Majorra Castle Short #4

Story by LadyTannis on SoFurry

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#4 of Majorra Castle Shorts

The 4th short, now with everyone awake and attentive! A wolf sets out to accomplish a high goal.

Near a small table, with three old wooden chairs, the small lioness moved about. Bowls were set, rabbit stew was cooking within a large kettle over a fire behind the barn, and wooden spoons were placed around the bowls. Brynn's form finally settled into one of the chairs, her hands tying her boot laces. The sheep were piled together in a corner of the barn, settled upon the hay there, while others stirred upstairs.

The weary shepherd dozed within her flock, the warm softness of her sheep's wool pelts comforting beyond whatever hay could offer. The wolf laid propped up against the largest of her herd, long legs stretched outward, her arms wrapped about her front and head fallen forward, chin resting upon her chest. Her snout twitched at the smells and sounds of the barn, never really have meant to fall asleep, each movement of the huntress pulling her attention back to reality. The wolf shifted and inhaled through her crooked snout, turning her cheek upon the warm wool as the days events drifted through her mind. The sun, and wind. Moonlight upon a pale form. And still red embers... Her chest tightened, a buzzing in her ears. The shepherd opened her eyes slowly, unsure of where she was for a moment, her muscles tightening to steel as a predatory panic spread over her. A beast lifted its head from the sheep, the flock around her shifting nervously as a wolf stared across the barn.. And in a moment, it was over. Familiarity spread over her features, expression relaxing as she grinned nervously and moved to rub at her aching eyes,"Mm... S'what time? Have I slept long?" Asking groggily as she stretched.

Brynn's ears swiveled, as she looked up from her boots. Smiling, she waved towards the wolfess, leaning back into her chair, "Its breakfast time. Rabbits and carrots, mmm." She purses her lips together, before hopping out of her chair. Tilting her gaze upward, she places a hand near her mouth, "Breakfast time, you two!" An equally groggy answer called out, but the words were unclear. Brynn points behind her, as she walks past, "I found this old table lying about. Bowls and spoons are clean enough, so sit up and I'll get the stew."

With a stretching of limbs that popped in protest, the wolf pushed herself upward and rubbed at the back of her bristled neck, "It smells great, thanks Brynn." Stepping carefully through the flock, the nude wolfess licked at her dry dark lips and bent over to pick up her staff, leaning against a pillar where her clothes and belongings were folded away, "One second, unless you want a year's worth of poop in here." She turned her head and whistled for her dog, Jacques lifting its head up from the sea of wool as she nodded towards the open doors, grunting the commands for him to stir everyone up. The flock woke with a great murmur of protesting sheep, all following their nude shepherd as she walked on outside, scratching at her thighs and blinking in the light.

Jacques barks, once, before nipping lightly upon the sheep's legs. They filed outside, bleating idly, as they sat in the pumpkin field. They pooped, and Brynn picked up the kettle, carrying it inside. She grunts in response, as she wipes her hands upon her leather jerkin, having set the kettle in the middle of the table. Naran's darker-skinned form pushes itself upwards, her braided, dark locks pulling themselves away from Ellis's lighter hairs. She looks about, before pushing against Ellis's side. Ellis stirs quietly, before trying to dismiss Naran's hand with her own, "Not now..I still need my rem sleep." Naran's eyebrows cross, before her form stands. An average-sized cock hangs limply upon her thigh, and her bare foot lifted upwards to push against Ellis's rump, until Ellis rolled over. Ellis's arm covered her eyes, her tongue sticking outward, but Naran moved to climb the ladder down.

Their shepherd following the sheep outwards, she lingered outside as her sheep went to town upon the pumpkin field, either nibbling on the wild grass that grew between, or upon the pumpkin vines themselves. She looked down at Jacques and patted him between his ears, "Keep them close, I'll find you some breakfast." She watched Brynn move back in, crossing the way to a secluded patch, her eyes crossing the horizon until she spotted the silhouette of the castle upon the morning sun. She hunched, glancing downward for a moment and rubbing at her thighs, thick eyebrows lifting, "Oh..." Her sex had shifted some time in the night, relieving herself upon the grass and glancing back up towards the castle. She made a rude gesture, dark lips curling as she shook her hips and stood up with a grunt, "I'm going to pee on something in the castle."

