pocketed some of the guardians, there was no jealousy in that hatred, the main problem of this guy was the fact he was always trying to be a problem for everyone else. Everytime he could tell the master something that will get one of us in trouble, he did it. And he was just in front of me when I got back.

"You are not dead already ? I thought a faggot like you should not be alive now" He said, with his usual sufficient rictus.

"I have no time to waste with your childish harassment"

"Come on, the two of us know how you look at me" he chuckled, while touching my torso with one of his claw "You are a fucking faggot"

I quickly threw his arm away, and spat on his face "The fucking faggot can beat the shit out of you !"

    He wiped off my saliva from his face with the back of his paw, before telling me that I would regret it. He walked away. The fact is that, he was right, even if I hated him, I could not help feeling horny when I was sawing him naked for the bathtime. This guy was an asshole, but a reasonnably gorgeous one. When he saw this, Priscus approached me to check how I was. This St Bernard was the total opposite of Crixus, he was kind, and wished the best for everyone. Well, there was one point where he joined Crixus though, he was gorgeous too, I mean, every gladiator has to be huge, and strong, but those two guys where certainly sexier than most of the other fighters. 

"Hey cub, You should not mind about this jerk you know" He told me, tenderly rubbing my shoulder with his paw "He can put you in big troubles, and none of us would like that for you"

"He's getting up on my nerves these days, I think that I am his new whipping boy." I said, in a long sigh.

"That's why you should ignore him, don't give him any opportunity to mess with you bud" Priscus was smiling under his sloping chops, with his usual adorable and comforting face "We should go eat and sleep, it's late now" "I think you're right, I follow you"     The meal was the same thing every night, flavorless water soup, with a small bread portion. The company of Priscus made this more enjoyable, but I quickly started feeling dizzy after drinking half my bowl.

"You alright ?" said the St Bernard, whom saw I wasn't really doing great at this moment "You really looks sick all of a sudden"

"Yeah .. I ... I must be tired.. I think I'll go to bed now... see ya"  I stood up from my sit, quite hardly, and leaved the room were we were used to eat with Priscus.

I tried to make my way through the camp, I had to pass through the yard near the stables to get to the dormitory, but I felt on the ground heavily. I could not move anymore, and I was hardly mummuring insults when I saw Crixus, just in front of me. 

"That's were I'll show you what it cost to dishonor me" he said, with his usual haughty voice.     He pulled me by my arm into the stables, dragging me in the mud of the camp's floor. A guard was watching the area, this guy was a short and fat ferret, he was one of those Crixus pocketted. I could barely ear the guard talking to Crixus 

"We have no more than half an hour" he said, greedily eyeing me

"We don't need more to make him regret his misbehaviors, and to have some fun" said the Lion.

 I was just starting to guess what they were going to do, when the two of them made me lie down on some wood boxes, the ass up the hair, before getting rid of my clothes. Crixus started to put his noticeable meatlog against my sensible as ever asshole, while the guard stuck his slightly musky cock in my mouth.

"I know you should not be a problem with the drugs I put in your soup," said the Lion while inserting his heavy cock in my ass in a delightful pain, and while the ferret started to scrape his dick inside my snout "but don't even try to mess things up, it will go awry anyways"

On these words the Lion made his tighs slap mine in strong movements, stretching my hardly open hole, while in the meantime the ferret started to flow a generous amount of precum in my mouth, rubbing the tip of his cock on the bottom of my throat. The two guys generously ramming their attributes in my holes made my own dick grow exponentially, and as soon as Crixus saw it he chuckled

"You like that heh, I told you you were a dick craving faggot, but bitches can't take pleasure"

    He then stabbed my back and my ass with his sharp claws, and started to fuck me even harder, hurting my intestines at any moves. His balls were slapping mine at a high frequency, and the drugs prevented me to really feel the speed of his comings and goings. The ferret sawing how the violence of the Lion grew, held the back of my head with his paw, and started to be of the same violence with my mouth. Every dick thrust made me think I will vomit or explode, but all of them also made me hornier. They continued at various speed and depth, always with more violence, Crixus chose to spank me with an impressive strength sometimes, when he was not scratching my already a bit bloody back, the ferret was taking pleasure to deepthroat me until I choke, and the two of them were talking to me in quite offending ways, qualifying me as a whore, a dick-pit, a cumdumpster, making me their bitch. Pain was causing me to cry, but I could not prevent my dick to thrust precum on the boxes. As the minutes passed, I started to handle the pain, and felt nothing but bestial pleasure, the two animals doing me at the moment were so crude I could not do anything but feel arroused and pleased. When the ferret finally thrusted his juice in my mouth I thought this will end soon, I felt several hot streams of his salty semen in my mouth and throat, and hoped to feel the same thing in my bottom. But instead, the ferret came near Crixus, whom started to hold me in the air on top of his cock. The guard came in front of the Lion, and steered his dick under my ass. Crixus suddenly drew me down, I felt their two cocks entering in my already too stretched hole violently, and the rythm took up again. 

        During a few minutes my two predators were doing my ass together, biting me deeply everywhere they could, their smell becoming manlier with exertion. The two bloated organs in my orifice soon started to expulse gallons of their liquids in me. Even with drugs totally anaesthetizing my muscles, I pushed a long growl in chorus with my predators.

"I hope you did not enjoyed it too much" said Crixus, after the two of them got out of my dripping and painful ass "Or I will have to do more in punishment" He let me fall on the moody floor of the stables, letting me drown in the filth, and peed another of his hot liquids on me, while their cum was slowly dripping from my ass. I passed out at this moment and the last vision I've got before waking up was his dick above my head, dumping his piss all over my body.