The City IV

Story by Khopesh on SoFurry

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#4 of The City

"You have to get up NOW, Perpetuum!"

He shook his head, ears ringing from crashing through the roof. He coughed at the dust spiraling around the room, blinking a few times as his eyes slowly focused in the dark. He instinctively put his paw to his ear, pressing down on the earpiece and muttering, "Yeah, Lux, I'm awake. Mostly one piece. What's the situation?"

He heard the voice breathe a sigh of relief before clearing her throat. "Alright, Perp, Scripta, Nihilo, and Astra landed safe. They're moving your way, the target is in your direction anyways. But..."

Lux's voice hesitated as the fox supported himself on the barely-standing wall. "But what, Lux?"

He never heard the answer, as the shack started to shake. An eerie cry filled the air, mechanical and biological, natural and artificial all at once.The ground started to shake slightly as the fox looked up, seeing an orange light scan the wall across from him. He inhaled quietly, holding his breath as he saw a child enter the room, rubbing his eyes and getting caught by the light. The cry changed pitch as the boy froze, staring through the window above Perpetuum as part of the wall crashed down, and a smell of iron filled the air.


He felt the car jerk to a stop as he opened his eyes and looked at the driver, a younger rabbit that had been folded into the force just before the incident an hour ago. "Ey, we're almost there, Khopesh. Might as well wake up." He looked behind him, seeing Haka scribbling on a pad. "Pretty easy to get here, but there's something outside you should see anyways." The driver reached up and opened the sunroof in the car. Khopesh looked up, seeing a dark gray tarp coloring the sky. Before he could say anything, Jak slammed hard on his door from outside. Khopesh turned to Haka and frowned slightly, motioning with his head as they hopped out and joined Jak and Vir at the main gate.

The institute covered a city block, with a large brick wall surrounding it. Inside, most of the buildings were the familiar red color of the brick walls, and the roads were mostly brick as well. It was apparent that whoever used to own or run this place was a fan of brick. Khopesh stepped forwards, grabbing onto the wrought-iron gate and pulling it slightly.

A blinding white light was cast on the four as their ears were filled with the familiar clicking of firearms having a round chambered. As his eyes adjusted to the light, Khopesh glanced down, noting there were at least 5 red dots dancing on his chest, estimating the others had the same as well. He instinctively reached for his rifle before a voice cried out, "Weapons down!" He was able to catch Haka's eye, nodding as they all placed their rifles on the ground. The gate slid open as a tall, greying wolf, once stark white, stepped out, dressed in a highly-decorated military uniform. The wolf stopped about ten feet from Khopesh, scanning the group and indicating behind them. "How many?"

Khopesh stammered for a second before Haka answered, "147 total, 22 squads of 6 and 2 squads of 7. Each has a marksfur, a medic, and 4 riflefurs, though the two squads of seven have 2 marksfurs."

The wolf turned towards Haka, surprised. "So... precise. I take it you lead?"

Haka shook her head firmly. "The cross fox in front of you does. I just train."

The wolf smiled and turned to Khopesh, holding out his paw. "Name, then?"

Khopesh narrowed his eyes, slowly reaching and shaking the paw. "Khopesh Aeterno."

The wolf shook firmly and smiled wider. "And I am General Zor Premis. Welcome to Eagle Rock."


Khopesh sat down in the room, sitting at the table and glancing around, noting where one-way mirrors could be hiding. The group had been split up to be debriefed individually, a move Khopesh was wary about. They had been relieved of all weapons. Khopesh scratched his wrists nervously. The tiger knife was bequeathed to him in his uncle's will, and the Glock-

General Premis entered the room, carrying the knife and Glock as well as a file and a few bottles of beer. He sat at the opposite end of the table from Khopesh, sliding him one of the bottles and opening the other on the table. Khopesh took the bottle and sat, keeping his eyes on the wolf. "Well? Gonna open that?"

Khopesh shifted a bit, then pointed at the tiger knife. "I can do it with that, if you'd be so kind," he said, putting a slight hint of venom in his voice.

The general smirked and slid the knife to him. "I am not unreasonable, General Aeterno."

