The Totally Orgy Free Coffee Shop

Story by Finnpanther on SoFurry

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This is a story I wrote for e_sibe, a moderator over at r/yiff. It was both in honor of him being my first Twitter follower, and also for his birthday. He wanted a humorous story, and/or yiff, with a husky in it. Therefore, I present to you this. It was written in only the finest of coffee induced stupors, so please, enjoy :D

"Hey Finn, what are you doing?"

It was mid-afternoon in a coffee shop, and Finn had been sitting at his laptop with a look of consternation on his face.

"I'm trying to write a story for @e_sibe and I'm not sure how to begin."

Finn's friendly acquaintance looked at him with perplextion written on her muzzle. "@e_sibe? What's an @e_sibe?"

Finn shrugged. "Heck if I know. I guess it's a husky of some sort? Some dude who followed me on a Twitter account I haven't even started using yet. I said I'd write a story to mark the occasion, but I have no idea how to begin."

The tip of Finn's tail flicked and he started to (gently) chew on one of his claws. The panther's cup of coffee had just run out, and by this point he had had either too much or not enough, and still no words on the page. Thankfully, just then, a stranger burst into the conversation.

"Wait a second," said the stranger. "Are you guys talking about @e_sibe?"

It was a husky who had burst through the doors. Apparently huskies have some sort of husky telepathy or something, because not only did this husky seem perfectly aware of who this @e_sibe fellow was, the husky also seemed to radar in on the fact that someone was talking about him.

Finn was just glad that something had happened to move the story along.

"Yeah, we were just talking about him. I told him that I'd write a story-"

"Let's have SEX!"

Finn paused, and then sighed. Great, it was one of those furries.

"No, look, stranger, er... what was your name again?"

"Doesn't matter!" The husky said, his grin at maximum derp. "Let's have sex!"

"Look," Finn said. "We can't just start having sex like that."

"Yeah," said the skunk, Finn's friendly acquaintance. "Didn't you read the sign? No orgies allowed."

"Yeah, what she said. No orgies allowed. Wait, what?" Finn was perplexed. No orgies allowed? There was a sign at the coffee shop which said no orgies allowed? What the heck kind of coffee shop had to specifically ban orgies from happening? Did orgies really just start up like tha-

"Oh, come on, what's the worst that can happen!?" Said the excited husky, who had begun to unbutton his jeans.

"Wait, what? No!" Finn said, acutely aware of the direction his story had taken. "I don't want to have an orgy-"

"But it's @e_sibe's birthday, Finn!"

Finn paused, wondering for only a moment how this strange husky knew his name. The moment passed quickly, however.

"Wait, it's @e_sibe's birthday?"

"Uh, duh." Said the husky, who had by now discarded his pants and had begun to take off his shirt. "And not only that, Finn, but you promised you would write him a story! Remember?"

It's true, Finn thought. I did promise to write him a story.

"And you said it would be a humorous one," the husky said, throwing his shirt across the room. It landed squarely on the antlers of an elderly stag who had been enjoying an innocent cup of coffee at his favorite, relaxed, no-orgies-allowed coffee shop. The stag sighed. Nobody ever paid attention to the sign.

"And not only that," the husky said, his tail wagging and his cock beginning to peek out of its sheath, "but you said it would be an erotic one, too!"

Finn's friendly acquaintance turned to him in surprise. "You did what?"

Finn held up his paws in defense. "No, no I didn't. I said-"

"Yeah, it's right here." The husky suddenly had a smartphone in his hand. Finn shuddered as he wondered exactly where that phone had mysteriously appeared from. On the screen was Finn's Twitter feed, and the evidence was written bare across the screen. And damning evidence it was.

The tweet read, from Finn to @e_sibe: "Humorous/Yiff with a husky in it. I think I can whip something up :D"

It was the smiley face which did it. Suddenly it all came rushing back to Finn. A humorous story? With yiff in it? Whip something up!? Finn gasped in shock. He DID promise @e_sibe a story! He DID promise it would have yiff! And what's worse, the story had already begun at a coffee shop which wasn't supposed to have yiff in it. Not like a detail like that was going to stop the husky, who was getting more excited by the moment.

"Wait, look, guys-" Finn was stammering over his words, guilty and slightly abhorred at the story he had accidentally begun.

"Well, good job, Finn!" It was his skunk friend, who had begun taking off her shirt. Wait, no, skunk friend, what are you- "Now we HAVE to have sex."

