In The Lions Den: Meal

Story by Dragon Lord on SoFurry

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In The Lion's Den (part 1) ::A Tasty Meal::

::Caution!!! Caution!!! Caution!!! There maybe stuff in this story that others might not want to hear or read and by all means may not accept. There is explicit writing in this story of a sexual nature between three were-animals and one zebra. This story contains sex between 1 female were-lion and two male were-lions and one male zebra. So if by any unknown reasons you are disgusted, displeased, scared or anything else but horny; please don't read ahead. Anyone under the age of 18 is discouraged from reading this story (like that?ll stop them). Nothings worse then warping little children's minds (a bit of sarcasm). So, if not intrested in reading about this kind of stuff you should leave now. If not, then be my guest and read on to the story. Hope you enjoy. On goes the show...! Caution!!! Caution!!! Caution!!!::

;:One:; i tried to make this story tasteful

;:Two:; it's not just sex sex sex

;:Three:; theres a story in it

;:Four:; no animal was hurt in the making of this story

;:Five:; please read and enjoy

;:Six:; you can forget about 1 - 3

(Authors notes: yeah at times this might get cheesy but the cheesiness had to be done for the readers sake.)

Written by: Dragon Lord

: |||Facts||| :

Bushes Sway amongst the wind while the heavenly light from the sun disapears over the horizon. The lands of Africa is home to many animals none more famous then the Lion People. A Mostly male dominated species. They are exclusive beigns. Wanting to be left alone. Standing on two legs they reach up to just about 7 feet tall. The males in this species are the only ones that were anything close to clothes. The males wear loincloths over their private areas while the women wear nothing. Males having a thick gold mane around their neck and it grows bigger with age such as other parts of the body. They carry the distinct facial structure of a lion. The body is covered in short fur in the colors of a yellow brownish tone all around except for on the stomach, chest and under the paws to where as the color becomes lighter. A long tail protrudes from the lower back where the tail bone would be found. The end of the tail (tail tip) is a bush of fur. The mane and tail tip area are a darker shade of yellow brown then the rest of it's body. No pubic or long fur can be found on either male or female genitalia. The men have a sheath where their sex member can be found and only comes out to play whenever aroused. At full length the engorged member can reach to 9 ½ inches and 3 inches around. With balls the size of apples or something like that. The women have big vulupcious breasts the size of big coconuts. The Lion People like to call themselves by a certain name known as Vargen. Vargen are usually in packs of 3, 4, & 5. The one's in this story come in three.

Also: .................. Vargen get easily aroused......... I mean very easily..........................................

: |||The Story Begins||| :

Ashka is a 19 year old Vargen living with his 17 year old younger brother Conroy and there 18 year old mate, Rimara. The two brothers had been living on there own since the age of 10 when they left there pride to live on there own. Both shared thier mate (Rimara) and would mate her together. Ashka loved his brother Conroy and Rimara. The feeling was mutual with the other two. Ashka and Conroy would always do just about anything together unless one needed privacy but one only needn't ask. Rimara would always try to join in the fun whenever she was allowed.

The begining of the day started out as usual. They would all get up at about the same time, then would hunt for food. There favorite meal being Zebra. It was the only type of food that kept them all excited for the kill of the hunt. But before they ever killed thier prey they would torture the poor thing/s. Ashka and his small pride lived in a medium sized cave. The inside of the cave is dry with stuffy air. But the lions didn't mind. In the middle of the cave is a bed of leaves with animal skins on it where the trio would lay down and go to sleep as they were still doing this morning. Awaking first Conroy got up and walked to the entrance of the cave. Shaking as he outstreched his arms he yawned softly. Conroy was not built like a tank. But was still fit. He always thought of anything big and muscular as a weakness in it's self. Plus he didn't want to look like a elephant on steroids. He had abs and thats all he needed. He touched his thighs softly to try and loosen them up. Then he just sat down outside on his round rump. Being the youngest of the trio didn't matter since there was no hierarchy in this small pride. He was treated with utmost respect do to his intellectual prowess. He was the smartest out of the three was he not, he thought. He stared looking at the horizon as it peeked out and shone it's light upon Rimara's face.

Grimicing she awoke recluctantly. Looking to the left of her she didn't see the male she had just slept with last night. But to the right was a still sleeping Ashka. As she sat up she wondered were the young Vargen could be. She looked out the cave to see Conroy sitting on the ground. She gave a quaint smile to herself. Still groggy she started up. Pushing off the animal skin bed, she walked slowly outside to the spot where Conroy was sitting. She looked down at him and smiled again to herself. She loved both the males she was spending her life with. She put her paw on his shoulder and knelt beside him. Immediately startling Conroy, making him somewhat jump. Hesitantly he looked behind him, not startled at all by the beautiful feminine lion's face he saw stare into his mind and soul. Seeing her he calmed down. Sorry for what she did Rimara pressed her breast to the back of Conroy while manuvering her hands around to grasp his furry chest. Feeling his chest made her lightly smile as she stared off into sunrise space. It couldn't be helped with two hot male Vargens around.

