Passion Remembered

Story by Eclipse on SoFurry

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#2 of The Adventures of Faolin

**Passion Remembered

BY: Eclipse**

Obligatory Disclaimer : This was written as kind of an fterthought to 'Passion Found', and as a little something extra for Faolin's creator, since I find Faolin to be quite sexy. For a pirate. Solo red wolf action, though for full understanding a reading of 'Passion Found' is recommended. - 1,550 words

Captain Faolin Rudah shut the door to her cabin with a sigh and collapsed upon her none too comfortable bed. It wasn't the rocking of the ship which was getting to her, nor the long day of storm evasion and quick maneuvers. Those were the popular guesses floating around the ship, but only she knew of the real reason for her detachment. She'd be hung out for sure if they were to ever find out, though...

A knock at her door startled the red wolf from her thoughts and she sat upright in her bed. "Come in," she announced, tossing her feathered hat and red and yellow scarf to the small table in the center of her room.

"Evenin', lady," said a familiar voice, which drew a small smile across Faolin's muzzle.

"Evenin', Corbin," returned Faolin in kind, and she looked up into the warm, familiar eyes of the ship's surgeon. "What's the news?"

Corbin leaned against one of the sparse chairs at the table as the ship took a particularly noticeable roll, the sound of thunder cracking against the hull of the Wolfshead. Everyone knew she could take it, though. "Robin sent me in to tell you that we'll be good for St. Martin in two days."

The wolf nodded and scratched the fur at the back of her neck, steadying herself on her bed with the other hand. "Aye, I thought so. Remember, no one's to plan for a pleasure cruise. It's a fair bet Bastian's already underway and on our tail, so we grab ourselves a horse and some provisions and make way for Hispaniola."

"Aye, Cap'n," the stalwart surgeon said, though he made no move to depart the cabin, an action, or lack thereof, which earned the attention of Faolin.

"Is there anything else, Corbin?"

"Not really, Faolin," the man said. "It's just that... Well, you've been through a lot recently, and I just think you could use some good company, that's all."

Captain Faolin smiled slightly, her snaggled tooth showing just beneath her black lower lip. "I appreciate the concern, Corbin, but the Commodore is nothing that I cannot handle. This is just one more black mark on his record, and I hope to give him many more." The surgeon made as if to speak some more of his mind, but the wolf silenced him. "That'll be all, Corbin. I'll see you in the morning."

"Aye, Cap'n," Corbin said again begrudgingly, and made his leave of the captain's cabin, the door locking automatically behind him.

Another sigh and the red wolf collapsed upon her bed, an arm draped across her forehead. You've got to stop thinking about him like this; it was only business.

How can you say that? He trusted you, held you, told you that you were beautiful...

Do you really think he meant any of those things? That he wasn't just making good use of your last night on earth alive? You sure showed him, though.

He was true, I saw it in his eyes. He loves me.

Did you think the same thing about Willie? Or is that only something you say after giving up your pitiful body to someone stronger than you? You never say that about Corbin.

Faolin slammed her hand down hard upon the small table next to her bed, nearly knocking over the single lit candle there. With a sigh she propped herself up on her bed and looked around her dimly lit cabin. Only one night past and those feelings and sensations still seemed so powerful, so real. She hadn't been able to get any sleep since returning to the Wolfshead, though, granted, there was much to be done to ensure the ship's swift getaway from St. Kitts.

The wolf suddenly shivered as a light breeze filled the room, and she clutched her arms around themselves for warmth, running her paws up and down... And suddenly she was back in the moonlit cell, Bastian's topless feline body rubbing her sides tenderly, working out her fears until she finally allowed him to take off her own top... Faolin shivered again, but this time there was no breeze.

A momentary thought caused her to open up a small drawer next to her bed and retrieve a rolled up piece of parchment. It was one of her most prized possessions; a copy of Commodore Bastian's, then Captain, Letter of Marque, authorizing him to hunt down pirates and other scourges of the Spanish Main in the name of Queen and country. It was quite by luck that she had come across this copy, as it even had the jaguar's signature at the bottom, acknowledging his position.

She looked at the document and sighed softly once more, freeing a hand to run up her side once more, but this time following the trail left by Bastian the night before. She gasped ever so subtly as her calloused paw brushed against her breasts, her nipples hardening even through the heavy fabric of her shirt. The red wolf opened her eyes, previously unaware that she had even closed them, and bit her black lip in thought. Carefully the document bearing Bastian's signature was placed back into the drawer, and she laid herself back upon the bed, carefully due to the rolling waves still assaulting her ship.

Faolin drew her arms up her body from her hips, her fingers daring to draw across the mound of her sex through her leather pants. She brought her fingers slowly to her nose and breathed in deep, smelling her own arousal from the night before, when she had become so full of desire that she began to mat her pants with that lust for the jaguar restraining her. This remembrance brought a whole new set of sensations through the wolf, and her body shivered slightly in rekindled desire.

In a none too hurried movement she removed her thigh-high boots and kicked them under the table, then carefully worked herself out of her pants and underwear, leaving the wolf lying prone in her bed with only her white shirt and red vest on. The movement was fast and unplanned, not slow and deliberate such as with Bastian, when she teased him with her raised tail, exposing her rump to him just as a bitch in heat would...

The thoughts encouraged her fingers to continue their explorations between her legs, only this time they were unrestrained by the fabric of her pants. While her tail flicked excitedly over the edge of the bed, Faolin raised her hips slightly and widened her legs just a little bit, allowing her questing furred fingers to pleasure her more fully. She bit back a yelp of pleasure as she found the sensitive nub of her clitoris, and continued to hold back her moans even as she rubbed there vigorously.

Thoughts of the previous night flooded the wolf's mind as water breaks through a damn. All of the sights, sounds, scents, tastes and feelings of being with the jaguar rushed through her once more, her hips now gyrating and thrusting subtly against her pleasuring fingers. His strength as he held her in his arms, the truth in his eyes as he looked upon her, the rough pleasure of his tongue as he licked inside of her moist depths, the fullness she felt with his thick member inside of her burning pussy...

It was too much, but it was not enough. Something wasn't right. Then she had it. Faolin kept her eyes closed as the memories continued to flood her mind, even as she flipped her body over and rested her shoulders into her downy pillows and thrust her rump high into the air against her imaginary jaguar lover, her hands never leaving her the damp white fur of her sex.

That was it... That was how he took you. That was how you were filled, legs spread wide by his thick maleness as he thrust passionately inside of you, driving his cock ever deeper. That was how you wanted him! To be filled, to pleasure him, to be pleasured by him, that amazing, beautiful jaguar! Oh God, the thoughts, the feelings, the pleasure! Yes, right inside me, please, yes!

The wolf's self induced orgasm was yelped out in time with the resounding crack of another powerful wave assaulting the Wolfshead, and Faolin was almost certain that she could feel her lover's strength within her once again, flooding inside of her and soiling the ground beneath them with their mingled love...

Panting, Faolin brought her tired, damp hand to her muzzle and sniffed, then licked her fingertips testingly, reminding her of when she kissed Bastian fully after he had pleasured her with his tongue. The sensation sent another shiver through her body, but she was too exhausted to follow through any more.

You never thought that way about Corbin, either.

I know. Deal with it.

You really are a bitch at times.

Moaning softly in her own world of delightful thoughts, far from the crashing of the waves upon her ship, Captain Faolin Rudah cupped a hand around the flame of the candle upon her cabin table and blew it out, then buried herself beneath the blankets of her bed and resolved herself to a well earned night's rest.

The End