D.E1 Crossover - Chapter Eight

Story by WhitePawPrints on SoFurry

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#8 of Canis Major Stowaway

Note: This is the final completed chapter of the crossover story. The next chapter has been in progress for quite some time now. It is difficult to find the time to focus on writing as of late, between the stress at home and working two jobs (both GTHusky and I). We can easily afford our own place, and intend to do so soon enough so hopefully our writing lapse will soon come to an end.

In this chapter, Yukiomaru is treated more of a guest rather than a stowaway. While the change in behavior is welcome, his mind is still set on the singular goal of to reunite with the marten, Jun Fa. Husky's affection is quite effective in distracting the fox from his worries.

It was a nice sight; seeing Rage of Lusceonis so busy and full of life. It had been so hard to recover from the battle against the machines when former R-One-Oh-Five was brought close to terminal damage. But the ship, now baptized as Rage of Lusceonis blossomed with the positive feelings of thousands of Retcans that for months had given every ounce of their energy to restore it.

Witnessing these good vibes, were the D.E1 Squad as they made their way back to the hangar. They had a mission, and they were proud to accept it.

Walking next to them was the small furred alien that they had met the past day. Only close to twenty-four hours had passed, but the Evos had taken this creature of radiant white fur as their own. He was their furred brother and they would do anything in their power to help him out of his predicament.

"Yukiomaru..." Husky said, as he walked next to the little alien. "I really didn't want this to happen. We were just following protocol." He felt bad. It was obvious that Yukiomaru was upset after his encounter with the Retcans. Husky and his family never intended for this to happen.

"That was absolutely unnecessary." Yukiomaru firmly replied without looking back. His tail gracefully waved in mid air, following him as he upped his pace.

"Yukiomaru," Hasky now jumped in. "The Retcans, especially Silver can be very apprehensive during these circumstances. But I assure you they are like us and would never find pleasure on making you feel bad."

"I understand she can be stressed but imagine how stressed I am," Yukiomaru replied. "That Silver wasn't too welcoming but I know she probably didn't mean it. She doesn't seem to handle stress very well, but she did apologize for it and I do appreciate that. But you should've informed me that I was to be taken into this ship by them."

"We do apologize for that, Yukiomaru." Hasky replied. As her family, she felt really bad.

Husky quickly upped the pace to intercept Yukiomaru, and stop him. Kneeling down in front of him he gently placed his paws on the little alien's shoulders. "I know what you feel, Yukiomaru. I know you miss someone, and that justifies your impatience."

Yukiomaru stared directly at Husky's eyes and just listened carefully. Husky could notice concern on the little alien's eyes. Something that he said had broken his resilient character. "You will reunite with Jun, and we will help you with that no matter what." Husky said softly, very close to Yukiomaru's face.

Husky never forgot that name. Twice he had heard it, and whoever this Jun was, it was definitely someone very important to Yukiomaru; much more than important, as he felt how Yukiomaru's little body twitched and lost firmness at the mentioning of this name.

"No more delays, puppy..." A voice behind Yukiomaru said. Hasky tenderly hugged him and reassured him that help would be provided.

Yukiomaru's eyes went from a piercing glare to a mellow stare full of concern. Husky knew he still was barely beginning to understand how much this Jun meant for him.

As usual, Fx didn't say much, but he kneeled next to the little furred alien, smiled at him and placed his paw gently on his shoulder to show him his support.

Yukiomaru didn't utter a single word on their way to the hangar.

Deck after deck they walked through until they finally reached Rage of Lusceoni's hangar. The Retcan team that would accompany the D.E1 Squad packed their equipment diligently in their Special Operation Vessel.

"Captain, K9!" As the D.E1 squad moved into the larger areas of the hangar, the well known black furred Retcan approached them.

"Storm! I'm glad to see you, buddy." Kalem gladly came close to the Retcan. His team was nearby, as well as Yukiomaru, who now seemed slightly more relaxed.

"Likewise, my Evo friend." Storm replied. "I've been assigned as pilot of this operation. We will be leaving later this evening, so your team will have some time to get everything ready for the jump."