Khopesh popped the cap off his beer, then pocketed the knife. "I'm not a general. They like to call me, "Patriot", but that's a bit of a heady title. I don't even like being called leader. Khopesh is fine."

The general laughed softly, nodding a bit. "Some said that, yes. I know why you're here. Shelter and food, protection, all of that-"

Khopesh slammed the empty bottle down and glared at the general. "I'm here because our base was captured and who knows what is happening to the civilians I was in charge of protecting. I want to save them."'

They sat in silence for a moment before Zor whispered, "How many?"

Khopesh sniffled a bit before burying his face in his paws."1064 total. 917 civilian, 147 military, not including leadership and the two techies with us."

The general gasped slightly at the number. "Over 1000 furs that held out this long?"

Khopesh shook slightly, shaking his head. "We started with about 900. Some died but we had many more births than deaths...Before a few days ago, it was 1100, but we lost a squad of 30."

General Premis dropped his beer bottle to the floor. "You had 200 furs born?"

Khopesh nodded, sniffling quietly. The general slowly reached out and patted Khopesh's arm. "We will help you get them if you help us."

Khopesh looked up, wiping his face a bit. "Eagle Rock has many more people and resources than us. Why do..."

The general slid the file to Khopesh. "All our military is out on scavenging runs, rescue missions, or is intelligence gathering. The ones you see left are a skeleton crew, the bare minimum we need to keep Eagle Rock safe. I need someone to go rescue a close friend of mine who told me he has intelligence. I was hoping you could supply three furs and I could supply three."

Khopesh opened the file, flipping through and noting the details. "Cathedral, crypt, open courtyard... downtown... Yeah, six could do it." He met his green eyes with the wolf's steel eyes. "Vir, myself, and... well, Jak, if she's up for it."

Zor nodded with a smirk. "I talked to her before you. She's angry, but not at you. You all knew the risks. Herself included. She wants to do anything to undermine the regime."

Khopesh sighed in relief before holding out his paw for his Glock. "Give me that and we'll fetch your three and get ready to go."


They walked into an auditorium, filled with young soldiers chatting, drinking, playing cards, and cooking. Khopesh turned to Vir and nodded, then to Jak, who glared at him slightly before nodding as well. Zor walked through the center of the room, standing in the middle before turning. "I trust them all. Pick any three."

Before he could finish scanning, a young black and white husky and a young tuxedo cat ran up and snapped to attention. "General Premis, sir!" the cat called. "Me and Sam are ready for any mission!"

Zor chuckled and nodded. "Khopesh, here's two. Sam and Mai. Childhood friends. They work well together. Pick a third."

Khopesh looked around, his eyes stopping on a hunter green raptor (who knocked over a stack of books nearby, then a pile of electronics... no good); a grizzly bear (who spat at someone passing him... won't get along well); a white tiger (who was in the middle of slamming a bottle of tequila... won't be ready); and finally stopping on a red deer, laying on a cot alone and reading a comic book. Khopesh walked towards the deer and picked up the first in the stack next to her.

"I found those, those are mine." She muttered that without looking up from her book. He flipped the cover in his paws and read the title.

"Universal Sentries. I personally liked the storyline about the invading chitin snatchers."

She scoffed slightly. "That was Universal Sentries 4500. The old series. The new one is much better. Though I have to admit, Corporal Punishment was my favorite Sentry in the 4500 series."

Khopesh chuckled slightly, thinking for a moment. "I'll let you have my old pulps if you come on a mission with us. I think I have ten or twelve with me, but hey, new material."

The deer slowly put down the comic, sitting up and stretching. "Sure, not like I was gonna get anything done here anyways."

They walked back to the group. "She's coming with us, General."

Zor raised an eyebrow. "Strella, you're okay with that?"

The deer nodded. "Why the fuck wouldn't I be?"

Zor shrugged. "Alright, then let's pick you a vehicle."


They stopped the car next to the city cathedral, piling out and loading their weapons. Their group of six had a sniper team (Khopesh and Jak), a medic (Vir), two riflefurs (Sam and Mai), and a marksfur (Strella). As they checked their weapons, Mai ran out into the courtyard and kneeled, pointing her rifle around and yelling loudly, "CLEAR!"