Wait, what!? The heck kind of story WAS this!?

"Nonono, you have it all wr-"

"THAT'S THE SPIRIT!" The husky howled, his tail wagging at maximum speed. Now that the skunk was on board the canine was more eager than ever, and his growing shaft reflected that. Even Finn himself was somewhat captivated by it, watching as the red cock swelled further and further out of its furry encasing. Across the room the barista just sighed and wiped off the counter, pretending that the rest of the story wasn't happening. It was the third goddamn orgy this week. Fucking furries.

"Guys, come on, you can't be serious." It was Finn's last, feeble attempt at getting the story back on track. It was obvious, however, that they were not to be deterred. The skunk by now had gotten completely naked and was rubbing herself sensually, her breasts large and juggly, and it was clear that the skunk was in heat.

It was now that Finn needed to make his choice. He could try and stand by his values. He could try and stick to the sidelines of the story, and let these two characters have rampant sex while he just watched powerless to stop it. Or he could take one for the team and join in. The panther glanced at the husky's hard cock, by now his knot had begun to swell and the sex hadn't even started yet. Then Finn glanced at the skunk who had started to finger herself and was panting in ferocious erotica.

It was clear then that Finn knew what he needed to do. He couldn't just stand by and let these two have sex! That would be heterosexual!! Finn just couldn't stand by that, no way, no how! If a man and a woman love each other very much it's called breeding, and that just isn't Finn's style. Apparently that was going to happen in this story anyway, because there was already a naked female character in it, and he wasn't about to go back and change that. But, if Finn didn't join the orgy, then that would mean he'd have to write a sex scene that was purely hetero! And what's worse, that's what everyone else would have to read! _ Heterosexual porn! _

Finn couldn't let that stand. There was already a girl in this story, and that couldn't be undone. Well, it could, but it wouldn't! The next best thing he could do would be to even out the odds. Sure, there would still be some hetero. But there would sure as shit be some homo too! It was his goddamn civic duty!

The husky's eyes went wide and his derpy smile reached unprecedented levels of derp. The skunk was already turned on, but now she was even more in heat than before. They watched as the panther stood from his chair and unbuttoned his hawaiian shirt, his chest tuft fluffed out for all to see. He closed his laptop as he took a step towards the husky who placed a paw on the panther's exposed chest, lightly tracing lines in the fur with his claw. I won't be needing that laptop anymore, Finn thought. The time for writing had passed. Now the time had come to get freaky.

As soon as Finn took a step closer into the orgy-to-be the skunk came right around and helped him take off his shirt. He stood bare chested in the coffee shop, and the husky took just a moment to excitedly breathe in the panther's musk before eagerly moving to unlock the panther's sheath from its denim cell. Even though he had protested at the beginning of the story, the panther was now already becoming excited. After all, who could pass up the chance for an orgy? Certainly not these three, and from the looks of the other patrons in the shop, neither could they.

Already the onlookers were shifting in their seats uncomfortably. Some came to this shop specifically so they didn't see orgies, but for the most part they were shifting because they, too, were turned on. It didn't take long to get the panther's pants off, and he was already panting in anticipation, eager for the orgy to begin.

By now the skunk had gotten impatient and reached around to grab at the panther's growing member, equally eager to get the orgy started. The husky was fully erect by now, and although he was as equally interested in both guys and gals, he was eager to have another penis to play with. He dropped to his knees in front of the panther, placing his paws on the panther's rear, and drawing the feline in closer as he took the growing shaft into his muzzle.

The cat let out a gasp and began to hump into the husky's maw, placing both paws on the back of the husky's head to help control the speed of his thrusts. The husky sighed around the panther's shaft, lost in perfect contentment. Playing with a dick was as much a husky's natural territory as it was a fox's, and he loved having a dick thrust in and out of his maw repeatedly. Not only did the husky feel this way about cock, but the skunk did too, and she was not to be outdone.

While the panther thrust into the husky's maw, the skunk got on all fours and deftly crawled around to the panther's front. She did her best to brush her large, floofy tail out of the way as she squirmed in awkwardly between the panther and his prized, sex crazed husky. From here she had a perfect vantage of the cock thrusting directly above her, her muzzle bumping right against the cat's furry balls as he pistoned in and out of his lover's maw, and the skunk straddled the eagerly awaiting husky. The husky repositioned himself to give the skunk easier access to his cock which was rock hard and waiting for a young, sexy, <insert absolutely any species here> to play with it. The skunk inched her way forward, the husky kneeling on the ground with his back arched, his cock sticking directly out from his attractive, muscled body, and she began to lower herself on the husky's engorged cock.