"That will be good, Storm. There are things we have to take care of, and one of those is quickly instruct our new friend on how we operate in the D.E Squad. That might take us the rest of the day."

"If you need any help, just let us know. We will keep open communications at all time." Storm gladly offered his help. It wasn't long before his presence was required somewhere else, so the D.E1 Squad continued their way into the docking bays at the external area of the hangar.

The D.E1 Cruiser waited with its engines active at low idle. There wasn't any audible sound, but a very deep hum could be felt the closer they walked into the ship through the boarding gate.

"Welcome to the D.E1 Cruiser, Yukiomaru." Husky said proudly.

The small white alien nodded a single time almost unnoticeably. He seemed very calm and unimpressed, but he kept a scrutinizing glare all around his surroundings as they went through a gate led through a special entrance right into the D.E1 Cruiser's hangar.

One by one, each of the D.E1 Squad members made their way into the ship, proudly wearing their new uniforms. Little Yukiomaru seemed almost out of place with the blue Canis Major outfit he had, but his physical appearance made him blend in with the Evos perfectly.

The last of the D.E1 Squad member was finally in. "Captain K9 here. My team and I are on board D.E1 and we will leave in fifteen minutes."

"Roger that, Captain. Docking bay one will be in standby. Inform me when you're ready to undock." A clear voice was heard from K9's ComPod.

"Understood, Shadow. Standby."

The gate where they entered soon closed shut. The atmosphere in the ship felt different, given by the slight vibration from the massive engines of the cruiser. The D.E1 Squad soon formed in a line, right in the short runway inside the hangar. Around them there were twenty shimmering Wolf500 fighter ships, docked and ready for action. Other smaller ships, not far from impressive also added spark to the background.

Yukiomaru just stood slightly far from the group. He seemed completely immobile as he just listened and observed. His expression was back to being blank and no emotion could be perceived from him.

"Yukiomaru," K9 spoke to the little alien. He was met by Yukiomaru very slowly directing his glare at him, again, not showing any emotion whatsoever. "I would like you to meet my team. They are the D.E1 Squad; my brothers. Please, come closer."

It took some insisting, but Yukiomaru finally approached him. They stood right in front of the D.E Squad who all were firmly formed.

"Some of them you might already know, as not only they were outside Canis Major when you crashed on it, but also because three of them are sharing their home with you." As Yukiomaru got closer, K9 gently pulled him closer, until both stood in front of the team. "I will introduce them to you officially, as will be living in this ship for the next days, and I'm sure everyone will be honored with your presence."

The D.E Squad smiled at Yukiomaru and they all seemed excited to formally meet their new friend. They would share their ship with him, and were very happy to do so.

"This is Ace." K9 said as he pointed out at an elegant looking bluish furred Doberman Evo. "She is one of our main fighter pilots. She doesn't talk too much, but if you have any doubts on our ships, she will be glad to assist you."

Yukiomaru's blank expression met with Ace's yellowish brown eyes. She nodded at him showing a gentle and friendly smirk at Yukiomaru.

"Our big guy over there is Anubis. He is one of our main fighter pilots as well. He is also experienced in special operations."

"And the best cook in this ship and the entire defense fleet!" The tall black furred Evo added.

"Yes. I must say we are lucky to have him on board to fill our tummies with delights only he does the best." K9 added.

"You can call me Andy, Yukiomaru. Most do." Anubis said in a friendly tone as he smiled at the small alien.

"Next, the twins, Kala and Zulu. They are trained in systems and are my main assistants at the bridge." K9 presented two Evos that were identical. "It's interesting to mention that they are also rare among our race. They are descendants of an older race within our ancestors. They are Dingoes."

"They look like Caniderans..." Yukiomaru muttered so low that no one heard him.

"If K9 isn't available, and you have any doubts on our systems or any device, ask me or my brother." Kala said.

"Just try and get me first, because she pounces and nibbles." Zulu said chuckling as he playfully pushed his sister. He was met with Kala trying to tickle him.

