Library Adventures II

Story by AdalwinAmillion on SoFurry

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She had a book for children with her. Vittorio looked quite surprised. Was she serious?

The Wolf didn't even care about puzzled jackal and carried on in reading the book.

Vittorio was even more puzzled, when he noticed, that she held the book upside down. He already was raising his trigger finger to say something, but the Wolf gave him already an annoyed glance to what he was going to say.

"What?" she said annoyed as she looked into the black eyes of the jackal. "Do I have something in my face?" she asked, letting her tongue roll out.

Vit's eyes became wide as he noticed this unnatural red color of her tongue. That was it, Vit's mouth opened widely. He also noticed that sudden smell of cherry in the room.

The longer he looked into her face, the derper it looked like. What was she thinking? Is she even able to read? What is going on here. Vit cleared his throat as he started a new try to talk to her. "Ehm... Who.. are you?" he asked shyly, he wasn't used to conversations with others.

The Wolf's eyes twinkled up, as she turned her abstracted face to the Anubian. "Ahh, name's Erika!" she said, as she offered her paw for shaking, still with a hanging tongue and drooling.

Vittorio hesitated to reach out for it, as he was a bit disgusted by her tongue... But then, he overcame his disgusts and shook her paw. They were warm, he then noticed that they were glowing red aswell. Looking into her deep eyes, he noticed, that she wasn't mentally there AGAIN.

Snipping with his finger by her ear, she woke up from her trance, immediately perking up her ears.

"Why are you here?" Vittorio asked again. "I am reading a book! Here! In the library!" Erika said with a proud voice while closing her eyes as proudly.

Slowly, Vittorio began to talk again. "You were holding this book upside down... And.. it's a book for kids... Can you even read?"

"Yep!" Erika answered. "I already can read 15 letters!" she said, even prouder. Vittorio let himself fall back on his armchair, as he put away his book.

"Those aren't even all letters!" he said, protesting. Erika just looked at him, tilting her head like a puppy. "There are more than 15? I am pretty sure there are only 15!" she said as she began to count the different letters in her book. "1, 5, 9, 2, 7, 14..."

"STOP!" Vit shouted into the library. "That is awful! Did you even learn it somewhere?!"

As Vittorio kept yelling at her, Erika's eyes became bigger and tears started to run down her cheek, lowering her ears. "You yell at me and you didn't even tell me your name... THAT is mean..."

She said as she began to cry.

Our master talker stopped as she saw her... Then, he lowered his ears, too.