(I'm Here) For Your Entertainment

Story by amaroqrammer on SoFurry

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Another furry chastity story, but this time about a friendly male lion named Napoleon and sexy sister Safia (gasp!). Contains incest, so don't read if that's not your thing, but otherwise - enjoy.

"SheathLocker" name and design are copyright neoneon on FA.======================================================================="DEEPER... THERE... AAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" Safia screamed in climax.Napoleon roared as Safia's pussy clenched tight around his lion cock, pushing him over the edge into an intense climax of his own. He shoved his cock into the lioness as deep as he could, feeling wave after wave of seed pulse from his throbbing maleness and flooding the condom enclosing. He continued roaring as he rode the peak, until finally his orgasm, and hers, subsided, and he collapsed on top of her in exhaustion."That... was... amazing..." he panted out, and Safia grinned and ruffled his mane."Nicely done, little brother," she praised Napoleon, "though I think that's the last for a while."She yawned, which caused her brother to yawn likewise, and he rolled off and collapsed beside her on the bed. After a deep breath, he propped himself up on an elbow and reached down to slip the full condom off his still-erect member. He tossed the condom into the trash can beside the bed, then reached back to his groin and gave his balls a gentle "attaboy" squeeze. Moving his hand up, he wiped

the remaining seed from his shaft and squeezed one last drop from the tip, then he licked the cum from his paw, always enjoying the taste, even if it was his own. By the time he turned back to look, his sister was fast asleep. He smiled and laid back, and it was only a moment before he was asleep beside her.=======================================================================When Napoleon woke up, it was afternoon the next day. He could hear the shower running, and the bed was empty beside him, so his sister was already awake. Nap stretched hugely and yawned loudly, then flopped on his side and looked out the window. It was a sunny afternoon in early June, and not long ago he had finished his second year of college and returned home for the summer. Safia was a few years older than he was, and this was her house, but she didn't mind letting her brother use her spare bedroom whenever he needed a place to stay apart from school. He had a unique relationship with his sister, he knew; she was a lesbian, and he was gay, so they understood each other there. They had been close growing up, too, as Nap was always a bit small for his age, so his big sister missed no opportunity to defend her little brother from bullies. He had grown into the smaller end of average for an adult male lion, though he could defend himself well enough now, but his sister remained one of his best friends.His nose caught the scent of lion cum and latex, and his eye fell on the trash can beside the bed. He grinned and shook his head; the trash can was mostly full of a few hundred condoms he had used over the previous week. His sister had just ended her heat cycle, and like any female feline in season, she wanted it BAD whenever that happened. Napoleon had never thought he would have sex with any female, and certainly not his sister, but... they knew they were safe with each other. Safia usually never wanted anything to do with males, but when she was in heat, she craved more satisfaction than simple toys could provide. So, whenever he was home, she used her brother for sex. He normally never wanted anything to do with females, either, but the pheromones of a

lioness in heat made even his gay cock stand at attention, and what guy could really refuse the offer of around-the-clock sex, as much as you can stand, with no strings attached? The typical feline libido was good for sex a hundred times a day or more, and Safia's cycle usually lasted a week, so whenever the time came, they'd call off on other responsibilities and sex was all they did. Safia knew that she could get her little brother to use a condom every time without protest (unlike most other guys), and he was a rather attractive young specimen (for a male). Napoleon had always had trouble finding a steady boyfriend, and he got tired of using his paw all the time, so a live and willing partner was a welcome invitation, regardless of gender. He was always a sub in bed with guys, but his sister was dominant, so that was never an issue.Nap heard the shower knob squeak as it was turned off, and his sister soon padded out into the bedroom wrapped in a towel."All yours," she told him when she noticed that he was awake. "And, uh..." she winked toward the small tent in the sheets at Nap's groin, "you might want to do something about that."Napoleon blushed as his sister exited the room, then he tossed back the sheets and padded to the shower himself. He reached down and fondled himself as he turned the water on, then moaned as he continued to massage his sore-but-stiffened cock while he stepped under the stream from the shower head. He normally got himself off a few times each day, and he considered doing so again now, but body was not used to 1000 orgasms in a week, even if biology made him designed for it, so he decided to give his balls more time to refill the reserves and held off for now. His thoughts turned to plans for the day, and his softening cock swelled from its sheath again when a certain long-considered idea returned to mind...=======================================================================That evening, Nap stepped into the house through the kitchen door and glanced around before going any further. He didn't see his sister anywhere, so he stopped and listened. Muffled sounds of a television came from somewhere in the house, and Nap knew then that Safia was closed in her bedroom, so he locked the door quietly behind him and padded swiftly through the house straight to the hall bathroom. He clutched a shopping bag close under his arm, which was the reason he hoped to avoid his sister; he didn't want any questions from her about the bag's contents. Locking himself in the bathroom, he set the bag down on the counter and extracted what was inside. He still had some money saved up from working at college, and he decided in the shower that afternoon that he would treat himself today to something he'd secretly been wanting to try for a long while now. So he had made a trip to the local "adult superstore" that afternoon under the excuse of "going out for a snack."The shopping bag contained a brand new SheathLocker male chastity device. It was small, and simple in design, consisting of a metal sheath that would cover the wearer's fleshy one, along with a pair of interlocking rings that went around the sheath and the wearer's scrotum to hold the metal sheath in place. A small padlock went through a hole at the base of the sheath in front of the balls to lock the whole thing on, and then the wearer would have no access to his penis until/unless the device was unlocked. It fit snugly so as to prevent the wearer from achieving any erections, and a hole at the end of the metal sheath allowed the wearer to pee without removing the device, so it was designed for long-term use.As Napoleon opened the package and examined the pieces of the device, his cock grew hard and unsheathed itself inside his boxers. He had first learned of the male chastity fetish while a college in his first semester there, and the idea immediately appealed to him. He was, of course, submissive in bed, but a

