Surgimorphs Chapter 10: When You Mess With A Fox (1/3)

Story by CherryBlossomSystem on SoFurry

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#11 of Surgimorphs

This is Part One of a Two Part Series. Part one will feature Sukura and Pengu and Part Two will involve Sasha and Esme.

Part One: Sukura and Pengu Set out to Train with Reyes and as they do they catch someone's eye and they decide to test our Fox once more.

Part Two: Sasha and Esme are far closer to their target then they realize. What will happen when they get to close?


I began to lead Pengu out of the city using a nearby fire escape to get up to the roof of the next building and when Pengu joined me I nodded to him and then picked him up playfully bridal style. The Wolf yelped having not expected such but I just smiled down at him before taking a running leap and beginning to traverse the rooftops of the city. I kept an eye on street signs as I made my way along not minding the physical exertion as it was worth it to see the Wolf in my arms blush and gasp as I continued.

I kept on my way pausing now and again to smile at the Wolf in my arms who was still blushing.Once we made it out of town I jumped to the ground and set him down. I extended my hand and the sword formed into it which I promptly sheathed the sword on my back. I hoped that Reyes was awake already as we headed there towards his place.

I should have been more on guard. It would have served me well if I had been. I heard the gun shot. I heard the projectile moving. But before I could move there was a blue dart in my arm. Without so much as a blink I crumbled to the ground and knew no more.


When Sukura hit the ground I started to run but I didn't make it far before a dart put me down too. Last thing I heard was foot steps.


Three hours had passed and the fox had not shown. I heard movement in the house and started to make my way there. Max was moving a bit slowly probably because he was sore from the morning's exercise.I nodded at him as I entered the house and got a gentle smile in return. He was the gentler of the two and he did still kept a feral dog. Which I found to be adorable and kind as her master. Though there has been a time or two where Austin was busy in town and I was away and Hershe had to defend her master from an attack or two back in the early days of their relationship.

Everyone has a few bad apples and the surgimorphs were one of them. There were those that underwent the surgery and came out with a massive superiority complex. They developed an almost cult like following and would sacrifice and eat humans. Yes you heard me right even in these modern times there were still barbaric practices. Max had been knocked out and I understand from what he told me at the time he was a detective in his small town and he was unaware of the surgimorph population at that time. The killer was using holo skin to appear human and it worked to great effect. Austin investigated his disappearance and found him in time to save his life. They became mates not to long after that. Max is not in the police force anymore. The experience shook him to much so instead he turned his skills to real estate and while he isn't the best his winning and gentle attitude did win a lot of people over. He never pressured to make a sale or foreclose unless he had too.


The unconscious mind is a very wonderful thing. Even though they knocked me out my flowers weren't quite so docile or easily cowed by drugs. they had tunneled underground as I lay there unconscious and had been following the abductors while I was out of it. I hoped I was wrong but if it was the Protectorate or the Emergence then they better start praying because this time I'm not stopping until the ground is awash in their blood.

I began to follow my flowers attempting to run on all fours for speed mainly and it was very difficulty to say the least. I somehow managed to not eat dirt as I tore through the forest though when I had to make a turn I fishtailed out of control making great furrows in the forest floor as I collected myself.

As I made my way there I noticed a barn in the distance with what appeared to be a young husky sitting on a hay bale. That I presumed was Reyes but I didn't have time for a fencing lesson right now. However it looked like the blossom trail would be taking me past his place and he would surely notice me.


I looked up seeing something tear through the forest like a bat out of offense to any bats that might be reading this. It was obviously way to big to be a normal resident of the forest and the way it fishtailed as it turned corners showed it wasn't exactly used to this method of travel either. It looked like it would be heading around the edge of the property and while it certainly didn't seem to be a feral fox it was certainly running like one.

Whatever it was it looked like it was tracking something and some patterns on it's fur reminded me of cherry blossoms but otherwise it paid our plot of land hardly any mind at all almost as if it wasn't there. I watched as the fox went past and moved quickly up the road. He turned putting his back to me letting me count the spread out tails as they flew into the wind.

I didn't give it much more thought and began to head in to the house. Max nodded to me as I entered and I moved to give him a gentle hug before stretching for a bit. I looked to see how I could help him with supper and was soon slicing onions and trying not to cry. Max thanked me once I was done and I hastily went to wash my paws off.


While my son went to wash his paws I hummed gently as I cooked, Austin should be around somewhere either walking the property or getting dressed in the bedroom still. Reyes did seem to be thinking on something and while I had seen something move by insanely fast from the window I don't know what it was exactly. My vision is perfect by normal human standards but I've gotten used to being around those with vision greater than mine.

