Open Content Story: Rudder of the God

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Warning, warning. Cub, blood, rape ahead. That said, this is commissioned by FA: Rayo_elgatubelo and involves a past incident with his primary character.

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Rudder of the God

for Rayoelgatubelo

by Draconicon

"Mother Xuxu better return soon, or I will have to take steps."

Casaquir saw his guards mutter to themselves, some of them shivering at his words. It mattered not to the young feline; his words ruled the land when his mother was away, and none would question a god.

Spreading his arms around the rim of the small underground pool, he glanced towards some of the female 'bodyguards' that his mother had helped him transform. They were looking at him in a mix of trepidation and worship, as was proper. His sheath throbbed as he looked over their bare bodies, taking in their breasts and their sexes, but it was hardly exciting to him. He had enjoyed them far too many times to be interested in their worn holes and sagging breasts.

He leaned back with a sigh, staring up towards the darkened ceiling. What he needed was something reliable, yet new. His mother had been gone for too long, and his needs were at a boiling point. Perhaps he could call for a new sacrifice; it had been almost a week since the last one, after all. Or perhaps -

"Your Divinity."

He slowly turned, intentionally imitating one of the jaguars he'd seen in the jungle just the other day in his languidness. The human shivered as he came under the god's vision, and bowed, lowering himself to the ground immediately.

"Your Divinity, the people of the river have sent you a tribute."

"Place it in the treasury with the rest. My mother will account it upon her return."

"Y-your pardon, Your Divinity, but it is not...treasure."

"What is it, then?"

"A-an angel, Your Divinity."

The word made him pause. There had been word from some of his warriors, the use of that word. It had been mentioned as something somewhat under his own position, of a servant of a god. Perhaps today would be interesting after all.

"Show her to me."

The human immediately stood up, gesturing up the stairs towards the surface. Two other warriors started walking down, bearing a small litter between them. Curious, Casaquir lifted himself up, the water barely covering him from the waist down as he peered up the stairs.

Slowly, the shadows parted, and he was able to look upon his gift. A small girl, perhaps nine or ten years of age, but not human. Instead, she shared the tail and body of an otter, blended with that of a human. Just as he was blended with the shape of a jaguar. She wore little more than a loincloth, but around her neck were strewn pieces of wooden jewelry, marked with the signs of her tribe. He didn't recognize them, but he had little doubt that Xuxu would.

But that didn't matter to him. What did matter was the outline of her body, and the details that slowly came to view. The way that the loincloth fell on her, barely reaching to cover her sex; the way that her chest, exposed as it was, showed none of the bulges that the adult females had; the way that she looked at him without any consciousness of her nudity; it all added up to one that was untouched.

A gift, indeed, he thought as he licked his lips. The warriors had barely set foot on the bottom stair before he waved his hand.

"Leave us. We will speak privately."

He turned to the females at the sides, and didn't bother repeating the order. He waved, and they obeyed, as was proper. As the transformed felines and the human guards made their way out of the cenote pool, he turned his attention back to the girl.

"What is your name?"

" -"

"Nevermind. You will be called Cotzi."

"I have a name."

"Yes. It's Cotzi. For you will be my flower."

She looked at him with a blush on her cheeks. Casaquir waited for her to speak again, but as she didn't, the feline decided to take things into his own hands. Pushing away from the side of the pool, he swam over to her side. He felt every bit of the water tugging on his sheath, particularly as he looked over her body. As she shifted position, and the loincloth raised enough for him to see what lay beneath it, it got all the more pleasant below the surface.

He slapped his hands against the other side of the pool, making her jump. The sight of a surprised otter was quite amusing, and he chuckled.

"Lay back."


"Because I told you to. Now do as I say."

She hesitated before following orders. Even from his place at the edge of the pool, he could reach her litter, and he could reach her. The jaguar smiled as he stroked his hand down her leg. It was slightly chubby in the thigh, but not much; she was simply showing her youth. It was thin, though, so thin from the knee down. He could wrap his entire hand around it, and he chuckled as he stroked his claw from her thigh to her toes.

