Life... Chapter 2

Story by Lingo The Fox on SoFurry

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Chapter Two: Growing UpI made it slightly longer, still getting into this creative vibe thing.Lingo: 1 foot 2. Clara: 1 foot. Bard: 1 foot 1.It has been about 4 months, and my siblings and I have learned to speak, we have found out where we are, and what we are meant for. We found that we were born and live at a pet shop, genetically modified by humans to be companions. I personally enjoy hanging out with the cats, as they don't give two shits about anything. My squadron in the very middle of the store are the "New accomplishment" domesticated anthropomorphic fennec foxes. No-one ever finds us actually worth the companionship we can give. They don't trust us since we're "new" and "sophisticated". One thing that I can't complain about is the fact that we get a suitable living environment. Apparently if it speaks, you should use ethics. I was looking at some historic documents on the terrible laptop we are provided, and I'm glad we even have a toilet, and legit food. I close my notebook and get up off the carpet. "Hey mom, I'm finally going to bed!" She replies with a simple "K." I walk along our multi-room-story glass cage that we're forced to live in, I walk into the bathroom, check my fur for invasive objects, and retire to my bed in the bedroom of our designated living area.