She let out a gasp as she felt the husky intrude on her depths. Even though the husky had a thick, impressive shaft, the skunk was experienced enough to be able to accommodate it easily. She was well in heat by now and was more than adequately lubed up by her excitement, and in one smooth motion she took the husky in all the way, squirming up against his middle, feeling his engorged member fill her entirely. Underneath her the husky squirmed back, whimpering against the panther's pink shaft which was thrusting in and out of his maw. The skunk's delicate, warm insides proved nearly too much for him, and being serviced in both directions had him in ecstasy.

The skunk began to pump herself up and down on the husky's engorged cock, and with each pump she let out a moan, each one more excited than the last. Standing above the two embraced lovers, facefucking the horny husky, the panther began to feel left out. He was absolutely rock hard at this point, and was growing tired of humping the husky's face. The cat wanted more. Underneath him he could hear the passionate cries of lovers deep in their passion, and the big cat knew what needed to happen. He pulled out of the husky's eager maw and stepped away, which elicited a very disappointed huff from the husky. Then the cat began to step to the husky's rear and motioned for him to get on top of the skunk, and the husky knew what was on the panther's mind.

Eagerly the husky grabbed onto the skunk and changed position, pinning the skunk to the floor, her big breasts shaking with the impact of the husky's powerful force. He was now above the impaled female, using his strength to thrust into her deeply and powerfully, each thrust smacking his knot against her mound. After each thrust the husky pulled his thick red meat nearly entirely out, with just the tip positioned at her entrance, before thrusting back in. The skunk was moaning in ecstasy, and behind him the husky felt the panther lifting up his tail which made the husky that much more excited, excitement which he unleashed upon the skunk below him, pounding her harder and deeper than ever.

As soon as the husky was in position the panther got behind him and began to position himself. His cock was still slippery and wet from facefucking the husky, the canine's spit being more than enough lube to start fucking the horny husky senseless. The panther looked down on his prey, admiring the eager, furry form below him. The husky's fur was smooth and predominately white, with a black patch reaching from his middle back up to his shoulders. The husky's back was well toned and the cat above him could see each corded muscle of the husky's strength as he plowed into the skunk below him. More than that, the panther could feel his object's desire, he could smell the husky's passion, and he knew that he needed to take him as his own. He needed to fuck and breed that husky. He was going to make that husky his bitch.

On the bottom of the threesome the skunk was beside herself in passion. She had rarely encountered a lover as energetic as the engorged husky who was fucking her passionately. Similarly, even though he was a very active husky, it had been a long time since had been fucked while he was fucking someone else, and feeling the panther behind him had the husky beside himself in anticipation. Every thrust forward he dug into the skunk, trying to reach in deeper than he had been before, and on every thrust back he eagerly searched for the panther's hard cock, ready to feel the shaft inside him, ready to feel the barbs up against his prostate as the panther fucked him hard.

The husky didn't have to search for long, because the panther knew what he wanted and he was prepared to take it. He lifted the husky's tail, saw the peckered, tight hole he was about to fuck senseless, and placed his tip right at the husky's entrance. When the husky pushed back against him he could feel the cock up against him, and the panther could feel it too. And as the husky pushed back to impale himself on it the panther pushed forward, slamming tough into the husky's rear, forcing the husky to further impale the horny skunk below him.

The husky let out an eager howl as the panther sunk into him balls deep in one strong thrust. He continued to pant in ecstasy as the panther started to fuck him ferociously, with two strong paws placed firmly on either of the husky's sides, claws starting to dig into him for additional purchase. Below him the skunk felt the husky get distracted so she wrapped her legs around him and pulled herself up onto his thick cock, using it to fuck herself into pieces.

Above them both the panther was in ecstasy himself. The husky's warm, inviting maw had prepared him and excited him, but he couldn't have been prepared enough for how tight the husky was. Each thrust was as tight and rewarding as the last, the husky's continued howling pushing the panther into further passion. It wasn't long until the cat's bestial nature began to show, his claws digging deeper into the flesh of his mark. The husky panted and howled as he was plowed hard and fast, encouraging the panther to take more and more of what the husky had to offer.

