After rain comes sunshine
#1 of After rain comes sunshine
A young fox living his life but then his world starts to brake down
This is my first story!
Sorry for all the mistakes I made while writing this English is not my native language. But feel free to comment i'll always try to improve.
Our story starts with a fox his name is David. David was an average fox we could say, orange fur, white belly you know the usual. He was also gay but no one knew that yet.
The alarm clock went off at round 6am. I woke up and streched, yawned and rub my eyes. I look out the window.
"Another rainy day" I say to myself.
Ever since he moved here there was nothing but rain. I go to the bathroom and looks at myself in the mirror "you look horrible" I say to myself. I clean my teeth then have a shower. Then I put on a hoodie and some black jeans. After that I leave for school, go downstairs quietly making sure i don't wake my parents. Just before I leave the raining stops.
"huh guess i wont need an umbrella"I say to myself.
I take out my phone and put earphones into my ears and listens to my favorite song One track mind by Papa Roach. I take a fresh pack of smokes out of my pocket and light one while I walk to the bus stop. When I finally arived there the rain started to fall again I thought "s***". The bus arrived I got on it and found a free seat. The ride to my school wasn't long. I soon stood in front of a huge wooden door reinforced with metal bars. (The school is really old more than one hundred and fifty years).
I sigh "here we go again another..."
Just before I could finish I get a pat on my shoulder. I turn around. And see my best friend Shawn. Shawn is a wolf with a slim build with gray fur, good looking. But I never had any feelings for him.
He asked "hey want want to go for a coffee before class starts?"
I agreed. We went to our favorite caffee. We sat outside so we could smoke. We were really close. We both had the same taste in music and games we also plaid the guitar.We didnt keep secrets but I never told him i was gay so i guess there is just one secret. I was scared he would hate me. Soon enough we had to go to class. I went to a electro engineering high school. So imagine how it must be for me there are nine hundred guys on the school with a few girls around seventeen. All that musk and hot builds. First class was programming. I was always good at programing actually anything with computers i was good at. I was also liked by teachers so my classmates called me the teachers pet. Time passed quickly and soon, it was time for lunch. That is when the trouble starts. Since day one I have been picked on by this group of jocks. A lion Chris, James a Wolf and a couple of other dudes I don't know.
One of them shouts "hey fag!"
I already know who it is without turning around
"what do you want Chris?" I yell back with a bit of a growl.
All of the sudden I'm on the floor.
"Oh nothing " He says.
Chris kicks me into the guts then takes my wallet out of my back pocket and takes some money. While his friends laugh.
"You just got enough for me to leave you alone for today" he laughs as he leaves.
I got up with pain in my gut i didn't feel like having lunch so i waited for the next class. The next classes were a drag. Finally the last bell rang and I went home.
When I got home I entered my house trough the backdoor so my dad wouldn't see me. Not because I didn't want to be seen I just wanted some peace. After I ate something, I went back out. I went to say hi to my dad. My dad was an ex sergeant so he is big and tough but now he has a car workshop at our house.
He greets me. "hey! Now that you're here could you help me with this Alfa he said"
I looked at a red Alfa Romeo that was parked in the workshop it looked fine to me.
I ask "It looks fine to me. Whats wrong with it?"
My dad laughed "you wouldn't believe what happened. The owner hit the sidewalk and the cars engine just fell down"
I laugh "well that's an Alfa Romeo for you ".
We both laughed. So I helped him scrap the engine like the owner wanted. When we were done it was already late and my mom still wasn't home so I decided not to wait for her. So I just had a shower and went to bed.