"So did you happen to see what it was that ran by?" I asked him curiously and he nodded. "It looked like a huge fox. It seemed to be running like a feral. No way a fox that big is around in the wild." I nodded in response and thought it over. "Should I tell Austin or just let it go?" I asked him curiously wanting his thoughts on the matter. "I personally would not want Dad to be getting anywhere near that fox." he replied.

I let the matter drop and focused on the meal I was cooking.Once it was done I served Reyes and then went to go look for Austin who was currently showering. I informed him of the food being ready to eat and then after reentering the kitchen and serving myself began to eat as well.


I was in a black body bag with a few air holes in it but I could not move. They must have shot me with some type of paralyzing fluid recently because my neck ached in two places and I could not move my arms and legs to save my life though I was undeniably conscious.

Needless to say my fear levels were through the roof and I hoped that Sukura wherever he was is ok and currently on his way after me. It's a faint hope I know but he has been my shinning knight in the past and I hoped now that he could manage to save me again however as time wore on I began to lose hope in a fast rescue.

When we finally stopped I would say 6 hours had passed as it was growing steadily darker outside. I was put on a table and strapped down tight in a clearing and many flood lights snapped on illuminating me. "_So I'm bait. The one piece of bait Sukura could never resist. _

The people that took me seemed to be messing around with some type of sensors and I could hear the sounds of heavy armaments being clicked together. While they geared up I looked upwards towards the full moon hoping and praying that Sukura would be OK and was coming to save me though I was deeply worried for his safety the longer and longer I waited the more earnest my mental prayers became.

The night wore on seemingly never ending and the men around me talked in whispers and the like as they waited. I tried not to pay attention as a tear wound silently down my cheek and hit the ground. Then as if on cue the ground began to rumble and then it erupted in a huge spray of dirt and debris. Before I could blink I was being pulled under by something while gunshots rang out above. I was being buried alive or so I thought until I was left in a underground chamber and got a good look at what had grabbed me.

Sukura's flowers were pointed towards me but not in a menacing manner. Dimly I could detect sounds of yelling and anger above but for now I let my tears of relief knowing where his flowers were Sukura was not far behind. The flowers freed me with shreiks of metal and seemingly examined me to determine if i was alright. Two separate blossoms got pressed into and covered my neck wounds but otherwise I was left alone. They looked upwards as if expecting their master to call them any second.


I was two hours behind me flowers something I was regretting but I did my best pushing my body to the max to make up for lost time. However 2 miles out from where my flowers told me to find Pengu a shot range out from somewhere and I hit the dirt fishtailing hard and kicking a lot of dust straightening up and masking myself behind a massive tree as my dust cloud dissipated.

_"They got some massive hardware according to my flowers so how should I play this?" _ I thought as a furious fulesaide peppered the area around the trunk and the trunk itself. My cover wouldn't last much longer really so my only hope was to head upwards it seemed.Time to divide and conquer, I had my flowers erupt once more and form doubles of myself and while the doubles spread out along the ground I headed upwards towards the upper limbs of the trees.

Which it turned out was a big mistake on my part as a massive net fired down directly at me. I couldn't dodge and it was moving to fast for me to cut through. Or at least that's what I would have thought until I actually slipped through it my body turning to many many flower petals and going through the tiny holes in the net before reforming on the other side which had me shell shocked to say the least.

I didn't have long to dwell on that however and snagged a limb pulling myself up. Effectively their giant net had netted themselves instead of me. However they still had guns and I didn't. I better play this safe if I wanted them dead. I thought on strategy as my doubles darted around below through the net's gaps seeking and axing of targets as they went. They seemed to be quite effective though I felt more than heard someone line up a shot n me and jumped off the branch I was own which was cleanly severed by a sniper bullet that barley missed my ear. I landed and pushed off once more forming some kunai in my hands and looking for the flash to throw them at my attacker. Even if they didn't hit I could use them as seeds to make more.

Some of my doubles however noticed I was being shot at and moved in on the sniper searching for him as I dodged bullets though my leg did get hit hampering my progress while my body fought to drive the bullet out and seal the wound. The blood falling to the ground did drift down into petals.

"_This is getting to be tiresome. I've got to get rid of them then get to Pengu. _I think as I continue to dodge sniper bullets and threw back a few Kunai for good measure. I didn't expect to hit anything the sniper was to dug in after all but still I worked on my under ground game even though I was rapidly tiring and one mistake would most certaintly be my last. I missed the next branch and dove towards the net in free fall. I didn't have much choice and likely once I impacted I wouldn't be able to make a clear get away.