He moved his hands to where her's were and clamped them. Lowering her muzzle to his left ear she whispered in a gentle voice, "Hey baby, when did you wake up?" "Just a few moments ago", he whispered lightly so as not wanting to wake Ashka up. It did not matter for he was already up. "Good to hear", came a voice from behind both of the lions. It was Ashka. "I guess whispering didn't matter." "How come nobody woke me up? I know it's a romantic morning right now and all but we need to go hunting before it gets to hot for us, if were going to eat at all. Aren't you guys hungry?" "Yeah!!!" the two said enthusiastically or not so enthusiastically. Rimara licked Conroy's ear in a playful manner before getting up. They would finish this togetherness they had had between them at a later date. Conroy shivered from the soft lick to his ear, all to knowingly that they would have to finish this show of affection later that day between themselves. Eyes closed he smiled. The two then stood up and all three started to stretch working their muscles and loosening them up.

: |||Catching of the Prey||| :

After finishing thier stretch they all walked to a river near their den. It wasn't a very far walk. It took only a minute for them to reach the river. The area around the river was green with tall grass surrounding the entire area in a sea of grass. The only other object in the scenery was a single tree for shade that they used on a hot summers day. It was still morning and the weather wasn't hot yet so the three lions had no use for the shade. They used the river as a way to find prey since this river was highly used by all sorts of animals as a pit stop to drink & relax. First though they wanted to get a drink of cool refreshing water. Rimara reached the river first and knelt before it putting her paw in the water and scooping out a handfull of water. She sipped the crystal clear like water threw her muzzle. "MMMmmmmm...... Tastes good." The other two frowned and thought to themselves "Like.... thats the way it always tastes" The two then followed her lead and knelt beside it and drank. Sticking thier muzzle into the water and holding thier breath as they bite into the water and gulpe it down. Quenching there unbegotten thirst. Now refreshed and hungry the three eagerly got up. "Well.... Let's go find somethin to eat", ordered Ashka.

In a line they walked down the river listening and whatching carefully as they went down the river. Silently they moved down the river looking for some sort of food. After about 20 minutes Rimara heared a noise. She twitched her ears looking down the river. The two brothers looked confounded at her and were about to ask her what she heared but before they could she instinctively told them, "Sshhh... Be quiet you two I hear something." "Do you see something", Conroy replied, "I'm so hungry". No response was made. Only a slight glance backwards from Rimara to Conroy and a hand in the air holding 1 finger to her lips. This silenced Conroy.

Ashka was starting to feel anxious so he sat down on his haunches. The hunt always making him feel frisky as if he were high on catnip. He uninstinctvley moved his paw down to his groin and started massaging his ever growing member. A bulge ever present starting to show threw his loin cloth. There was another sound. The sound of something lapping at water. They all were still while listening to the sound. Ashka still playing with is now stiff rod. Surprisingly the animal did not hear the three bicker. They all looked down stream behind a piece of shrubbery and saw a zebra. Grins appeared on all three Vargen's faces. Ashka stopped rubbing his groin after seeing the zebra. He knew what would come next so he didn't have to please himself just yet. Rimara signaled for the two brothers to go on either side of the animal so as to surround it. And so they did. The zebra not paying attention, was to busy looking into the water while drinking it. No sound of the three vargens made it's way to the zebra's up right ears.

While the zebra not caring at all to what was going on around; him didn't notice all three Vargen creeping closer to it slowly as to not alert the quiet scenery. Conroy was the first to reach the zebra. He crept ever so quietly to the back of the zebra. Keeping low to the ground ready to pounce when the moment was right. He then jumped into the air towards the zebra landeding on top of it. The other twoVargen then joined in the battle to subdue this unaware animal. Tackling the zebra was pretty hard but not after Rimara and Ashka reached the prey and helped with restraining it. Together all 3 knocked the zebra down on its stomach. All three growled at the prey so as to scare it into submission. The zebra's eyes wide with frenzy laid stiff in the grasp of Rimara's mouth.