"You were born an 'angel', Cotzi?"

"I...think so."

"You think so..."


"No. It's 'I think so, Your Divinity.'"

She nodded, though her face burned a bit more as he stroked his claws back up. The edge nicked the cord that held her loincloth to her body, and let the flaps of hide fall to the ground. He deliberately kept his eyes away from her sex, though; he wanted to save the best for last, and there was so much more to enjoy.

Her arms were as slender as her legs, if not more so; if he were to wrap his hand around her wrist, he felt as if he could do it twice. Her flat chest barely hid her nipples, her fur short as her species usually was around that part. He smiled, dragging his fingers over her nipples, forcing them to harden, forcing them to turn into little points for his own amusement.

As she shuddered under him, his shaft grew harder and harder beneath the surface of the water. His need had built so high that the water almost felt like he was sliding into a warm, wet hole...except that it wasn't enough. But he had what he needed, right here.

He brought his hands back down, growling softly as he spread her legs. She started to pull back, but he flexed his claws, digging into her flesh enough to keep her still. As she froze, he smiled to himself as he saw her sex. Tiny, just like the rest of her, and untouched. Some girls pretended, but had played with themselves, even gone to the old - and forbidden - temples to offer themselves to beasts. But this one hadn't. This girl was a flower, alright; a flower for him to take.

"Come here."

"Why -"


He would not be denied, not now, and when she squirmed back, he pulled her as hard as he could. With her small body, she had no chance to resist, and fell in the water with him. He grabbed her by the hips before she could swim away, wrenching her tail up with his teeth and holding it there. She yelped, but not as loudly as she screamed when he pulled her down onto his cock.

Even with her squirming - perhaps because of it - he moaned from the feeling of her hole around his cock. With the water turning red near their joining, Casaquir started pulling her back and forth. The violent motions churned the water, forcing Cotzi's head up and down, under and above the water. He heard her gurgles for air, but ignored them; she was an offering to him, and he would use her as he willed.

What he wanted was her body, and he had it. In and out he went, panting as his barbed cock was swallowed up again and again by her bleeding hole. Her screams were, however, getting on his nerves. Leaning back so he could support himself on the wall of the pool, the feline pushed his hand down on the back of the otter's head, holding her underwater as he kept slamming in and out.

With his balls slapping against her, and the red fading in favor of the bubbles coming from her mouth, Casaquir looked down at her. Her tail was up so high that he could see both of her holes, not just the one he'd been wrecking for the last minute. The other, the pucker, looked so much tinier, so much tighter. He could use that, considering how much looser her sex was becoming. What if he -

On the next thrust, he 'slipped' out of her sex and stabbed his cock into her other hole. The scream from underwater sent a ton of bubbles to the surface, and the divine feline smiled to himself as he saw it. He moaned, pulling her back harder, faster, biting down more on her tail until he could almost taste her in his mouth. He was so close.

With a few more thrusts, just as the bubbles faded, he came, filling her pucker with his seed. He panted, pulling her back from the water. Her gasp echoed across the cavern as he dropped her back on land, just chuckling as he pulled his barbed shaft free from her bleeding rump.


"You're speaking to me without my title?"

"Why...Your Divinity...did you..."

Casaquir shook his head, turning around. He felt his tail whip across her somewhere, and felt her tremble in response. Good; if she was going to stay here, she should learn her proper place early.

"You are a tribute to me. And I wanted to have a little bit of fun."

"I...I know fun...and that -"

"That was fun, woman. And if you're complaining about it, you obviously don't know the honor that you've been given."

He snorted as he swam around the pool, ignoring the soft whimpers from her as she curled up into a ball. They always did that; his mother said it was because they couldn't handle the shock of being owned by a god. She'd learn; they all did, in time.

The End