large part of why he'd always had trouble finding a good boyfriend was that most of the other gay guys he'd met weren't interested in a submissive male lion. They expected a male lion to be dominant, wanting that feline libido to mount and use them endlessly, but Napoleon wanted to be the one mounted. Of course he did have that feline libido himself, but he wanted to satisfy it by being used, so as an extension of his submissive desires, he often fantasized about that being the ONLY way that he could satisfy his sex drive, if his cock was inaccessible to him. Something about these fantasies was a huge turn-on to him, which (ironically) would always result in him jerking himself off, so he hadn't yet actually experimented with chastity. But as long as he was on his own and free of obligations for the summer - at least until Safia came into heat again - he figured it was as good a time as any to see if he liked the reality as much as the fantasy.Nap stripped off his jeans and began to put the SheathLocker on, but he was annoyed now to find his cock hard and throbbing in the open air. Normally by now he'd have cum at least twice on the day, so he was pretty horny in spite of the just-concluded, week-long sex marathon he'd had with Safia, but that horniness was somehow several times amplified by the thought that his cock was about to be locked inside a metal cage. There was no way he could get the device in place with a full erection, so he sighed and tried to will his cock to relax. After a few minutes of trying to imagine the most depressing things possible, his erection began to soften, so he got excited and tried to rush and get the SheathLocker in place. Unfortunately this had the effect of bringing his cock roaring back to attention, so he had to abort and wait still longer. He considered jerking himself off now and trapping his cock during the post-orgasm refractory period, but he liked the idea of starting his chastity experiment already somewhat horny, so he decided to resist and sat down on the edge of the bathtub to wait a while longer.After about 10 minutes longer, with his cock still throbbing for attention, Nap decided that he needed some help. He put his jeans back on (over his erection) and shoved the pieces of the SheathLocker in his pocket, tossed the shopping bag and empty package in the trash, then quietly unlocked the bathroom door and padded back to the kitchen, listening along to the

way to make sure that Safia was still in her room. As quietly as he could, he made himself an ice pack with ice from the freezer, then he slipped back into the hall bathroom and re-locked the door. Shedding his jeans as quickly as he could, he immediately wrapped the ice pack around his cock, and he had to bite his tongue to keep from crying out. The shock of the cold nearly made him cum on the spot, but numbness rapidly took over, and it didn't take long before his red lion cock began to turn blue and shrink back for refuge inside his sheath. Once it was sheathed, he tossed the ice pack aside and extracted the SheathLocker from his jeans pocket, then it was a surprisingly simple operation to slip the device in place and lock it on.With the click of the lock, his cock forgot the cold and tried to roar back to life, but it could only swell to fill the inside of his fleshy sheath before the enclosing metal sheath stunted its growth. Nap had worried that this might hurt, but he was pleasantly surprised to find that he was wrong; it felt only like a firm (but not painful) grip around his sheath, and he flexed his cock a couple of times to test its cage. The metal sheath didn't budge, and his cock could not escape the sheath of either flesh or metal. Nap grinned in satisfaction, then took off his shirt and modeled nude for himself in the mirror. Or rather, nude save for the steel concealing his sheath.He flexed his cock inside the SheathLocker several more times, enjoying the feeling of restriction, and tugged on his balls, ringed by the metal band of the device. Before long, a bead of pre-cum appeared at the hole in the end of the metal sheath, and Napoleon wiped it away with a finger, then stuck his finger in his mouth. At that moment, a knock on the door startled him so badly that he nearly fell over backwards."Hey!" Sofia yelled, "I need my stuff out of there! Hurry up!"Nap had been too focused on the new look of his groin to hear Sofia approach, and he didn't know how long she had been waiting outside the door, so he scrambled to get re-clothed and shouted back, "Just a minute!" Shirt on, jeans zipped, belt fastened, and the key to his cock slipped into his pocket, he flushed the toilet to cover for himself and pretended to wash his hands, then unlocked and opened the door.A very annoyed-looking sister stood staring back at him with arms crossed. Nap smiled nervously, "All yours!" then slipped past her and down the hall to his bedroom."Hmph," was all that Sofia said before she stepped into the bathroom and locked the door behind her.Back in his bedroom, Napoleon decided to call it an early night, locking his own door and stripping naked again. He admired his shiny new sheath in the dresser mirror a while longer, then he flopped down on the bed and pulled out his laptop - he'd spend the evening looking up lion porn and enjoying the new tightness around his cock.=======================================================================Nap woke up the next morning well rested and refreshed. He'd woken up a few times at first when his cock tried unsuccessfully to grow erect in his sleep, as he wasn't yet used to the restricted sensation, but eventually exhaustion took over from the lack of sleep the week prior, and he slept through until late morning. His dreams had been filled with sex and desire, and his cock was now straining hard against its cage with attempted morning wood,

