The Natural Order

Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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Sometimes we can get caught up in the hustle and bustle of modern life, and forget what's really important. <3

This commission was written for HandofBlades. It contains incest between multiple consenting adults. <3

The Natural Order

There was a time when Saria's family were not close at all. A time when they barely spoke to one another, and when they did it was via text or Skype. This had never sat well with the maned wolf, who had always imagined herself teaching her family the values which her parents had instilled within her. The importance of the basics. Respect. Hard work. Trust, and of course love. But for many years, Saria found it difficult to complain, as she was able to watch her children grow and flourish in an environment far more luxurious than she had ever hoped. Clothed, educated and raised amongst the social elite, all thanks to their father's money.

Then he left.

That powerful figure who had always been a distant but constant force in their lives ceased his infrequent visits between business trips. In his place came a letter to Saria. To his wife.

Divorce papers.

He was leaving her for another woman. A younger woman. He didn't want to lie about it, didn't want to cover it up. He wasn't ashamed or sorry. He had loved her, but she was old now. Almost fifty. And while he was older still, that didn't stop him from wanting the same kind of wife that Saria had once been. Young. Eager. Wild and passionate with youthful exuberance and a libido to match.

He offered her money. A fair settlement for herself and their four children. But only under the condition that they not ask him for anything more. He didn't just want to divorce from her, but from the whole family. Any reminder of the past, of children that were almost as old as his new lover, would surely sour her feelings towards him. It was what she wanted, so it was what he wanted.

Saria had cried the day she received that letter. She had cried, and she had broken a great many valuable objects in the house that had been theirs, but was now to be just his once again.

But after that first day, after her tears had dried, both sorrow and anger were quick to fade.

For in the wake of her life collapsing around her, Saria had realised that this was in fact an opportunity. A chance to rebuild not just her own world, but that of her children. To bring to the fore all those lessons she had forgotten to teach them in lieu of social etiquette and fiscal responsibility.

So, less than a month after the divorce papers were signed, Saria stood with her four children at the doorway to their new life. A plane ride and a whole continent away from her former husband and her childrens' former father, and a whole day and night's drive out into the wilderness. The open forest, and the cabin where she and her mother and father had spent so many wonderful summers going back to nature, taking the time to remember what was truly important in this life.

At first, of course, it took some convincing for her children to get into the spirit of things. They were not after all young any more. The youngest, her little boy Michael, was nineteen. His twin brother and sister, Robin and Lyra, were twenty one by just a couple of weeks. And her eldest child, Catherine, was twenty three. They had all grown up around not just money, but technology. Cell phones, laptops and games consoles were second nature to them, and as such it was more than a little bit of culture shock for them to come to terms with the fact that there was not only no cell signal or wifi out in the depths of the forest, but no power to recharge their now useless devices at all. No power for lights. No power for refrigerators or dishwashers or microwave ovens or... anything.

In the first few days, Saria had to wage multiple battles with her children to keep them from simply leaving. At one point she even had to threaten to toss the car keys into the river that ran nearby, suggesting in no uncertain terms that either they stayed here for the month long family holiday that she had initially proposed, or that they spend more than a month learning how to hot-wire a car with high-tech security specifically designed to stop professional car thieves from doing exactly that.

It was a big gamble on Saria's part, bringing her family here. There was no denying that she was putting all her faith in something which was by no means certain. Banking on the fact that just like she had, her children would come not just to appreciate the beauty of this rustic, back to nature lifestyle, but to crave it.

As the days passed by though, she began to see glimmers of hope in the distance.

The complaints and mutters of frustration escaping her family's muzzles as they were forced to perform manual labour to achieve the simplest day to day tasks became less frequent. The protracted silences once filled by internet browsing and random cell-phone fiddling were replaced by conversation and debate. Less and less did the children turn to their mother each day, asking what they should do, seeking structure and routine. Instead they began to embark upon their own projects. Taking it upon themselves to tidy, or to organise an activity that everyone could enjoy.

By the time they'd been at the cabin for over a week, their only companionship coming from one another and the occasional wild animal roaming close by, Saria could see the restraints of society beginning to lift. One morning she watched her Michael returning from bathing in the river in nothing but his boxer shorts. Rather than dressing himself however, the youngest of the wolves simply laid himself out on the grassy ground and allowed the sun to bake him dry. He spent that entire day in the limited attire of his underwear, and his siblings clearly noticed this. The next day his older brother opted not to dress, and within the week all of them were dressing only as the weather and temperature required, leaving them all in their underwear for much of each day.