Seems like I would have to repeat my blossom trick once more. At least I hoped I could, as I moved down I focused and the instant I burst into blossoms a bullet flew through where my chest would have been and smashed into a tree.I used the wind gusts to drift away from the net and towards safe ground. With my last bit of strength my body reformed and my flowers dragged me under to be with Pengu. The wolf's scent was the last thing I smelled before I fully passed out.


When the knocked out fox was dumped basically in my lap I held him close and checked him for injuries. The flowers still seemed to be waging battle up above but at least Sukura was here and safe. His breathing was even so I guess he must have passed out from exhaustion.

I held him gently in my arms petting him gently as I waited for further news from above. If I had to guess another 20 minuets had passed before a phone was dropped down for me to use. The flowers covered us in a cocoon before beginning to dig us out from underneath the earth and they kept close as I began to walk away on the path they indicated. Daylight was beginning to break now and I didn't dare to look at the scene behind me though the sounds of distant sirens moving towards us was getting closer.

I sat down to wait for them and kept the slumbering fox in my arms as I did so. They didn't keep me waiting long I'll give them credit for that. Though the flowers were leery of letting them approach Sukura must have subconsciously convinced them to let the police near. I'm sure the place behind us looked like a war zone and some of the flowers were flecked with blood though I'm sure it wasn't Sukura's blood.

The cop's name was Austin according to his name badge actually it looked like he was the sheriff in these parts which was interesting enough. We got a suspicious look or two but he didn't ask any questions just told me to get in the car and he buckled Sukura's unconscious form into the seat beside me. As the car started Sukura started to snore slightly which made me grin a little watching him. I wish I had a tape recorder at the very least.


Well of all the things I've seen in the police force this ranked on the very top of the list. At any rate I could tell the wolf was trying hard to not crack up at the snoring fox in the back seat though the flowers around him seemed to be gravitating towards the fox even as they clung to the wolf almost protectively

I staid silent until we reached my place and said "I'm stepping out for a bathroom break. You two stay here. I can see you from the house so don't try anything." I warned before steeping out and engaging the security lock on the back door. The wolf didn't respond and the flowers just turned towards the sunlight.

I entered the house and went in search of my love to give him a quick hug. I found him still in bed snoring and I smiled and kissed his cheek before going to use the restroom. I left him a note then departed ack to the car and brought the two suspects plus flowers to the jail.

Once l got them processed and removed the fox's sword I put them a cell apart and slid the bolts home. These cells specially designed to hold surgimorphs so these two wouldn't be going anywhere. As I walked back to my desk my cell phone rang and I answered it to find my mate on the other end. "Heard something over the scanner. What's the details?" he asked me his tone while friendlier than one might expect from their boss was still business like. "I don't really know. Let's head back to the net and poke around." I told him and he hung up promising to be there in thirty.

I glanced back towards the cells noting that the flowers had staid with the wolf. _I suppose I could cage them but they are just flowers what harm can they do? _ I thought to myself asI continued to head out. Once in the car I headed towards the net wondering just what had happened here.

As I drove I thought of my mate and how strong our relationship was despite what troubles we had faced in the past. I hummed gently to myself picturing my love's face in my mind's eye as I traveled. Oh I could have been focusing on the case but Idind't have all the details and all I really new was that there was a huge net there. Which as I approached someone had hooked up to a car and was currently pulling it off. Max was off to the side watching curiously and I moved to join him after I parked.

He nodded to me and I playfully hugged him and ruffled up his hair which left him nicley flustered and which made me luagh. He fixed his hair and sighed lightly. "Ok love you've had your fun." he said to me though he was smiling at me. He nodded towards the scene as the net began to slowly peel off. "How do you get a net that massive and how on earth did the fox and wolf get out of there?"

"Good questions. Let's wait to get to the scene before we figure it out." I reply to him though I notice the light shining off several bullet casings. "The field techs are going to shit their pants once they see how much they have to do out here." I muttered and Max sniggered lightly. "Oh funny image?" I asked him my tail wagging. "Yeah it kind is. They'll go into cardiac arrest when they see this place." remarked Max.

Over the course of the next hour the net was fully removed packed and then reduced to the size of a pen as they used some type of micro reconstruction mess on it. The pen even wrote like it should. The lab techs did enjoy their toy and on this crime scene however I might need to buy the whole department wigs as they are constantly tearing their hair out in frustration.

"So is this a hate crime against humans?" Max asked softly as yet another horribly bloody body was wheeled buy on a gurney. "I would say yes if not for the fact they dug out a metal table with what looked like wolf fur on it. Plus I want to know how they got these firearms as most of these are illegal and who ever killed them didn't take any prisoners. Maybe the wolf will tell us something once we get back."