so his first action on the morning was to lift up the sheets and examine himself. Everything seemed in order as best as he could tell, but he still thought it wisest to unlock the device so he could shower and make sure that there weren't any issues. So he tossed off the sheets and retrieved his jeans from where he'd shed them on the floor, as he'd left the keys in his pocket.But the keys were gone.His eyes grew wide and he triple checked the pocket where he was sure he had put them, then frantically searched all of the other pockets in the jeans. No keys. Hoping they had just fallen out on the floor, he dropped to all fours and scoured the carpet of the entire surrounding area. No keys. He checked under the bed, on top of all the furniture, in the nightstand drawer, all over the adjacent bathroom. No keys.By now his cock strained to break free even harder than before, but it couldn't emerge from its sheath even the slightest bit. Nap began to hope fervently that he had dropped the keys in the hall, or maybe he'd somehow left them in the hall bath. So he grabbed his boxers from the day before, slipped them on, unlocked his bedroom door and began to search the hall. No keys. When he reached the hall bathroom without finding anything, he locked himself inside and tore the bathroom apart in a frenzy.Still no keys.Nap took several deep breaths and willed himself to relax. The keys couldn't have just walked off on their own - they had to be around somewhere! He clearly just hadn't looked thoroughly enough, so he restored order to the bathroom and took the opportunity to pee while he was there.

It took a few moments for him to relax enough to go, but when he finally did, he was able to pee out of the SheathLocker with no difficulty, which pleased him in spite of the currenly missing keys. Then he got the idea that maybe he could remove the device even without the keys, so he tried carefully. All he succeeded in, however, was giving himself sore balls from tugging at the device locked tightly in place, so he eventually conceded that it was no use. The chastity device was designed for a specific job, and it did that job very well.He stepped back into his boxers and returned to his bedroom, scanning the hallway again as he went. He heard Safia in the kitchen, but he really didn't want to deal with anyone at the moment, so he locked his bedroom door again as he began to search the room a second time. But the second search still turned up nothing, and he began to get sincerely worried. Then the thought occurred to him that maybe the store where he had bought the SheathLocker would have additional keys for the lock, so he decided he might as well shower and get ready for the day as usual, acting as normal as he could until the store opened and he had the chance to visit them later on.The male lion massaged his balls and the surrounding groin area while in the shower, moaning in pleasure and increasing his desire. He hadn't cum now since he'd last mounted Safia more than a day and a half before, and he couldn't recall having ever gone that long without release since he hit puberty as a preteen. He tried grabbing onto the metal sheath and jerking it up and down, but the effort was in vain; the steel prevented the transfer of any feeling to his sheath inside, and it fit snugly enough that it only moved his sheath up and down with it, rather than moving over the surface, so he couldn't achieve any stimulation this way. Grunting in frustration, he had to settle for fingering his tailhole and licking away the drops of pre-cum that he produced, but that didn't really sate his hunger at all. So he finished up in the shower, toweled off and got dressed, then made his way to the kitchen to find some breakfast."Hey," said Safia, seated at

the kitchen table.Nap avoided her eyes. "Hey," he acknowledged, and turned to the kitchen cabinets for cereal and a bowl."Have fun last night?" his sister queried, and Nap sensed a playful edge to her voice.He responded with his back still turned. "What... do you mean?" He hoped that she hadn't somehow learned his secret."You turned in early, and I heard porn."Nap internally breathed a sigh of relief. "Oh! I'm a guy. What to do you expect?" He half-turned and attempted a cheesy sideways grin in her direction, then turned back to his bowl.Safia chuckled. "It's okay... I do it too."Nap shot her another forced grin as he opened the fridge to get milk. "So... how was your evening?" He poured the milk on his cereal."Eh... boring," she answered, as her brother returned the milk