Yukiomaru still didn't show any emotion, but he seemed to be interested on the behavior that the Evos exhibited. Was he wondering why these creatures acted in such light hearted way when they were supposed to be highly trained special operation agents?

"This boy over here is Hemi. He is our field medic. If you feel ill or anything, please talk to him and he'll make you feel much better." K9 continued introducing his crew. "Oh, and he is my son, by the way."

"Pleased to see you again, Yukiomaru. I don't know if you remember, but I was the one who performed most of the tests on you." Hemi said. "If you need anything, just let me know."

Yukiomaru seemed to remember, as his face expressed discomfort.

"Nanook and Spot. These girls are part of the support crew. They are in charge of helping around the ship, or in exploring missions. They are trained in survival skills and operating in unknown or hostile environments." K9 introduced the Border Collie Evo and the Dalmatian. Both smiled in a very friendly fashion. Yukiomaru didn't seem to notice, but a very swift smile escaped his muzzle. It seemed the hospitality and friendliness of the Evos was once again getting to him.

"This boy's name is Blitz." K9 pointed at a husky Evocanis of a cold stare and with the clearest icy blue eyes he had probably seen. "He... has a complicated story, and it's the reason why we have been so vague with this entire situation, Yukiomaru. Now is not the time to tell you his story, but you will know once we have everything ready. He is also a support crew member."

"Blitz is mute, by the way." Husky said. "So please don't worry if he doesn't respond to you."

"I know someone who can't speak. I am aware of how to communicate with them, so don't worry about that." Yukiomaru silently replied.

K9 then walked towards the next of his crew members. A German Shepherd Evo smiled at him when he got close. "This is Nebo. He is part of our general crew as well, but he's also an auxiliary pilot."

"Pleased to meet you... friend." Nebo introduced himself to Yukiomaru. "I am... sorry... I apologize if words seem difficult to me. I recently learned to speak."

"Long story as well." K9 said. "He might have a hard time speaking, but he is very intelligent and a very valuable addition to our team."

K9 then stood next to an Evo of radiant white fur, just like Yukiomaru's. He seemed to have noticed this, but it was almost impossible to tell due to his expression going blank again.

"This is Lya. She is part of our support crew as well. Also, as with Nanook and Spot, she is one of our valuable exploration experts."

"I love your fur, Yukiomaru!" Lya said enthusiastically.

It was not visible, but Yukiomaru slightly blushed under his cheek fur after the compliment of this white furred Evo. She gave out a very similar energy than Husky, and that might've made the compliment feel more welcoming.

"This is Lay. He is Lya's father and our lead fighter pilot. He is also in charge of our defenses. He's a very strong Evo and has a lot of experience on any type of life threatening situation."

"A pleasure to see you face to face, furred brother." The intimidating large wolfish Evo exhibited piercing yellow eyes very similar to Yukiomaru's. "Any questions on our defense equipment, I'll be honored to answer it." Lay said. His deep and raspy voice heavily contrasted the tender nature of the Evos, but the warmth of his race could be perceived behind that intimidating looks.

Moving on to the next D.E1 squad member, Yukiomaru almost seemed surprised to see an Evo that barely managed to surpass his height by a millimeter or two.

"Don't be fooled by my looks, furred brother." The small Evo spoke. Yukiomaru did a great job at concealing his reactions, but it was obvious he didn't expect this small Evo to have the voice of an adult. "I am older than most here. My name is Laser, and it will be a pleasure to help you get home, my little friend."

"Yes, Laser is one of our most valuable members. Like Lay, he has more experience on battle than any of us have. He is also one of our lead fighter pilots and also in charge of our defenses." K9 proudly said as he patted Laser on his shoulder.

"And these three don't need an introduction. They have gladly shared the warmth of their home with you last night, and I'm sure you've started to feel attached to them already." K9 said as he walked next to Hasky and her family.

Yuki was met with Husky smiling and waving at him playfully. Surprisingly, the little white alien returned the smile, even if he didn't moved much.