Ashka spoke, "Yo stupid animal , I know that you understand what i'm saying. What i want you to do is to stand up." In fear of what might happen the zebra did so. Complying with the wish of the growling lion (Ashka) the zebra obeyed. Nickering the zebra stood up and pleaded with the three lions, " Please don't eat me. I have a family. Wife and kids. Come on. Please don't do this." With swiftness, Rimara grabed the snout of the sniveling zebra and closed it's mouth shut with her paws. "Are you male or female zebra?", she asked. Letting go of his snout he countered her question with one of his own. "Why do you want to know?" Snarling all three lions showed there sharp teeth with quivering lips. "Just answer the question or would you like me to take a bite out of the back of your leg!" ,Conroy growled aloud. Shaking in fear the zebra said, "Male. Are you satisfied now?"

What a great surprise for the three lions. All 3 had smirks on their faces. Ashka announced, "Thats good to hear zebra. We might let you live after all if you pleasure us to satisfactory." Even though Ashka said that he had no intent on letting their prey get away alive. "Don't try anything stupid either or you'll pay with your life." Nodding his head the zebra stood straight up and awaited for a command or instructions. All three chuckled in low breaths. Anticipating what pleasures they might get from this.

Starting off Rimara ordered the zebra to eat her clit. Reluctant at this request the zebra nodded his head. What thir intentions were he did not care. He just wanted to stay alive after this experience. Rimara then layed down upon the ground and readed herself. Wanting to please the female the zebra obeyed. Lowering it's head he sniffed the awaiting gorge. Being sniffed made Rimara get a little more horny then she already was. She started to gasp and clench the ground feeling the movements of the snout of the zebra on her orfice. This made her even hornier. The smell of the orfice took effect of the zebra's senses. The zebra likeing what it was doing stuck it's nose inside Rimara's sex organ and took a big whiff of her inticing smell. By now the zebra was face full of pussy, licking it, and even sucking the lips of it with his own. He ran his tounge in and out of Rimara coaxing it with his saliva. Waves of pleasure were going through her body as she tried so desprately to push the zebra's tounge in as far as it can go by arching her back up off the ground. Thus helping to strengthen her pleasure. This was what the catch was all about.

By now the two male lions were getting horny as well. Conroy not caring to watch in Rimara's pleasure no more, moved to the back of the zebra and kneeled. Grabing the zebra's hips Conroy lowered his muzzle down to the puckered anus of the extravagent equine. He licked all around and along the zebra's ass drooling all the while. Almost not being able to contain himself. Conroy started thrusting his tounge through the zebras muscled anus. Coaxing the inside of the zebra while it involuntarily worked on Rimara herself. All three were-animals were gasping and grunting in this enjoyment. Each loving what was happening at the time. Deciding that he slicked up the zebras ass pretty well enough Conroy stood upright. The zebra didn't notice that Conroy had stoped what he was doing cause he was to busy pleasing someone. By know Conroy's love organ was as rock solid as it could be. His big 9 inch prick bulging from under his loose loin cloth. Conroy moved his cloth to the side in order to realease his member. Protruding from his beautiful furry sheath stood his slick cock, that had precum peeking on out from the piss slit. His balls heavy with love juice. He stroked his cock all the while needing is nuts. Caressing them and feeling there pleasure build as he did so.

Ashka was whatching what was happening the whole time, so if the zebra did anything wrong he would correct it and maybe not in a bad way either. He was also looking the zebra over all the while. Ashka was infatuated by the muscular build of the zebra. Not to mention he also liked the protruding equine cock coming out of the zebra's sheath. This gave Ashka a playful idea. Ashka bent down before the zebras side and took a closer glance of the zebra dick. From closer expection Ahska could deduce that the zebra cock was not fully erect yet but was at least 12 inches long as of yet. "That would all have to change.", Ashka thought to himself. With that thought he grabbed the zebra cock and started milking it while he nursingly suckled and licked up and down it's length. It tasted and felt like some sort of soft leather. It wasn't displeasing at all. On the contrary it was appealing even more to the experience he was getting and receiving out of this. Sucking on the enourmos rod had it's just rewards. Big amounts of precum were gushing out of the penis. It was thin and pasty but it tasted like a salt with some sweet sugar. "Not bad at all". It was the best part of the hunt for Ashka.Yet alas it was not the thick, sticky, salty tasting fluid that Ashka wanted so dearly. The zebra was likeing all the attention he was getting and he was showing that by making his cock grow even larger to an astonishing 17 incher. Ashka handled the fully erect zebra penis by takeing 10 inches of it into his muzzle. Some of it was even in his throat. Ashka started bobbing his head up and down the length of the cock. Soaking it in saliva. Ashka was used to doing this since him and his brother always gave each other this sort of attention.