With her intentions set, she turned back towards the barn, glancing inside as she pulled her dark curly hair back behind her shoulders and watched Naran move down the ladder, her bare form pleasing to the eye. She cleared her throat and glanced Brynn's way, pulling a chair out for her to straddle, leaning her bare chest upon the back of it, "So, ah, what seems to be the problem with them?"

The little lioness's finger lifted upward, before pointing towards Naran, as she sat down, "I found them in a heaping mess, and they've changed.." Naran silently looks between the other two, her hands moving. Ellis climbs down the ladder, her bare and brighter rump wiggling as she does so. When she lands upon the hay below, she turns, rubbing at her eyes with the back of her head, "Smells like a balance of nutritional" Brynn points to the side, towards Ellis's human, but excessively thick cock, erect but short, "They were eating these strange berries when I found them and it took a lot to stop them. So I've been looking after them since then." Brynn's gaze drifted towards Naran's moving hands, staring, until Naran decidedly serves her own stew.

The wolf's crimson gaze narrowed slightly as she watched the two, glancing between their thighs. She smirked slightly, pouring herself a bowl of the stewy breakfast, then pulled it close,"Berries? I don't get the chance to flex my knowledge of mixtures and plant chemicals, other than for tweakers in the alleyways. Can you two show me these berries? I could dissect, and see what's within them... Though, honestly, the answer is usually pretty simple." She brought the bowl to her mouth and drank of a bit of the thick broth, smirking wider,"/Clearly/ you two wandered into a witch's garden." She chuckled and leaned forward in her chair a bit, rocking it upon two legs,"I suppose they've been pretty insatiable since..." Her eyes lingered upon Ellis's equipment, before looking up at them both, "Why would you eat random berries anyways?"

Ellis seats herself beside Naran, who pours stew into her bowl. Ellis's form straightens slowly, as she inhales the smell, and sighs heavily, "I wanted something different to eat. A scholar must be able to sample several different food types to develop a theory upon-ahhNaran!" Naran's hand squeezed Ellis's thick cock, idly drawing itself in a rhythm of pumps underneath the table. Brynn holds up her hands and shakes her head, "Something like that. I didn't want to touch any of them, so I didn't grab any. But there was a young lady, named Shion, who said she would stay behind to study them. So until she finds a cure, I'm stuck with these two...who also didn't have any clothing when I found them." Brynn rolls her eyes, before serving herself stew. Ellis's face became a vibrant red.

Majorra sipped her stew slowly, eyes lingering upon the fidgeting pair, a grin of knowing upon her snout. She knew how one squirmed and breathed as their partner played with them, and it took a long moment before she could glance back Brynn's way,"Shion..? Oh, yeah, the human. Ive met her, once or twice." She sipped again at her bowl, until it was about half finished. The thin woman glanced downward at it, then set it upon the table, "I can't offer a cure, but I can offer help in, ah, controlling themselves." She stood upward, modest bust bouncing with her movements, "You have to *not* focus on what your instincts tell you to. It's all well and fun as a girl, but with /those/, what once was good fun becomes a very real, physical need." She paused by the barn door gazing out towards the sheep, and whistling for her dog, "Try masturbating often, before you go anywhere." Tipping the bow to empty its contents upon the ground for Jacques, her thick eyebrows raising," Don't try to abstain altogether.... It only makes things worse, believe me."