"Husky here is one of our main fighter pilots. He has experience in battle, special operations, stealth missions and he has also fallen into enemy lines alone and survived. He is a very brave, intelligent and strong Evo brother and we are proud of having him with us."

"It's nothing, really... I've been lucky." Husky replied modestly.

"You always say that Husky, but you know you are skilled." K9 quickly returned the compliment.

Yukiomaru couldn't help to show himself somewhat impressed. Nothing he had seen so far from the Evos, and specially from Husky suggested that he would be capable of the things the D.E1 Captain had said.

"Hasky here is second in command in D.E1. She is in charge of not only coordinating the exploration team, monitoring everything around the ship, but she is also a great fighter pilot." K9 said as he placed his paw o Hasky's shoulder. "I honestly feel that she would be a better Captain than I..."

"Don't say that, Kalem. You are the best leader we could have." Hasky replied.

Kalem replied with a smile. "And last but not least, Fx. He is one of the best pilots we have, as well as being a great ship technician. If you need any advice on space fighting tactics, Fx might give you a couple of tips. As you may know, he is Husky's brother and Hasky's son."

Yukiomaru again met Fx with a light smile. He felt confident enough with one of the three Evos that kept him warm that last night.

"And of course, I am Kalem. I am the Captain of this ship, and also the creator of the D.E Project. I will inform you of our mission once we meet in the strategy room. Any doubt and you can come directly to me. I am also a medic, so if Hemi isn't available, you can also approach me."

After the brief but warm introduction, everyone broke lines and spread around the ship. There was work to do and everyone knew what to do. Yukiomaru felt a bit lost and just stood at the middle of the hangar's runway, but was soon met by Husky.

"Come with me, Yukiomaru. I will show you around the ship." Husky said. He extended his paw at him; the same friendly gesture he had previously shown ever since the little alien's arrival.

Yukiomaru didn't seem to hesitate and was obviously comfortable with Husky's presence. Husky could feel this and felt very happy to hold the little alien's paw as he guided him through the ship. The rest of the team would prepare everything while Husky was now in charge of making Yukiomaru comfortable before their trip begun.

"I can walk by myself, Husky..." Yukiomaru said, as he gently let go of Husky's paw. He slightly smiled at his Evocanis host so his reaction didn't seem rude.

"Okay, Yukiomaru. I'm sorry." Husky replied with a smile, and patted the little alien on his head as they moved on.

The D.E1 Cruiser was cold, but as they got close to the engine room, they felt warm air starting to caress the fur on their face. Yukiomaru stayed silent, but very aware of his surroundings as always.

"I'll show you our engine room. This is what gives life to our ship." Husky said as he entered through a large blast door within the hangar itself.

"...okay" Yukiomaru didn't seem too interested on meddling around the ship, but accepted due to the enthusiasm that Husky showed.

"You might be surprised to see how small these pressurization chambers are, but they make so much power that it's not necessary to make them any bigger. These are connected to two main exhaust ports at the rear of the cruiser, plus many stabilizing ports around the hull..."

Husky kept on talking, but Yukiomaru although staring directly at the main engines of the ship, he really wasn't observing. Husky quickly noticed this.

"Are you okay, Yukiomaru?" Husky asked worried.

"I just want to get this done as soon as possible."

Husky looked at the small white alien. He could see the sadness in his eyes and felt bad for showing so much enthusiasm towards unimportant things like the ship. He knew what was happening to Yukiomaru, and now was the time to talk. Maybe he couldn't hurry their mission, but talking probably would make Yukiomaru feel less anxious. "Come with me, Yukiomaru. I will take you to our quarters. We can wait there while the meeting starts."

Yukiomaru looked at him concerned, but followed close. They went through the first elevator, through Deck one, took the second elevator and finally they were in the living quarters. Most of the D.E1 Squad were in Deck one, so the place was quieter than usual.

"This brings memories..." Husky said. Whispering was enough to be heard in such thick silence. "That first day a year ago; I felt so confused... so out of place." Husky said. Yukiomaru didn't respond as he had no idea what he spoke about. Both furred ones walked down the long corridor as Husky checked the room doors to find the one they would share during the mission.