Saria didn't know exactly when her family reached the turning point. When their holiday here became preferable to what they'd left behind. One morning however, about three weeks after first arriving at the cabin, she noticed Robin and Lyra returning from the river together. They were talking, laughing and joking around about nothing in particular. Both were beaming from ear to ear, and as they saw their mother looking out through one of the cabin's windows, they each waved at her fondly. Neither one of them seemed embarrassed or nervous in the slightest, despite the fact that they had obviously just bathed together; something which to the best of Saria's knowledge none of her children had done thus far. Most pleasing of all to the elder female, however, was not just their lack of shame about washing up together. It was the fact that even now, returning from the river, they hadn't put their clothes back on.

Not a stitch of fabric adorned either of the twins' bodies. Their lean figures, rusty brown coats still shining with river-water, were entirely nude. Robin's sheath and balls, plump but un-aroused, were hanging free between his legs, and the neatly trimmed fluff upon Lyra's own crotch made her own nether regions instantly noticeable.

By the time their month long holiday reached its supposed end, it was obvious that no-one wanted to leave. The morning of that day, the five maned wolves sat down together on the long grass outside the cabin. All of them were naked, and Michael, having only woken up some fifteen minutes before, still had a hint of residual morning wood poking out from the tip of his sheath.

For several minutes, no-one spoke. They all knew what they wanted to say, but Saria wanted one of her children to be the one to admit it first, and each of them were hoping that they could rely on their mother to speak on the whole family's behalf. Eventually, unable to hold it back any longer, Catherine uttered a frustrated growl and rose to her feet.

She was the tallest of any of them, Saria included. Her long, black furred legs gave way to a physique in prime physical fitness; sculpted in countless gym sessions and now enhanced by the hard work of this new natural lifestyle. Even naked, she was a fairly imposing figure. But now, she looked rather meek despite her attempt at appearing confident. Her cheeks were flushed, and upon her small, firm breasts her nipples were stiffening before the gaze of her family.


She looked at each of her siblings in turn. Saria watched them too, and beamed with pride as she saw each of them nodding at Catherine with reassurance.


Saria's eldest child looked her mother in the eye, and whimpered in joyous disbelief as she saw that same confidence and hope that had been present in each of her brothers' and sister's eyes blazing within the deep green hues of the elder female.

"We don't want to go home. We want to stay here."

Blinking happy tears out of her eyes, Saria stood up, and flung her arms around her daughter's body. She felt their chests pressing together, bare fur meeting bare fur. She heard a strangled, joyous sob escape Catherine's muzzle, and soon felt more arms encircling them both. Her whole family, joining them in one big, nude group cuddle.

Saria spoke softly, but all her children were so close by that she knew they could hear her.

"Silly pups. We can't go home... because we're already here."


With any illusions of them returning to the normal, civilised world from which they'd come tossed carelessly aside, the family rapidly began to embrace their new natural, primal lifestyle with even greater ease.

With nudism now the norm, clothing reserved for occasions when the weather called for it or the day each month when a delivery truck would arrive with some basic food items, the family began to grow ever more accustomed to sharing even the most intimate activities. Bathing became a group activity, and on nights where it was a little cooler than perhaps may have been ideal, two or more of the maned wolves would cluster together in a single bed rather than add any extra layers of clothing beneath the sheets. It was perhaps this sharing of beds that led to the next stage in their progression back to a more primal, taboo-free existence. The relaxing of sexual boundaries.

Already there were mornings, more often than not, when Robin, Michael or both of them would awaken with erections. When they began to share beds with one another, with their sisters or with their mother, these early morning hard-ons became almost inevitable. Waking up to find your crotch spooned against the soft, fluffy rear end of a beautiful lady had that affect on a guy. At first there was a lot of blushing involved, and plenty of giggling amongst the remaining wolves as the aroused individual in question darted off into the woods for a little personal relief. But the more often it happened, the less everyone involved began to care.

Eventually, there came a morning where Robin was just too comfortable in bed to get up and take care of his erection elsewhere. Thus with his lower body still covered by the sheets, and his twin sister lying next to him, watching with wide eyes and red cheeks, he began to jerk off.

Within that same week, open, public masturbation spread through the family like a very pleasant virus. It wasn't uncommon to find Michael wandering back from the river after his morning bath, casually tugging on his rigid cock, only to arrive back at the cabin to see his mother sunning herself out on the grass; a couple of fingers teasing at her swollen clitoris. Lyra and Robin in particular however became increasingly close in this regard. The twins masturbated together almost daily, sometimes more than once. And though neither of them said anything to their mother, Saria knew it was just a matter of time before their shared self-exploration blossomed into something much more intimate and gloriously incestuous.

Sure enough, there came an evening when neither Lyra nor Robin could be found anywhere around the cabin. They returned the next morning, red faced and holding hands, and confided to their younger brother that they had spent the night together. Together.

