Tides Turn

Story by offox on SoFurry

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Ii'lan gets a little more then she bargained for when she catches a handsome young stag in the woods. She thought she was in for a sultry meal, but instead she becomes the main course.

Commission for Poojawa on FA.

Ii'lan withdrew her fingers from her sex with a shudder, her three kitsune tails twitching in pleasure as she came down from the rolling orgasm that had swept through her body in a pleasant wave. It wasn't the first she'd had in the last few minutes, but it would be the last for now. She sighed and stretched her paws with a growl before slipping her fingers into her mouth and licking off the excited juices she'd gotten all over herself. Her tongue could make out all the subtle tastes of her pleasure. She did have a very refined sense of taste.

Cleaned off, she ran her fingers through the lighter gray fur of her belly and smiled in satisfaction, picturing it large and distended with a massive, squirming meal trapped inside. The thought made her damp heat tingle afresh and the kitsune squirmed a bit in anticipation of the supper yet to come. She stretched and brushed her long purple hair back over her shoulders as she rolled out of her bed to get dressed.

She'd been planning this little vacation for a while now, and she was greatly looking forward to finding herself a handsome, muscular stud of a stag to consume and digest to her heart's content. The thought of devouring him whole was exciting enough, but when she considered the way he would feel writhing in her stomach acids she nearly came another time without even touching herself. Very few understood how amazing it was to consume another, take them into yourself and break them apart. There was nothing more intimate, and when it was an attractive, handsome male, there was nothing more arousing either. She gave herself one more tentative touch and then she pulled her fingers away.

If she wasn't careful she'd end up staying here all day playing with herself and never actually get out into the field to catch her dream meal. She could get back to enjoying herself later, while she was digesting. There was something particularly nice about getting off while you belly was packed full of sexy meat.

Ii'lan began to dress, putting on her hunting garb carefully, strapping the form fitting breastplate in place and adjusting the various pieces of her outfit until they fit snug and comfortably. Lastly she drew on her gloves and grabbed her hunting bow before setting out of her room and heading off into the forest beyond to begin what she just knew would be one of her greatest hunts.

The forest here was home to a vast number of different creatures, but the ones she was most interested in were the local tribe of deer. They lived in the woods, called it their home, and it was the pictures of them that had first drawn her here. Since they lived off the land they were all fit and trim, and this particular group had produced some of the most delicious looking males she'd ever seen, and she meant that in multiple ways.

She hoped to be able to snare one without having to take him down with an arrow, but she was willing to use the bow if it became necessary. She specifically wanted a stag, not a doe. While a doe might make a nice meal, she really wanted a nice, thick cock in her belly, squirming against her insides as it tried to escape a slow, thorough digestion.

She shivered in anticipation.

It took Ii'lan a few hours of careful hunting to find her prey. She passed up a few less than perfect specimens as she went about setting her snares. One doe had passed right through her trap and could have quite easily been brought down, but she'd held off hoping to get what she was really after, and she wasn't disappointed. Her patience had certainly paid off.

The buck that came walking down the path towards her snare was a particularly powerful specimen of a man. He was big and made of lean, sexy muscle with a chestnut coat that shone in the dappled sunlight that fell through the tree canopy above. His cock was already hard as he approached, and he was stroking it with one hand as he scented the air, apparently following after the doe that had come through before. It was clear he thought he would be fucking her before long, and she would have been a fool to turn him down.

His massive cock throbbed in his fingers, dripping precum in his excitement. Ii'lan's tails twitched behind her, excitement hard to stifle entirely. She sat next to the trigger to her trap, hoping that the buck would step in the right place as he came through. He was already directly on track. She was so excited, in fact, that she didn't notice that the winds had changed, and instead of the wind being on her face, it was on her back, blowing her scent, and the scent of her arousal directly into the face of her prey.

It wasn't the doe at all that had gotten him so aroused.

She wrapped her hand around the snare trigger as he drew closer and closer to the hoop that would grab his feet and lift him from the ground. He stepped into it and she pulled the string, and to her excited pleasure the stag was dragged off into the sky by his legs. In a blink he was hanging upside down just above the forest floor. Ii'lan ran forward to see her prize up close. She pushed her hand against his fur as she drew close, and he looked up at her with a surprisingly calm expression.

Well, he could be calm for now. Once she started eating she was sure it would be a different story altogether, but that was fine. She liked it when they struggled all the way down. It made the meal better when it had been a bit of work.

"I've got you now." She said, grinning down at him before she looked up at his still very hard cock. She reached out and stroked it before slipping it into her mouth and licking its length, getting her first taste of her buck.

