Delta Omega Gamma Redux

Story by Zeeme on SoFurry

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#1 of Stories Redux

Hi there everyone!

This is what I hope will be the start of a project of mine cleaning up some of my older stories and finishing up a few loose ends.

If you have known me for long, this is my VERY first story, found here

Part 1:

Part 2:

This story started out AGES ago as a RP that I did back in the old Choose Your Own Change chat room, where I first came out as a furry. I was told back then that I had a talent for writing and from there I began posting here on SoFurry and FA.

Compared to the first edition, I feel like this version has a LOT more to it, and not only just more transformations, dicks and other fun things! But added depth and world building, a little bit of something Ive learned over the past few years as a writer.

But still, I know I have a long ways to go. So let me have it! Let me know anything you think could use some improvement so that I can improve my works in the future ^.^

I hope you all enjoy!


(P.S There is a bestiality theme here, so be wary of that if that's not your thing.)

It's time for a little blast from the past! This story is heavy with M/M content, Transformation and Bestiality themes. If you are in any way offended or not interested in such things, then please close this document!

Otherwise relax and enjoy!

D.O.G Redux

It was a normal day at Freewind College. The birds were chirping, the sun was shining and the campus was abuzz with activity as students left their classes and began gathering around in their normal spots throughout the campus.

"Are you ready for the test next week?"

"Will you be going to Matt's party tonight?"

"I can't believe he slept with that bitch!"

Sitting atop a hill in the middle of the campus was a massive oak tree where one of the bigger crowds in the college normally gathered. Its long gnarled branches covered with thick leaves that provided cool shade from the summer heat and its high vantage point gave anyone a great view of the campus. It was an ideal spot for many to get together after a long day of classes and share the gossip of the day.

With the end of the year just around the corner, everyone else on campus was busy at work getting ready to finish their final projects or catching up on any leftover assignments. Directly north of the hill a line was beginning to form in front of the old library to snatch up one of the few available seats inside for one last minute study session. To the west there was already an incredibly long line coming from the admin office filled with nervous students waiting their turn for a brief window of opportunity to ask some last minute questions from their professors.

The rest of the student body seemed to be migrating towards the cafeteria or the dorms, walking with friends or alone. But nearly everyone seemed to walk at a restrained and almost hesitant walk. Almost as if everyone was distracted by one single looming threat in the distance that they could not avoid.


However, crowd around the tree seemed oblivious to their coming trials and was in a dull roar of conversation, people spreading gossip and rumours while others were making plans for the coming weekend. People came and went regularly and those who weren't part of a group simply sat on the hill soaking in the springtime sun or tossed a football or frisbee around. Although most paid their rowdier classmates little to no mind as they goofed off, save for one man who sat on the hill with a brown satchel at his side and a short stack of books sitting nearby.

The man watched on for a few minutes, letting out a sigh as he watched the jocks play. With the growing heat, many had decided to forgo their shirts and paraded around in an attempt to impress some of the girls on campus. However the man sitting down seemed content in watching them for the past few minutes. But then, all of a sudden, his expression suddenly soured and he quickly stood up and gathered his books and made his way away from the tree at a breakneck pace. Weaving his way through the crowd down the sloping hill he side-stepped the cliques and loners before he was finally able to escape the mob and began walking across the well-maintained grassy clearing that took up most of the space in the school.

"Ah...ha...shit." Gasped the man as he looked down at his free hand for a brief moment.

His name was Jared Twist, a sophomore at Freewind who was majoring in Chemistry. He was a somewhat remarkable man, got good grades, kept himself out of trouble and was a member of the college's chess team. But he was always a bit of a loner and kept to himself most days. He stood at a modest 5'10 and had the build of a swimmer, with very little body fat and a light layer of definition hidden under his normal clothes. Although a recent "issue" of his had kept him from joining the swim team in college like he had done throughout high school. Still, he kept himself healthy with a proper diet and regular exercise.

"Gotta be more careful..." he muttered to himself as he shook his hand.

Once he was finally alone, Jared let out a deep sigh as he checked the area one final time before he began walking towards the dorms with his short brown hair bristling slightly in the warm spring air.

After crossing the field he made his way onto the stone path that weaved its way through the university. Jared looked at his slightly hairy hands for one more brief moment before he let out a grunt and gripped onto the books in his hand tightly as he made his way past several well maintained, but old looking buildings that held a feeling of distinction around them. He paid them little to no mind as he made his way past them down the long stretch of paved stones that ran past the open sports field down towards the dormitories.

_ "Hut Hut Hut one! Hut two! Hike!"_

The shouting in the distance suddenly caught Jared's attention and he looked to his left and saw a group of football players huddled together. Once the play had been called, two group of guys began charging into one-another head-on while another few key players held back and began passing the ball and running the play. From all appearances it seemed that they must be doing their summer training. Although this meant some players seemed to have decided to relieve the heat in whatever way they could and many were wearing only tight singlets and loose shorts. Everyone else seemed paraded about bare-chested, displaying their thick, muscular bodies for all to see.

As the ball sailed across the field, Jared watched as the football players collided into one another, their bare skin rubbing against each other and their thick and full muscles straining as they charged at each other in a display of dominance. As the players began to tackle one another, Jared could easily see that the bigger and heavier set players was the defensive line. They were built for strength and stopping power, with their chests and arms much larger than their other teammates while they kept a small amount of body fat on them that kept them from looking overly defined. The other players however were much smaller by comparison, but still were practically ripped with muscle. They were likely the team's offence and they favoured definition and speed and sported muscles that you could bounce a quarter off.

Jared watched in idle fascination as the better defined players made their move and raced across the field with the ball in hand as they tried to reach the other side of the field. Personally, he preferred the sight of the more defined players with their fully formed abdominals over the larger ones, but he couldn't deny the strength and power that the bigger brutes displayed as they charged across the field.

Jared watched on for a few moments, before continuing his walk until he reached the edge of the field where a few pieces of training equipment had been set. Nearby a smaller portion of the team seemed to be working on their tackling techniques along with a few basic drills. They seemed to be a mix of members of the offensive and defensive line; most of them charging into stationary mats in an attempt to get them to push further back as they worked on their technique. But as Jared looked over the team there was one player in particular that grabbed his attention and made him stop dead in his tracks.

The jock prepared himself for only the briefest of moments, taking a breath and wiping the sweat from his brow. Then like a gunshot he charged toward the mat with his chest bare and wearing only a pair of white shorts and shoes. Jared watched in awe as the jock let out a loud yell as he rammed into the mat, sending the machine back a few inches and lifting it a solid 4 feet into the air for a three seconds before letting it fall to the ground with a thud. He then caught his breath for a moment before he let out a loud whoop of pride as his teammates cheered at his prowess.

His body was perfect in almost every way, his chest was massive and defined, his thick pectorals standing firm even with the biggest movements and his arms like two massive slabs of meat with thick veins supplying blood to his muscles as they flexed with strength. He sported chiselled features and a light stubble along his a thick and powerful jawline, but the smile he carried gave him a carefree appearance that was only cemented even more by his spikey golden blonde hair and his bright blue eyes.

Jared had to keep himself from drooling as he watched the man get a firm slap on the ass by one of his fellow players, that firm chunk of meat not even flinching from the impact as he walked over and took a drink from a water bottle.

"Uuuugh....oh shiiiit...." Jared moaned before he suddenly realised what was happening.

