Realms Of Azura Chp 1 part 2

Story by OkamiAzurea on SoFurry

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#2 of Furries Of Azura

Noveria close, was walking as always by the forest of black cherry, until I hear some steps, but as expected it was an innocent man who needed help, and I had become quite weary is needed looked and it was necessary, I had to help, listen to a fall, and it was time to act. I saw three thieves were dogs by what were not so strong, so if it mattered he was the man on the floor above his armor in the region of Azura, from what was important, was a Messenger of the emperor.

Messenger: hey lets this bag, these documents are important!

Bandit: they are as important as a lot of gold

. Messenger: you know that you will be searching for by the guard?

Bandit: and also found his corpse!

Messenger: not waiting!

I had seen that one of the bandits, the closest to the poor bird, pulled out his gun, and they knew what was coming so get out of the tree where I was and started everything.

Bandit: where you come from!

Okami: Where your head does not see.

Captain Bandit: Care takes a Katana.

Bandido: nothing that cannot be resolved.

Okami: Let's see what you're made.

Bandits: Best 2 having if you're so good .

Okami: alright.

thieves rushed over me for what in the least affect me, one came up to my right, attacked, but his attack failed, could cut, and another Bandit was in my back, but ran with the same fate as fellow 2 then fell to the ground and his boss talked to me.

Captain Bandit: Hey, wait! you won't have to kill me, I understood the message.

Okami: Really? What do you understand?

Captain Bandit: These are their lands, not return here.

Okami: That sounds very good, but there is a small problem.

Bandit Captain: What?

Okami: Is it that you're dead, see your belly.

Captain Bandit: Miserable I did?

Okami: you know that the "Reach"? Well, I'm not saying more.

Captain Bandit: Ughh.

The mark stop him in her womb was cut Solaris, a court in which the enemy does not notice in which was cut, but after activating the brand this is cut off by the Sun. The Messenger stood up and thanked me, I offered gold for action, but said that it was not necessary, but if you told me that the documents are for the King of Noveria, that worry a little because I am forbidden to, told me one last thing which was to give a statuette to a friend of the in Noveria It would not be easy but accept it. I thought a while.

The Realms Of Azura

#Chapter 1 The Realms "Long ago, in ancient times, there was a great war known as"The great war of the Dragons"from this event where Amaterasu had to sacrifice to defeat the God Numinex dragon, Amaterasu left in what is known as the"Reach"Auro a power...

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