That day, another family meeting was held. Another family hug was shared. And another societal taboo was cast into the dirt as Saria assured her children that no matter what they did together, so long as it was consensual and enjoyed by all, they would find nothing but encouragement and acceptance from all those around them.

The few weeks which followed that revelation were perhaps the most carefree of the maned wolves' lives. Within days of Lyra and Robin first sleeping together, the whole family had engaged in some form of incestuous delight. For a week or two, almost all other hobbies and interests were put on hold as the group revelled in their newly discovered and totally unbound sexuality. They explored. They played. They shared, and they enjoyed every moment of bliss that their familial tenderness brought them.

Less and less did they resemble any kind of family that society would recognise, never mind accept. With each passing day, they were more like a tribe. A tribe with college educations and enough money to ensure that their rural seclusion remained comfortable and undisturbed, yes. But a tribe nonetheless.

It was then, as that tribal mentality truly began to take hold, that the newest challenge to the family's peaceful co-existence arose. Not from an outside source, nor a result of any of their more extreme intimate activities. But from within.

One morning, as Saria sat upon the riverbank with her toes dangling down into the water, one hand upon her left breast and the other gently working a couple of fingers inside her damp pussy, she heard someone approaching from the woodland behind her. The elder wolf turned her head, and smiled fondly as she saw Lyra. Her warm expression faded slightly however, and she removed her hands from their masturbatory adventuring, as she noticed the furrowed brow upon her daughter's beautiful face.

"Is everything okay?"

Lyra glanced back over her shoulder, then shrugged as she looked to her mother once more.

"I don't know. I... I might be worrying for no reason. It might just be them being stupid boys again, but..."

Saria relaxed slightly, and her smile returned as she listened to what Lyra had to say.

"...but they're fighting again. Rolling around and growling at each other like a pair of cubs on the playground. This time though, they're saying its different. They asked me to come find you, so that we're all there when they make the decision."

Tilting her head to one side, trying not to look too amused despite being fairly sure she knew exactly what her daughter was about to say, Saria murmured curiously.

"Oh? What decision would that be?"

Rolling her eyes, clearly unimpressed by the two males' attitude, Lyra practically snorted her answer.

"To decide which one of them gets to be dominant. To pick an Alpha."

It was a five minute walk back to the cabin from where Saria had been sitting, but she and Lyra made it in three. It was probably a good thing they'd hurried too, as by the time they made it back to the grassy clearing that surrounded their home the two male wolves appeared to be mere moments away from beginning without them.

Michael and Robin circled one another slowly, growling and snarling at one another, not uttering a word of recognisable English yet still clearly communicating their feelings on the current situation. The coats of both maned wolves looked rather ruffled already, as though several small scuffles had already taken place, and whether through simple exertion or some underlying cause that Saria was not yet aware of, both men were aroused.

Close by, sitting on the grass with an intrigued twinkle in her eyes, was Catherine. She smiled at her mother and sister as they approached, and gently tapped the ground either side of her in a welcoming manner.

"Morning, mom."

Saria sat down beside her eldest child, and pecked her affectionately on the side of the muzzle.

"Morning sweetie."

On Catherine's opposite side, Lyra took her seat, whimpering softly as her older sister wrapped one strong arm around her and squeezed the younger wolf in a tight hug.

"I hope Lyra didn't get you worried. The boys asked me to come find you at first, but I told them they should send her. If I'd gone, Lyra might have tried to calm them down. And where would the fun be in that?"

Saria giggled, but tried to restore her composure as she saw her younger daughter blushing with embarrassment.

"Oh, Lyra... it's okay. We know how much you love your brothers, and I know the idea of them getting hurt, especially by each other, must have you worried out of your mind. But Catherine's right. You should relax and enjoy this. It's all just a natural part of society. There needs to be a leader in any situation, and if there's no business or class structure to run things... well, a contest of physical dominance is how our ancestors did it. So why not how we do it, too?"

Lyra's frown lessened, but did not disappear entirely.

"But, what about you, mom? Aren't you our leader?"

Flushing with pride, Saria beamed at her daughter.

"That means a lot to hear you say so, Lyra. But no. I have no plans to rule you like some sort of Queen for however long we decide to stay here. To guide, yes. To help where I can, of course. But not necessarily to lead. If you want someone in charge, it will be the one of us who resolves to do so most strongly."

Nodding, though still looking a little uncertain, Lyra turned her gaze back towards her brothers.

"And this is the best way to do that?"

Both Saria and Catherine laughed, and the elder wolf shook her head.

"Perhaps not. But after all we've been through together these past few months, I'm willing to bet each and every one of us, yourself included, would take trial by combat over an aptitude test."

With Lyra falling silent, unable to deny what her mother was saying, the three women turned their attention to the imminent conflict brewing between Michael and Robin. They could all feel the tension building between the two males, and it didn't take long at all before one final snarl escaped Michael's maw, and the younger wolf leapt at his brother.