Jared felt a stirring in his groin and a tingling sensation that was beginning to cover his entire body. In a panic he looked behind himself. A bulge had already pushed up against the fabric of his pants, pressure building as it strained and wiggled. His arms were also starting to look a lot hairier with long brown and tan hairs beginning to sprout along the length of his forearms. Jared's heart rate was also beginning to rise rapidly to the point where it was throbbing in his ears. He let out a moan as he felt the pleasurable tingling sensation spread towards his legs and down his spine.

But once the warm feeling had begun to wear off, Jared looked around the field in a panic.

"Shit shit shit....." me muttered to himself as he felt a growing scratching sensation build in his throat.

His head then turned down the path he had been following and he saw his dorm building in the distance. Throwing caution to the wind he suddenly rushed off, unknowingly dropping one of his books in the process as he ran down the path.

"Gotta...get....grrrrr...inside!" he groaned as he ran as fast as his feet could carry him.


After he had rushed off, the football player Jared had been admiring jogged up to where the discarded book had fallen and leaned down to pick it up. He had apparently seen Jared watching him and had taken notice of his strange behaviour and the book he left behind.

"Huh...wonder what's his rush?" he muttered to himself as he looked at the book in his hand.

During that brief distraction, the burly football player failed to notice as a fellow teammate came charging toward him. With little to no time to react, he suddenly staggered as someone's bare chest collided against his muscular back.

"Oof!" the player groaned as he tried to maintain his balance before he let out a laugh and turned to face his teammate.

"Come on Zack, you gotta pay attention during practice! All that muscle isn't going to protect you if your heads not in the game!" his teammate said with a cocky grin as he folded his arms across his broad chest.

"Hmmm, well I wouldn't be too sure about that..."

Zack then flexed his powerful arm muscles and puffed out his chest, displaying his rippling physique to his teammate who only rolled his eyes in response.

"Yea yea...come on dog boy, we still got one more play to run!" the teammate responded with a sly grin.

"Heh, alright I'm coming..." he responded as he held the book close to his chest and walked back toward the field.


*BOOM!* *Click!*

Jared let out a ragged gasp for breath as he locked himself in his room and looked around in a panic. His jaw was beginning to look slightly fuzzy and the bludge in the back of his pants was beginning to tent obscenely. As he caught his breath, he could feel the tingling in his ears as they were rapidly covered in a dense coating of dark brown fur. Within a matter of seconds, his once normal looking ears began to twist and warp as they formed two tall points as they climbed up the sides of his face and crowned the top of his head, blending in slightly with his already dark brown hair. Taking in a few more gasps of breath Jared gathered his senses as his changed ears twitched slightly. Once his heart rate begun to slow down and he was no longer in panic mode he was finally able to take in the sights of his room.

Before, he had always had the room to himself in the past, although there was always another bed on the other side of his that had remained vacant. But now the room seemed to have been occupied and unpacked in a hurry. His bed and desk had been left alone for the most part but the once vacant bed was now littered with a pile of clothes and hastily unpacked football posters and trophies. The foot of the extra bed also had a stack of boxes that seemed to have been recently unpacked, although there still seemed to be a few more things inside.

"The hell? When did...ohhhh..." Jared muttered to himself when he suddenly recalled the memory of getting a notice of a new roommate moving in two weeks ago.

Jared let out a groan as he looked at this new development and began imagining just what sort of person this guy could be.

"Great..." Jared muttered to himself as he threw his books onto his table walked over to his bed and flopped on top of it, glancing over at the dirty clothes his new roomie had left along with the posters he had laid across his bed.

Taking a few seconds to breathe, Jared attempted to calm himself down and curb his persistent arousal. He slowly began his normal routine of counting backwards from fifty while thinking of any kind of un-sexy thought he could possibly imagine.

After a few minutes, he opened his eyes and saw that nothing had happened. The bulge was still there. He was still unusually hairy and his ears kept on tingling.

"Shit...past the point of no return. Well...I guess while I'm alone...."

Jared let out a sigh and involuntarily smiled as he reached down and rubbed his bludge through his jeans. The same tingling sensation from before soon began to wash over him again in greater force as the hairs that had already covered his arms grew denser and began to form a distinct pattern. After a few minuites the hair had quickly became a soft pelt of tan and black fur that hugged his arms as it spread down his biceps and towards his chest. Letting out a soft, growling moan Jared reached up and undid the buckle of his pants, sliding his jeans down his legs before kicking them off to the side. Now finally free, his bright green underwear made a massive tent where a clear spot of pre had already begun to leak from the tip. Jared then let out a low grumble of approval as he flexed his toes and looked down at his legs as the hair that had covered his arms began creeping its way down his legs, filling him with a warm tingle as the fur continued to spread. He then brought his attention back to his underwear, with a smile he reached down and groped his package, feeling the warm flesh throb underneath as it grew in his grasp.

Slowly Jared began to rub his steadily growing erection through the fabric as he began relishing in the thoughts of the muscular men he had seen not too long ago. The thought of their sweat covered bodies and hard muscles sending a chill of pleasure down his spine and causing him to let out a soft whimper. As his cock begin to twitch slightly in his hand Jared smiled, displaying his bright white teeth and his inhumanly sized canines as he pulled back the waistband of his underwear and reached down to grab his cock. Letting out another soft moan, Jared enjoyed the strange feeling of his cock as the human flesh began to change in his grip.

As he started to jerk himself off his pink human flesh quickly turned a shade of bright red as the tip of his cock tapered itself into a point. His cock then began to grow in length and thickness as a small swelling began to form at the base of his shaft. Then, as the hair that coated his arms began to creep down towards his hands, Jared let out a moan as he felt his fingers grow numb and lost all sensation in his pinkies.

"Come on...just a little longer...." He moaned, thrusting his hips upward into his hand as he desperately tried to jerk himself off while he still could.


Jared froze in position from the sudden noise as his changed ears folded back slightly. Slowly the door to his room suddenly began to creak open and Jared panicked. In a split second decision he quickly grabbed his blanket from underneath him and wrapped it around his body, doing his best to cover himself in any way he could before the door could open.

"Do know how to knock!?" Jared shouted just after he had completely hidden himself save for his face.

A deep chuckle came from behind the door as it slowly opened fully to reveal the massive shape of a man, causing Jared's heart to sink and his erection to throb.

Like some sort of fantasy turned into a nightmare, the very same blonde football player that had sparked his reaction earlier walked in with his jersey and towel swung over his shoulders with bare chest covered with sweat. In one hand he held his water bottle, and in the other a very familiar book.

"Well man, if you're going to do "that" then you might want to remember that you're not the only one living here now." Letting out another chuckle he closed the door behind him as he came inside and set the book on Jared's desk.

"Smart move on putting your name and room number here. Luckily enough I'm your new roomie and I saw you running off. Fate is a funny thing eh? I'm Zack by the way." The massive football player said with a smile.

Jared froze, trying to keep his senses that were being battered by his spreading changes and the embarrassment he felt from being caught in such a compromising situation by such a hot guy. Somehow though he was able to open his mouth and croak out a few words.

"Oh...ummm I'm Jared and...well I'm sorry...I mean I was the middle of it and you came in and...." Jared stammered as his cheeks turned bright red.

Zack only laughed in response and smiled a broad grin.