The husky's cries lead the panther to fuck him hard enough that the force pushed into the skunk below it all, and she started to feel both the panther and husky's passions combined. The husky's pants and cries now matched the volume of her own, and lost in the moment she clutched desperately to the back of the husky's head, her claws digging in behind his ears, and locked the husky in a desperate kiss.

Their muzzles were locked together in their urgent embrace, and the two lovers moaned and gasped directly into each other, both of them lost in passion and sex. The predator above them saw this and took them into his own embrace, reaching his paws up onto the husky's chest, sinking his claws in, and forcing him down onto his cock with each powerful thrust. The husky whimpered into the skunk's passionate maw as he felt himself being taken over and over. The panther thrust deep into the husky, thrusting directly against his prostate and driving him into new levels of ecstasy. The husky was in tremendous pleasure, and each time the big cat thrust into him he knew he was about to cum.

The skunk could feel it too. As the husky continued to thrust into her, she could feel his cock begin to throb. Their muzzles were still locked together and she could feel his excitement and passion grow. She knew he was about to come. She was impaled on his thick shaft and realizing how close the husky was drove her into a new state of frenzy. She wanted to feel the husky's cum inside of her. She wanted her insides to drip with overflowing semen, she wanted her belly so full of cum that she couldn't fit into her clothes. She wanted to be able to dip her fingers into her sex and taste an endless supply of husky jizz from within her. Clear into her ovaries she wanted to be flooded, and just the thought of it drove her mad.

All during sex she could feel the husky's knot above her, pounding against her time and time again, and she knew she wanted it trapped inside of her. She wanted her hole plugged so that no jizz could escape, and she started to push back against the husky with all the strength she had. Every time the panther forced the husky down into her she pushed back up, meeting the panther's passionate force with a drive from her own sex, determined to have the husky's seed.

Meanwhile the husky felt this passion from both ends, and had become so engrossed in pleasure he couldn't think. He felt the panther behind him pound his rear senselessly, each thrust growing more urgent than the last. The panther had started to growl as he was preparing to claim the husky as his, and the husky knew the cat was about to cum too. Below he felt the skunk's anticipation and passion, and he felt her insides contract as she prepared to be locked together with his cock, ready to be filled with rope after rope of his cum.

Together with the jungle cat above him the husky knew he wouldn't last long. Then he felt the panther above him make one last powerful jab inside of him. He had been building up passion, hearing the husky's moans and cries and using them to fuel his own excitement further, and with one final thrust he dug deep into the husky's insides, rubbing directly against the husky's pleasure center as he did, and the cat unleashed torrent after torrent of cum deep inside of the canine form below him.

The black panther roared and snarled as he came into the husky's tight rear. He clung down to the husky below him, holding the canine tight as he continued to pump. As he did so his cock was centered squarely inside the husky, with his tip placed right against his prostate, and flooded jizz directly against it.

The husky roared as he felt the panther pound into him, and as he felt his insides flood with cum he thrust deeper into the skunk below him, shoving forward in a bout of passion. The skunk shrieked in pleasure as his knot sank well beyond her entrance, and she bit down hard against the nape of her lover's neck. Locked in that embrace, with the panther still pouring cum into him, the husky couldn't handle it any more and unleashed his seed into the willing cunt below him.

The skunk shuddered as she felt her insides be flooded with cum. The husky was as deep as he could go, with his tip pointed directly against her furthest depths, and she felt all the way through his shaft rope after rope of hot cum be deposited inside her. She became lost in the ecstasy, feeling her insides be flooded with seed, and she moaned as she began to cum too. Above them the panther gave a few final thrusts, making sure every last drop of cum was safe and secure well within the husky's rear. The husky, meanwhile, growling and moaning and lost in the sex showed no signs of stopping. Feeling the panther deposit rope after rope of cum, feeling that cum flood and surround his prostate, drove him to keep flooding the skunk below him with relentless torrents of jizz.

The panther sighed and sunk on top of the husky, satisfied in a job well done. The husky was buried deep into the skunk below, as she felt the weight of both the strong, muscled, and masculine furries above her, and she felt wave of cum continue to flood into her. The cum started to flood every inch, it started to strain against her insides, and when the cum had nowhere else to go it started to force itself out past the knot which was trying to hold it in place. As the husky continued to rope cum into her he could feel her insides start to push back as it no longer had anywhere to go. Then, still feeling the panther's hard member inside him, along with the panther's hot jizz, the husky forced his way out of the skunk below, his knotted cock popping out of his mate, letting his cum torrent its way out of her mound.