"D.E1 has certainly changed my life... all of our lives..." Husky said, letting out a sigh. "But I'm so proud of it."

Yukiomaru kept silence during their walk down that dark, cold, silent but cozy corridor. Husky noticed how he was much relaxed, not hiding his scrutinizing stare and more actively looking around. He sometimes looked down at his hind paws and saw how the mushy carpet softly caressed his paw pads now that they had taken their protective paw wear off.

"This is it." Husky sighed as he stopped in front of one of the many doors of that corridor. "This was the room I shared with Fx in my first days in D.E1. We will be sleeping here."

Pushing a touch panel on the wall made the door slide in absolute silence, showing the very small room. "Come in, Yukiomaru. I think you deserve to rest."

"I rather work on how to get home, but I guess I don't have many options at the moment." Yukiomaru replied. He didn't sound too happy, but he was much less irritated than earlier before.

The little white furred one followed Husky inside the small room, while the door behind them shut close. They were in a very small area that had a small closet, which was the entrance of the room.

"The bathroom is at our right, and the room itself is at our left. It isn't really a room since it barely fits the bed. But I like to think of it as being cozy. Come here." Husky didn't bother showing the room to Yukiomaru because it was so small that everything was visible and also because he knew Yukiomaru wasn't really in the mood to be walked around.

Closely followed by the little alien, Husky walked into a very small area about the same size than the closet. A very mushy bed awaited for its users to rest comfortably. The head rest, which was the wall behind it, was a full sized window that helped ease the claustrophobic feel that the confined space might produce. A partial view of Rage's docking bay could be seen and gave out that these windows were real unlike the ones in Canis Major.

"It's a small room, and also a small bed, but it's enough for Hasky, Fx, you and I." Husky spoke softly as he sat on the bed. He looked around, remembering the last time he was in that ship. "We won't take long. Probably just a few days. Then we will return to the comfort of Canis Major."

"It's what I expected from a vessel of this type." Yukiomaru muttered. He stood almost motionless. "And I'm not going back until I'm sure I've made contact with Canidera."

"We won't stay docked for long, Yukiomaru. In a few hours we will make the jump."

There wasn't much to say. Yukiomaru still stood firmly with his arms crossed occasionally looking at his surroundings, but mostly to the ground. Husky gently ran his paw on the bed sheets, feeling the soft fabric caress his paw pads. Every now and then he looked at the small furred alien, and that filled him with joy. But he was also sad because of the situation in which they had met; however, he couldn't help to feel an immense emotional attraction towards this little alien, as he did with his Evo brothers and the Retcans.

"Yukiomaru..." Husky whispered.

"Yes?" Yukiomaru replied after a short moment of silence.

Husky couldn't think of the right words. He had so many things to tell this beautiful little alien of radiant white fur, but he knew it was probably not the time due to the worries that invaded him. "Nothing... I..."

Yukiomaru just observed the Evocanis. He didn't show a frown or an unfriendly expression; his expression was of worry, but somewhat relaxed. He stared at Husky, with his head slightly tilted, waiting to hear what the Evo had to say.

It is uncertain of why Husky felt this way towards little Yukiomaru. It was more than just the fact of them being furred creatures. Somehow a very special bond had been born since Husky was the first to interact with the little alien. But there was still something else.

Husky didn't know why, but he needed to have Yukiomaru closer to him. Ever since the night before, holding the little alien made him feel immensely attached to him. Husky extended his arms and reached for Yukiomaru who still stood motionless on the tiny floor space that the room had.

"...What?" Yukiomaru asked gently in an almost inaudible tone.

Husky didn't respond and gently pulled Yukiomaru close to him. Yukiomaru now stood in front of Husky, very close to him. Nose to nose, Husky smiled at the little white alien who only stared at him.

"There is something that I've always wondered, Yukiomaru." Husky said, now with his arms around Yukiomaru's waist. "Your scent... it's similar to a puppy scent. How old are you? I'm so confused."

