Koras fate.

Story by DeathAvenged on SoFurry

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#6 of Opposites.

A few days passed since Eric had taken Kora away and Blade hadn't given up on tracking down his father but wasn't having much luck since his father had learned years before to cover his tracks and not keep anything with tracking capabilities turned on. Kora was still in the chamber at the farm where Eric would leave her small plates of food and water bottles at different times while he set up a auction among some of his business partners in order to get rid of Kora and make sure she would be out of his sons life for good without having to end her own life. Kora pleaded with Eric every time she saw him to let her go onnly for him to ignore her pleas as he left her there alone. Eric finally left the chamber and the farm to head home for a few hours, leaving Kora in the cage alone as he left. When he arrived home Camille looked to him with disappointment on her face. "Do not give me that look Camille...You know damn well I worked to hard for this to happen..." Camille folded her ears back against her head and glared at him as she crossed her arms. "Your so damn proud and hard headed Eric! How can you not see how much damage your doing to your own family! To your own son?! Blade loves that girl other wise he wouldn't have risked things to keep seeing her!" Eric folded his ears back and moved to his wife, cornering her against the kitchen counter as he snarled softly. "You knew exactly how I was when we got married Camille.....this shouldn't surprise you in the least...Blade will get over it...by tomorrow night that girl will be gone from his life and he will have a set future with Naomi or some other girl of our standing." Camille teared up as she pushed by him to get out from between him and the counter. Eric stood his ears up when he saw her tears, something he hadn't seen from her since they had frist started to date. "Your a fool Eric...Kora isn't like us but that doesn't mean she is a bad thing for Blade. Your so set in your ways...having everything the way you like it...the way you want it. You don't even see what your doing to Blade. He hasn't slept since you took Kora away...he won't eat anything. He is set on finding her and being with her. You really think that whatever it is your going to do will stop him?" Eric shifted some as he looked at her with a growl before looking away from her. "Eric...do you not remember when we frist met? When we first started dating? Your own father hated me because I wasn't a demon like the other girls you grew up with...he wanted you to marry another demon wolf...or a demon fox...to take his place as a dealer for souls...you ignored him and choose me over that....How can you stand here and do this to Blade? To that poor girl who is scared out of her mind by now?" Eric snarled and turned to her, his fur raised in anger as he moved to her. He stopped himself from slapping her as she stepped back from him. Eric stared at her in silence for a few minutes before shaking his head. "I am not a good man Camille...I do remember when we met...when we dated and the hell it caused with my family....But what is done is doen and can not be reversed...I already have things set up for what will happen to that girl...it is to late and Blade will have to learn to get over it." Camille folded her ears back as tears rolled down ehr cheeks. "Your not the man I married Eric...you would have never done this before...what happened to you?" Eric looked away from her without answering her as she left the kitchen in tears.

A few hours passed before Eric returned to the hidden chamber where Kora was pacing around in the cage he had her in. He sat at the monitors and watched her closely on the screen with his ears folded back against his head while his thoughts went back to what Chamille had said to him, the fact he had left his own wife in tears. Eric took a deep breathe and ran his fingers through his short black hair while leaning back in his seat with his eyes shut. After a few minutes his phone buzzed with alerts from his business partners lettin him know they would arrive the next night for his auction after he sent video feed of Kora to them. Eric only sighed and put his phone down, continuing to watch her in silence.

At that time Blade had reached the end of his rope and burst through Naomis front door, scaring the female rather badly as she looked at him. "Where is your father Naomi?! I know damn well he is apart of whatever it is my father is up to!" Naomi folded her ears back and glared at him before crossing her arms with a huff. "Why would I tell you where daddy is? You lost that girl Blade...your mine now...you should just let it go. Whatever happens is going to happen." Blade folded his ears back as he moved to Naomi, gripping her shoulders tightly as he pinned her to the wall with a snarl. "You listen to me you spoiled little slut. Kora is mine. I love her and I am not going to lose her because your whining like a three year old! You don't give a flying fuck about me...you only agreed to dating me because if it worked it meant more money and your little life style being set in stone for the rest of your life! That isn't how someoen is supposed to live. Now you can either help me find Kora by telling me where your father is or I will make your night a living hell." Naomi glared at Blade as she listened to him ebfore letting out a heavy sigh. She knew he was right and the look in his eyes showed she wouldn't get anywhere with him. She bit her bottom lip and growled. "Fine you jack ass! He went to some sort of auction outside of town with my uncle! I don't know what it actually is. I just know he said it was for some farm land he wanted to buy so he could build some sort of prohect he has been working on. At least that is what he told me a few hours ago." Blade loosened his grip on Naomi and growled softly. "How long ago did he leave and where is this farm?" Naomi grumbled and pushed him back before writing down the address her father had given to her before handing it to him. She knew her father would be upset with her but this wasn't worth having Blade attack her because of Kora. Blade snatched the paper from her and left the house.


