New Year

Story by gobblegobble on SoFurry

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Hi there. Been a while--I know. Didn't think I'd be doing any more of these, but my absentee muse visited and here we are again. It's pretty short, but I hope you'll get something out of it anyway.

So you're not the type of person who normally goes to parties unless you get dragged out, but it's New Year's Eve, and you don't work the next morning so it's not like you have anything better to do. The relationship you have with your girlfriend isn't going so well--which is to say it isn't going at all--and you're hoping to get your mind off things for a bit. And you know a few people at the party so what's the worst that could happen?

You get there and find the party in full swing, drunken furs stumbling around here and there, shouts and laughter coming from the kitchen. You walk through the house while nursing a drink and look around for a familiar face. It doesn't take long before you find a group of your friends gathered around a TV playing a game, so you sit down and watch. You're pretty quiet at first, but after a few drinks and a puff or two on a joint you start to loosen up a little. You see an old wolf friend you've known since you were a pup, and he invites you to a drinking game. He's the sort of guy you've always felt comfortable around and you're surprised to see him here so you quickly agree. And seeing as this is the type of guy who's always in a pretty contagious good mood it isn't long before you're enjoying yourself. After a few intense rounds throwing ping-pong balls into beer cups you two break off from the game and go someplace a little quieter. You ask him how things have been, and pretty soon you two are deep in conversation, the party raging on around you. You sort of forget you're even there before you hear a commotion in the living room.

It's almost midnight now, and after a few false starts everyone begins counting down. You look at your friend as you all count down in unison. You both down your drinks and hug when the countdown reaches zero. Everyone goes around giving each other drunken hugs amid a volley of cheers for the new year. The whole New Year's countdown thing feels a little hackneyed for you by now, but you can't deny it has a certain charm to it.

After a few hours the party dies down a little and you start to wonder how you're getting home, before your buddy says his house is only a ten minute walk away. Which sounds a lot better than waiting for a cab on a night like this, so after a few last goodbyes and New Year's hugs for your friends that are still left the two of you set off.

The frosty air outside the bar has a hazy quality. You fold your arms together and shiver. Your buddy looks over and wraps an arm around your shoulder. He smiles. You don't need the help but it's a cute gesture. So you walk home together like that, talking and laughing, drunkenly stumbling, now and then hearing firecrackers off in the distance. And suddenly you're at his door and he's fumbling with the keys. Once you're finally in the warmth of his apartment you both flop down on the couch and just sit there for a bit, content. The scenes of the night blur together. You're both staring at the TV but you aren't really watching, you're mostly just lost in conversation. You start to lean against his shoulder, feeling a little sleepy. You close your eyes and catch the steady rhythm of his breathing while your head is leaning against his chest. He puts an arm around you and you put up a brief protest before you it hits you how right it feels. Why shouldn't two good friends get close to each other? And it's not like cuddling up to your best friend was gay, right?

And so it wasn't too long before you two are lying on the couch against each other. You had always been friends, it seemed like, so it wasn't so weird that you were spooning on a couch. It wasn't even so weird when he draped his arm over you and squeezed you closer to his chest, your drunk brain rationalized. After all, why shouldn't close friends show each other a little affection every now and then?

You let out a soft growl and sink a little deeper into the comfort of it all. If someone had asked you what was happening on the TV you wouldn't have been able to answer, because by now you were only half watching. Your eyes close and you start to drift off, listening to the sound of the TV and feeling the movement of his breathing rise and fall against your back. You feel warm, and for all of your worries and all of your rationalizing about this it's hard to deny that it feels really good. It's the sort of comfortable intimacy you never really had with your girlfriend. It's the sort of thing you could fall asleep to. And you do, after a while.

You wake up to the sound of a low growling behind you. A soft winter morning light is shining in through the window and your bodies are still pressed up tight against each other. It takes you a moment to realize exactly what is happening. It takes you a moment to realize that there's something hard pressing against your back, slowly grinding into your ass through a few thin layers of fabric. It feels disconcertingly large, and your attempts to wiggle away from it only seem to make the wolf thrust harder. His breathing starts to get ragged, punctuated by soft moans as he presses his body still harder against your backside. His arms are locked around you tight and you can feel his heavy breathing against the back of your neck.