to the fridge and brought his bowl over to the table. "I expect today will be better, though.""Oh?" Nap muttered around his Wheaties, glancing up at her as milked dripped from his muzzle. Then his eyes grew huge and he stared.Safia had her elbow on the table, and she twirled a pair of small keys on a ring around the claw on her little finger. Now she grinned evilly. "Missing something?"Nap reflexively grabbed for the keys, upsetting his bowl in the process, but his sister jerked them away too quickly for him. Then he realized he'd given himself away, so he tried to play it cool as he reached for napkins to mop up his mess. "What are those?"Safia just laughed and teased, "Why don't you tell me, little brother?" She grabbed several more napkins and tossed them in his milk-soaked lap.Nap stared at the table and his soggy jeans. "I don't know... where did you find them?""In your jeans pocket."Nap snapped. "My door was locked!""MY door. My house. I've got keys.""But THOSE keys are mine!"Safia grinned and sat back in her chair. "Are they now? Then why don't you show me what they go to?"Nap deflated. "I... uh...""You've got to change clothes now anyway. Why don't I help you?" she winked.Her brother blushed, then finished wiping up his mess and got up to toss the wet napkins into the trash. "Um... come on, I guess," and he nodded toward his bedroom.The lioness grinned and got up from the table, then ran up behind her brother in the hall and started to take his shirt off."Hey!" he protested, twisting away from her but still walking. "What are you doing?""Just eager," she smiled coyly. "This is gonna be good."Now he stopped and turned to face her. "Wait... how do you know what 'this' is? How do I know what we're talking about?"Safia just grinned again. "There was an empty package labeled 'SheathLocker' on top of the bathroom trash. You're the only one with a dick in this house, so it doesn't take a Sherlock to figure out where that came from. I hoped you'd be wearing your new toy after I saw that, and judging from your reactions this morning, it's pretty obvious that I'm right.Nap blushed furiously underneath his tawny fur. "Damn me," he muttered.His sister chuckled. "So you're a little kinky. So what? Did you really think I'm not? You don't have to hide it from me... and I might even be able to help you."Nap's eyes grew big again. "Help me... how, exactly?"Safia grabbed his shoulders to turn him and nudged him back towards the bedroom. "Why don't you just strip first, and we'll talk about it while you change?"There

was no getting out of the situation for Napoleon now, so he sighed in defeat and did as his sister suggested. He stripped off his shirt and jeans first, tossing them in a hamper, then he hesitated with his thumbs under the elastic of his boxers. Safia sat down on the bed and raised an eyebrow at him, so he sighed again and dropped the boxers to his ankles, then kicked them away.His sister quickly stood up again and stepped over beside him, staring at his exposed groin. "My, my," she purred, and slid a paw down his belly to fondle his steel sheath. "What trouble did my brother get himself into this time?"Nap rolled his eyes and backed away, then held out his palm. "Can you just give me back my keys now?"Safia ignored him and dropped to her knees, then put her cheek against his thigh and gave his balls a lick with her sandpaper feline tongue. "My house, my keys, remember?"Nap shivered at the sensation and started to back away again, but something stopped him. She never usually showed any interest in his body when she wasn't in heat, and he had no interest in hers likewise. But he had to admit that he liked this tease...When he didn't say anything, Safia grinned and gave his balls another lick, then stood up and stepped back herself. "That's what I thought. What good is a locked device to keep you from your cock if you've got the keys to unlock it yourself?"Now her brother protested. "But... I just got this thing! I'm still... experimenting.""Then why don't we experiment and see how much you like it when someone else owns your dick?"Nap opened his mouth, then closed it again. This wasn't what he'd had in mind whenever he fantasized about chastity; he wanted another guy to "own his dick." But he didn't have a boyfriend right now, and he wasn't likely to get one over the summer. And even if he did, it would take a long while for him to build up the trust he would require before he'd be willing to hand over the keys to his maleness. He already trusted his sister more than he might ever trust anyone else, so... maybe this was worth a shot...Nap's cock had swollen again to fill its cage in the meantime, and he stared down at his sheath. "...evidently there's some part of me that likes the idea, so... sure. For now."His sister laughed triumphantly and walked over to his dresser. "I thought so. This will be fun," she said, and she began rummaging through his underwear drawer.Nap didn't seem to notice. "But... you have to be willing to unlock me if there's an emergency. If there's something wrong.""Of course!" she said. "But there's nothing wrong yet, is there? Except that you can't jerk yourself

