One Simple Question

Story by Javelin Chimera on SoFurry

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A confused feline finds himself trapped in a room with no idea how he got there...

Just a little short story. Not sure where I got the idea. As usual, please let me know if you find any mistakes. Much appreciated!

Two things were immediately apparent to me as I woke, even before I opened my eyes. For one, wherever I was, it was very clean. Not just the basic cleanliness of a place that was casually tidied. No, I could practically smell the sterilization in the air, could almost taste it with each breath. It reminded me of being near an overly-maintained pool.

Secondly, my entire body ached. Arms, legs, abs, ass, all of it. Even my jaw hurt, like I had yawned really hard one too many times and the muscle had locked up. I felt like I had gone through some crazy workout regimen and had only a few hours of rest since to recuperate, left now with that dull ache that just lingers.

I sat up with a moan. Apparently I had been sleeping in a chair, my upper body draped over a cold metal table. There was the soft clinking of metal on metal as I moved. I realized there was a length of chain secured to the table on one end, the other end attached to a tight collar fastened around my neck. The collar was the only thing with a semblance to clothing on my body.

What in the actual hell? My head pounded as I tried to remember where I was, what I was doing here, or hell, anything before waking up moments before really. I mean, I could remember who I was. Bits and pieces of my life came to me like old memories, but there was nothing connecting any of that to the room I was in now.

On the verge of panic I tried to steady my breathing, glancing around to get my bearings. Unfortunately, there wasn't much help in the way of decor. The chair I was in and the table were squarely in the center of the small room, another empty chair opposite my own. The rest of the room was empty; walls, floor, and ceiling all a pure white so bright that it hurt to stare at. My gut dropped when it dawned on me that the room didn't even seem to have an entrance or exit.

I pulled experimentally at the chain. Its connection to the table was stronger than anything I was going to be able to break, as was the table's connection to the floor. The chain itself was just long enough that I could move around the room if I decided I wanted to for whatever reason. I shrugged to myself, unsure of the point. It wasn't like I could see a way out of the room even if I wasn't chained.

With a sigh, I settled in to wait. The way I figured it, there was no reason to make a fuss. Someone had gone through the trouble to put me in this position, so they were likely aware that I was now awake. It also seemed unlikely to me that anyone in a position to help would hear me yelling anyway. My paw tapped on the floor impatiently.

I practically jumped out of my fur when a section of the wall in front of me slid away. I tried to get a good look outside but my view was cut off as a woman dressed in a white lab coat sauntered into the room, taking the seat across from me. She carried only a clipboard, which she studied for a moment before speaking.

"Mr. Hampton. Male. Feline. Do you remember this information about yourself?"

I raised an eyebrow, more confused than ever, but I simply nodded.

"Mr. Hampton, I am going to ask you one simple yet very important question. You will have one opportunity to answer. Answer correctly and I will escort you to the exit personally. Answer incorrectly, and you will face the penalty."

I swallowed hard. What the fuck is all of this? I glanced around once more, making sure I hadn't missed the cameras of some sick joke of a TV show or something. I jumped again as the lady slapped the clipboard onto the table, leaning forward to look at me intently.

"Why are you here?" she asked.

My mind raced, trying to recall anything at all that could give me a clue. What kind of sick question was that? She should have been answering that question for me! I could feel my heart beat faster as my imagination ran wild with all of the possibilities of what this 'penalty' could be. For all I knew it could be completely harmless, but what can I say, I'm a bit of a pessimist at times.

"Is... is this some sort of torture?" I answered with immediate regret.

The woman simply smirked. She fucking smirked! "That is incorrect," she said, standing and turning to leave.

"Wait!" I cried out after her. "What is the answer? Why am I here?!"

The bitch just ignored me, exiting the room with her clipboard. After a short moment, she was replaced by two large men entering. Both were stallions, toned but not overly muscular. Neither of them wore any clothing to speak of, and they were both sporting large erections.

I'll admit, that was definitely not something that had occurred to me when imagining possible 'penalties.' Honestly, these fellas looked more like something out of some of my fantasies as opposed to some negative I would never ask for. Despite my confusion and prior panic, I let out an appreciative mew. I'm a cat, it happens sometimes, sue me.