He lets go of his grip around your chest and moves his paw down to your thigh. You look behind you and try to explain that you're not gay. He smiles and tells you he isn't either before he reaches down and cups your balls with his paw. It's funny how during all of this you failed to notice that you were just as hard as he was. You gasp and tense up as his paw squeezes your member through the fabric of your pants

He starts to slowly lap at the back of your neck, occasionally lightly nibbling one of your ears, which has a remarkably pacifying effect. Almost involuntarily you start to thrust into the grip he has around your shaft. He lets out a wolfish growl when he feels this. All of a sudden his reaches right into your boxers and you feel the contact of his paw against your bare flesh. He gives you a light grip and you moan. Your mind is racing throughout all of this. You're not gay, of course. Well, your girlfriend might have accused you of being gay once or twice, but that didn't mean-

He rolls you over and looks into your eyes, grinning. His paw is lightly rubbing the inside of your thigh now and your dick isn't getting any softer. He pulls down your pants and boxers and you flinch as your shaft is exposed to the cold air. He wraps his paw around the base of your newly-formed knot and squeezes while giving you a wink. You let out a loud involuntary moan and start to blush. You're too flustered to say anything as he moves his head down towards your crotch. Next thing you know he has his muzzle at the base of your erection softly nuzzling your balls.

You're starting to wonder when exactly this all turned so gay. This is gross, you think, you shouldn't be enjoying this. You're not gay. And yet--when you feel the warm sensation of your friends tongue sliding up your shaft--you can't help moaning. You can't deny that it's been a while and the sensation certainly wasn't unwelcome. Your cock twitches when he swirls his tongue around your tip, lapping up a drop of your pre. And all of a sudden you're in heaven as you feel the wolf's muzzle around your cock. You moan louder as you feel his long flexible tongue slither up and down your length. He bobs down a few times, taking your length into his muzzle, and you have to admit that he's pretty good at it. He cradles your balls in his hand, lightly brushing his claws against your tender flesh while he sucks on the length he has stuffed into his muzzle. He growls and the vibrations stimulate you even more. You find yourself overwhelmed by the sensation. Your cock starts to twitch. You're almost about to-

He stops his work and looks up at you, giving his usual wolfish smile and licking his lips before lifting your rear end up off the couch. You wonder what he's doing and gasp as you feel the unfamiliar sensation of a cold wet wolf nose between your ass cheeks. No way, you think, he can't be. He spreads your cheeks apart and you want to stop him but you're like putty by the time he has his lithe tongue lapping against your hole.

Throughout all of this your mind is waging an intense battle. Everything about this seems wrong and gross--and yet it's hard for you to deny that it feels really damn good. Your cock has only gotten harder since the wolf started jamming his tongue up your hole and your mind is starting to get a little cloudy. How was it even possible for something so weird to feel so good? He keeps at it for what seems like an eternity, and you're surprised to find yourself still a little eager for me when he pulls away. But the show must go on, it seems, judging from the hard red cock your friend suddenly replaces his tongue with. You look up in a daze as he lines up his cock between your slick cheeks. He slowly grinds back and forth and you feel the tip rub against your hole ever so tantalizingly. He gives you a questioning look, and by this time all your resistance is gone. You nod.

He lifts up a finger as if to say 'one moment', and quickly runs off to his bedroom. He returns with a bottle of lube, and you watch as he slicks up his cock with the gel. You moan as jams a few fingers covered in lube into you. He carefully lines up his tip with your hole and starts to push in and all of a sudden you're overwhelmed by the sensation. It hurts, and he goes slow at first, but after a while when you're a little more relaxed you notice there's a weird sort of pleasure to it. He only goes in an inch or two to begin with, but pretty soon you can feel his large knot against your hole. You're lying here on your friend's couch with him hilted up your ass, and you're brain is working overtime trying to figure out how you got there.

You don't have time to think too hard though. Your friend, seeing that you're probably good, starts to pick up the pace. Suddenly you're getting slowly pounded by the wolf and the sensations are hard to describe. You've never felt such a weird mixture of pleasure and pain, you've never even considered that something like this could feel good, and yet your cock is rock hard. You start to adapt to the rhythm of his hips thrusting against yours and to your surprise it actually starts to feel pretty good. You reach down for your own cock and find it slick enough with pre to give it a few good pumps.

His knot bumps against your hole with each thrust. Judging by the mix of growls and moans coming out of him he's pretty close. You are too. He bends down and nuzzles up against your shoulder before thrusting his hips as hard as he can into yours. All of a sudden you're being knotted by your best friend.

And you feel a lot of things. You feel pain, and you feel more full than you ever have before, and you feel your insides being pumped full of wolf seed, and you look down at your twitching cock and find, to your surprise, that you just shot your load as well. Your eyes roll back a little. You feel good.

He collapses on top of you with his hips still locked into yours and lets out a loud sigh. It seems like he needed that. Maybe you needed it too. So you try not to think too hard about the warm wolf fluid seeping out of your bottom as you're laying there. You clear your mind of the thought of your sore asshole and the fact that it was currently plugged up with a wolf cock. All you can do right now is lie on your side and bask in the afterglow and the closeness of it all. He wraps his arm around you and within minutes he's snoring. So you're trapped like his, for a while. And truth be told--although you probably don't want to admit it yet--maybe it's not such a bad way to start the new year.