Love........SERIOUSLY!? Chapter 2

Story by Admiral Q on SoFurry

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#36 of MLP

Dave....well, I guess it's Cadance now; I might as well get used to that name, woke up as the sunlight came through her window. She groaned and glared at the window, before using her magic to close the curtain.

'Wait! I just used magic!' Looking around the room, she spotted a bedpan, and focused her mind on it. Her concentration was rewarded with the tell tale hum of magic, and a cyan colored aura surround the pan. She manage to lift it up from its resting place, and proceeded to fly it around the room. Seeing that she had that under control at least, caused her to cheer in delight. It seems Faust kept her word, and gave her a hand..or hoof in this case. The moment of bliss was ruined as a sharp jolt of pain lanced through her head, and she dropped the pan to the floor, clamping her hooves to her temples.

'Okay, no big magical experiments right now. My mind might be making this new body stay alive, but the brain is still injured. I still need the bed rest, so going back to sleep should help that, and my headache.' Lying back down, she snuggled up under the covers, and felt sleep begin to take her again.

As she was just about to slip off, the door opened, bathing her is light once again.

"Good morning Princess!" The doctor from before came in, seemingly ignorant to the unsuppressed groan Cadance let out.

Rolling over in an attempt to ignore the mare, her eyes were assaulted once again as the curtains were thrown open.

"Another beautiful day brought to us by your aunt." The mare's smile vanished when she looked at me, my death glare in full force. 'I swear if I had a mirror I would check to see if my eyes changed. I'd love to be rocking Nightmare Moon eye right now.' Outwardly I spoke;

"I was TRYING to sleep."

"Apologies your highness, but you must be checked up on. Princess Celestia would send me to the moon if anymore harm came to you."

"Fine." Cadance sighed, conceding the point.

"So how are you feeling?" the doctor asked, as her horn began to glow.

"I have a slight headache still, but my magic is working. I can't use it for long however, before the pain becomes too great. The light from that window isn't helping." 'I glare at her again.'

"Well then, I suggest to only use your magic for short bursts when you have to, and do everything else by hoof. A bit more sleep wouldn't be a bad idea either" -'I give her my best 'are you kidding me?' look I can muster.'

The door opened again to reveal Princess Celestia. "How's my favorite niece doing today?" The white alicorn asked with a smile.

"Better, but I was trying to sleep, until a certain someones certain celestial object woke me up. THEN a certain unicorn came in, and started probing me with questions. I guess with you being here I can throw sleep out of the window. Since I'm up, I'm hungry, I'll take decent food over sleep." 'The whole thing came out rather more tersely than I had intended, but I hope it conveyed my current mood to the pair.'

Celestia frowned, but otherwise ignored my jibe about her sun. Setting the smile back on her face, she levitated a white box from the other side of the door;

""Well then, you are in luck. I stopped by Pony Joe's Doughnut Shop on the way here."

Cadance clapped her hooves in anticipation.

"Great! You know for a profession that follows the motto do no harm, they really do make horrible food here." The doctor left out an indignant huff, and was about to respond before Cadance pointed a hoof at him. "Don't start, you don't eat this stuff. You go home and have a nice meal with your family, or bring your own lunch."

The doctor pouted, letting out another huff, but couldn't defend the food further, all but conceding to Cadance.

Celestia once again wore a slight frown at Cadance's behaviour, but levitated the box of doughnuts in front of her niece. Cadance used her magic to grab a one, and moved it towards her mouth. Salivating already, she took a bite and smiled, as the taste exploded across her new tastebuds.

With Cadance distracted on the sugary treat, Celestia turned her attention to the doctor; "So how long does she have to stay here, Doctor?"

The doctor raised her voice, having to do so to be heard over the pink princess's food ecstasy; -'Old Fashioned Glaze - my favourite - mmmmmmmmmm.'

"Well definitely a few days more. It really depends on how the physical therapy. Her motor cortex is still repairing itself. While she seems able to move around, we will test her ability to walk tomorrow. Her recovery is actually quite remarkable, but I'm not taking any chances."

'Therapy? Figures, I do have to get use to this body. Oh joy! Well that's future Cadance's problem.' Shrugging her shoulders, Cadance dived back into the box of Doughnuts.

* * * * * *

Even the sugar laced treats couldn't help sustain her body, with most of its energy going to recovery, and Cadance soon fell asleep again. Both the doctor and Celestia decided to let her rest, and moved to exit the room. With the now empty box of doughnuts now in her magic Celestia gently closed the door. She looked at the doctor with a worried expression.

"I'm concerned doctor. Cadance is... different. She was never that rude, or blunt, before the accident. She was acts in ways I wouldn't expect her to."

"It's not surprising really your highness. The brain is a marvelous and mysterious thing. It manage to repair itself but it can't repair everything. There have been multiple recorded cases where a patient has suffered damage to the brain, and have had a slight personality change, or even as far as a complete reversal. It is especially prudent with memory loss cases.

