What Love Can Do (Draft #1)

Story by alirezatm on SoFurry

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My first story in language of English.

John was a virgin single male, which was not searching for a first one. He lived in San Francisco, California. He was a muscular male which loved body building. He had three dogs and was living in his mother and father's house. He was a student at a nearby university, but our story happened in a summer, between two terms.

One day, John went hiking with his friends and left his dogs at home. When he returned home, he was very exhausted, but happy and his happiness ended when he saw one of his dogs has a hurt paw.

"Oh dear, what has happened to you?" asked John. His dog started to moan, like she was crying.

"No problem, I'll do my best!" said John. He used some bands to cover the hurt paw. The dog was still moaning. John started to care of the dog, for days and days. His father asked him for some help, but he refused. His dad started to complain: "John, I never had thought that I'm less than a dog. I'm your father! I looked after you for 21 years! Son, you sometimes get disobedient!" John got really annoyed, and went to help his dad. He worked really fast. He just wanted the job to end. After 2 hours, John ran to his room.

"Hey, are you good?" asked John. The dog started to smile. John looked at her paw, made a deep breath, and opened the bands. "Can you move your paw?" John asked miserably. He felt in total anxiety, and was about to get really mad when She jumped out of her place running happily. John started to feel better. "Thanks God..."

John was Christian, but not a strong one. He often thanked God for solved problems and asked God for help while problems, but he did no regular prayers or something like that. He had a clean heart, made of crystal. That's enough for a man. Religion is no important then.


Once, John's parents said him: "Hey John, we're going to a vacation, like ones we did when we were on honeymoon. We thought that you're a good son to take care of yourself. So you have to take care of yourself this week, and please do not do anything illegal and immoral in home. Got it?"

"Yes mom. Have a good vacation!" John said happily.

John felt really good that he has a empty home to do everything. He called some of his friends from the university via Skype.

  • "Hiya Akbar! How you doin'? "

  • "Hi John! I'm having a great time with my girlfriend in Kuwait!"

  • "Ehhh... You're not in cali, are ya?"

  • "No man, it's summer break! Why I should ruin my summer?"

  • "Guess you're right... And where is Xianji? Do you have any news of her?"

  • "She's back to China. Man, are you drunk? Everyone's back to their hometown!"

  • (miserably) "You're right. And, nothing more. Bye..."

  • "Bye"

John slapped himself in the forehead: "Oh why I didn't think to this situation when I was making foreign friends?"

John remembered his dogs that were in backyard. They were his friends. He could spend time with them. So he went backyard, and played with dogs for hours and hours and he realised the time when he looked at the exhausted dogs. He petted his dogs and went to the kitchen to make a late dinner. John slept that night happily.


John woke up early. It was barely 8 o'clock so he went to kitchen to make some bacons to eat when he saw one of the dogs is there. He started to stare at the dog and the dog did that too. Then dog winked and John started to get out of his mind.

"Hey. Get this bacon good girl! You're so lovely!" The dog ate the bacon and started to lick John's face. John petted his dog and started to play with her. She enjoyed the game too. She was very happy, and John was happier. Other two dogs where looking at John angrily and jealously. They were very unhappy.


As I remember, it was a stormy night that John was making dinner while singing when his dog entered the kitchen. This time it started to look John with a strange face. John looked at his dog.

  • "Hey! You like chicken?"

  • "No."

  • "What the hell? Who was that?"

John returned to the oven thinking with himself: "I'm getting mad! I should probably talk to a huma..."

When a feminine sound made him stunned. "You want a girlfriend?"

John was breathing deeply. His heartbeat rate started to grow. He used a kitchen knife. "Hey! You! Come out of where you're hiding! I... I... have a knife! Come out!"

John was about to cry when he saw his dog is running toward him.

"Hey! What happened? Did you find a stranger? Get her girl! "

His dog thrown John at the ground and started to come near his face.

"What the hell is happening? Oh Jesus Christ!"

The dog came near gently, and then touched her lips to John's. John was pretty shocked of this kiss and he was praying to God in his mind to make all evils out when he saw the dog is converting. It grown a humanoid arm and feet. It lost her dog breasts and grown two humanoid breasts. It turned into a anthro female dog.

"Hi Sweetie!"

John stunned. "Holy Jesus..." and closed his eyes and started to breathe deeply. A few seconds he opened his eyes and saw the dog is near him. "Hi! It's me! Your dog!"

"What... What happened to you?"

"Love could do everything! Conversion is nothing for love!"

John started to control his breath and then looked straight in dog's eyes.

  • "Are you up to date me?"

  • "O...Ok..."

I know they married two years later and had 2 pups... And lived forever. Well, the woman had to wear a skinsuit in public, but nothing... nothing... could melt a love. Even being a dog.

When John started to tell his story in university, all friends quitted him angrily. That time I put my hand on his shoulder from back. "I believe you." I said happily.