Grunting in only minor discomfort, the two men tumbled to the grassy ground together. No punches were thrown however, no claws nor teeth dug into bare, exposed flesh. They weren't interested in hurting one another, nor getting hurt themselves. Instead they began to wrestle. To writhe and squirm around on the grass, flailing and thrashing as they each tried to pin one another and force their brother to submit. Despite the two year age gap between Robin and his younger sibling, they were fairly well matched at first. Michael was actually a little bigger than his brother as far as musculature was concerned, but Robin was faster.

The two of them yelped, grunted and panted loudly as they wrestled. Their arms and legs entwined, tails thrashing through the air and thumping at the ground. For protracted periods of time they barely seemed capable of moving at all, each so tied up by the other that all they could do was rock and grind against their brother's body, rolling over and over, pressing themselves down against their rival as best they could. Every so often though, one or the other would briefly appear to gain the upper hand. They'd manage to push their brother away, only to leap upon them with renewed savagery and confidence. Pinning them down with the weight of their body, holding their arms down to the ground by the wrists. Straddling the constantly struggling body of their brother, and demanding submission.

"I am alpha! Submit, now."

For the three women watching from close by, it was impossible to deny the eroticism of what they were witnessing as yet again Robin pinned Michael to the ground and snarled down at him. Not only was there a lot to admire in a primal, wild sort of way about the aggressive, intensely physical conflict between these two men. But on a more obvious level, each of the brothers appeared to be enjoying the conflict in an immensely sexual manner. Saria and her daughters watched, idly fondling themselves, as Michael bucked Robin off his body, pouncing upon his older sibling and grinding his erect cock up against the firm cheeks of Robin's rear. A thick spurt of pre-cum erupted from the younger wolf's shaft, and Michael howled in passionate, dominant excitement.

"Don't make me do it, Robin. Don't make me fuck you into submission."

Another surge of energy from the older wolf, and their positions were reversed once again. Michael kneeling with his hands locked behind his back by Robin's own arms, the younger male's own shaft twitching and straining with desire as his brother's cock rubbed teasingly against the base of his tail.

"You know you'd rather take it than give it. I've seen you with mom. I saw your face that first time she slipped a finger into you while she was jerking you off. You'd roll over and submit to a carrot if it poked your prostate nicely enough."

Struggling with all his might, the male's rigid hard-on straining and dripping liberally all the while, Michael shook his head in firm determination.

"N-not likely. Besides, you wish you had the stamina of a carrot. Even if by some miracle you could fuck me, you'd be spent before I ever realised you'd gotten inside."

The trio of onlookers smirked, all three women's cheeks reddening slightly as they each thought the exact same thing. When it came to stamina, when it came to sex in general in fact, neither one of the brothers was lacking in the slightest. Quite the opposite.

Robin too seemed more amused by the suggestion his brother had made than insulted in any way. He let loose a deep, rumbling burst of laughter, and before Michael could do anything to react, released his younger brother's arms so that both his hands were free to travel elsewhere. In an instant, the elder male's paws were upon Michael's crotch. One hand cupping the younger maned wolf's balls whilst the other wrapped itself around Michael's straining, pre-cum stained shaft.

Catching his little brother totally off guard, Robin began to pump feverishly at Michael's cock, masturbating his sibling as he growled tenderly into the younger wolf's ear.

"So, you think the winner of this little tussle should fuck the loser into submission? Well, answer me this... how can you win, if you can't fuck me? And how can you fuck me, if I make you cum right here, right now?"

Wide eyed and fighting frantically for his freedom as he realised the truth in what Robin was saying, Michael broke free from his brother's intimate grip after perhaps twenty five seconds of solid, fevered masturbatory stimulation. He stumbled forwards, crawling on all fours with his cock throbbing wildly beneath him, drooling and dripping in what looked like imminent orgasmic release.

"O-oh god!"

The younger male yelped in a strange mixture of horror and delight as Robin lumbered after him, the elder wolf also moving on all fours like a true feral. He tried to dodge out of the way, but his limbs were still shaky and his head still reeling from the sudden absence of potent sexual stimulation. Robin leapt upon him, mounting Michael doggystyle and reaching under his sibling to grasp at the thick, twitching length of his cock once again.

The two men wailed in savage pleasure as Robin began to grind and hump at his brother while beginning to hungrily massage Michael's shaft for the second time. Locked together they shuffled and stumbled forward a few more metres, Michael making one last ditch effort to escape his brother's clutches. It was pointless though. The fight was over, and the victor was obvious.

"Tell me you want it..."