The skunk moaned as she felt the husky's cock leave, feeling its absence inside of her acutely as cum gushed out and pooled on the floor around them. The husky then held himself up above the skunk. He crawled forward, taking the panther with him, and aimed his rod squarely at the skunk's chest. With a neverending torrent of cum he began to paint her breasts in a sea of jizz, the black fur of her boobs soon painted to match the white fur which stretched from her middle down to the cum soaked patch between her legs.

Cum still dripped from inside the skunk, pooling around them. The panther above them was still lost in the afterglow of sex, but when he saw the pool of juzz he knew he wanted a taste. He pulled out of the husky and crouched behind him as cum continued to leak out of the skunk's well abused mound. The panther dipped two fingers inside of her and pulled out some hot husky cum. He then brought his fingers back to his muzzle and swirled the taste of the husky around his mouth. As he did so he noticed his own cum leaking out from the husky's rear and started licking it up, forcing his tongue beyond the husky's entrance and tasting his own seed, trying to lap up as much as he could.

By now the husky had finally stopped shooting sperm up against the skunk, the cum firmly soaked into her fur. He then felt the panther lapping at his ass and pushed back as much as he could, trying to open up his rear to let the panther back at his prize, relishing in the feel of the abrasive tongue dipping in and out of his well worn hole.

Underneath everything the skunk still felt jizz pouring out of her cavity, the cum rushing out into an ever growing sticky pool underneath them. She was so lost in her orgasm she could hardly breathe and simply relished in the feeling of the cum which soaked up into her fur. The panther enjoyed the taste of his own cum as the husky pushed back against his eager maw, and the husky used the chance to slip his cock back into the spent female below him. She uttered a moan as she felt him inside of her once again, the husky content to sit inside of her as he wound down from the glow of sex.

Having had his fill of his own cum the panther pulled away from the husky's rear, admiring the work he had done in fucking such a tight ass. He was content to let the two lovers embrace, and before he stood the panther took another scoop of husky jizz from the pool around him, enjoying the taste of their collective sex.

Finn stood from the scene, the white sticky cum showing clearly against his black fur. His fur was matted where the cum had soaked in, and he needed to be careful where he stepped so he didn't slip in the puddle of jizz around him. Somewhat sheepishly Finn picked up his pants and started to put them on. They had been close enough to the action that one pant leg had gotten a full blast of jizz, and it looked like he'd be walking home covered in both husky cum and the smell of sex.

With his pants on Finn cast about, warm in the glow of sex but also beginning to truly realize what had just happened. His ears wilted slightly as he looked at the shop around him, hoping they didn't disturb the other patrons with their rampant sex. Finn noted, only in partial surprise, that the exact opposite had happened. Another couple on the far wall had started having sex on their own, and even the barista had stopped what he was doing to jack off at the show. Now that Finn had stepped away from his threeway he saw that a few other patrons, including the older stag who was still wearing the husky's shirt on his antlers, began to approach. All of them were fully erect, sexual energy reflecting in their muzzles. It appeared as though both the husky and skunk still had quite a bit of excitement to look forward to, and Finn would be surprised if either of them would be able to walk by the end of it.

Still, as tempting as it was to stay and get plowed himself, the panther sighed and continued to collect his belongings. It had been a long day so far, and while the other patrons could stay and continue the orgy if they wanted, it was time for him to be getting home. He was covered in jizz and had a long walk ahead of him, and besides, his work here was done. He originally had gone to the coffee shop to write a story for his first Twitter follower, and although it hadn't been the story he expected, it still definitely counted. A sexy, and hopefully somewhat humorous (or at the very least silly), story with a husky in it. Mission accomplished.

Happy birfday @e_sibe. Thanks for following me on Twitter, even though I literally hadn't started using that account yet. I mean, really? How the heck do you even do that? Thanks though, and happy birthday. Hope this silly story is a good enough present :)

For anyone reading, by the way, my Twitter is @FinnPanther. Who knows, I might take a few more story prompts from Twitter, because this story ended up being pretty fun to write. So, just saying, you might want to check it out ;) And as always, thanks a bundle for reading!

EDIT: Lol, apparently there was a misunderstanding in the Twitterverse, and it actually isn't even his birthday. Ah well, fuck it. Happy birthday anyway man. It's gotta happen sooner or later :p