"Dude, don't worry about it. We're both guys here and we both got needs. Plus I'm pretty open minded, so as long as you clean up afterwards we are cool. In fact, I think I may go rub one off in the shower in a minute. Coach ran us ragged and I need to let off some steam and clean up." He said with a lewd wink as he tossed his towel and jersey onto the pile of clothes on his bed and walked over to his stack of boxes.

Jared swore to himself mentally as he watched his new roommate wiggle his butt through his skin tight shorts in an almost in a taunting manner as he rummaged through his boxes. He knew he would have to do something about this before his secret was blown and this meathead blabbed about him to the whole school. But how could he get rid of him? Jocks are pretty crass about most things, but if he could find his weakness he could send him screaming. But he needed time to get to know him first, and that was a luxury he did not have.

Suddenly Jared was pulled from his thoughts as Zack kicked off his shoes and peeled off his socks. Standing in just his shorts Zack smiled as he looked at Jared with his arms folded across his chest. Jared could feel his arousal building while more changes began affect him. Deep down he could almost feel himself ready to give in completely, but he held on as hard as he could.

But then, Zack began to slowly slide down his shorts in full view. Inch by inch they slid down his well-defined and thick legs, revealing a clean and bulging jockstrap that barely contained the package within.

"Hope you don't mind, but I like to go au naturel when I'm at home. But I promise to at least keep some shorts on around you. Just as a fair warning." Zack stated casually, although his grin was almost taunting as he watched Jared squirm underneath his sheets.

The burly football player seemed to want to really confirm his new roomies orientation and grinned as he pulled back one of the straps of his jock and let it slap his bare ass. He let out a dominant grunt before he did it again, watching Jared practically drool at the sight of him. Zack then stretched his arms up high, twisting his body as he attempted to release some of the built up tension made from a long practice session.

Jared had to bite onto his blanket to keep himself from moaning, his skin felt like it was on fire and his cock was ready to burst at any moment.

Zack however just kept smiling as he stretched himself in full display of his roomie, watching him as he ruffled under the sheets and tried his best to hide what he was doing underneath. But then he finally decided to deal the final blow as he pulled back the jockstraps waistband and pulled it down completely, giving Jared a full view of his semi-hard cock and his light dusting of blonde pubes.

"Grrrrrahhhh...." Jared moaned as he hid his face under the blankets.

"Heh...gets them every time...." Zack smiled as he grabbed his discarded clothes and threw them onto the bed.

Zack then looked back at his roomie who had seemed to wrap himself completely in his sheets in an attempt to hide. He also seemed to be making some weird growling noises underneath which was weird, but he only smiled and wrapped his towel around his waist and grabbed his soap before he walked up to his roomie.

"Come on now big boy, we are both naked now so there is nothing to hide. Plus it was bound to happen sooner or later so now that it's out there we won't need to worry about it." Zack said as he grabbed onto the blanket cocoon that surrounded Jared.

A low growl was all his response as Jared squirmed underneath the blanket.

"Come on, up and atem." He said as he tugged onto the blanket, trying to pull it from off his roomie.

Suddenly then a hand grasped the blanket from inside, keeping it firmly in place.

"Fine then, have it your way." Zack said with a smirk as he let go of the blanket.

Zack then stepped back, waiting for his opening as he saw where Jared's hand had gripped onto the blanket from within. Once he saw his grip begin to slack he quickly reached over and grabbed the blanket.

With one strong tug, Zack laughed as he pulled the blankets from Jared and exposed him. Jared tried to cry out in protest, but in that one brief moment Jared was as least able to cover up his crotch with a pillow before Zack could see his fully naked form.

Zack blinked for a moment and rubbed his eyes as he dropped the blanket onto the floor. Jared only sat there, frozen and wondering just how he would react as his roommate stood there and gawked at his strange appearance.

Finally, after what felt like a hellish minute he finally said something.

"'re a hairy fucker aren't you? And what's with those ears? Are they some kind of headband or something? They look so real!"

Zack displayed no restraint as he reached over and grabbed one of Jared's ears and rubbed them with his thumb and index finger. When Jared's ears twitched in response Zack instantly recoiled in surprise and let his towel drop in the process. The nude football player then let out a laugh as Jared twitched his ears again before he looked down at Jared's arms and legs and saw the thick coating of hair he sported.

"Well damn... wish I could grow this kinda fuzz. You must have some kind of crazy genetics to get it to grow so thick...but do you dye the hair or something? I've never seen any color like that."

"You have to leave!!!" Jared suddenly shouted.

"Wa?" Zack responded as he stepped back.

"You have to leave! Just...go!" Jared stated as he caught another glimpse of Zack's naked form before he turned his head, trying his best to suppress his urges as the massive stud loomed over him.

"Heh, well look man if you're a furry or something that's cool with me. My brother is one and he has this cool wolf costume he lets me borrow for Halloween. He even told me you guys have some crazy high-tech headbands like yours that twitch when you think hard enough" Zack stated casually as he examined Jared closely.

"What? No! I'm not a furry! And what I've got is contagious and unless you wanna end up like me then just go!!!" Jared shouted as he stood up.

"Contagious? What, the hair? I'm pretty sure genes don't work like that buddy..." Zack stated with a casual grin.

Suddenly then, an idea struck Jared. It would be risky, but it may end up freaking out the jock enough to get him to leave. Plus he was certain no one would ever believe him anyway and just chalk it up to a head injury or alcohol.

Quickly then Jared dropped the pillow he had been using to cover himself and exposed himself to Zack, giving him a full view of his fur covered balls and the pointed tip of his cock as it peaked out from its hiding place that was attached to his stomach.

Zack blinked again and was instantly dumbfounded by the sight as Jared put himself on display, but then the jock's mouth suddenly turned into a broad grin.

"That'! How did you do that? Makeup? Prosthetics? Some kind of weird magic trick? Hell, I didn't think I would be rooming with a costume designer! That's so cool! You gotta let me touch it!" Zack shouted out in glee.

It was Jared's turn to be surprised as his mouth went agape and he shook his head in disbelief. That moment of confusion proved to be all Zack needed as he shamelessly reached down and openly fondled Jared's strange anatomy.

"Man this feels so real, how did you do it man? Think you could make one of these things for my cock?" Zack exclaimed as he rubbed the length of Jared's shaft, causing his roommate to moan in pleasure as he began to lose touch with his senses.

"Wait...grrrraahhh....sssstop!" Jared protested as he attempted to push Zack back, but the massive man wouldn't budge as he continued to fondle him.

Soon the pleasure became too much for Jared and he lost himself in the moment. The fur that covered his arms and legs rapidly swarmed across his body as his tail shot out from his backside and grew a long coat of dark brown and tan fur. His hands and feet then soon began to rapidly shift as his palms grew thick pads and his nails grew out into long black claws as they changed into massive paws. Letting out one final moan Jared felt his jaw crack as his face was pushed out into a long muzzle and his tongue became longer and flatter in his mouth.

But when Jared's posture begun to slump and he started making whining sounds Zack finally began to notice what was happening to his roommate.

Zack let out a yelp of surprise when he saw his partially changed roommate and jumped back, causing Jared to fall onto all fours as his body continued to rapidly shift. His bones had already begun to re-structure themselves as he was forced onto all fours and his legs reshaped, giving him digitigrade stance. Jared let out a low growl as his chest popped and begun to expand, giving him a barrel-like shape as the last bits of fur covered the rest of his body.

"Wa...what are you?" Zack stammered as he watched his roommate grow in size, reaching nearly up to half his own height even while on all fours.