"That's news to me. Who did you take in this morning?" Max asked me curiously. "A fox a wolf and a collection of cherry blossoms that won't leave the wolf's side." "So he had illegal modification surgery done." "Well more like the fox did I think. He has tattoos that match the flowers. You'll get a good enough look once we get back to the station cause he hasn't moved once since he got there besides snoring."

"So how did you get here?" I asked him. "I borrowed our son's motorcycle as it was the quickest way to get here. I told him I would bring it back with a full tank of gas." I nodded and put my hand on his shoulder. "Let's go ask that wolf some questions."


When the Husky and human came back I eyed them a bit warily. "We're going to ask you some questions." The husky said to me. Despite the fact that he had fought tooth and nail last night with abilities that had severely taxed his stamina and energy Sukura spoke up.

"Oh no your not. I didn't hear Miranda Rights nor did you formally arrest us and if there is going to be questions then we should have a lawyer present." As he spoke his flowers slid between the bars too him and he gave a pained expression as they rejoined with him. The husky chuckled a bit. "You were asleep. How do you know I didn't read that?" "The flowers. Just because I'm unconscious doesn't mean I can't still operate my own mind."

"Ok fair enough your not formally arrested. But you are being held for suspicion of murder and illegal modification. "I do believe that illegal modification does not fall under this case. As for murder well I would love to hear more on the subject. Unless the definition of murder has changed in past few years then defending yourself against people with guns through any means necessary is not murder. Killing them so you yourself are not killed is not murder. Chopping them into so many pieces as they fire upon you and your loved one is not murder. It's self defense."

His tone had grown harder with each word anger, and distrust performing a grand concerto as he continued to speak. I looked over at him and felt my heat swell with warmth despite the situation. The human spoke up. "How is it not a hate crime? I mean you are a Surgimorph you know."

Sukura's tone changed to slow and measured. "I was born human,and in most ways despite my physical appearance I still am one.There are those of our kind that treat humanity as something to be shunned and distance themselves from. But among the junk of humanity you can find a few gems if you know where to look. When you find those gems it's your duty to help them shine and no matter what you always must keep faith and hope. "

With each word Sukura's expression softened and when he finished he looked as if something from his past was haunting him. "Alright...I'll throw you a bone no pun intended. My name when I was human was Kyle Owen." I gasped lightly my ears lowering as I remember the news story attached to that name. Kyle a white haired human had gone camping in the woods with several friends. The people that went with him had always described him as quite and reserved. No one really knew to much about him. Unfortunately for them in that woods at the time was a band of poachers and as luck would have it they ran into one another.

Out of the group of twenty people ten were captured five ran home to go crying to whoever would listen and of the remaining five three had gotten sick and the other person besides Kyle had to attend to them. Kyle as a human was not a physically impressive specimen. Thin and skinny as a twig the only thing remarkable about him was his rather large head and how deep he could dig when his friends were in danger.

Now Kyle did state that he didn't particularly care about the people he rescued but he wouldn't just let them rot in the woods while he could do something about it. He wasn't exactly Rambo, but he did manage through sheer dumb luck and mental trickery to free each of them. When asked how he did it he said "In the game of chess one most lose a few pawns."

The media continued to follow him after that to the point that on his way to school a scattered pile of broken personal camera drones would litter the path behind him. One for ever step he took. Eventually the media grew bored with him and though people tried to repay him he didn't accept it. "I help others when no one else will. It's what I do." and would move on to his next destination.

"Can you prove that?" He was asked by the husky. "Yeah I can. Blood." he held out his paw to be stabbed with an almost bored expression not reacting when one of the called for lab techs got it. "Though I should warn you any dna sample will self destruct within 24 hours. I can't afford to have my blood floating around for to long after all."

I meanwhile was looking at Sukura with disbelieving eyes. "How could you be him and not say anything?" Sukura turned his gaze towards me. "For the same reason you've been hiding your own pain. It wasn't anyone's business." At those words I felt my heart rate increase and my own demons rise.

Sukura cursed lightly seemingly already knowing what was going on. His tone turned soothing and measured and he locked eyes with me speaking firmly. "Listen to me Pengu,Listen to the soothing sound of my voice. Focus on it, there is no one else important but my voice. I want you to take a deep breath with me."

Maybe it was his measured tone, maybe it was his soft voice, but I found myself obeying him and taking a deep breath as he asked. I expelled it when he did. "With every breath you take you are breathing in calm and peace. With every breathe you let out you are releasing stress and tension." He continued the exercises with me soft and measured until I was no longer having any issues and felt better.

Surprisingly the two cops had not interrupted us during this and Sukura once sure I was alright glanced towards them. "Fox has got your tongue and I ain't giving it back." The two cops burst into laughter and Sukura chuckled himself the tension from before evaporating into the atmosphere.