Robin's own shaft rubbed between the clenched, trembling cheeks of his brother's ass while he eagerly masturbated the maned wolf kneeling beneath him. His voice was coarse and deep, thick with lust and consumed by the feral instincts that had been more or less ruling his thoughts for the past half hour or so.

"Tell me you want me to please you. To satisfy you. Tell me you want me to be a good alpha to my obedient little beta brother."

Michael's fingertips dug down into the grassy ground, and he let slip one more frantic, gurgling cry of pleasure as hot ribbons of cum began to gush from his cock; spurting out in thick ropes out onto the earth beneath him.

"Y-yes... yes! B-brother... please. Yes!"

His orgasmic cries were all that Robin needed to hear. The alpha male growled not with ferocity or stern dominance, but tenderness. His body softened in its grip upon the younger maned wolf, and as Michael sagged beneath him, overwhelmed by the combination of his orgasm and the sincere submission which he had just made to his sibling, Robin felt his own climax sweep through him like a wave of electricity. With one hand still rubbing at Michael's spurting, straining shaft, Robin embraced his brother around the midsection with the other. He cuddled him close, and growled affectionately into the back of his brother's neck as he felt himself unloading beneath the base of his younger sibling's tail.

From her vantage point nearby, Lyra giggled, glancing at her mother and sister with a playful smile upon her flushed, obviously rather excited face.

"Well... so much for stamina."

Catherine laughed at her younger sister's comment, but Saria just smiled knowingly. She looked from her two trembling, embracing sons back to her daughters, and smiled a knowing smile of her very own.

"Now now, girls. Don't mock. You'd be surprised how much quicker anyone can find themselves cumming once some genuinely exciting pressure is added to a situation. For example, what if I were to say to each of you that we have a contest of our own. To decide the alpha female, just as they've chosen the alpha male?"

The two younger wolves giggled at the thought, and Catherine growled provocatively.

"Are you saying you wanna wrestle, mom? Because I think I have you both outmatched there."

Saria growled back at her daughter, nudging her with one shoulder.

"No. I think we can forgo the rough-housing. I'm more interested in the sexual side of things. A little race, if you will..."

Lyra and Catherine's cheeks burned brightly, and the younger of the two sisters murmured a bashful query.

"You mean... like, f-first to cum gets alpha female? Because... um... I, I think I could win that."

All three women were still touching themselves, but they had yet to really acknowledge it until now. Three pairs of eyes immediately fell upon three damp, needy crotches, and three sets of already flushed cheeks began to glow with a renewed radiance.

The elder maned wolf grazed her clitoris with one finger, murmuring hungrily.

"No. I mean last to cum."

A frustrated groan escaped Catherine, the older sister shaking her head.

"N-not fair. You've got like thirty years experience on us, mom. Y-you know that if you get to have a go at either one of us, w-we'll..."

Her voice trailed off, both she and Lyra shivering in delight as they thought of the intimate time they'd already spent with their mother since opening up to one another sexually. The things she'd done to them. The things she'd taught them to do to each other, to themselves. Fingers. Tongues. Toys. Had they not known she'd been with their father for practically all of her adult life, and had they not seen her be equally proficient at pleasuring her sons, both Saria's daughters would have suspected that she had spent her years solely focusing on how to please other women.

Saria grinned, removing her hand from between her legs and gently tapping each of her daughters upon the nose with it. A gesture she had done to them playfully when they were cubs, a silent, wordless way of telling them she loved them. But now, with her fingertips glistening and scented with her own sexual fluids, carrying an entirely different kind of affection.

"Don't worry, my sweeties. We'll each look after ourselves. No-one knows their likes and dislikes better than themselves."

Squirming with excitement at the idea, Lyra tilted her head in confusion.

"But... if we do it that way, can't we just hold back?"

Her mother grinned, looking once again at each of her daughters in turn.

"Yes. We could hold back We could cheat. But let me ask you this. The boys wanted to see who was going to be alpha. They each felt they needed it, that they deserved it. Their conflict was real, and the resolution was gained with each of them trying their best. So... my question is, do you feel how they did? Are you desperate to decide on an alpha female, and for that female to be_you_?"

Both Catherine and Lyra shook their heads. Saria did likewise.

"No. I believe you, and I hope you believe me when I tell you I feel the same way. And that is why we will all try our hardest. Because none of us want to win, the test of our willpower shall decide for us. Whoever can will themselves to cum first, to give in willingly and happily, to submit to the idea of another's status overriding their own, will receive exactly that. The one who lasts longest, however, will either be the one who is genuinely more resilient; a fine trait in an alpha. Or, they'll be the one who secretly does want it. The one whose ambition and reach for dominance is so intrinsically a part of them, that they won't even realise it until they approach the moment of their orgasm, and find themselves fighting not to cum."