Jared let out a yelp as the final bone had set into place before he slumped slightly, panting in exhaustion and looking down at his paws before he looked up towards his roommate.

Sitting there no longer was what little Zack had seen of his roommate. Crouched slightly, with tail curled and ears folded was a massive German Shepherd that was sporting a prominent bright red erection.

"What" Zack stammered

"It's still me" The dog stated with a lower and more gravelly voice.

"You? But how...why?" Zack stated in awed shock.

"You see...I'm a Weredog..." Jared stated with a soft whimper.

Zack only stared in awe of his roommates changed shape. Jared was a much bigger dog than he had ever seen before and nearly reached the size of a fully grown wolf. His cock was also absolutely massive, with its tapered red tip throbbing with need as it leaked a small stream of precum onto the floor. He also appeared to be completely canine, with no signs of humanity left.

"You're...a...what?" Zack asked softly.

Jared's ears perked slightly and he tilted his head in confusion. He would have assumed the normal response to seeing someone turn into a massive dog was to run screaming into the night...but it seemed Zack was genuinely curious.

"I'm a Weredog, you know, kind of like a werewolf? Except I don't change with the full moon or anything like that. I I get hard." Jared explained as he curled back slightly in embarrassment.

Zack leaned back slightly and scratched his head, trying his best to take in all this strange information. After a few moments of silence, he let out a soft sigh and walked up to Jared's bed and sat down and looked directly into his canine roommate's eyes.

"'re not gonna eat me when I fall asleep are you? Or bite me when I'm not looking?" Zack asked.

Jared shook his head

"No, I don't do anything like that. Really I'm still the same guy underneath, it's just now I'm a really big dog." Jared responded as he sat up slightly and his tail un-tucked itself as he begun to relax.

"Uhh huh...but can you change people?" Zack asked.

Jared recoiled slightly and his ears folded to the side of his head.

"Y...yea...I got turned because I was out one night and got attacked by this big looking dog. He...well he got my shorts off and mounted me. When I woke up he had finished the deed and ran off and I've been stuck like this ever since. I didn't have any bite marks on me that drew any blood and haven't bitten anyone before, so I can guess you can get it if you have some of my cum..." Jared said with a slight whimper.

"Huh, guess that means you're stuck with your needs all on your own." Zack stated with his eyebrows raised and a slight grin as he looked down at Jared's exposed member.

Jared nodded again and huffed slightly.

"Yea, kinda hard to get "frisky" with someone when you start sprouting fur and fangs. Plus I don't wanna risk turning someone." Jared stated in a low grumble.

Zack chuckled and reached over and pat Jared on the head, scratching behind his ears. Jared's mind was still screaming with questions as to why Zack as acting so casual about all of this, but let out a soft rumble as he started to relax and wag his tail against his will.

"Hey, I know what it's like man. It must suck not getting any "tail" so to speak." Zack said with a grin as he took his hand off Jared.

Jared chuckled in response and wagged his tail slightly as he began to calm down.

"I gotta ask though..." Zack suddenly added.

"What?" Jared responded as he tilted his head.

"How does it feel? The change and all that. Does it hurt? Does it feel good? What's it like being a dog?" Zack asked as he leaned in closer to his roommate.

Jared blinked slightly before he shyly looked up towards Zack.

" feels pretty damn good I gotta say. Plus the fur is great in the winter and I've gone out on a few runs in the woods and that's something else."

"Uhhh huh....can you still see in colour? I hear dogs can only see stuff in black and white." Zack questioned.

Jared tilted his head in confusion for a brief moment before he let out a soft huff.

"Dogs can see more colours than that. But no, my vision is just fine." Jared responded.

Zack nodded in response before he smiled a lewd grin.

"Ok, but you didn't tell me how it feels..."

Jared recoiled slightly, but then he shyly folded his ears back.

"Well.... when you have something that changes you when you get hard you gotta expect it gets you off. I may miss my hands, but when you can bend like a dog and you got a long tongue like mine, you can give yourself a wicked blowjob..." Jared said with a toothy grin before he suddenly froze and came to the realization of what he just said.

His ears quickly folded back and cursed under his breath. Not only had he revealed his big secret to his new roommate, but practically came out of the closet to him as well.

Zack saw his canine roomies nervousness and laughed, giving the dog a pat on the head.

"Dude, that must rock. But trust me; any guy who was stick in your situation would end up doing the same." He said with a smile as he ruffled the top of the German Shepherd's head.

" hey. You're not going to tell anyone about this now are you?" Jared stated cautiously, waiting to see just how Zack would react.

"What? Oh! No dude, don't worry about it. Dog out whenever you like around me. I can even take you for a walk every now and again if you like." Zack stated with a grin.

Jared growled playfully in protest, but his tail began to wag in relief.

"Thank god, I was thinking you were gonna call me a freak and haul me off to the science lab." Jared said with a happy bark.

"No worries dude, your secret is safe with me." Zack stated with a soft grin.

Jared wagged his tail slightly as Zack gave him another pat on the head.

"So, how do you change back?" Zack asked as he began scratching behind Jared's ears.

" I gotta get off. Once I get off I can change back, but otherwise I can stay like this as long as I like." Jared said as he leaned into Zacks hand.

"Heh, this sounds like an awesome condition dude." Zack said with a smile as he lowered his hand and began scratching Jared's chin.

"Yea...and I kinda need to study so...if you don't mind..." Jared stated as he backed away slightly and flashed Zack a toothy grin of his own.

Zack laughed and stood up, giving Jared one final glimpse of his package before he walked over to where his towel had fallen and wrapped it back around his waist.

"No worries man, I need to take a shower anyway. You just make sure to clean up after yourself." Zack stated as he picked up his room key and bottle of shampoo.

"Don't worry, I won't make a mess." Jared said as he licked his chops with his long canine tongue.

"Kinky....I think it's going to be fun having a horn dog as a roomie." Zack said with a smirk as he made his way out of the room and out into the hallway.

As the door let out a click, Jared slumped slightly and his eyes boggled.

His biggest secret ever, along with another secret that would have him dissected revealed all in one day. The canine Jared let out a sigh as he hopped on top of his bed and looked down at his steadily throbbing cock. Just encase Zack was lying and was currently running off to the police he should change himself back and act like everything was normal. With no real proof he couldn't prove anything and in time he would get used to having him around so that he wouldn't be dropping to all fours at the very sight of him. Although he did have to admit, the thought of Zack dropping on all fours for him did sound like an awful lot of fun...

Jared shook his head and tried to bring the thoughts out of his mind.

"No...I don't even know if he's into that. Plus he wouldn't want to go dog...would he?" Jared muttered to himself.

Shaking his head again, Jared tried to forget these strangely dominant thoughts that were running through his mind as he leaned down and began licking his cock with his long canine length.

As he felt his body shiver in pleasure though, he couldn't help but wonder just what Zack would look like as a dog.


For the next few weeks, things between Zack and Jared interesting, although a bit strained. With Zack often away at football practice and Jared cramming for finals they didn't see each other for most of the day during the week. Although there was another incident on the second day they spent together when Jared couldn't help himself from changing when he saw Zack getting ready to head out to class. The big jock even seemed to enjoy watching him squirm as he was forcibly changed back into his canine shape.