off?" She pulled a pair of pink silk panties from his drawer and tossed them at his face, landing on his muzzle.Nap grabbed the panties and looked at them, then blushed when he realized what they were. (He wasn't into crossdressing, but he did so love the feel of silk on his balls sometimes.) "What are these for?"Safia shook her head and put her hand on her hip. "They're for wearing, silly. If you're going to look male but be dickless downstairs, you might as well dress male outside but dress girly underneath." She winked, then added, "I've done your laundry, Nap. I've always known you had those, and I'll even get you some more."Shaking his own head, Napoleon shrugged and stepped into the panties. Safia grinned at the sight, then came over to grope his balls and locked sheath, bulging beneath the delicate fabric. "It's a good look for you, you big gay lion," she winked again.Nap looked down sheepishly. "And, I guess... you've got a cock now, you big gay lioness.""Ha!" she exclaimed, then teased. "Get dressed, you slut," and she sauntered out of the room, twirling the keys around her claw again, leaving her brother to take care of himself. If only he could.=======================================================================The first couple of days were rough, Nap thought, as he got used to wearing the SheathLocker device. It was surprisingly not uncomfortable, he found, to the point that he began to forget that it was there, at least whenever he was distracted from his horniness. But if he thought he was horny at the start, it only got worse with each day that passed, until it had been a week.After a week, it became difficult for Nap to have anything on his mind but sex, and he asked his sister to unlock him so he could get some relief. But she refused, teasing him about "be careful what you wish for" and "I'm not horny, why does my cock need attention?" and other infuriating epithets. She'd taken to wearing the keys on a chain around her neck, so they were always close and so that her brother couldn't sneak and snatch them from her as she had, admittedly, done to him. He thought about tackling her and trying to wrestle them away, but if Nap was small for a male lion, Safia was big for a lioness and very strong, so he'd be as likely to lose as win, and then he'd have only pissed her off. He really didn't want to piss her off when she was his only shot at satisfaction, so he thought better of it and resorted to begging.But begging didn't work either - Safia thought it was cute, actually - and as he closed in on his second full week of chastity, his sheath began to leak. He tried to use this as an excuse for "you've gotta unlock me!" but Safia examined the sticky mess leaking from his cock and soaking his panties, concluded that it was only pre-cum and prostate fluid, and said "this is good for you, not spending so much time jerking off," along with "learn some self control, you horny bitch" and "your body seems to be taking care of the overflow just fine, why do I need to waste my time?" In spite of her teasing tongue and touch on the day she took the keys, she went back to her total disinterest in her brother's sexuality and did nothing to satisfy or ease his urges. So he began, instead, to sneak her toys whenever she wasn't looking, as well as using toys of his own. He'd stuff vibrators and dildoes up his tailhole, ride them until he moaned in desperation and milked even more thick white mess from his

prostate, but it never seemed to be enough.As the days marched on, his cock leaked even more each day, until he was having to change those panties out two or three times daily. He slept in panties so he wouldn't soak his sheets. Two weeks turned into three, and he began to ask or beg for release less often, even though his need was still greater - he knew the answer would always be no, so what was the point? Nap sincerely regretted now that he hadn't taken that opportunity to jerk off one last time before he'd locked his cock, that he hadn't know the last time he came that it would be his last for a long while. But, in honest moments, he confessed to himself that he LIKED being this horny. Oh sure, he'd do just about anything for release right now, but he had wanted to know what it would be like to have his satisfaction unavailable to him, at the whim of another. It was harder than he had ever imagined, FAR more frustrating than he had fantasized... but it was better, too. It was real, and it drove him crazy.=======================================================================Three weeks had passed since Napoleon had last seen or touched his cock, but when he came to breakfast one morning, a familiar scent captured his attention. Safia looked uncomfortable in her seat."You're in heat again, aren't you?" he queried, both eyebrows raised."Duh. Yes," she said, rolling her eyes and shifting in her seat.Nap immediately dropped his spoon. "Great!! Oh, finally! I'm ready whenever you are," he winked.A slow grin crept across Safia's muzzle. "I'll bet you are. But let's try something... different, this time."Nap was unfazed, and more eager than he ever had been. "Alright, I'm game. What do you want me to do?" His swollen cock pulsed inside its prison, releasing a new stream of fluid that soaked through to his jeans."I want you to fuck me, you big gay lion. But you don't have a cock."He grinned expectantly. "You can fix that."Safia grinned back, but something in her eyes gave him pause. "And I will." Getting up from the table, she motioned him to follow her into her bedroom. "Come with me for your surprise."Nap quickly shook off his hesitation, and got up after his sister. She entered the closet as he reached the bedroom door, so he stopped and waited for further direction.When she emerged, she was holding a strap-on

harness and a hefty feline dildo. Nap's trapped cock pulsed again, and he grinned hugely. "You're going to peg me?"Safia smiled devilishly in response. "No. This is for you."It took a few moments for the male lion's hormone-clouded brain to fully process what she meant by that statement, but when it finally did, a wave of fear washed over his face. "Wait! You're not... unlocking me?""Why should I?" she sighed, as she walked over and began to undress her brother. "You've been just fine without a cock, and with this," she held up the harness, "I don't need it, either. And this," she held up the dildo, "is bigger than you are, longer, and never goes soft. Plus we won't need any condoms. No mess, no down time," and she grabbed the fur of his mane at his chest, pulling his face to hers. "You can fuck me however I want to be fucked.""It's been three weeks!" he shouted back, desperately. He meant to protest further, but he was stopped when she immediately spoke again."And if you don't want it to be longer, you'll give me what I want," she winked, and began to position the harness and dildo on her now-nude brother.Nap dared not protest to that, so he helped her to get the harness tightened in place. It seemed to be designed for chaste males, as it positioned the base of the dildo against the male's groin just above the end