Our history, our memories, are what help us form as a pony. Cadance is now drawing on what she can recall, then it will form a different mental picture than before.

To be quite honest your highness I didn't expect Princess Cadance to make it. We had her hooked up to life support, but for awhile she actually read as brain dead, almost zero neural activity. Then bam- yesterday she wakes up. What she's doing right now is remarkable. She can speak and hold conversations. Her magic is usable in short bursts, and tomorrow we'll see how her walking is. Personally I say it's a good trade off. I'd rather have my niece alive and active, rather than watching her waste away."

Celestia had to admit she did have a point there.

"I guess I'll have to get used to this new Cadance."

"That's the spirit, your highness. But remember, she will also need to get use to you. Her memory is messed up and she is trusting us with her life. That takes guts your highness."

Celestia looked back at the closed door. She might mourn the loss of the niece she knew, and the person she was, but she would never squander the chance to help this new Cadance flourish. Who knows, maybe this time she could be an even better pony.

* * * * * *

Cadance was shakily standing. It was the first time she actually stood on her hooves, having been wheel chaired to the physical therapy section of the hospital. Celestia was with the doctor and nurse ready to give encouragement. She stayed for a minute before moving a hoof forward. Then another, and another, before she fell. The nurse came to her aide, but with a brush of her wing, Cadance signalled to be left to it. Eyes narrowed, Cadance groaned with effort as she got back on her hooves. Taking a couple of breaths, she steadied herself and tried moving forward again. She made it another five feet before collapsing again. This time she let the nurse help her up.

"Princess, you've done excellent today, but I think now is enough; any more falls and you're going to start bruising. You've got determination, I'll give you that. Given the damage to your motor cortex, this is an incredibly fast recovery, and we will stick with the everyday till you get your strength back."

The doctor looked over to Celestia. "Would there be a more convenient time for you Princess Celestia or is this time okay?" Cadance felt a magic field around her and noticed the golden glow. She pouted a bit at being handled like this but she was a tad tired trying to walk.

"This time is perfect doctor. My niece is far more important to me than some noble's grievance or government busy work." Celestia replied. Cadance felt something on her back. Looking, it turned out to be Celestia's wing. Cadance followed the wing and looked at Celestia's face. There she saw the look of love and worry there. She hasn't seen that look since her mother died. Cadance also felt a strange sensation. She felt warmth emanating from her. If she was capable of melting, she sure would've done so there an then. So she did the next best thing, and lean into Celestia's wing hug. She felt the warmth grow slightly?

'Huh - she is Alicorn of the Sun after all. I wonder if she just naturally generates this heat. I bet she never needs a scarf or or coat during winter if so, lucky girl. But I wonder how that is during summer, or it she isn't affected by summer?' Cadance's mind wandered, as she was pushed down the hall by her new aunt.

She admitted she felt bad for Celestia, she had lost her niece. The niece she knew till now. While Dave's mind allows Cadance's physical form to live, it does not contain Cadance's memories. Only the basic starter kit on magic Faust left her with, and what Dave knew from the show. And considering Celestia lost her sister nearly a thousand years ago, this has to be hard. Heck Dave/Cadance was in the same boat as her before all of this. She figured she owed Celestia an apology at least. As they entered her room, she spoke:

"Princess Celestia, I'm sorry that I don't remember much." To her surprise, she was literally covered in Celestia's wings, as she felt legs across her barrel, and Celestia pressed up against her back.

Sniffling lightly, Celestia spoke; "Never apologize for that. THIS is not your fault! The times we shared in the past do not compare to still having you around. And please drop the title. I want no title's between us other than in formal settings. You are my niece above all else. Never forget that, okay?" Cadance couldn't help but be moved by what was said. That warmth she felt earlier had gotten hotter, and warm tears could be felt landing on her mane. Something inside Cadance urged her to do something. Turning around in Celestia's embrace, she threaded her forelegs around the larger mare, and returned the hug with force. Looking up into her eyes, she said, with the utmost sincerity;

"I'll do my best, Celestia." They stayed that way for a few more minutes, before Cadance was gently lifted back into her bed.

"Will you need anything else Cadance?" Celestia asked as she turned to leave.

"Some books would be nice. I've got a lot of things to try to remember after all." Celestia nodded and left, her head subconsciously held a few inches higher then when she arrived, as if a weight had been lifted from her being.

* * * * * *

Two days past, and Cadance was relaxing in her bed, snuggled up to a new book. She would read after one of her therapy sessions. Her aunt had left minutes earlier to return to her royal duties so Cadance decided to play catch up with Equestrian history and magic basics.

She was about a chapter in, when she heard a huge explosion and felt a surge of magic through her horn. Looking out the window and saw a shockwave in rainbow colors. She smiled and commented to herself;

"It's showtime kiddies." Knowing nothing bad had happened, she went back to her book. She heard hooves galloping passed the door for the next few minutes, but nothing more.

It was another few minutes before her door was opened and what had to be a Royal Guard came in.

"Princess, you okay?"