"I don't suppose either of you know why I am here?" I asked with a swallow as the larger of the two horses approached. He was a black Clydesdale with a white strip of coloring along the top of his snout and white feathering around his hands and hooves. He grabbed the chain firmly where it connected to my collar, pulling my head close until his black and pink cock pressed against my face. That close, his scent was overwhelming. My body reacted on its own, knowing what that scent meant, my sheathe swelling as my tip started to poke free.

The specifics of my situation just kinda melted away from my mind, my focus occupied by what was right in front of me. My hands gripped at the base of his large shaft as I hesitantly tasted it. My tongue lapped along the underside of his cock and over the tip. He grinned down at me, holding me firmly in place by the chain while his meat throbbed in my grip.

The stallion's girth was just enough that I couldn't fit him in my mouth, but I'll be damned if I didn't try. My lips wrapped around as much of his flared tip as they could, my tongue flicking and licking all over. I pumped his shaft with both hands, milking out as much salty pre as I could slurp up.

From the corner of my eye, I could see that smaller of the two horses, a pure brown mustang, stroking his black cock as he watched. Finally he decided to approach, pulling me away from the Clydesdale and abruptly bending me over the table, my erection pressed between my legs by the edge. I felt him kneel down behind me, his fingers spreading my ass and stretching my tail-hole slightly. I gasped when his long, wet tongue started sliding along my dick, repeatedly licking the full length. I could only purr and squirm as his tongue painted over my balls, lapped along my taint, and then plunged into my asshole. The feel of it writhing around inside of me was simply amazing. I could tell he was really enjoying it too; I could feel his saliva dripping off my sack.

He stood suddenly. I jumped, feeling something press hard against my tail-hole, and I was immediately grateful for how wet he had made me. I mewed loudly, my nails scratching along the table's surface as the mustang's cock squeezed deep into me. He pushed in as deep as he comfortably could before starting to thrust, each move pounding into me roughly.

"It's too much! Too much!" I cried out, not really meaning it. The pressure was so intense that I couldn't move, not that I thought I could anyway with his large hands holding my waist. I could feel his tip sliding along inside of me. Each throb of his dick seemed to stretch me a little more.

I could feel my own amazing orgasm building when he paused, pulling out to his flared tip and then popping that free too, causing me to moan. Strong hands flipped me onto my back. I watched as the Clydesdale replaced the mustang between my legs, his hands gripping under my kneecaps. I held my breath, mouth agape as I saw his large dripping cock approached my hole, and suddenly the pressure was back more intense than before. My body arched and my dick twitched wildly as the horsecock burrowed in.

Before I could make a noise, the mustang stood over by my head. He bent my head back over the edge of the table before placing his tip between my lips. The fit was tight, but the mustang was just barely able to slip his cock into my mouth. I groaned around the thick shaft as he began fucking my mouth and throat.

My mind was clouded with a blissful haze as the two stallions spit-roasted me on the table. Before long I cried out, cum erupting from my tip and messing the fur on my chest and stomach, pleasure scouring the senses of my entire body. The mustang followed suit soon after, stamping a hoof in pleasure before depositing his seed into my throat. He lingered with his dick in my mouth, his hand rubbing my throat to make sure I swallowed down every last bit.

The Clydesdale picked up speed, humping savagely into my tight hole. His throbbing cock nearly lifted me off of the table by itself when he finally came, his load gushing into my bowels. So much warmth... On top of all the exertion, it was enough to make me suddenly desire a good, long nap.

As quietly as they had entered, both horses pulled out of my body and left the room. I was left there, gasping for breath, cum oozing from my tail-hole, my sensitive cock still twitching above me. I don't think I've ever purred so hard as I did laying there on that table, slowly drifting into unconsciousness as I mentally revisited what had just happened to me.

I vaguely heard someone enter the room and step up to the table. The woman from before peered down at me, looking me over and shaking her head. I caught a glimpse of a liquid-filled needle in her hand just before she stuck it into my neck. Blackness followed.

I awoke with a moan, my entire body aching. To my surprise, I found myself completely nude in a clean white room, chained to a table. Try as I might, I could not remember where I was or how I had arrived there...