"Why would you be confused?" Yukiomaru replied, also starting to feel confused by the question.

"You have the size of a pup, yet you speak. However, your voice sounds like a female, despite I know for certain that you're a male."

"I don't understand your question, Husky." Yukiomaru quickly responded to Husky's strange question. He looked at the Evo somewhat curious about his question.

"I don't know... Even though there are adult Evos your size, I don't think you're an adult. Your race must be very different than mine." Husky didn't know how to structure his thoughts, but he just wanted to know more about Yukiomaru.

"I am a kit, if you really want to know." Yukiomaru softly responded, as Husky still held on to him.

Tilting his head, Husky wondered what that word meant. "Kit? What does that mean?"

"You have used the word pup before. It means the same. I am a pup, a kit. I am not an adult; I'm very young."

"Wow! I am very surprised on how a pup your size is not only able to speak, but also have the abilities that you do, Yukiomaru." Husky was indeed surprised. Yukiomaru had confessed he was very young. Husky didn't really expect that.

"I am young, but not that much. Enough to be taught all I know."

"The average young Evocanis your size is not even able to speak. It takes us two or three years at least to learn and by that time we have almost reached our adult size." Husky explained.

"I am five Canideran years. That would make me around ten standard universal years."

"Incredible." Husky gasped. "We are fully grown at around four standard universal years; fully developed at six or seven. I am actually fourteen universal years. We are indeed very different when it comes to age, Yukiomaru."

"Yes... It's fascinating." Yukiomaru replied, betraying his statement due to his unimpressed tone.

Talking about other things certainly helped distract Yukiomaru from his painful thoughts, but it didn't work for long. His loss of enthusiasm was evidence of this. Husky felt this and immediately had the need to comfort the little white alien.

"Come here, Yukiomaru..." Husky told his little furred alien friend as he patted on the bed next to him. After insisting, Yukiomaru climbed on the bed and sat next to Husky.

"Again, I'm sorry, Yukiomaru..." Husky said softly. He gently placed his paw on Yukiomaru's shoulder and got closer to him. He didn't want more than to show him his affection in intent of making Yukiomaru feel less irritated.

"Please, do not apologize anymore... It is done. Even though this isn't going as fast as I would want, you are finally helping me and I am grateful for that." Yukiomaru replied softly. He didn't want to make eye contact with Husky. There were so many things that probably were going through his mind.

Husky just kept close and softly caressed the small alien. He could feel the anxiety invading him, but there it was that strength that kept his emotions at bay. This little alien was admirably strong or very well disciplined.

"You are suppressing your feelings again..." Husky said softly. "I can feel it..."

These words caught Yukiomaru's attention and for a second he looked directly at Husky. Husky smiled at him, but there was a hint of concern behind those blue eyes. "I could feel that anxiety building up on you yesterday until you couldn't hold it anymore..."

Yukiomaru's eyes opened widely for a second. It was possible that the memories of what happened last night came to him. Husky could see how he was trying hard to suppress those emotions again. But why? Why would a furred creature hide his emotions from one of his?

"I don't want you to break, Yukiomaru..." Husky said. It was unintended, but Husky couldn't help to get close to the little alien and gently lick him across his muzzle. It was a genuine sign of affection. He felt emotionally connected to this creature, and didn't want to see him suffering again. "I know you for less than a day... but it hurt me to see you like that..."

Emotions were hard to contain for Yukiomaru now. That frown that he had shown ever since he fell into Canis Major was now dissolved in an expression of confusion and sadness. Husky got even closer to him and held him gently in a hug.

"Why are you like this?" Yukiomaru said no longer with his tone of authority, but with a soft and gentle tone. He lightly pushed Husky away, but never let his paws off of the Evocanis' chest.

Husky looked at him at the eyes, but didn't say much. "I don't know, Yukiomaru..." Husky whispered. He never took his sight from the little alien's, as if trying to understand not only his furred brother, but also himself. "I can feel your emotions, Yukiomaru... I feel your pain... We are alike, and what hurts you, hurts me... What makes you happy, makes me happy..."

