Talltree Island: Ricky the Bellhop

Story by CaptainMidnight on SoFurry

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Looks like this is my first story in a long time. This is not going to be a story with an actual plot or anything, though I am working on something like that currently. Instead, this story will simply be a collection of one-shots told in the 2nd person in which the reader has sex with various male and female anthros on the island of Talltree. This will of course contain a lot of graphic sex, both gay and straight and even a few that are both, enjoy.This is an M/M story.    Talltree island is a small island, somewhere in the Caribbean which has a population of a few thousand people, mostly anthros. The island is just like any other island, not as popular as some of the other destinations in that area, but a lot nicer than most due to it's quiet nature and small population. Talltree island however has one particularly unusual trait about it, and it's not the fact that ninety percent of the people living there are anthros, it's the fact that the entire male population of anthros are gay. Nobody knows why this happened, maybe it was something in the water or some kind of spell, or maybe it's just one giant coincidence, but it seems that any anthro who goes there, no matter how straight they were previously, will turn gay within a month. However, seeing as you swing both ways you decide to take a vacation to the island and meet with some of the friendly locals, thinking about all the horny anthro women on the island who can't get laid because all the men are gay, and of course all the gay anthro men, some of them very hot, who you're practically tripping over there's so many. You wear the usual tourist clothes: a tropical shirt and shorts, sandals and sunglasses, and with you is your luggage full of everything needed for the two week adventure on the island. You get off the plane, the anthro pilot looked nervous, like he wanted to get off the island as quickly as possible.

 "He must believe the old stories." You thought to yourself before disembarking from the plane. You took a trip to the hotel where you paid for your trip in advance, the receptionist gave you the key to your room, which was high up and had a nice view of the ocean and beach below."Ricky, help this man with his bags!" The receptionist yelled to the bellhop, and he responded in a flash and ran over to help you with your luggage."I'll help you with that sir!" Ricky said as he picked up your luggage and brought it to the elevator, you entered along with him to get to your room. Ricky was a white mouse, wearing the archetypical red and gold colored bellboy's uniform and hat. Ricky himself was kind of small, in fact he had a little difficulty with your luggage so you decided to take a few bags yourself to help ease the burden on him. He had large ears, a pair of big incisors which poked out like buck teeth, pink eyes and soft white fur. In addition to this, he had

smooth, soft facial features and a rather feminine body with some minor curves around his hips and waist. When you got to your room, he helped you get everything straightened away with your luggage. When he was done, he tipped his hat to you.

 "There you go, have a great day sir!" Ricky said, but before he was about to leave you decided to ask him a question."Hey Ricky, do you mind if I call you that?" You asked."Sure, I don't mind." He responded."Tell me, is the rumor true? About everyone on the island being?... you know." You asked, curious to figure out if the stories about Talltree Island are true. Ricky seemed to blush a little."Ah... well, yes. Kind of. Only the males are that way, the women all seem to be fine. It also only affects anthros too and only if you stay longer than a month." Ricky responded."Gotcha. So, since all the males on the island are gay, does that mean you too?" You ask Ricky, he tugged on the collar of his uniform a bit, feeling a little embarrassed."Well, yes actually." Ricky said with an awkward smile. Upon hearing this, you had a naughty idea. You always wondered what it would be like to bang the bellhop."Hey Ricky, how would you like to make a little extra tip?" You ask him with a sly look on your face. Ricky was taken back a little by the offer, he knew what you were implying.

 "Ah... I can't do that, I'll get in trouble! Besides, I work hear and I have to be professional... and..." Ricky trailed on for a moment but then decided to change his mind. He took a "Do Not Disturb" sign and placed it on the doorknob of the room before shutting it and locking the door."Alright, you win." Ricky said before cupping his little hand over the bulge in your underpants. With his nimble fingers, the young twenty something anthro mouse began to unbutton your shorts, letting them fall to the ground below before he hooked your underwear with his fingers and pulled them down, revealing your erect manhood to him. The bellhop got down on his knees, his pointed mouse face inches away from your manhood."If at all possible, could you keep this between us? My boss won't be happy if they find this out." Ricky asked before grabbing a hold of your member and stroking it back and forth, the sensation felt great as he held it firmly yet had a certain gentleness to his touch, not unlike a relaxing massage. His warm, furry hand continued to work your member, eventually pulling the foreskin of your penis back, exposing the bare head which was wet and dripping with pre-cum. You felt the bellhops warm breath tickle across the tip of your member as he held it by the base, continuing to stroke it gently. Ricky then decided to give your member a long lick, slowly dragging his tongue from the base of your penis all the way to the very tip, sending shivers through your spine. He licked and tugged your member for a while, flicking

his tongue against your dickhead to increase your pleasure.