As Blade made his way to the farm Eric was getting Kora prepared for the auction. He pulled her from her cage and into a different room where he took a knife out and sliced her clothing off of her body. Kora tried to stop him and push him away only for him to slap her and growl. "Stop it...or it will end very...very badly for you." Kora teared up and went still, her body shaking with fear as he cut away her clothing and underwear until she was left nude. He put the knife away and left her there as he turned the lights in the room off till only one was remaining above her, keeping her lit for the business partners who had now filed into the room on the otherside of the wall. It was now that Kora was noticing the walls of this room were lined with mirrors but all she saw was her reflection, having no idea that there were men on the other side of those mirrors watching her. Naomis father stood beside of Eric as he looked at Kora. "This is the little bitch my little girl caugth Blade fucking?" Eric nodded in silence as the other men began to silently bid on Kora as she moved around slowly with her tail curled around her legs. Eric felt a knot forming in his stomach as he watched, looking at the fear coming from Kora and knowing this was a big mistake the more he thought about it but he couldn't stop it now.

The auction on Kora lasted about a half hour before the winner was annouced. A large male lion that was a drug lord in Europe was the male that would now be taking Kora away with him. The lion handed the bag of cash to Eric before moving into the room to grab Kora who almost leaped out of her own skin when she saw that male coming through the door to get her. She let out a cry for him to leave her alone but it was ignored as he grabbed her and forced some hand cuffs onto her before dragging her out of the room behind him. He stopped and looked to Eric who had walked up to them, the lion speaking in a heavy accent. "I will be in town for another day or two...to try out my new play thing...if I am not satisfied with her I will be back for my money Eric..." The wolf folded his ears back and nodded a bit before looking to Kora who was looking back at him with a look of fear and pleading with him to not let this happen. "Please don't do this! I didn't do anything wrong! I don't want to be taken away from Blade! Please!" Eric turned away from her as the lion pulled her out of the room and out of the chamber to his car that was waiting outside. He pushed her into the back seat before getting in with her and ordering the grey tabby cat behind the wheel to take them to his hotel.

Kora had tears flowing down her cheeks as the car peeled out of the farm yard and down the road back to the town. On the way the lion wasted no time in making a move on her. He grabbed her and pulled her so she was laying across his lap. Kora wiggled and struggled, trying to get out of his grasp only to cry out as his hand came down with a hard spank to her ass. "Hold still! I paid a lot of money for this ass and I will have my way with it." Kora sobbed as she gripped at the edge of the seat while the lions hand came back down with another spank that echoed through the car along with another small cry from the fox. Kora was shaking as she tried to let her thoughts go back to her time with Blade and hoping to forget where she was. AS she tried to forget she felt the lion rub along her slit with two of his large fingers before he suddenly shoved them into her pussy making her let out a gasp of surprise as her claws sunk into the leather of the seat. The lion took his time with Kora since the ride was going to be long. He slowly moved his fingers around inside her pussy, thrusting them into her hard and slow while pressing into her inner walls until he found her G-spot which he began hitting his fingers again with no mercy for the fox who was crying out and jerking around in his lap. Kora tried her best to think of Blade, imagining it was his fingers instead of the lions. As her thoughts turned to Blade the lion slammed his finger tips against her G-spot, drawing a scream from her as he sent her into orgasm, her juices gushing out around his fingers and hitting the seat with a loud splash sound as her hips jerked hard and her fur stood on end along her spine. The lion grinned as he leaned back. "I see why Blade is smitten with you...your pussy is tight...and your a squirter...You will be a good cock sleeve for me little fox." As he spoke the lion patted her ass while pulling his fingers from her pussy and sucking them clean of her juices while she laid there panting with tears rolling down her cheeks still.