Conroy by now was pushing his 9 inch dick into the puckered anus of the zebra. The zebra didn't even resist the pokeing he felt at his rear entrance. With ease half of his cock went into the zebra. But thats when the zebra started contracting his ass mucles and started to give Conroy a hard time entering him. It just gave more pleasure to both of the animals. Conroy didn't let this stop him from haveing all the fun he could. This was becoming a little to much work for what it was worth. Claws now extending from his paws he dug into the hide of the zebra. He drew little blood from the scratches he tatooed onto the zebra. All the while the zebra not feeling any pain or even a hint of discomfort at all. While in the heat of passion Conroy lowered his head to the wounds he gave to the equine. He then began licking the trickling blood comming out of the scratches. This giving a sadistic feeling to Conroy. His dick inside the warm hole of the zebra. Oh the warmth it brought. It was what the younger lion loved most about the hunt. Humping anything always got his rocks off. He'd repeat his harsh thrusting motion into the zebra. The pressure bulding ever more up inside his taught nuts.

The zebra just nickered. Not jumping or anything. It felt nothing more then a misquito bite at this point in time. The zebra was being attacked from just about everywhere. From the lion in the back pistoning into him makeing his ass sore. To the lion under him suckling on his mighty rod that glistened in the sun's rays. To the female lion in front of him barking orders of passion. If this wasn't Xanadu then what was, the zebra thought.

Rimara wanting to be filled with the zebra's lust told Ashka to switch with her. Ashka first growled softly upset at the thought of having to leave the work he started to a thought of him not being able to finish it. He reluctently released the love tool within the warm and soft confines of his mouth. Whimpering softly he gave the hard penis a soft kiss on the piss slit before leaving it. Ashka got up from under the zebra to let Rimara have here way. While moving to the head of the owner of the monstrous cock Ashka glimsped to the side to see Rimara under the zebra on all fours. "Damn... She doesn't waste any time does she."

Standing in front of the zebra Ashka could see his brother looming over the zebra's back, moaning, groaning, and humping the hell out of the zebra's ass. Tounge flicking out of the side of his mouth only to be brought back into is muzzle after a quick lick of the zebras wounds. Conroy was busily & easily getting a work out. As for Rimara... she was already busy using the zebra organ to it's full potential by stuffing it into herself.

Ashka grabbed the zebra's head and maneuvered it in front of his cock. The zebra stared at it then to Ashka's eyes then back down again. Getting the idea he brought is muzzle close to the 9 ½ dick. He sucked it into his mouth, savoring the uniqe flavor of the lion's cock. Never had he found something so exquisite before. It tasted better then his usual meal of grass he ate. He swallowed it down into his throat. Massaging it in his throat as he sucked abandon on the tool. Nothing tasted better then this. Nothing came close. This was his for now and he just wasn't going to let it go yet. The zebra started sucking hard with showing a sign of slowing down. Ashka felt the strong hold the zebra had on his cock and couldn't help but grab it's head once more and face fuck it. His nuts slapped across the zebra's chin causing him more pleasure and bringing him closer to orgasm. The zebra was snorting as his muzzle was used. Sniffing at any opportunity he had at the Vargen's groin. It smelt sweet of leaves. That in turn made him suck some more. He felt the pole in his mouth pulsate and felt hot creamy liquid overflow onto his tounge and down his throat. Trying to taste as much as he could before it went down his throat. Ashka by now was roaring with delight. He released his spunk into the maw of the animal and was now sexual satisfied. Yet he held the creature in place and kept his dick in it's mouth. Though the zebra didn't seem to mind.

This whole time Conroy was watching his loving brother get milked. That made him greatly aroused. He was bashing away at the ass beneath and between his muscled thighs. Nuts hitting nuts, dick in ass. All of it felt good. He then saw his brother orgasm into the zebra's mouth. That sent him overboard. And his nuts drew in tight and let loose there seed. As it happened he roared with lust then bit into the zebra's hide.

Thus startled the zebra who in turned unintentionally started humping the womanly Vargen under him. Oh her so tight pussy pushed him over the peak of orgasm. The zebra neighed and let loose a flood of jisz from is tortured penis. Soaking the insides of Rimara. Rimara roared in triumph, having that huge zebra cock inside her warm tight pussy filling her up. Cum started leaking out of her. She collapsed on the ground. While Ashka and Conroy were panting after watching the scene. This had surely re aroused the two Vargen again. So they licked the cock that was still inside the pussy and the pussy itself. They cleaned the cum leaking out and the now softening cock, as it became smaller. The cock started to receed back into it's sheath but not before Conroy gave it one final kiss and suckle before it was gone.

TBC. . .

(not in any way is this piece of literature to be used, rewritten, copied, or anything else done to it without the authors permission. Plainly speaking me. rants and raves are welcomed. critisicm is also welcomed. if all you're going to do when you e-mail me is smite me, then please don?t waste you?re time and mine by e-mailing me. Any thing else just e-mail me at [email protected] . second half to come... sometime)