Still, the two of them did get along rather well in their spare time. As it turned out, the both of them grew up one county away from each other and they both shared the occasional laugh as they talked about the similarities from their hometowns. They also found a common interest in some music and a few football teams. Although when the topic of videogames came up, Jared favoured RPG's while Zack was more into loud first person shooters. Still, with the limited space the two of them shared they got along fairly well by most roommates standards. Although Zack did poke fun at Jared's condition every once and a while, trying to see if he could get him to "dog out" by sharing stories from the locker room or by suddenly appearing naked whenever Jared had finished classes for the day. But after the initial thrill had worn off, Jared was able to control himself.

As exams drew closer and closer though, Jared was completely engrossed in his work. Trying to finish two major papers along with a research project for his history classes was taking up most of his time. But as the weekend hit he was able to relax somewhat after making some major progress. Unfortunately though, it had become obvious that Zacks practices started and ended earlier on the weekend and with exams so close and everyone else studying he didn't seem to do much else outside of football and workout. This meant that after his morning training he was back in their shared room, passing the time watching tv in only the bare minimum of clothing as he laid down on his bed.

"How's the project coming pup?" Zack suddenly asked as he reached down and scratched his crotch through his boxer briefs.

Jared groaned slightly at the nickname Zack had given him and tried to keep himself focused on his work.

"Fine thanks. Just need to get this last paper done..." Jared responded.

After that there was a brief moment of silence between the two.

"Heh, have you ever tried doing the whole "dog ate my homework" thing with your prof before? I bet you could get away with it." Zack suddenly said with a snicker.

Jared simply grunted at his roommate, who was clearly just bored and trying to bother him while he tried to work. He brought his attention back to his laptop as he continued working on the file he had in front of him.

"Hey, If you were to change me...what dog do you think I would become?" Zack suddenly asked.

A chill went down Jared's spine and he paused.

"I...I dunno!" Jared said nervously as he turned to his roommate and offered him a wiry smile.

"If I did change, I would wanna be some kind-of big dog like you. Like a husky or a Rottweiler or something. That'd be pretty cool..." Zack said as he continued to watch the TV that sat at the foot of his bed.

Jared felt himself shudder as his cock stirred slightly. A light dusting of fur had even begun to sprout across his hands.

"Y...yea. Would suck if you were stuck as one of those yappy little purse dogs." Jared responded.

"Heh, yea definitely." Zack responded.

There was silence between the two again as Zacks show came back from a commercial and his attention was drawn to it. Jared let out a sigh and began his normal routine of calming himself down. But as he closed his eyes he couldn't help but imagine Zack on all fours presenting himself to him. The thought of dominating him and filling him with his seed filled his mind and excited him on some primal level, causing his hair to continue to thicken as he desperately tried to calm himself down.

"Hey, I know this is kinda personal..... But have you ever done it with a dog before? I was thinking that if you did it with one, would they turn into a human or something like that?" Zack suddenly asked.

"What?!" Jared exclaimed before he looked down at his hands and finally began to notice the spreading fur.

"Shit..." he muttered to himself.

"Heh, would be kinda funny to see something like that. A dog that was a "were-human" or something. My brother's furry friends would kill to see something like that." Zack stated with a grin.

Jared however ignored the comment and went back to trying to calm himself down, but the fur only continued to spread, racing up his arms and towards his chest. He could even begin to feel his ears as they were tugged into their pointed shape and drawn to the top of his head.

"Can't say I blame them though. I found out my bro was a furry when I found his porn stash. Those guys may be weird, but they draw some pretty hot stuff." Zack stated wistfully as he reached down and adjusted himself.

"He seemed to like muscle growth the most it seemed. He had all these pictures of scrawny looking furry characters getting all big and buff and jacking off all over the place." Zack added.

Suddenly Jared let out a soft moan and Zack turned to look at him.

"Awww, looks like I riled the puppy up." Zack said with a grin.

"S-shut up...." Jared stated shyly as he got up from his computer and went over to his bed and lay down.

Zack grinned and got up from off his bed. When he saw his roommate coming Jared turned away from him, trying to keep his eyes off Zacks nearly exposed crotch.

"Gonna dog out on me buddy? You're already looking pretty fuzzy. I think I can even see your tail coming in." Zack stated as he leaned down and playfully slapped Jared's ass.

"Quit it!" Jared shouted as he tried to scoot away from Zack until he was practically pressed against the wall.

Zack snickered slightly and stepped back, watching Jared squirm in his bed as he was covered in more fur. His clothes were even beginning to look a little tight as the fur was beginning to thicken.

"You're gonna do it, you're gonna dog out and you better get your clothes off before ya wreck them" Zack stated in a cocky tone as he reached down and re-adjusted his own steadily hardening manhood.

"Then go and let me get off." Jared said in a low grumble just as his tail began to slowly emerge from his backside.

"Hmmmm...nah I think I'll stay and watch" Zack stated casually.

Jared froze and his fur began to tingle.

"Wa...what?" Jared stated as he began to sit up.

"I said I was gonna stay and watch. Unless you're gonna do something about it?" Zack said with a smirk.

Jared then turned around to face Zack and saw his roommate looming over him with his hand over his crotch and openly fondling himself.

Jared let out a soft moan as his arousal spiked again, causing the fur covering his body to snake up his neck and begin crawling towards his face. Soon his jaw began to press forward, his muzzle shaping and his tongue lengthening in his budding maw.

"I'd be lying if I didn't say this didn't turn me on a bit here buddy." Zack said with a smirk as he removed his hand, showing the tent in his underwear.

Jared groaned before he suddenly began to feel the pressure on his body reaching its breaking point. He knew his clothes wouldn't be able to take it any further and he quickly sat up and peeled off his shirt and unbuckled his pants, sliding them down his legs along with his underwear in one swift movement.

Fully exposed before his roommate, Jared let out a soft whimper as his back began to pop and his face completed its transformation. Soon he was forced to sit on his haunches like a normal dog as the final changes began to set into place.

"Oh know I think maybe I could give something like this a go...." Zack said with a smirk as he slowly slid down his own underwear to the floor and stepped out of them.

"Wa...what do you mean?" Jared stated with another whimper as the last changes finished themselves.

"I'm saying I think it would be pretty cool to be a dog like you. And don't tell me you haven't thought about it before buddy. I've seen it in your eyes." Zack said with a lusty smirk as he reached down and began slowly jerking his cock to its full 8 inch length.

Jared then hopped off his bed and sat directly in front of Zack.

"But, then you will be changing any time you pop a boner. Can you imagine what it would be like if you changed on the field or during class? I barely held it together just from seeing you outside!" Jared protested.

"I think I can live with being a horn dog. Plus I've always been a dog person and if you change me you can have someone watching your back and you can watch mine. Plus we can help each other blow off a little steam whenever we change..."

Leaning down Zack reached underneath Jared and began fondling his erect cock. Jared let out a soft whine of disapproval but his wagging tail and throbbing cock betrayed his true feelings. Slowly Zack rubbed the canids cock, pulling more of the thick length out from the changed mans sheathe until its flesh was almost completely exposed.

"Man, you're a big puppy aren't you? You didn't get off once you changed...I bet you're really pent up after all that." Zack said softly as he continued to jerk off Jared.

The canine Jared gritted his fanged teeth in response, he could feel himself already at the edge and he knew he wouldn't last long at this rate. Zack still continued though, slowly jerking the man turned dog as his furry and plump balls begun to swirl with seed.

Slowly and gently, Zack moved his hand up and down the canine's length until it began to brush against Jared's thick knot.