Naran's free hand brought stew to her mouth, as she her hand drew itself upwards along Ellis's cock, her larger balls bouncing idly. Ellis's form bent over itself, her glasses falling down her nose's ridge. Soft moans escaped her throat as she closed her eyes. Brynn's head offers a light nod, "Yeah, she's a nice girl. But you don't need to worry about them; they can't go anywhere without clothes on. So -all- they do is masturbate, while I hunt." Jacques enters the barn and sticks his snout into the bowl, lapping it up. Brynn slides her bowl from her, "Shion's mentor is a strange fellow too. I was out hunting this terrible beast when he approached me, told me where it was. And he told me where these two were, and a lot of other things. I guess he just wants to help out..." Ellis's balls tighten up, as her hips thrusted upwards, cum splattering against the underside of the table. Naran pulls her hand away, cock erect, as she finishes her stew, calmly. Brynn releases a laugh, "But uh, I heard from him a few ways you could get into the castle, if you wanted to. I have to watch these two, else, I would help you."

Majorra watched her dog eat his breakfast, her sloped ears lifting slightly as she turned back towards the lot, blinking, "A strange mentor? What do you mean?" She slinked up to the table, setting her bowl down and glancing at the spent, flushed looking Ellis, then to Naran,"You two, behave.." And back to Brynn, "Strange in appearance, is he human like her? Or some odd reptile." She turned back towards her belongings, bending down to pick up her poncho, slipping it up over her shoulders, "Because I don't take tips from reptiles!" She pulled her head through the top opening, and smoothened out the rest, bare from her narrow hips downwards, "It's a shame stone doesn't burn. I'll have to find out some other way to undermine the castle."

Naran's face feigns shock, her eyes drifting to the left and right. Her hands move as she signs, and Ellis releases a groan as she rights herself, adjusting her glasses, "You -did- do that on purpose! There is clear, evident proof!" She hmphs, and eats her stew, staring at Naran. Naran slides her bowl next to Brynn's, as the small lioness smiles and shakes her head, "I don't really know, but he had this rasp of a voice. And he just walked out of the woods! I almost shot him, at least a few times." Ellis ate slowly, but slid her bowl into the other two, her hand lunging to grab Naran's cock. Turning a bright red, Ellis's hand feverishly jerked Naran's cock, as Naran's form leaned back into her chair, legs parting. Brynn shook her head, ignoring the other two, "He wasn't a reptile; he was human. The King doesn't take visitors kindly, but he does have to hire new people every so often. I heard he was unhappy about the stable hands; so it wouldn't be hard to get one them fired." Her expression shifted to a slight frown, "I don't wish that on anyone, but I think that's your best bet."

The wolf rumbled softly as she gazed towards the two, drinking in the sight of Naran's expression shift, mirroring obviously what was going on below,"Mmm... Well. It's usually against my code to take random tips from forest-dwelling freaks, but.." She chuckled and glanced back at Brynn, folding her hands across her chest, "Working as a stable hand at the palace is not exactly a cushy job. If he fires people often, it's bound to happen. But rest your conscience, I'll try to find the most insufferable one to pick on." She leaned down to slip her boots on, tightening the laces, "I need to go barter for something other than sheep dander and a poncho to wear. Will you try not to cook my sheep?" She glanced upwards at the three,"If I find anything within the castle to bring back with me, you'll get a cut, for tending my flock. Jack keeps them pretty much in check, and I shouldn't be..." She paused for a moment, her thin shoulders hunching,"... Shouldn't be long." Clearing her throat, the shepherd glanced out the open barn doors towards the castle, "The last time I infiltrated a caste, it went horrendously wrong. Let's hope this goes better."

Naran's dark locks fall over the back of the chair, as her soundless breaths escaped her lips. Her toes spread themselves outwards, as her cum collided into the table's underside. Both of the afflicted females relaxed into their chairs, shoulders touching, while Brynn gathered the bowls and was about to exit the back of the barn, "You have yourself a deal. If you find any clothing lying about, we can help you out a lot more. Good luck!" She clumps the bowls under an arm and waves towards Majorra's parting form.

Boots on and her pack at her side, the wolf nodded to the two spent girls at the table, then grinned and waved Brynn's way. She headed out into the pumpkin patch, enjoying the summer wind upon her fur, walking upon the path where grass was trodden upon towards the market, whistling once towards Jacques as she grasped one of the sheep by a horn, "Good dog. Keep everyone together and safe, oui?" And told him the command to stay, coaxing the sheep forward to walk with her towards market.