of his sheath, then it was open below so that his balls and locked sheath remained exposed. Once the whole apparatus was secured on his body, he helped her strip off her clothes, and no sooner was she naked than she shoved him backwards on the bed and pounced on him like a starving... well, lioness.The thing about feline biology, being capable of hundreds of orgasms in a week, is that it means that no single coupling ever lasts particularly long. So it was only a matter of seconds before Safia stopped riding the dildo hard and fast, and slammed her self down deep against her brother's body. She snarled and threw her head back in climax, and Napoleon felt the muscles around her pussy tighten against his groin as she clenched down hard on the faux lion cock. But his own cock remained securely locked inside of its steel prison, and he felt none of the pleasure that his sister now experienced.The scent of Safia's arousal now overwhelmed his senses, and he began to beg her again. "Please... let me please you with my cock... I'll do anything you want, I won't let you down..."As his sister's first orgasm subsided, she lifted herself off of the strapped on dildo and grinned down at Nap. "MY cock now, remember? It's my cock to use for my own pleasure, and I think this one," as she wrapped a paw around the dildo, "pleases me better."She began to give a slow and sensual handjob to the dildo, now slick with her juices, as she rubbed her pussy back and forth along her brother's locked sheath, making sure that he was watching.This immediately had the effect that she desired, as Nap groaned with need

and started thrusting the strap-on into her hand. His real lion cock strained desperately in confinement to no avail, succeeding only in unleashing a new stream of slick white fluid from his over-full, under-used prostate. Safia lifted up her hips and used her other paw to rub the mess into the fur covering her brother's aching balls, enjoying her brother's moan of pleasure, then she slid her whole body backwards and lowered her face to his groin."That's right, little brother," and she gave the underside of the dildo a long, luxuriant lick. "I want this cock, but I want your body," and she took the whole dildo into her mouth for a few moments. "Use your body to please me with this cock, and I'll make sure that it's worth your while."Nap let out a long, loud groan and thrust instinctively into her welcoming muzzle, as she continued simulating the kind of oral attention that he had never from her received. His body didn't understand why it didn't feel the corresponding sensations that his eyes teased him to expect, and he cried out in frustration. "Please! Yes... I will..." he panted, as he continued to thrust."That's a good boy," she smiled seductively, then quickly moved and positioned her dripping pussy over the dildo again. She stilled her brother's thrusting with a paw on his belly and lowered herself on top of him, then removed her paw and said simply, "Go."His sister gasped and cried out with at the fervor with which Nap began thrusting, and it took even less time to reach her second climax than it had taken her to reach her first. But her brother didn't slow down."YES! GO!! KEEP

GOING!!" she panted, once she stopped screaming out her orgasm and regained the ability to speak. Nap didn't need the direction, and seconds later pushed her over the edge into her second consecutive climax, then slacked off not at all and a minute later gave her a shattering third."AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!! YES!! YES!!!" she shouted, then, "NO!! TOO MUCH!" as she stilled him again, and collapsed forward onto his chest. She took in air in great gasps, trying to regain her breath, and Nap panted from the exertion of energy too. Though he grinned, proud of himself, at the effect he'd evidently had on this female."Maybe this isn't so bad," he said to himself, but his sister heard him and ruffled his mane in unspoken approval.After a few minutes of recovery, Safia rolled her brother on top of her and grinned at him. "This time, let's go for four."=======================================================================That was how the rest of the week went - Nap rode his sister (with the dildo) to sometimes one, sometimes several orgasms in a row, before they had to stop and catch their collective breath, then she started it up again. He hoped at first that his sister would unlock him early on, but it became apparent to him pretty quickly that he would have to wait until the end of the week for that. Of course this drove him desperate with desire, but at least he could go through the physical motions of mating season and feel like quite the studly male until his sister finally decided to reward his good work. In the meantime, he just made sure that his "good work" was the best that he could

possibly deliver.By the seventh day, it was obvious that Safia was getting tired, and her drive was beginning to wind down. Neither of them slept or ate much during these weeks, and this week that had been true even more so. Late that morning, Nap thought that he was finally about to receive his too-long-neglected release when his sister left the room for a minute, then reappeared with a small tube of lube. "Not just yet," she promised him, however, as she placed the tip of the tube to the hole of the SheathLocker and squeezed the substance inside the steel sheath. "This is just to prepare you for later."Nap was confused at what she'd done, but nodded and accepted it - she was still calling all the shots. She still owned his cock. Then she gave him another lust-glazed look, and he laid down and let her ride herself off atop him again.About an hour later, after another coupling between the siblings and a few minutes for Safia to recover, she sighed and fingered the key hanging between her breasts, and immediately had Nap's complete and undivided attention."Lie down spread eagle for me," she winked at him, and her brother immediately complied. She padded over to explore her closet, then returned a moment later with padded cuffs and ropes to tie his arms and legs to the four posts of the bed.He grinned and let her do it. "Getting kinky, are we?""Ha!" she responded. "You're the one who locked up your cock. Who's 'getting kinky' here?"Both Nap and his cock were now too eager to respond to her tease. "So... does that mean you're about to unlock it then?""Yes," she said simply, and Nap practically yelped with glee. "The big male you've been all week is my new favorite, but I want to feel that other cock I own inside of me again."Now tied in place, Nap tried to stop grinning and put on a calm, seductive look, but it wasn't working and he only ended up looking silly. Safia chuckled at him, then wordlessly slipped the key from around her neck, slid it into the lock, and gave it a turn.Click.As soon as the lock was removed, Nap's straining cock finally escaped its month-long imprisonment and immediately pushed the steel sheath away. Safia smiled and shook her head, then removed the ring from around his balls, and for the first time in four weeks, Nap's genitals were completely free. Unfortunately for him, he wasn't, but he picked his head up far enough to see over the fluff of his mane, down his belly, and he was relieved to see that everything with his cock seemed to be in order.Safia reached behind her and produced the tube of lube again. She emptied the remaining contents of the