"I'm going to cum...." Jared said in a whining tone as he began involuntarily bucking his hips unto Zacks hand.

Jared started to pant; he could feel himself reaching the edge as he looked at the buff football player servicing him. His mind began to race again with thoughts of dominating the football player, sending him on all fours and pounding his hole like a wild animal until he was howling for more.

Another jolt of pleasure ran through Jared and he let out a low growl as he felt himself pass the point of no return. He then began thrusting into Zacks hand rapidly, desperately trying to get off.

But then, just as he felt himself reach the edge Zack suddenly took his hand off Jared's cock as he reached over to his bed and grabbed a water bottle. Zack then quickly screwed off the top of the bottle and held it underneath Jared. He then grabbed his canine roommate's cock one final time, causing Jared to howl in pleasure before he let loose his load, which he fired volley after volley into the sports bottle.

Jared came more than he ever thought he was able, Zack squeezing every drop out of him he could as he filled the bottle up nearly halfway before he finally stopped cumming. He was left panting and gasping for breath as Zack removed the bottle and smiled, grabbing the discarded cap and screwing it back on.

"I thought....I thought you were gonna change? Why did you save it??" Jared panted as he was overcome with the overpowering feeling of his canine afterglow.

"Oh don't worry buddy, I'm going to do it doggy style with you soon...but first I've got some friends I want you to meet." Zack said with a sly grin.


After Jared had changed back, Zack told him that he had an idea in mind for sharing his "gift" with a bunch of interested people. The two of them waited for the sun to go down, and once it was dark enough and the campus grounds were a little quieter, Zack made a phone call to a guy he called "An old fraternity brother".

"Are you sure we won't force them?" Jared asked as he stood naked in the middle of the room while Zack dressed himself in a singlet and shorts.

"Force is a strong word. It's just gonna be a small group of some guys I know. Nothing big or crazy. Once they change though I'm sure they will end up loving it. We might even need more of this stuff." Zack said with a grin as he reached down and picked up the water bottle filled with his spunk that he had collected earlier.

Zack then leaned over and reached into one of his boxes and pulled out a large dog collar and a leash. Jared eyed him cautiously as he stepped back slightly.

"Aww, what's wrong? Don't wanna go outside boy?" Zack said with a grin as he shook the leash and collar in front of him.

"Stop that..." Jared responded coldly.

Zack only grinned as he set the leash on the side of the bed.

"Look, these guys might freak out if they see you change in front of them. Best thing to do is to wait until they have some time to get used to it before we tell them the full story. Plus, haven't you ever wanted take a quick wiz on the dean's statue or leave him a little present on his front steps without getting in trouble?" Zack said with a cocky grin.

"I'm not going to mark my territory if that's what you're implying." Jared stated in a huff as he turned his head.

Zack laughed and stood up, walking towards Jared and looming above him slightly.

"Come on, it will be fun, plus I'll let you change me the "natural" way once the other guys are in on it; and don't tell me that you haven't wanted a go at this ass." Zack said as he reached back and slapped his own ass, letting out a deep grunt and a proud grin.

Jared could feel his body tingling as the massive man loomed over him and he could already begin to feel his fur begin to re-grow.

"Stop it..." He muttered, although his growing erection was beginning to betray his real thoughts.

Zack smiled and flexed an arm before Jared, causing the veins in his arms to pop out and his biceps to swell in size.

"Grrrrrahhh! Fine I'll do it! But this had better work!" Jared said as he reached down and seamlessly stroked his cock, letting the changes hit him with no sign of resistance.

"Oh don't worry, this will all work out fine buddy..." Zack said as he watched Jared go through his changes once again.

Quickly and almost fluidly, Jared's fur came back in and his tail sprouted in a matter of moments. The next few moments were the longest parts as his face re-shaped back into his muzzle and his hands started to shift into paws. Soon then he was forced onto all fours with his cock resuming its canine shape and throbbing with need as it leaked pre onto the ground.

"Damn I can't wait till I can do that...." Zack stated as he re-adjusted himself through his shorts in a poor attempt to hide his erection.

Zack then put the collar and leash on Jared and the two left the building. Although it was night and the campus was quiet for the most part, a few students saw Jared and kept a few steps away from the massive dog. Zack however kept walking at a leisurely pace with a smile on his features as he led a dog that was nearly half his own size.

As they walked out of the main campus area, the two of them headed down the path that led to where the fraternity houses were set up. Once they reached a relatively quiet path, Zack began explaining what was going on.

As it turned out, Zack was a member of a fraternity on campus...a fraternity with a bit of a reputation.

The house was Delta Omega Gamma, or D.O.G for short. The guys there were known to be loud party boys, who spent most of their time drinking and howling at the moon during their many all-night ragers. Some rumours had sprung up however about the frats strange selection policy and its members. For one thing, all the members were known for being ripped and none of them ever seemed to wear a shirt. They also seemed to take their "dog" name a bit literally and the entire house was decorated with dog toys, tennis balls and other canine stuff filling it. Another one of the frats quirks was that none of the members were ever known to have girlfriends. Sure, their frat parties were well liked and everyone got along well with them. But when a few catty girls end up being rejected by too many members, nasty lies begun to spread.

"Turns out though, those bitches had it about half right..." Zack said as he led Jared on a leash towards the house.

"A lot of the guys there are gay, but most of them aren't the flaming homo type. Although sometimes the initiations there can get a little...kinky..." Zack continued as they continued to walk.

"So what, S&M or something?" Jared asked as he walked at Zacks side.

"You have no idea...." Zack stated with a sly grin.

Jared paused and nearly caused Zack to stagger as he stopped in his place before he quickly caught up.


"Yea I'm into that kinda stuff..." Zack stated shyly, rose up one of his thick arms and scratched the back of his head.

"Huh...guess that explains a little." Jared stared with a huff as he continued to pad onward as they reached a weathered looking house where he could hear the rumbling sounds of a big group gathering inside.

The two of them then quickly walked up to the steps of the house and Zack rang the doorbell. After a few moments the door opened to reveal a tall man that was nearly the same size as Zack with dark brown hair wearing a white singlet and blue basketball shorts that hugged his powerful legs.

"Ah there he is! How's my old pack mate?" the man shouted as he quickly embraced Zack, giving him a tight bear hug as the two of them shared a laugh.

"It's good to see ya Tj; did you get the others to come?" Zack asked as he led Jared inside the old wooden house.

"Yea, everyone's here. You can't believe how hard it was to round up everyone from the 2013 initiation. But that one was a pretty wild one. We just gotta be sure to clean up afterword's" Tj said with a smirk as he playfully shoved Zack before he looked down at Jared.

"And who's this handsome fellow?" Tj said with a smile as he reached down and pet Jared's head.

"He's the surprise I was talking about." Zack said with a lusty smirk that Tj immediately caught onto.

"Whoa, hey man. I know we are into stuff like that. But I'm not sure if I'm comfortable if we are bringing an actual dog into this." Tj said as he rose up both of his hands defensively.

Zack laughed and gave Tj a re-assuring pat on the shoulder as they all entered into what must be the main meeting area where about 15 or so men were gathered.

"Don't worry man; it will all make sense in a minute." Zack said with a smile.

