After rain comes sunshine chapter 2

Story by Bada32 on SoFurry

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#2 of After rain comes sunshine

Second chapter of my first story. I tried to make this one a bit longer.

Sorry for all the mistakes I made while writing this English is not my native language. But feel free to comment i'll always try to improve.




Today was like another day I got up, got ready for school and left. Everything was the same in my life nothing ever changed until today. Today I decided to come out to Shawn. I felt like he deserved to know. We have been friends since I can remember. I was scared he might start to hate me after I told him but I risked it. Just before class started we were in the caffee like we always are but today we were inside. I was nervous my hands were shaking, I avoided eye contact...

I just kept saying to myself "you can do this he wont hate you".

"Hey Shawn I got to tell you something" i said nervously.

Shawn perked up his ears and looked at me with a I'm listening face.

I looked at him "We are friends for a long time..." I cut off

"Please tell me. Is something wrong?" He said

I took a deep breath "No nothing is wrong I just think you should know I'm gay" At moment the whole caffee went silent. It was like everyone knew i was going to say something like this and they all just went silent. Everyone heard, but I didn't care for them. I looked at Shawn. He didn't seem shocked.

"Hey I don't care if you are or not" He smiled.

"You're still my friend no matter what. " He said.

I was happy that he was ok with my sexuality. We finished our coffee and went to class. All school by now knew that I was gay. Some made fun out of me. Most of them avoided and i noticed Shawn was also suffering from this. His friends avoided him. Who wants to be a friend of a fags friend right? But it wasn't so bad I thought. The day was dragging along finally it was time to go home. Just as i was leaving school i got grabbed from behind. It was James one of the jocks.

"Let me go!" I yelled while trying to brake free from his grip

"Shut up fag!" he snarls back

It was no use I couldn't brake free. No one helped me ether. He dragged me to his car that was parked close to the school and locked me in the passenger seat. He also used silver tape to tie me up. Then he then went to his side. Started the engine and we drove off. I was scared for my life. What will he do? Where are we going? Will there be more of his friends coming? Thoughts flooded my mind. I didn't know what to do.

"what the hell do you think your doing let me go!"I screamed.

After that i was met with his fist "Shut up!" he yelled.

After that I staid silent it hurt me too much to even open my mouth. We were driving for about ten minutes. I could see a big chimney in the distance and now I realized we are going to the abandoned factory. When we got there he dragged me out the car by my hair. I hit the ground pretty hard. He lifted me up by my hair I cried out in pain. But it wasn't over yet. I saw the group of jocks that were there waiting for me.

"Well well well... our fag has arrived" Said Chris with a evil grin.

"Hold him by his arms" He ordered the other jocks.

Then he started throwing punches. Head, chest, gut everywhere. I was dropped to the floor. I curled up in pain.

"That's right faggot your kind shouldn't even exist" said Chris turning around "He is all yours boys."He said and walked off.

That's when i was jumped by the other jocks. They weren't conservative with the punches. They soon got bored and left me there. I fell unconscious. I woke up in the hospital. I looked around the room the room is white with just my bed and beside it was a chair nothing else. I then got a flash back of what happened. Slowly the pain hit me. Everything hurt i was bruised all over. Thank god my fur covered it up so it didn't look so bad. Soon after a nurse came to check up on me. She was an otter.

"Oh good you're awake. I'm going to get the doctor" she said

Not long after a snow white wolf entered my room. She introduced herself "Hello I'm Dr. Frost" I smiled back. So David you were in a rough shape when you were brought in. In the end you have a cracked rib. So you'll be fine. You will be released in the morning. "Who found me" i ask just before she leaves. She turned around and replied "a demolition team. you were lucky." When she leaves with the nurse in come my parents and a police officer. My mom hugs me, dad just stands there they were both in shock. Silence took over the room. Until the police officer broke it. He had to make a report since it was clear something happened. I couldn't tell them what really happened it would probably just get worse. So I lied and said i got mugged and don't remember much of what happened next. He thanked me and left. While my parents staid there for a half an hour or so then left too. Not soon after I fell asleep.