tube onto his balls, and Nap shivered slightly at the chill of the cold gel as his sister massaged it through his fur to the sensitive skin beneath. He moaned in appreciation at her touch but instinctively began thrusting into the open air, as an even more sensitive area longed for its first touch in a month, just north of those balls."Slow down, sport," Safia chuckled at her brother again, "we'll get to that." She released her grip on his groin and reached for a tissue from the nightstand to wipe her paw, then opened the top drawer and extracted a small box of condoms. "These ought to be more than enough for us to finish out the week," she winked.Nap momentarily despaired, as the number of condoms his sister purchased always directly correlated with the number of orgasms he'd get to experience whenever she was in heat. But those thoughts quickly vanished from his hormone-flooded mind, replaced again with excitement and anticipation as his sister tore open the wrapper on the first condom and moved to unroll it on his throbbing, aching shaft.The touch felt alien. For the first time since an ice pack 30 days earlier, Napoleon's cock was contacted by something other than the inside of his own sheath, and it seemed like that cock was truly no longer his own. Almost before he knew he'd been touched at all, Safia moved her paw away, and Nap picked his head up to look down his belly again. There indeed was his red lion meat, standing stiffly at attention now inside its latex wrapper and leaking pre-cum into the condom's tip. He let out a deep breath as his head collapsed back onto the pillow, trying to relax and just enjoy the ride that he knew was soon to "come."He gave his sister a quizzical look when she began to rip open another condom wrapper, but she answered before he could ask. "You're likely to be so sensitive after going so long without that I figure

another layer can't hurt. I want to slow you down enough to make sure that I get the chance to enjoy it too.Napoleon nodded and smiled. She was probably right - he'd have a hair trigger at this point - so he closed his eyes and tried to concentrate on the sensation as she unrolled the second condom in place over the first. Only this time he felt even less than he had the first time, but he had never layered condoms on top of each other like this, so he took that to mean that Safia's plan for an extra layer of insulation was a good one. He worried slightly that he still wouldn't last long enough to please her once his cock was buried inside her.Safia tossed the empty wrappers into the trash can beside the bed, then grinned devilishly at the naked male as she began to climb on top of his body. Nap grinned to match her own, admiring his sister's naked form and wishing that his paws were free so he could reach up to make her moan by massaging her breasts, but he sighed and contented himself in the knowledge that his own long-awaited sweet release was very near. She didn't waste any time, lining up her still-wet pussy in the air above his eager maleness, then slamming her hips down in one smooth motion to bury him completely within.Nap gasped and roared, then began thrusting energetically but erratically upwards. The lioness pounded her own hips in a rapid rhythm up and down on his shaft, and after a few seconds, he caught onto her pattern and synced his own movements with her own. Hard and fast was how she evidently wanted it, so even from his restrained position, that was how he helped to oblige.After a few seconds more, however, the male began to sense that something wasn't right. He felt her wetness and her warmth against his groin whenever she pressed down and he thrust up into her, but he could hardly tell if his cock was inside her at all. Likewise he felt

his balls squeezed between their bodies when he pounded deep into her pussy, but he only knew this from his glands within; he felt nothing on the skin of his sack. Safia's breathing quickened as her excitement rose, and this should have made him feel her growing tighter, but he noticed no change. Frustrated, Napoleon growled and began to piston his hips more wildly.His sister cried out in pleasure and her own movements grew more rapid and erratic. "What... did... you... do?" Nap panted between thrusts, but she didn't seem to hear him. He felt a mild burning sensation growing within his cock, then finally the first sensations of pleasure began stirring somewhere deep inside."YES!! YES!!! YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!" Safia gasped, as her body suddenly spasmed to its peak. Nap's eyes grew wide as he still only felt his own excitement getting started, so he panted with desperate effort as he continued pounding through his sister's climax and struggled to reach his own. Just as quickly as she had begun riding him moments ago, however, she jerked her hips up and rolled off his body, leaving him to growl in frustrated denial as he could only thrust now into empty air.Safia laughed as she watched her brother continue thrusting in vain for a few seconds more, then she placed a paw on his belly to try and still his movements so she could remove the condoms from his member. Trying to hold him down did no good, as he didn't seem to realize he wasn't getting anywhere, so she growled and slapped the inside of his thigh, "STOP!"Napoleon's whole body jerked and he yelped when his sister slapped him, but it worked as he then lay there still, save for his heaving lungs. "What... did... you... DO?" he panted again, and the lioness grinned while sliding the condoms off his shaft. She held them up in front of her face to verify that they did, as expected, contain no lion seed, then