"I don't understand you... but somehow I do..." Yukiomaru replied, now looking outside the window and back at Husky.

Husky gently pulled Yukiomaru further into the soft bed. Yukiomaru didn't oppose resistance this time. They were now at the center of the bed, and Husky pulled Yukiomaru closer to him.

"Trust me, I don't understand either..." Husky replied. He pulled Yukiomaru even closer until he held him in a warm embrace. "We furred creatures are like this and I don't have an answer of why it is like this. We don't need an answer..."

Yukiomaru finally gave in to Husky's sign of affection and let himself burry into Husky's body as he did the night before. Husky fell so great being able to hold the little alien and knowing that at least he managed to soothe him a bit from all the stress and anxiety.

Who knows how much time it passed, but Husky felt how Yukiomaru's breathing became softer and much calmer. For a good ten minutes, both furred creatures held each other at the center of the bed, not saying a word, just feeling their warmth.

After a while, Husky felt the need to let go of Yukiomaru, as the little alien twitched and finally decided to sit up.

"Why don't you lie down for a bit, Yukiomaru?" Husky softly whispered. He could see that Yukiomaru was tired. Who knows when was the last time he had managed to have a full night sleep.

"No, I..." Yukiomaru hesitated.

"Hold on." Husky interrupted. He pulled out his ComPod and checked a message left in it. A smile was indicative that it was good news. "Your ship and equipment has been brought into D.E1. Everything has been secured and we will be leaving in ten minutes."

"We must go down then." Yukiomaru urgently said. He tried to get off the bed, but was quickly stopped by Husky.

"It's fine, Yukiomaru. We can stay here. The meeting will be later after we leave. Right now, I think you should rest." Husky said.

"No, I think..."

"Yukiomaru." Husky interrupted. "Please have some rest. You must be tired. I will be here with you."

It was a difficult decision for Yukiomaru. He was anxious to get moving, but at the same time, he knew it all really depended in the Evos. Right now there was nothing he could do to hurry the mission, so resting did sound like a good idea. "Okay..."

"You really look tired, Yukiomaru. You need to rest since we will be working hard in the next hours."

Husky gently set the bed apart, pulling the sheets and blankets so Yukiomaru could rest more comfortably. He fixed the pillows so they were as fluffy as possible. "Do you want something? I can bring you some milk or water." Husky offered Yukiomaru.

"No... I am okay." Yukiomaru responded.

"You probably would want to take off those clothes. You'll be much comfortable that way." Husky suggested. Ever since he wore the Canis Major outfit, he had been pulling on his shirt and pants all the time, making it seem as if he was uncomfortable.

"Your clothing is comfortable... But not what I'm used to." Yukiomaru said, trying not to offend the Evocanis attire.

Yukiomaru then proceeded to take his shirt off. Husky gladly helped; same with the pants. Even though the PX material was threaded in a way that doesn't pull one's fur, Husky could notice how messy Yukiomaru's fur was because of it.

"There! Much better?" Husky asked as he folded the outfit and placed it in a corner of the bed. Yukiomaru didn't respond and just lied down on the soft sheets. His eyes looked really tired.

Fixing the pillows so he found the most comfortable position, Yukiomaru felt a hard object under it. Pulling it out, he examined the object. It was something he had never seen, but somehow he knew what it was due to its shape.

"What's a brush doing under the pillow?" Husky said chuckling. "Here, let me put it where it belongs."

But something happened to Yukiomaru as he examined the brush. He sat up and kept on looking at it. It wasn't really that he was examining the brush itself, but more like if the brush got him immersed in his thoughts.

"Everything okay, Yukiomaru?" Husky asked. He noticed concern building up in Yukiomaru's eyes. He wondered why that was. "Do you want me to brush your fur?" Maybe that was it.