I woke up in the morning. I was soon up for one last examination before they release me everything checked out ok I got a prescription for painkillers and my doctors report. My parents picked me up and i staid home for that day. Mostly plaid my guitar and laid in my bed. I wasn't up for anything. I got constant messages from Shawn. I told him what happened I also lied to him that i was mugged. Everything still hurt especially my chest. Every time i coughed man it killed. That's when i took the painkillers and was knocked out. They were strong. I woke up at around 5am. I didn't know what to do. I decided to go to school despite my doctors instructions. So slowly I got ready and left for school. While I was on the bus something weird happened. at one of the bus stops a snow white wolf stepped on the bus. He sat next to me. I could guess he was 6 foot 1 nice muscular build. and shiny blue eyes. He was wearing black so the white looked like it shined. I was stunned and I just stared at him. He noticed and i blushed but thankfully my fur saved me. I looked away back out the window. But he sat beside me. I think my heart skipped a beat. I was secretly looking at his reflection in the window. He was beautiful. I secretly thought to myself "too bad no guys like this go to my school". The bus stopped on my stop we both got off and surprisingly he took the same root as me. At that point I realized. He is going to the same school as me?!? I got to my first class. We didn't really do anything in this class just news, announcements stuff like that. Our head teacher introduced our new classmate. It was that gorgeous white wolf. Max was his name. He sat down next to me.

Looked at me and said "Hi I'm Max." he paused a bit

"I met you on the bus right?".

"yeah i replied. I'm David" I smiled OMG he is my classmate!?

"David huh i like that name" he smiled back

OMG my heart was pounding. He was so hot and his voice whoa. He waved his hand in front of my eyes

"Hello you ok?" he asked

I shook my head and came back to reality "yeah I'm fine."

"well anyway since I'm new here could you show me around?"He said while scratching the back of his head

"Sure!" i said with a smile

"I could show you the school ground at lunch time. Don't worry we have a long brake" I offered

He agreed. The time went by so fast. I didn't even pay attention in class anymore I just looked at him. He didn't always sit beside me so that's why I could do it. During lunch brake we meet up I was so happy he asked me to show him around. I showed him around the school where the labs were and fitness room... Then when i showed him where the gym is we were met by Chris.

"Hey faggot! Got a boyfriend now? "He laughed with his friends.

"Ready for today? faggot." he said while coming closer

Max looked at me. I was already tearing up. Now he knows that I'm gay. I just got a new friend and Chris has already ruined it. I looked away.

"Yo fag look at me when I'm talking to you!" Chris yelled.

He pushed me and I landed on my hand. Sharp pain hit me in the chest. I forgot I had a cracked rib. That's when Max stepped in. He blocked Chris off.

"What you have a problem with gay people?" He said protecting me.

Chris pushed Max to the side

"I bet you're gay and that's why you are picking on him." He continued

Max had no idea what he was letting himself into. Chris turned towards Max and tried to punch him. But Max grabbed his hand spun around and pushes his hand behind his back and pins him up against the wall. The lion cries out.

"Now you will leave and leave David alone" Max growled.

Then he released the wolf and pushed him to the side the jocks almost ran away. He ran to me and picked me up. I was still in pain from the sudden shock that went into my ribs.

"You ok??"

"Yeah I'm fine"

I coughed and got hit with the sharp pain again.

"I just need a sec"

I got up took painkillers out of my bag and took one then looked at my phone.

"We should get back to class"

Classes continued the same way as before i was just dreaming about Max. Now even more. I kinda felt sad of what happened. But also happy. He protected me. I was brought back to reality by the school bell. I set off to go home. But was stopped by Max.

"Hey want to go home together?"


The bus ride home was quiet. I guessed it was because of what happened earlier. He went off at a well known place. Green Fields it was called. A place where richer people lived. Not soon after i came to my bus stop and went off the bus. When i came home the house was empty. I was alone. I decided to have a shower. I let the hot water run over me. It felt nice. I could feel today's day just washing off. I thought of Max. He was so hot and the way he protected me murr... I started to play with my tailhole soon i was rock hard. With a respectable size of 6.5 inches i started to masturbate. I pushed my finger up my hole and imagined it was Max i massaged my prostate wile stroking my member. I moaned with every push over my prostate. I imagined how good it would have been if Max was fucking me. I added another finger. I moaned louder. I was at my limit with a loud moan and a push on my prostate I cum. Shots of cum hit the wall. I lick my hand clean then finish cleaning my self and the wall. After i dried myself. I laid on my bed and turned on my laptop. I went on Facebook and noticed that Max sent me a friend request. I accepted and instantly went onto his pictures. I open a folder named me. In that folder there were pictures of Max shirtless exposing all of his muscle. He was so sexy. And his smile it just cough me. I could feel my member getting excited again. I was feeling hot but somehow I convinced my self to calm down. A couple of moments later i got a message from Max. It made me feel happy.

"Hey want to hang out tomorrow and show me around town?"

"Yes... could i get your phone number?"

He gave me his phone number

"Great. Do you know how to get to the main square"


"Great. We could meet there tomorrow at around 9 am?"

"Ok that sounds great"

After that I was so happy for some reason i hugged my laptop. I couldn't wait to see that sexy wolf again. I couldn't think of anything than him. So i thought a movie could take my mind off him. I set up some random movie and fell asleep while watching it.