the war begins part 3
#54 of kingdom hearts
He shouted as iteams of music formed from water , tsume and jake worked together with sora and kicked his Ass! it was a hard battle seeing he was much syrong now then he was last time after the battle he fell to his knees as he disappeared
tsume: Which one of you basters wants some more !!
donald: Tsume dont do that more will come
tsume: Oh yeah sorry
jake: Lets get going
voice: There you are
They turn and saw the king And he was not happy
tsume: Jake did it
jake gave tsume a look like saying "really ?"
tsume: ok it uh it was -
jake: Sora , Sora did it !
king: You sure have lot of friends to help ,so I guess we better all pull together and finish this battle for good
all: yes your Majesty
then explosion went off a rock came tumbling down goffy push the king out of the way and got hit in the head. Sora and the others was upset but as for tsume and jake they were super pissed as they took off running leave sora and the others . Down the long way they were stop by red who had an evil grin on his face
tsume: Red
Tsume said with a hiss as she and looked to there friend
red: looks like it time we see who come out alive
Red said with a laugh as he snaped his fingers and in a flsh they were in a dark room standing ontop of what seems to be a big piller
tsume: w-were are we ?
jake: i dont know
red: your in my world now kittys
red said as he walked out from the shadows
red: and you cant leave without my say so, so lets get started shall we
red said as he charged at them Tsume moved out of the way as he stricked at jake making him block reds attack as he swing his keyblade red use his katana to counter it , tsume came from behind him and tryed to blast him with fire but he was to fast he was able to kick jake aside and knock the fall balls away then he attacked tsume head on with full force knocking her keyblade out of her hand and cutting her while doing so. Tsume fell to the ground as she looked up at red who pointed the katana at her ready to strike but was hit with electricity making him fall to the ground
tsume: Jake ! Dont hurt him
jake: He was going to kill you !
Tsume got back on her feet and walked over to jake as he used his magic cure to heal her wound . When they turn around they saw red gone and as it was to late for them to react as they were taken down by a big shockwave of dark energy sending flying almost off the side,tsume looked down to see nothing but darkness down below. tsume and jake struggled to get to their feet as red let out an evil laugh
red: pathetic , I thought you two would be stronger than this but now you guys are nothing but Fallen toys
tsume: red please you have to stop this , were your friends dont you remeber us
jake: can't you see you're being controlled !
red: Im tired of your talking girl , maybe when I'm done finishing you two off im sure sora would be a much better opponents
hearing that mead tsume mad as she got up and ponited her keyblad at him
tsume: try me you basterd , i daer you touch him ! you go near him and I'll send you to hell
red: on contractor , you'll be the one sent to hell
Sora pov)
Sora , Donald clear the path way for them to get to the king once that was finished and they met back up with Goofy who wasn't dead they continued on as they saw an army of heartless. the King recognize xehanort as ansem the wise apprentice which he was the leader of organization 13 the King charged ahead after xehanort as sora and the others took care of the army of heartless
One the army was better then ran over to the king , as sora wanted to know were his friend was but he didn't know were about kairi as for riku he wanted
The king to tell them as he started to disappear but the king was able to get in the portal jumping the portal befor it disappeared
voice: way to falling right into their trap
Sora turned and saw axle leanning against the wall
axle: come on, is a set up by the organization 13 , xemnas is using you to destroy the Heartless that's his big master plane
sora: Xemnas?
axle : the guy you just saw ,he's their leader. got it memorized ? X-E-M,N-A-S.
donld: organization 13 wants to get rid of the heartless?
axle: man you're slow
he said as he pointed down to the keyblade
axle: every heartless slain with a keyblade releases a captive heart. that is what the organization is after
sora: so what are those guys going to do with the hearts
axle: I'm not telling
donld: Tell us !
sora:'re the one who kidnapped Kairi
axle: bingo the name axel got it memorized
sora: where is kairi
axle: ....
sora: please just tell me
axle: look , about kairi im sorry but you shouldn't worry so much about kairi when you have one princess already missing
before he could tell them someone else came making him disappear. Lincoln Highway Blue Heron and golden eyes and a black crow came telling someone to forget about Kyrie but he refuses to.even when sore bout to him he still want to take her into the realm of darkness pissing his ass off
as he summoned a lot of heartless than maleficent canes trying to save sorry blah blah blah
Tsume and jake pov )
Red was taking his anger out on to see me as he was trying to end Jake life she slashes him in the back, making him very very upset
red: you stupid useless pathetic winch ! how dare you lash out at me
He shouted as He started to crush her bones with his foot , the harder he pressed on her body she would scream even louder making him very pleased to hear her scream
red: That's right , scream loud , louder I WANT TO HEAR YOUR BONES CRUSH BENIGN MY FEET !!
Red eyes widen as tsume stop moving then he backed up raising his katana
red: it was nice knowing you princess