Pausing for a moment, making sure her daughters didn't have any further questions, Saria allowed her hands to drift towards her nether regions once more. With a growl of satisfaction she laid her body down, flat on the grassy ground, and settled her legs apart, raised at the knees so the flats of her bare feet were holding her steady. The more mature wolf's breasts trembled as she touched herself, forcing a sharp intake of breath through her lips. She looked to her left, then to her right, grinning as each of her daughters sat seemingly frozen in place; transfixed by the sight of their beautiful mother starting to masturbate. Her eyes soon began to flutter with pleasure as her hands got to work, and before long fell closed completely while her mind drifted from reality into the realms of fantasy.

With their mother already moaning softly to herself, a couple of fingers dipping into the shallows of her pussy while the other hand teased at her already swollen clit, the two younger maned wolves knew they had to act fast in order to catch up.

Lyra rose up on her knees, blushing brightly as she saw Catherine's gaze now darting between their mother and her. Trying not to think about either of the other two women, focusing on herself and her own needs, Lyra tucked both hands down between her thighs. She bit down on her bottom lip, stifling her initial moan of pleasure out of habit rather than necessity, as with one paw cupping the other, she guided not two, but three of her lithe fingers to her pussy and began to penetrate herself. Again she moaned, louder and less restrained while her body sank down around those questing digits. Holding her hands firmly between her folded legs, and guiding the fingers rubbing searchingly at her innermost walls.

Nearby, she saw Catherine assuming her own favoured position. Lyra squirmed in excitement as she watched her sister lying down on her front, face resting against the soft grass and hindquarters raised. Her tail was hiked all the way up into the air, leaving her pussy and rounded, firm ass in full view for her sister and mother. She began to spread her legs, wider and wider until the pink of her inner workings was visible to her younger sibling. Only then did she slide one hand down under the length of her torso, following the fur of her taut stomach all the way down to her ruby red clitoris.

"O-oh god..."

Lyra whimpered in excitement as she watched her older sister's paw go to work. Not gently stroking or teasing at the tender nub, but gripping it between fingers and thumb and tweaking it sharply. Catherine's whole body jerked violently as she teased herself, obviously pushing her pleasure/pain boundary to the very limits, and a sharp jet of feminine fluids gushed from her already quivering pussy. It wasn't an orgasm. Wasn't enough to make the wolf lose the competition. But damn, it looked intense, and damn it looked good.

With rapidly increasing urgency as their initial stimulation awoke deeper, more potent desires within each of them, the three ladies began to pleasure themselves with shameless enthusiasm. It was incredible how quickly any motivations and ulterior intent faded away as the trio started to moan and cry out, ever more focused on pleasure, and pleasure alone regardless of its result. They fed on the sounds of one another's excitement. They revelled in the shared whimpers and hopelessly lustful moans erupting from all around them. If indeed there was a single moment where any of their lingering concerns regarding fooling around with their family were cast aside, it was now. With all that mutual pleasure ringing in their ears, how could anyone possibly think that it could be wrong.

No matter how loudly her sister and mother may have been crying out though, no matter how much hungrier or more forceful they were with their shrieks and shudders and squirts of excitement, Lyra knew that this was a battle she couldn't win. Simply listening to and watching her family enjoy themselves so freely would have been more than enough to bring the maned wolf to rapture in a matter of minutes, no matter how she was pleasuring herself. But just as her mother had asked, Lyra was not holding back in any way. She was not only indulging herself as hard and as fast as her body would allow, but with the technique that had been bringing her to fast, powerful orgasms from her very earliest explorations.

Lyra felt her toes curling and flexing in uncontrollable delight as her fingertips rubbed against the outer wall of her pussy, curling and probing just a few inches in with a single, perfect purpose in mind. All of this. All the moaning and gasping and quivering she heard and felt her body doing now, was just foreplay. Just the lead up to the singular moment she required to send herself screaming into blissful oblivion. Her fingers rubbed and teased and stroked at her inner workings more and more hurriedly, her cries becoming desperate, almost tragically mournful as she asked herself why the hell it always took so long to find when she needed it the most.

The young wolf's fingers twitched and curled once more, and as she felt her hips bucking, Lyra at last felt her paw's outstretched digits meet their mark. They pushed outward, rubbing and stroking at one small patch of slightly rough, spongy inner flesh. The maned wolf's g-spot.

Lyra's vision blurred, and as her eyes rolled back into her head went completely dark. With a slurred, guttural groan of what might have been her twin brother's name, Lyra felt her pussy clamp down around her fingers. She felt that familiar surge, her cheeks flushing as a torrent of her juices flooded out around her fingers and over the legs kneeling beneath her quivering crotch. She held her breath, waiting for what felt like an eternity.