 "Do you like that?" He asked. You moan yes and he decides to continue, this time opening his mouth and taking the meat in slowly. His warm, moist mouth massaged your member up and down while his tongue licked the length of it back and forth while he sucked on it gently. As he blew your hard cock, you felt shock waves of pleasure racing through your body and you moaned, all the while he had a tight grip on the base of your penis. In reaction you placed your hand on to the back of his head and pushed your member further into his mouth, making Ricky gag a little. Removing his hand from your penis, he instead wrapped both of them around your waist and grabbed hold of your ass cheeks, kneading and squeezing them as he moved his head back and forth, gradually sucking you off. Despite having buck teeth, he was very skilled in not accidentally poking them with you, you occasionally felt them brush along the top of your penis when he gave you throat, but not much more than that. Each time he gagged you felt empowered, like you were so big he couldn't handle it all, and you soon began to feel your climax approaching quickly, gripping his shoulder tightly while he increased his speed.

 "I'm almost there." You moaned while Ricky continued to suck your dick. Eventually, you couldn't take any more and you blasted your load down Ricky's throat. He gagged a little but did not spit it up, instead swallowing every drop of it which entered his mouth. Despite this, you still felt horny, like you could go a second round and your member was not going soft any time soon. Ricky removed your member from you mouth, licking away any excess cum which spilled out of his mouth and swallowing it."Not bad, you taste pretty good." Ricky said. as he began to stand up. Suddenly, you felt the urge to go for a second round, taking Ricky and swiftly bending him over the bed."Ahh! Wait! If you're going to do this at least use some lube! It's in the dresser!" Ricky said, somewhat panicked. You decided to go easy on the bellhop and took out a squeeze container from the dresser, pulling down Ricky's red pants and exposing his tight ass and admittedly small, 4 inch erect member to you. You smiled as you rubbed the lubricant onto your now harder than ever penis while taking a portion of it on your two fingers and sticking them in Ricky's ass.

 "Mmmm!" Ricky moaned while biting his lower lip, feeling your digits prodding the hot cavern and spreading the lubricant inside of him. You scissored your fingers inside of him to stretch his anus a bit and prepare him to take your cock. With one arm on his shoulder and the other holding his pink tail up, you began to push your member against his moistened and hot asshole. He gasped a bit before you began to push it in, your member being engulfed in walls of warm, silky, lubricated flesh as you plunged into Ricky's depths, making him

moan loudly in a slight bit of pain as he felt his anus stretch around your girth."How's that?" You ask Ricky."I'm okay." He said, though he practically looked like he was holding back tears as he continued to bite his lip. Soon enough his pain began to subside and you felt his ass relax, giving you the opportunity to pull your member out of him except for the head before pushing it back into his body."Ahhh!" Ricky moaned as he felt your member nearly exit him before being pushed back in, stimulating all the nerves within his ass. You grinned lustfully and pulled out and pushed back in, again and again, picking up speed and rhythm as you fucked Ricky in the ass. Each time you pulled your member out he would gasp, and when you pushed it back in he would moan loudly. Eventually, you struck gold and prodded your penis against a knob of flesh within Ricky's body that made him gasp loudly, followed by a loud moan.

 "Well, look what I found!" You said to Ricky, realizing you've found his male G-Spot, his prostate. He looked back at you with a somewhat nervous expression, wondering if the intensity would be too much for him. You continued to thrust into him harder and harder, striking his prostate each time and making Ricky moan loudly, the pleasure being so intense it was bringing the poor effeminate mouse to tears which he had no way of holding back at this point, his own member leaking pre-cum like a faucet which formed a long string which connected to the bed."S-Sir! I don't have that much longer... If you keep going I'll... Ah! Ahhhh!" Ricky moaned as he began to orgasm, his legs shook and became like noodles and chills ran up his spine, nearly making him feel dizzy as he came hard, firing shot by shot of his load onto the bedsheets. At this point you didn't care about the mess, you were having far too much fun. When Ricky was having his orgasm, his ass clenched hard around your member, tightening it's grip as you continued to move your member in and out of him. It wasn't long however until you had all you could take and began to orgasm as well, moaning loudly as you ejaculated into the young mouse's well fucked anus. You continued to fire your load into his body until it could take no more and began to leak out, dripping onto the bedroom floor. After you had finished having your way with Ricky, you finally decided to pull out. Ricky simply just panted and moaned softly, feeling a little strange from the load you ejected into his body and his intense anal orgasm. You pulled his ass cheeks apart with your hands to look at your handiwork, his expanding and contracting and slowly pushing your semen out, some of it dripping onto the ground while a stream of it ran down his balls and onto the floor. His now soft dick surrounded in a small pool of his own ejaculate. He held his hand out."Tip please." He managed to say between deep breaths, you handed him a few dollar bills before he finally

stood up, cleaned himself up and pulled up his pants.

 "I should probably clean that up." He said."Nah, I'll get it." You say to Ricky. He adjusted his hat which was a bit crooked from the ass pounding he had received."Well then, enjoy your stay at the Talltree hotel." Ricky said as he turned around to leave the room before you responded by slapping his ass, making the bellhop blush a little in embarrassment. After you cleaned up the mess the two of you made moments before and got everything settled away, you laid back on the bed and looked up at the ceiling."This is going to be one awesome vacation." You say to yourself.