she tossed them down on the bed with a splat beside Nap's tangled mane."That was numbing cream, not lube," she smirked at her brother, "and these are 'climax control' condoms, with more of the same inside.""Not fair!" Nap shouted, but the lioness cut him off before he could go any further."No, 'not fair' would be if 'my' cock shot its wad the moment it was inside me, leaving me, the owner and caretaker of that cock, empty and unsatisfied," she countered."But... I'M not satisfied!" the lion protested."Oh, you'll get yours," she smiled slyly. "You'll just have to wait a little longer. Until I'm ready for you to have it."Napoleon put his head back, closed his eyes and heaved a deep sigh, but he still trusted his sister. She had never done anything to hurt him. And he had to confess to himself that he had often fantasized about this kind of tease and denial before, too. Although he had never imagined then that it would be quite this maddening. But he loved it.He opened his eyes again just in time to see his sister's tail disappearing behind her

through the door into the hallway, and he wondered where she'd gone. His eye fell then on his cock, still pulsing and leaking pre-cum into his belly fur, and he tugged at his restraints, wanting nothing more in that moment than to grab ahold of that shaft and go nuts until he erupted. He had little time to dwell on that thought, however, before Safia reappeared in the door. He couldn't tell what she had in her hand as she padded directly across the room to the bed, then reached down between his legs and enclosed his cock in an ice pack.Understandably, Nap yelped and jerked again at the sudden touch of intense cold, even though his male bits were still mostly numb. When he recovered, he managed to stammer, "Wh-what are you doing?""You can't be trusted, little brother," she winked. "Either I leave you there tied down, which can't be very comfortable for you, or else I lock that cock up again."In spite of his extreme horniness, the cold of the ice and the tiredness of a week's worth of non-stop couplings were taking their toll, and Nap felt his abused lionhood beginning to shrink. "We could... try again in a few minutes?" he offered hopefully."We could," Safia acknowledged, "but right now, I'm exhausted. And I can see through the lust in your eyes that you are too. We'll both enjoy it more when we're rested."Nap knew that she was right, so he nodded his assent, then watched in silence as his sister set aside the ice pack, quickly placed the ring around his balls, and slipped the SheathLocker back in place over his still-unsatisfied maleness. The click of the lock motivated his cock again to

try inflating, but it immediately met that now-familiar tightness in which it had lived for the last 30 days. Placing the keys back around her neck, Safia now moved to each of the four corners of the bed, unbinding her brother's limbs, and he groaned with stiffness as he returned each limb to a more comfortable position. The moment she liberated the first of his arms, his reached for his crotch with his paw, squeezing the metal sheath and then massaging the soreness of the bluest blue balls he hoped to ever experience.Safia giggled, "Poor baby," as she freed the last of his limbs, then she poked him in the side as a signal to move to one side of the bed. Nap complied, though his paw remained cupped over his over-full lion balls, and she crawled into bed beside him. She yawned into his ear, "Thank you," and kissed her brother on the cheek.Nap smiled back, "Thank you too," and saw his sister smile in return, and just a moment later her breathing fell into the steady rhythm of sleep. He sighed as he finally released his balls and put his paws behind his head, thinking that it would be a while before his mind would calm down enough to allow him to rest. He briefly mulled over going to the kitchen for a snack, but that was his last conscious thought before he realized that he was even more tired than he thought, and he drifted into an exhausted sleep beside his sister in bed.=======================================================================It was afternoon the next day when Napoleon woke up to the sound of the shower running again. His first thought was immediately of sex, and a throb from the tightness at his groin meant that his failed attempt at afternoon wood had the same idea. Nap sighed and settled back to wait for Safia to return to bed, but a few minutes after he heard the squeak of the shower shutting off, she emerged from the bathroom fully

clothed."But I'm still horny!" Nap declared."Good morning to you too," his sister smirked. "Get up, lazymane. You can't get it up in that thing anyway.""But you promised!""I said 'when I'm ready,' and 'a little longer.' But I'm not ready yet, and a few more days ARE just a little while when you've already waited a month," she winked. "Right?"The lion opened his mouth to exclaim outrage, but another throb of his confined cock quickly killed that feeling off. He liked being horny all the time. He liked being out of control. And he was sure that his sister would make it worth his wait whenever she finally let him get off. "So... how much longer?" he queried.She sighed coyly. "I don't know yet... I'm not in heat anymore, so you ain't getting none from me. I've never sucked a cock before, so I might need a week for you - you big gay lion - to teach me the best oral techniques to please a male. Or I might wait three weeks until my body thinks you look pretty good again. Or there's, what, two more months before school starts up again? Maybe if we unleash a subby male lion on campus who's horny enough to do anything after not getting off all summer, some other big gay male will find that to be an offer he can't refuse.""Wait... all SUMMER? I can't wait three months! My balls will explode!""I think," Safia grinned, "that that sheath will spontaneously turn into Old Faithful well before that happens. And I didn't say I'd give the keys back when you left for college again, either.""But... WAIT!" Napoleon scrambled out of bed, but his sister was already out of the room and had shut the door behind her, jingling the keys to his cock as she laughed her way down the hall.