She began to scream as she came. Not moaning. Not calling out. Proper, ear-splitting, devastatingly loud shrieks of almost agonised ecstasy. A series of sounds so overwhelmingly erotic and savage that every member of her family couldn't help but turn their heads and watch in transfixed, envious awe.

As they watched Lyra cum, both her mother and sister couldn't help but smirk knowingly through the haze of their own pleasure. It had been fairly obvious from the start that Lyra was the least likely to succeed in this challenge. She had no desire to lead, far too gentle a soul for her to desire making decisions and giving orders on behalf of others. Then, there was Robin to consider. Lyra loved her twin brother, and not just in the way most sisters loved their brothers. Saria had never seen the two of them so happy as they were now. It was almost like they'd been dreaming of this, and giving them the chance to be together, truly together, was all they could have ever hoped for.

Robin, as alpha male, would do anything and everything to see his twin sister happy and loved. And Lyra, as his cherished lover, would stand by her twin brother as alpha no matter what.

"Oh god..."

Saria groaned as she thought of her family. Her wonderful family, all embracing this new life with such zeal and purpose. It made her ecstatic to see them all so happy and so free. To know that they only needed to turn to a brother or sister or indeed Saria herself not just for a hug and a kind word, but any and all degrees of intimacy and satisfaction. Even Catherine, the most independent and headstrong of all her children, was thriving in this new close knit family they had built around one another.

Turning her head away from Lyra, her youngest daughter now shaking and whimpering in a heap on the ground as her climax flowed towards a slow, slippery halt, Saria moved her focus to her eldest child. The maned wolf matriarch's hands were still busy between her legs, each motion of her fingers in and out of her pussy causing a slick, slurping sound to fill the air around her. Those motions quickened even more so, driven by pure arousal, as Saria watched Catherine pleasure herself. The strong wolf's body was taking one hell of a beating. She was grinding, tweaking and furiously rubbing at her clit as hard and fast as her body was capable of, but still her cries betrayed her desperate need for more. Her paws were soaked with her juices, her thighs matted with arousal and still holding little rivulets of even more free flowing liquids.

"O-oh... my girl. My brave girl..."

Saria whined lustily at the sight before her. She had suspected that Catherine would be the one to want this the most. It was in her nature to be competitive and forward thinking, after all. But quite how deep that desire flowed, only now did the maned wolf's mother come to realise.

Catherine should have cum. She should have cum many times over by the looks of things, but she hadn't. And judging by the frantic, pleading yelps escaping her as she continued to rub and tease her poor, battered clitoris, it wasn't for lack of trying. She wanted to cum. Needed to. But her mind, her very soul would not let her until it knew it had secured the victory she sought.

"Catherine... please. Please, d-do it..."

Saria found herself captivated by the sight of her daughter in such passionate, lustful distress. Her own pussy ached, burning with fresh need on Catherine's behalf as though somehow she could help sate the younger wolf's needs by relieving her own.

"Please... please... p-please! Oh... ohhh g-god... C-Catherine! I..."

The elder female became so engrossed in her older daughter's pleasure that she began to mimic it. Rubbing at herself harder. Thrusting her fingers deeper and with far greater force. She removed the fingers gently rubbing at her clit, and instead assaulted it in the same manner as Catherine. Two of her fingers and her thumb encircled the sensitive, stiffened little nub, and applied pressure to it, hard.

A strangled sob of ecstasy and agony escaped Saria as she climaxed. Her soft, pillowy breasts jiggled violently as she thrashed and bucked off the ground. She arched her back, still screaming in delirious over-stimulation while her clit burned with searing bliss, totally unaware of the fact that she was no longer touching it even the slightest bit. Harder, and for longer than any orgasm she'd given herself for many years past, Saria allowed her peak to claim her entirely. Until at last, breathless and stunned by the sheer brutality of her own body's excitement, the mature maned wolf collapsed in a gasping, whimpering, trembling mass of pure satisfaction.

She wanted to rest. Wanted to pass out, quite frankly, and sleep for a day after an orgasm like that! But Saria knew that wasn't an option. She wouldn't, she couldn't stop yet.

With every last drop of willpower that remained at her disposal, the mother wolf dragged herself off her back and onto all fours. She half crawled, half dragged herself the short distance between where she had lain down for her masturbatory antics and where even now Catherine was still pushing herself beyond all reasonable limits.

"M-my girl..."

Flopping down onto her side right next to Catherine's face, Saria whimpered in loving concern as she saw the desperation and almost terrified need shining in her daughter's eyes. She wanted this. Oh god, she wanted it even more than Saria had imagined.

"Oh, my sweet girl..."

Reaching out with a trembling hand, Saria stroked her daughter's cheek. They were staring right at each other, but only as she made contact with Catherine did the younger maned wolf seem to realise that her mother was there. She whimpered, grunting softly, questioningly. She couldn't form words, and was too blissed out and needy to understand why Saria was here, not lying back and masturbating herself to rapture a short distance away.