Deciding it was best to feign ignorance, Cadance replied; "I'm fine but what was that?"

"Not sure yet your highness, but rumors have circulated that a pegasus filly pulled of a 'sonic rainboom'. It that wasn't enough, it caused another filly, a unicorn trying out for her Highness's school, to have a magic flare of unprecedented proportions. Princess Celestia is taking care of the matter herself."

"Well I'm absolutely fine, thank you, so you may return to your duties."

"Yes your highness." He bowed, and left the room. Cadance returned to her book with a smile on her face, eagerly awaiting what was to come.

* * * * * *

The next day, Cadance just had the gloop that passed for breakfast at the hospital, and had returned to reading, when the door was opened.

"Good morning Cadance." Celestia said. Cadance gave a warm smile.

"Auntie, you're early, therapy isn't for another ten minutes."

"Well I wanted you to meet somepony." Celestia, she said, shifting a wing, and revealing a small lavender filly. "Cadance, meet Twilight Sparkle. My new personal student." The filly was levitated onto the bed, before her nervousness took over, and she shied away towards the foot of the bed.

"Go on Twilight, don't be afraid." Celestia spoke softly.

"Ummm... H..hello Princess Cadance" Twilight waved slightly, "My brother saved you from that accident, but I didn't think I'd ever be able to meet you."

For the record. Twilight Sparkle the filly.




I mean forget the Spirits of Christmas or Tiny Tim. If Scrooge had a filly Twilight with him he's never gone cold.

So what chance did she have? She pulled Twilight closer with her magic, and ruffled the fillies hair.

"Please, just call me Cadance. And how in the world would you think I would never want to see a filly as cute as you?" The filly rubbed one of her forelegs and looked down, clearly overwhelmed by the sudden acceptance.

"Shiny took it hard when you were injured. He felt he failed in his duties to protect you." That hit Cadance right in the feels, and she put a hoof around Twilight.

"Hey, tell him I want to talk to him later, ok?" - Twilight nods, but she is still looking down. Changing the subject quickly; "So how did you become my aunt's student? She only accepts the best" The filly talked about her exam, and how she was failing till an explosion startled. She explained how she felt a surge of magic, and that it took Princess Celestia to calm her down.

"Then I got this!" The filly directed her butt at Cadance and the pink alicorn smiled at the familiar mark.

"Congratulations Twilight. I'm sure you'll be a good student." With the story concluded, Cadance was taken to the therapy room. She still had some trouble, but both Celestia and Twilight giving encouragement it went much better. When she nearly fell, she was surprised to see it was Twilight was by her side trying to help her up. Cadance could feel warmth radiating from Twilight. Did she feel love? They never did mention in the show how Cadance did the whole love, thing other than three instances. She would have to study that later, though, right now she had to learn to walk again. With the feeling of warmth emanating from two ponies in the room with her, she did far better this time around.

* * * * * *

Hours later, Cadance was interrupted from her reading again. She had being trying to soak up more history and magic, when there was a light knock, followed by the door opening.

"Y-you wanted to see me your h..highness?" A familiar stallion asked with a worry face. He wasn't wearing his guard armour, but it was unmistakably Shining Armour. She gestured with a hoof for him to enter, and come closer. He did, but rather fearfully. As he got closer, she spoke her mind;

"I want you to know I don't hold you responsible for my anything that happened. Without your actions, and quick thinking, I would be in fact be dead. (Both me the human and Cadance the pony) You did your duty, so stop blaming yourself for this. From what I hear, your shield is one of the best the Canterlot Guard has seen in years, so I consider myself lucky that you were on duty that day. I would like to give you my personal thanks."

That caused his head to shoot up.

"But Princess, I .. I..."

"No butts Shining. You are the reason I am still here - so Thank You, Shining Armour. Now I don't want to hear about moping like that again, GOT IT?" He fearfully shook his head. Cadance gave an evil grin. "Good, now tell that sweet sister of yours I said hi and look forward to seeing more of her." He nodded again and started to walk away. "Oh and one last thing. That includes you as well."

His face flushed red, and he made a hasty retreat, smiling the whole time.

'Well, I got to to meet Twilight today, and my walking is improving. It has definitely been a good day.'

Love........SERIOUSLY!? Chapter 3

After another few weeks, Cadance's walking had gotten to the point she no longer needed help, or felt like falling over, and the Doctor signed her off. This meant she could FINALLY leave the hospital week of the castle. She wasn't quite ready to...

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Love........SERIOUSLY!? Chapter 1

Dave did what any rational man would do, if they were in the same situation; He let out the biggest, manliest scream ever recorded. Now, the Royal Canterlot Voice gets some bad press from the show, but I would like to go on the record and put those...

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Love........SERIOUSLY!? Intro

Love........SERIOUSLY!? By Admiral Q Edited by RC2101\_Copey Dave felt like hell incarnate. His head felt like there was a marching band, parading round inside. '_Why does my head hurt?'_He tried to remember the last thing he did, and was almost...

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