Library Adventures III

Story by AdalwinAmillion on SoFurry

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Silence came back to

the library again. Erika still looked into the eyes of Vittorio, who

kind of started to regret what he did.

He became more and

more sad and tried to slowly look away, but the puppy eyes of Erika

fixed him in his position.

He didn't dare to

look away. She got him; and she knew it.

Her tears ran down

on the floor, the dropping noise was the only thing one could hear.

Next to their breathes.

"E.. Erika..."

Vit said regretful, looking at her. Closing her eyes to cut off her

tears, she stood up.

"I will go then...

Looks like I don't belong to the library..." she said, without any

exertion. She started walking towards the exit, scuffing her tail

over the ground, leaving her book at her armchair.

She was very slow on

food, the burden of her feelings weighed on her heavily. Just as she

was about to take the door, Vittorio shouted.


Erika stopped moving

quickly as she was about to look back. But suddenly, something

wrapped their arms around her and hugged her.

It was Vittorio. He

held her in his arms, crying on her shoulder.

"I am so sorry...

I shouldn't have yelled at you for that... I see things like these to

be very easy, that's why I didn't understand in my arrogance how you

couldn't get all these things right... I.."

He stopped as a paw

was held on his muzzle. Erika wanted him to shut the hell up.

"I want to learn

how to read and how to count..." she said with such a conviction,

that it made the vice shiver.

Vittorio looked into

her eyes and commenced smiling.

"I will teach you,


From then on,

Vittorio taught Erika everything he knew, she was a fast learner. And

she soon could read pretty decent.