Saria beamed at her lust-addled daughter, and nodded encouragingly.

"You did it, my big strong girl. You won."

Catherine frowned. Her brow furrowed deeply, trying desperately to understand through the unbearable weight of desire pressing down upon her.

"I... m-mom?"

A soft, affectionate sigh escaped Saria, and she nodded tenderly

"That's right, I'm here. Mommy's here. And she's gonna help you. Gonna do her first duty for her beautiful, strong alpha female. Mommy's gonna make you cum."

Moving away from the quivering, whimpering face of her daughter, Saria shuffled around to Catherine's rear end. She pulled her weary body up onto its knees, and placed one hand at the base of her daughter's spine; just above her tail. Catherine reacted instantly to the contact. She wailed in delirious joy, and a fresh jet of ejaculatory fluids burst from her clutching pussy. She was ready to blow. All she needed was for someone else to hit the trigger on the atom bomb sizzling between her legs.

"Mommy loves you, sweetie."

Tenderly, Saria called out to her daughter. At the same time her free hand dropped behind Catherine's violently quaking rump, and with the same two fingers that had spent so much time today delving between her own legs, urgently began to finger her needy alpha.

Catherine froze. Her muzzle fell agape, hanging wide open against the grassy ground, and her clutching, throbbing pussy felt like it did exactly the same.

For an eternity wrapped up in a single millisecond, Catherine was totally at peace. She might as well have been in heaven, so pure and perfect was the satisfaction and calm flooding through every inch of her.

Then, she felt it.

The heat. The gush of volatile, potent sticky wetness. The convulsing, the thrashing, the kicking and flailing. The screaming. The begging. The clawing at the earth and curling of her toes in the warm summer air.

The full fury of orgasm, amplified and pushed beyond all sane limitations into not one, but a chain of climaxes. The first provoking the next, and the next, and so on to what felt like infinity.

In truth, Catherine must have lain there on the ground, twitching, grunting, shrieking and soaking her mother's paw for almost two solid minutes. A truly spectacular duration for any woman to endure non-stop orgasm, but far less than it felt to Catherine herself. After all, she was only conscious for the first minute or so. Beyond that point, exactly what her mind experienced of what her body was still going through only she knew, and it was an experience almost impossible to put into words.


It took almost three hours for the family to all regain their senses. One by one as they returned to their right minds, they clustered together in the warmest spot of the clearing, and enjoyed a long, relaxing group cuddle in the afternoon sunlight.

By the time all five of them were present, the two boys, the two girls and their mother all cuddled up in one heap of satisfied, heavily sex-scented flesh and fur, the sky was beginning to darken at one edge. The sun was only just hanging over the edge of the clearing, preparing to plunge them all into the cool shadows of dusk.

It was then, smirking and barely holding back a giggle as she asked this loaded question, that Saria addressed her children; her alpha male and alpha female in particular.

"So... we have alphas now."

Proudly, yet still with their cheeks flushing red in excitement, Catherine and Robin nodded.


Their mother repeated that single word, and they each looked at her curiously. Her grin widened.

"It's funny... I've never really heard it pluralised that way. I mean, alpha means the first, right? You can't have two number ones. One of them, one of you, has to be subservient to the other. Right, kids?"

Catherine looked from her mother to Robin. The male alpha looked back at his sister, then to Saria. Their eyes sparked with competitive excitement, and a rumbling, dominant growl escaped each of their muzzles.

Within minutes, the two of them were fucking furiously. Saria wasn't exactly sure how them making rough, passionate love to one another was going to resolve their leadership debate, but if it made her children happy, she certainly wasn't going to object. Besides, it was one hell of a show for the rest of their little pack to enjoy.

She sat back and watched; Lyra on one side of her, Michael on the other. Her son's cock wrapped up in one paw, and her daughter's pussy cupped in the other. Between her own legs, each of her two least dominant children had a hand of their own attending to her needs. Rubbing her pussy, fondly caressing her sensitive clit. Each of the three of them making sure that they were all happy and horny, the perfect recipe for enjoying the show playing out before them.

Unlike the two warring alphas however, none of the remaining trio were in any particular hurry to cum again. Not yet at least, because each of them was thinking ahead. To what would happen after the contest was over, when an alpha of alphas was finally chosen.

The victor would need to be congratulated, and the loser shown that lead alpha or not, they were still a beloved part of this family group. Either way, the result would be much the same.


Lots, and lots, and lots of sex.

Thus Lyra, Michael and Saria were content to pace themselves. So that when the time came, and they were called upon to do their loyal, obedient duty, they would not let their alphas down.

By Jeeves