Khopesh snapped his head up at the shout, locking eyes with Mai and shaking his head, then pointing back to their spot. Mai stood up and waved her rifle around. "What? There's nobody here! Nobody's gonna shoo-"

A rifle crack sent the tuxedo cat to the ground as Vir dashed forward, pulling her behind cover and checking her vitals. After a moment, he turned his head to Khopesh and shook his head, making a motion to his skull. Headshot, instant. Khopesh sighed and looked at Sam, who was shaking in despair before he shook the husky's shoulder. "Hey, focus and listen to me. Otherwise..."

Sam slowly calmed down and nodded, sniffling a bit. "Y-you got it..."

Khopesh suddenly caught a glint of light from a building a few hundred yards away. Without thinking, he aimed and fired, seeing a slight red mist come from the sniper's next before motioning to the cathedral's doors. The group made their way up -- Khopesh, Vir, and Jak darting from cover to cover, Sam and Strella waltzing up towards the doors casually. As they reached the top, Jak and Vir were in cover at a wide pillar opposite Khopesh.

The noise was natural and artificial, completely ungodly in their ears. Khopesh froze, looking at Vir and Jak, who were also tensed up. He locked eyes with Sam, then Strella, paw motioning to get in cover next to him. Sam tilted his head, looking towards the source of the noise, the urban sprawl they had come from, not paying attention. His eyes locked with Strella again, desperately and wordlessly pleaing as she nodded and slid into cover next to him. Sam turned his head, smirking at Strella as an orange light danced on his body. "Scaredy-deer? Deer in the headlights?":

Khopesh tasted iron in the air as he saw a spiked foot burst from Sam's abdomen. Sam looked down and let out a blood-curdling scream as the spike expanded and started spinning, the air getting heavier in the metallic taste as Sam cried for help before he screamed no more. Khopesh's arm held Strella back instinctively, though he doubted she needed any help in staying back. The foot drew away as the creature let out another cry and slammed away from them.

When it was silent again, Khopesh dry-heaved a bit. Strella was not so lucky, leaving a puddle of sick next to where she was standing. He moved towards Jak and Vir as Stella asked, "What..."

Khopesh coughed a bit. "Daeva. Bio-mechanical construct they made to act as... tank busters, bunker busters, whatever they need. They can't control them anymore, thankfully, but that means they kill whatever they find." Khopesh turned to the bronze doors, opening one and motioning everyone to come inside.


They made their way through the cathedral, finding the stairs down into the crypt and quickly going through, checking for any traps that may be around. Near the end of the crypt, they heard soft chanting as they turned the corner, finding a black rat praying over the body of an elderly-looking dog. The rat held up a paw to stop them, standing in silence for a moment before turning around. "We must give prayers to the fallen. I apologize for the delay. I believe you were looking for me? I am Chap. General Premis said he was sending someone for us."

Khopesh nodded slowly. "He said you had some information?"

Chap shook his head, pointing above. "Not in the house of the dead. Their souls are already too heavy."

Khopesh nodded, rounding everyone up and leading Chap out of the crypt. They made it to the altar before they noticed some soldiers walking in, scanning the place for them. They hid behind the altar, Khopesh forcing Chap under it as much as possible. They sat and waited for a few long moments before Khopesh said, "CLEAR OUT!" The four stood and started firing rounds at the soldiers.

Vir was the first to fall. A round struck him in the shoulder and sent him into the ground, writhing in pain.

Jak got hit in the leg, gun being flung far away from cover. She curled up quickly, spouting curses.

Strella had a red spot spread from her abdomen as she sunk down behind the altar, coughing slightly.

Khopesh felt his lung explode in pain as he fell back, locking eyes with Chap.

The firing stopped. Chap stood up, then climbed onto the altar, palms out to show he was unarmed.

Khopesh heard Chap mutter some verses as his world began to go black. He saw a light emanate from Chap and barely managed to hear the end of Chap's verse.

"The righteous will rejoice when they are avenged, and they shall dip their feet in the blood of the wicked."