The lion gave Kora a few minutes to rest before he began to toy with her again, pressing his hand on her back and forcing her body down so she would feel the large bulge in his pants. Kora blushed darkly and folded her ears back against her head with a whimper coming from her. The lion ignored her whimper as he rubbed his fingers against her clit, making her gasp out from how sensitive she still felt. He pushed his middle finger back into her pussy, moving it around slowly a few times before he pulled it free, pulling one of her ass cheeks so her rear was exposed to him. Kora stiffened up and began to try and get out of his lap only for him to slap her ass harder then before with his claws pricking her skin on the impact. Kora cried out in pain and went still with her eyes shut tighter then before as she sobbed softly. The lion growled and pressed his wet finger against her ass, slowly rubbing it around before beginning to push it in. It took some effort but his finger pushed into ehr ass and slowly sunk down to his knuckle. Kora felt her breathe catch in her throat from the feeling his finger being in her ass and stiffened her body up for a few seconds. The lion wiggled his finger around before slowly pulling it out some only to sink it back in. "A tight ass as well...clearly you have not had a cock in this hole yet...that will change by morning..." The lion pulled his finger from her ass and pushed her out of his lap into the floor of the back seat.

Kora whined softly as she sat up in the floor of the car now, looking up to the lion with tears rolling down her cheeks. The lion paid no mind to her tears as he undone the pants he was wearing and freeing his thick none inch cock that was leaking precum and lined with little dull barbs on the shaft. Kora folded her ears back and turned her head away, refusing to do anything with him. The lion growled and gripped her hair tightly making her yelp out. He took that chance and forced her to take his cock into her mouth. Kora tried to pull free from his grasp but he held her there, his grip on her hair firm as he began forcing her to bob her head along the legnth of his cock while his barbs rubbed and brushed against her tongue. Kora closed her eyes tightly and tried a bit longer to pull free before finally giving in so he would loosen his grip on her hair. She once again turned her thoughts to Blade, her thoughts going to the night she had given him a blow job while he was playing a Xbox game with his live chat on. The lion leaned back in the seat and relaxed now, watching the fox bobbing her head along his cock with her eyes shut tightly while he let out little groans and growls as he enjoyed the feeling of her mouth and tongue on him.

Kora felt the tears rolling down her cheeks as she tried to keep her mind on Blade, imagining she was taking his cock into her throat and making him moan out while he was playing his game only for him to grab her and make her ride his cock with his friends listening in. The lion kept his eyes on Kora before grabbing the back of her head and forcing it down so his cock was in ehr throat. Kora grunted and tried to pull back as the lions cock throbbed hard and his hips bucking up so his cock pushed in and out of her throat a few times before he pushed her back altogether and gripping his cock. He began rubbing it as fast as he could for a minute or so before his cum exploded from his tip, landing on Koras face and breasts. When he was done he forced her to lick his cock clean ebfore he put it away in his pants, leaving the fox sitting there coated in his cum and shaking.


By the time the lion reached his hotel with Kora Blade had found the farm just as his father was coming out of the barn. Blade jumped out of his mothers car and moved to his father with a snarl. "Where is she dad?! Where is Kora? You let her go and bring her to me right now!" Eric stood there and looked at Blade while holding the large black suit case of money he had been given in exchange for Kora. "It is to late son...She is gone." Blade stared at his father with wide eyes before yelling at the top of his lungs. "Where is she dad?! What did you do?!" Eric growled and moved past his son to go to his own car, tossing the money into the back seat before turning to Eric. "She is going to be leaving the country with Riley in a day or two...he paid a lot of money for her...you will not be seeing her again Blade...you might as well get over it." Blade felt his eye twitch a few times as he stared at his father in disbelief before he ran at him and landed a hard punch to his face. "You fucking bastard! How could you sell her off like that?! She isn't a fucking toy to be passed on from owner to owner! She is mine girlfriend dad! She is the one I want! Where is this Riley staying?!" Blade was getting ready to punch Eric again when he grabbed his sons wrists tightly with a snarl. " I will not tell you Blade...you will find better then her...now go home." Eric shoved Blade back before getting into his car to head off while Blade scrambled to his feet, running to his mothers car to follow Eric in hopes of figuring out where Kora was being held now.