As they all went inside, the crowd of guys all murmured as Zack brought in Jared on a leash and walked into the centre of the room. Many of the guys must have already been told what was going to happen, or at least put it together themselves when the initiation group from 2013 was asked to gather. Nearly no-one had a shirt on in the room and the entire area reeked of sweat and masculinity. The rumours surrounding the clubs strange acceptance practices seemed to hold true, as every member was fairly well built, some leaning more towards a defined swimmers build while others were tanks made out of muscles. As Jared looked around the room he noticed how some members had even opted to go a bit further in preparation for the night and dressed in some leather gear and bindings. There were also a few leashes had also been piled on a nearby pool table and a large stack of dog collars sat nearby.

"All-right boys, glad you all could come tonight. We got one of our fellow brothers here who says he has something really special to show us." Tj exclaimed to the whole crowd.

The brunette brute then turned to face Zack with a hesitant smile on his lips.

"Alright man, what's with the dog?"

Zack smiled and then looked down at Jared. He gave his canine roommate a re-assuring nod before he leaned down and un-did his collar. Jared let out an approving bark before he stepped forward in the centre of the room.

Having gotten off earlier, it was easy for Jared to resume his normal form. Slowly and steadily the crowd watched on as the massive German shepherd that sat in the middle of the room began to twist and change. Bit by bit the fur coat that covered him slinked down into his skin, revealing pink human flesh underneath. His paws were the next to change as an extra digit emerged from the side, giving Jared back his pinkie as the leathery paw pads that covered his palms faded away. As the fur continued to recede, more of Jared began to shine through as he regained his previous mobility and began to sit up, his legs still decidedly canine as his posture straightened and he was able to pull himself into his feet and display himself to the entire room.

As his face shrank back down into his normal human visage, his ears also regained their familiar shape and his tail shrank away into nothingness. Finally after a few more moments Jared's legs had turned back to normal and all that remained was his fuzzy sheathe and canine cock. But not even that lasted long as the fur shrank away and his sheath detached from his body. With a final few grunts and yelps Jared's cock returned to its normal pinkish hue and shape. Leaving him exposed to a crowd of completely awe stricken men.

"Ummm...ta-da?" Jared meekly stated.

Nearly everyone's jaw in the room had hit the floor, many not believing the sight that they had just seen and some even questioning their own sanity as they watched a dog turn into a human. Tj seemed the most shaken as all as his eyes were side and his mouth agape.

But then, after a few moments a voice came from the crowd.

"W...what the fuck was that?" one frat member stammered.

Zack then let out a hearty laugh as he approached Jared and placed a hand on his shoulder while he gripped his water bottle in his other hand.

"What we have here brothers is an honest to goodness Weredog." Zack stated with a grin.

"A Weredog?" Tj suddenly stated as he walked forward, looking at Jared in disbelief, causing him to shy away slightly and hide behind Zacks massive bulk.

"That's right, and unlike Werewolves, Weredogs change when they pop a stiffie!" Zack stated with a smirk as he reached back and ruffled Jared's hair playfully.

"Now I got a question for all of you. Who wants to join him?" Zack stated as he lifted up his water bottle up high and shook it slightly.

The crowd then began to murmur slightly amongst themselves. Many of the guys seemed hesitant while a few seemed honestly curious as they looked at Jared.

"The fuck are you on man?" Said a voice from Zacks side.

Zack then turned towards Tj and smiled, looking at his frat brother with a warm grin.

"I'm not lying bro and you saw it with your very own eyes. One sip of this and you'll be sprouting fur and a tail. My buddy here told me all about it and he told me it even feels really good." Zack said with a grin as he shook the bottle in front of him.

Tj gave Zack a slight smirk and quickly snatched the bottle away from him.

"I bet it's all some kinda b.s anyway. Some kinda weird special effects or light show." Tj said with a smirk before he tilted his head back and put the bottle to his lips, taking a single gulp of the liquid.

"Mmm...what was that shit?" Tj said as he smacked his lips slightly.

"Dog jizz!" Zack said with a smirk.

"Dog....oh you little fucker!" Tj said with a predatory grin as he reached toward Zack and tried to grab him.

Suddenly though, Tj paused and looked down at his arm in wonder.

His arms had mostly been hairless up until now, but in a matter of moments from drinking from that bottle he had grown a light dusting of hair down his forearms. That hair then quickly began to grow, displaying a steadily forming pattern of white and brown hairs that lengthened at a breakneck pace.

" weren't kidding..." Tj said as he stepped back, looking at his arm in awe as it was coated in a thick layer of white and brown fur.

That same hair soon began to creep up his arms and towards his chest, Tj let out a low growling moan as he felt the hairs tickle his nipples and cover his broad pectorals. Seeming to want to see the changes firsthand, Tj quickly tore off his singlet and watched as the hair speed down his stomach and over his bellybutton before it went directly towards his crotch. Tj then let out another loud moan a few seconds later and he begun to let his tongue hang out as he started panting.

"Fuck that feels so gooood...." He moaned as he quickly kicked off his shoes and pulled down his shorts and underwear with one quick tug.

Throwing all sense of modesty and shame to the wind, Tj then began openly jerking off his rapidly hardening cock, its 6 inch length quickly passing 7 inches and growing thicker with every beat of his heart.

Tj grunted and moaned, his tongue hanging out of his mouth as it steadily grew longer and flatter. The hair atop his head also began to show streaks of white, forming a slight crest on the top of his head as his ears moved up the sides of his skull and perched themselves atop his head. Quickly and fluidly those ears grew into a pointed triangular shape before they were covered in a light coating of brown fur.

On his chest, he had been completely covered in white fur, but as they fur creeped down his back it turned into the same dark shade of brown that Tj once had atop his head. The man's bones then began to bend and snap, Tj's posture teetering as a small bludge began to form at the base of his spine. With a soft thud, the brute of a man was brought forward and fell onto all fours, but he kept himself propped up with his free hand, while his other hand was still wildly working his larger meat, which had turned dark red in colour.

Re-adjusting himself, Tj sat down with a pleasured expression plastered over his face as his tongue hung out and he panted wildly as he continued to jerk himself off. That small nub that had also begun to form was also not staying still, growing longer and longer from a skin covered protrusion before it suddenly exploded with fur, forming a distinct curling shape as it began to wag back and forth wildly as its owner continued to pleasure himself.

His hands seemed to be the only thing that was still resisting the changes, but his feet and face were quickly catching up with the rest of his body. The soles of Tj's feet were soon covered in a thick padding and his nails grew into long black claws. His legs also began to bend and warp, causing Tj to whine in discomfort as his legs became more suited to being on all fours instead of two.

The jock's face then began to lengthen and grow forward, giving him a muzzle that would better fit his long tongue as it was covered with white and brown fur, giving him the distinct markings of a Siberian Husky as his jawline popped and cracked, his teeth re-shaping into a set of wicked fangs and his nose turning dark and wet.

Tj continued to whine softly as he began to struggle with his changing hands, the fur having finally reached his palms and his fingers growing numb. His cock had already reformed itself into a massive canine length, standing proud at a thick and meaty 7 inches with a swollen knot resting at the base of his cock. But he was rapidly losing dexterity in his digits as he desperately tried to get himself off. But then, with one final popping sound his fingers began to re-shape into paws and his pads shaped onto his palms.

Tj let out a whine before he looked up at his fellow frat members, all of them looking slightly taller from his new vantage point, but now with a myriad of new smells hitting his sensitive nose that allowed him to identify one from the other.

"Fuuuuck...." The now canine Tj muttered as he let out a soft whine and got up onto all fours with his cock still throbbing and leaking down onto the wooden floor of the fraternity house.