It was for a second, but Husky thought of seeing tears building up in Yukiomaru's eyes. "Would you, please?" Yukiomaru said. His tone was heartbreaking, almost at the verge of crying. Husky had no idea why, but he knew this was very important for the little alien for some reason. He didn't hesitate to do it.

Yukiomaru moved closer to Husky and curled up in front of him. Husky didn't understand why he acted that way, but he knew that he needed this. Husky started to brush Yukiomaru very gently, untangling his soft white fur.

Something strange happened. What would've been an enjoyable moment was clouded by Yukiomaru's sobbing. Husky didn't understand why, but he kept on brushing the little white alien.

"Everything will be okay, puppy..." He whispered, as he kept on gently brushing Yukiomaru. Something had triggered sadness in Yukiomaru. Could've been related to the brushing? Husky wasn't sure; he just knew this was important if the little white alien asked for him to do so, and he never stopped.

It took several minutes to completely brush the entire the radiant white coat of Yukiomaru. Not only he was finished, but he also sensed how Yukiomaru was completely relaxed, in the verge of being fully asleep.

Husky gently picked Yukiomaru up and placed him comfortably on the bed. The little white alien was completely relaxed and in silence, but Husky noticed how his eyes were open.

Husky knew that Yukiomaru needed the warmth of another furred being. Husky just wanted to hug that little alien forever.

Husky took his uniform off, and brushed his coat quickly. Somehow this made him feel a connection with Yukiomaru. He wanted to know why Yukiomaru had reacted that way when being brushed. As soon as Husky was done, he lied down behind Yukiomaru and snuggled him tenderly between the soft sheets and the fluffy pillows.

Holding the little white alien felt so good, but the feeling of warmth was eclipsed by the pain that Husky knew Yukiomaru felt. Husky held Yuki harder, pressing his body against the little alien's. He didn't want to let go. He knew Yukiomaru was suffering and he needed the warmth of another furred being.

Husky placed his muzzle in between the little alien's ears, not before gently licking him on the head. He felt how Yukiomaru sobbed a little, but every time he did, Husky hugged him tighter, calming him down.

"Who is Jun, Yukiomaru?" Husky felt the urge to ask; never letting the little white alien go.

This name had a big effect on Yukiomaru and it was obvious by how he reacted when someone mentioned it.

"Jun..." Yukiomaru muttered. His broken voice was evidence that he had let the situation get to him once again. Husky held him gently and with his arm that was wrapped around Yukiomaru, he caressed his chest, brushing his fur with his claws.

"It's okay, puppy... I'm with you." Husky gently whispered to the little alien's ear.

Yukiomaru took strength and responded to Husky's question. "What do Fx and Hasky mean to you?" He asked between tears.

Husky didn't expect to be answered with a question, but did give Yukiomaru a brief but truthful answer. "They are my everything, Yukiomaru..."

"Then you know who Jun is..." Yukiomaru replied softly. His golden eyes filled with tears once again. Husky could feel the pain building up in Yukiomaru once more just like last night.

"It's okay, Yukiomaru..." Husky gently licked Yukiomaru's head and ears. "Jun and you will be together again soon."

Yukiomaru's crying finally subsided being warmly snuggled by the Evocanis. Husky's tender signs of affection helped him feel calm. Both furred creatures held each other in the darkness of the room. It wouldn't be long until Husky would fulfill his promise to the little alien of radiant white fur.

D.E1 Crossover - Chapter Seven

"Understand that you are in my ship, Yukiomaru and you must reply to whatever I ask of you." Silver said, making a huge effort not to raise her tone at the little alien. The little alien's ear twitched, betraying his dissatisfaction with the Silver's...

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Blood on Ice - Part Two Prologue

Ice covers land and sea equally at the top of the world. The ice did not allow for trees to grow, did not allow for grass to cover fields, it did not allow for much life to flourish. The ice was endless, going for thousands and thousands of kilometers....

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D.E1 Crossover - Chapter Six

He was one of the most experienced Retcan warriors on board R105; one of the finest warriors that Lusceonis had given birth too. He had seen many things during his life, yet this little white furred alien of glorious tail and expressive golden eyes was...

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