"This feels amazing gotta try this...but fuuuuuck. I need to get off! Someone has to help me bust my nut!" Whimpered Tj as he padded forward, looking towards anyone willing to volunteer.

The crowd then suddenly burst into excitement as some rushed towards and began examining his changed form while a few people walked up to Zack who held up his bottle of the transformative seed.

"Shit...well I didn't think it was real, but ill give it a go." The fraternity brother said shyly as he took to bottle from Zack and downed a quick gulp of seed before passing it on to the next person. Soon the bottle was passed all throughout the room, with those who were not interested having left while the few who had taken a sip stood there and waited for their changes to happen. However, one fraternity brother seemed to want to get his drink straight from the source and was underneath Tj, rapidly sucking the massive husky off.

Zack then walked up to Jared and placed an arm around his roomies shoulder as they both waited for just what was going to happen. From the corner of their eye they could even see those who had opted to leave watching from the hallway.

Suddenly then, a loud howl rang out through the room and everyone parted from the source, revealing that Tj had finally gotten off and had coated the face of one dark haired fraternity brother who smiled as he licked the seed from his lips in anticipation for what was to come.

The sound of growls and yelps then soon begun to ring out through the room as everyone began to undergo their changes. Clothes began flying everywhere as men of all shapes and sizes began sprouting fur and tails, their human shapes changing into dogs of various breeds as the entire room broke out into a full-on orgy.

Jared then suddenly let out a low growl and Zack turned to see that the entire display had turned on his roommate and sparked his changes. In a matter of moments, Jared had resumed his canine shape, with his cock standing out proudly from his furry sheath and his balls swollen with seed as he looked around the room for someone to mount.

"Whoa boy, don't think I haven't forgotten our deal." Zack suddenly said as he grabbed the scruff of Jared's neck and turned him to face towards him.

Jared let out a growl of protest from being denied, but when Zack began stripping out of his clothes his tail began to wag in excitement as Zack was left exposed in the room that was rapidly being filled by massive dogs.

Zack then slowly got down into all fours, facing his ass towards Jared and wiggling it slightly as he looked back at his canine friend with a lusty grin.

Jared didn't need to be told twice and let out a loud "woof!" of approval before he hopped up onto Zacks back, his front paws keeping him in position while his back paws stabilized him on the ground below.

"Fuuuuck! Woof!' Moaned Zack as he felt the pointed tip of Jared's cock began to probe his back door.

The rest of the room was also really starting to get into the swing of things, with nearly every fraternity brother having taken a drink or had gotten some seed in them in one way or another. A few of the shy ones from earlier had even re-joined the group and found a partner.

Nearly everyone in the room soon was turning into some variation of a big dog breed. The man who had been blasted by Tj's spunk was already well on his way into turning into a big black Labrador retriever. One other member also seemed to growing fur at an even faster pace than the others, his blonde hair stretching longer and longer as it formed a thick pelt of fur that gave him the distinct coat of a Golden Retriever. On the couch there also seemed to be someone who was relishing in the slow changes as he grew a short black pelt off fur that was accented by tan markings that would identify him as a Doberman. Next to the Doberman he had one man licking his cock as he turned into a Pit bull while another who looked a bit like a Boxer that was licking his exposed nipples.

Suddenly then Zack felt as Jared's pointed cock breached his asshole and he felt as the throbbing canine length penetrated him. Zack let out a moan in response as the massive dog above him pushed more and more of his meat inside of him, sending a tingle all throughout his body.

Jared was lost in the moment, watching all these men turn into massive dogs was triggering some sort of primal instinct in him that turned him on incredibly. But the massive man he was slowly pounding would only be the first of his conquests that night as he looked down with a fanged smile as he watched a thin pelt of black fur began to spread across Zacks back.

Slowly the short fur spread across Zacks back, defining each and every muscle group as it bled across his form and down his sides. A small nub had already begun to form at the base of his spine, swelling slightly but not lengthening by much. Underneath Zack that same fur began to outline his broad pectorals and chiselled abdominals before they were completely covered.

Jared then began to pull out slightly, sending a shivering chill of pleasure through himself and Zack before he pushed back in, sending more precum inside the human below him. The added seed only seemed to speed up the massive man's changes as the fur became fuller and more compact, almost giving him a thin pelt as it coated his entire upper body. The nub he had begun to grow had also seemed to have stopped, but it wiggled slightly in anticipation as Jared began humping Zack faster and faster.

"Grrrrrr...fuck...." Zack said in a low growl as he felt the warm tingling sensation wash down his legs and over his crotch.

Although he didn't see it, his cock had already swollen to its full size and only continued to grow, passing 8 inches and nearly reaching towards 9. The once pink and veiny flesh had also begun to change to a bright red hue and his one mushroom shaped tip had reformed into a pointed tip. Zack let out another pleasured growl as the base of his cock begun to swell, giving him his knot as his sheath began to form around his member.

Soon then, Zacks powerful arms and legs began to undergo a radical change. Although his extensions began to shrink slightly, they still carried with him the thick veins that would supply his thick muscles with blood as they were re-shaped into a form more befitting a canine. His hands and feet were not far behind as they were compacted in a more rounded shape, while still keeping a massive size as they were re-shaped into paws.

Finally, Zack let out another growling moan as the changes spread up his neck and towards his face. Across his body the fur was finishing the final touches as a crest of blonde fur sprouted across his chest as it re-formed into a more barrel like shape. As the fur crawled up Zacks neck, his moans began to turn into more feral barks and whines, his face lengthening slightly as his nose re-shaped and turned dark and wet. Two blonde spots of fur also appeared above his eyes as the fur began focusing on his growing muzzle until it covered his entire face.

Jared let out a low growl as he continued to pound into Zack, who had only seemed to grow more attractive in his lust addled mind. He was still as massive as he was before, but his black fur and stocky body only made it easier for him to mount him as his. As his knot began to brush against Zacks changed hole, he could feel himself drawing closer to the edge. With his cock throbbing angrily inside his changed roommate he could feel his load building and the pressure almost becoming too much to bear. Zack was also in a similar situation as well, having just fully changed into a massive and powerful Rottweiler he could feel his seed building up inside his new canine balls. The two dogs then began to whine in need, each of them desperately trying to find release until finally with one powerful thrust, Jared's knot breached Zacks hole and tied them together.

And that was the last straw.

The two canines tilted their heads back and let out loud howl that was mirrored by their new pack. Jared's cock throbbed as he filled Zack with shot after shot of his canine seed while Zack drenched the floor below them. It was a feeling unlike the two of them had ever experienced before. Something primal and raw that they both somehow knew they could both get used to.

But after they had both stopped cumming, the two canines began to pant and Zack slumped down onto the seed coated floor and Jared laid on top of him, still tied with his new convert.

"Shit...that was intense...I've never felt so alive." Zack said in a satisfied grumble as he let his tongue hang out and began to pant.

"That was one hell of a ride..." Jared said as he wagged his tail slightly.

The two of them then laid there for a few minutes, watching as one after another the other members of the frat achieved their own orgasm, their howls ringing through the house like a chorus of pleasure.

"So, now we have our own little pack going on here...what do you wanna do now?" Jared asked idly as he waited for his knot to deflate.

"I think next year is going to be pretty interesting...." The big Rottweiler said as he looked up and flashed his German shepherd friend a toothy grin.