"Mmm, you're delicious." She said, a shiver running through her as she pulled away. "I'm going to enjoy eating you." She teased as she stepped away from him and began to strip off her hunting outfit. Once she began to eat, it wouldn't fit nearly as well, and she didn't want to stop to have to get undressed in the middle of her meal. It would take away from her excitement, and it was rude to make your main course wait to be eaten.

Once she'd stripped herself completely free of clothing she ran her hand over her lower folds, caressing the lips of her sex. She was soaking wet, of course. The thought of the meal she was about to enjoy was getting her more and more excited. She rubbed her clit with one hand, pushing that sensitive nub in a circular motion as her insides began to throb. She was breathing hard in just a few second so she stopped her ministrations and looked up at the buck again.

She gave him a mischievous, hungry grin. "I think it's time for my meal."

The buck laughed, which caused Ii'lan to freeze in place. "What is so funny?" She asked, eyebrow raised in suspicion. "Most people are a little more upset when they find out they're about to be a meal."

He smiled. "It's funny that you think you've caught me. Didn't you notice that you were downwind of me, and not the other way around?" With those words he flicked his hooved feet and snapped the rope holding him. Ii'lan was so startled she didn't even think to run. Besides, this was a prey animal, what could he possibly do to her? She found that out a moment later when the massive buck grabbed her and pushed her hard to the ground. "This was never a trap meant to catch me, little fox, but it was always a trap for you, and it worked quite well."

Ii'lan struggled, panic setting in now. She wasn't particularly fond of this change of events. "Let me go or I'll . . . "

"You can't do anything now!" The buck cut her off. He leaned over her, pushing his stiff member against the cheeks of her ass as he held her pushed down, face first, into the ground. "You're all mine, and I have some wonderful plans for what I'm going to do to you."

Ii'lan tried to recoil in horror, but she couldn't get away. "You wouldn't rape . . . "

"No!" She was cut off quickly. "You might be fun that way, but that's not what I want at all. I have something much more filling in mind. You thought to make me into a meal, and I have the same intentions for you." He ran his hand over her fur, giving one of her breasts a squeeze as he smiled down at her, licking his lips. "You, my dear, look delicious."

A wave of fear ran through the kitsune. "Now just a minute, you can't eat me!"

"Can't I?" He asked with a laugh. He reached into a nearby bush and pulled out a coil of fine rope he'd apparently hidden there earlier. He began to lash it around the Kitsune's wrists and legs, trying her up tight before he pulled himself off of her. "Let's see if you're right." He said with another pleased laugh.

He started at her feet, dragging her face down across the ground. The buck's jaws contorted to allow him to get his mouth around the fox's feet as he began to pull her down into his throat. Ii'lan attempted to thrash herself away from him, but the buck didn't seem to care that she struggled. In fact, as she tried to fight, he began to stroke his big, thick manhood, his fingers pumping at the length as he drew her further and further inside of him.

Once the lower half of her legs were secured in his throat, struggling became much more difficult. His tight inner muscles were constricting her and pushing her downward as his teeth worked to pull her further and further inside of him. She struggled and wept a bit, wanting to resist what was happening, but a part of her was also excited, and getting more so as she was drawn into this fine specimen of a male. There was something beautiful and intimate about being swallowed, pulled inside of another living thing. She'd known it was enjoyable being the one eating, but she'd never realized this could be nice as well.

By the time he got to her waist she was soaking wet, her sex adding its own bit of seasoning to her body. His tongue lapped at her lower folds as he drew that part of her into his distended mouth as well. It felt good. It felt amazing. Ii'lan began to moan as he consumed that part of her body.

He was still pumping his big shaft, and she could feel it rubbing against her belly as he continued to devour her. That served to excited her further. She looked at her body as it vanished into his mouth, and at his tongue lashing against her sensitive bits. She was beginning to throb hard, and she became aware that she was about to climax. The orgasm was building up in her lower stomach, a deep tingling surge of pleasure that was burning down and into her pussy lips

"You're so sexy." She growled, which won her an extra thorough licking. He began to go down on her even as he consumed her as a meal. His tongue slid against her clit, pushing between her folds and even poking into the wet hole that was far more accustomed to cock then being tongued. She wished she could play with her nipples as he ate her, but her hands were still bound behind her back. There was nothing she could do to stimulate herself anymore no matter how badly she wanted it.

As his tongue passed over her one last time, Ii'lan came in the stag's mouth. Even without the extra stimulation of having her breasts played with, she simply couldn't hold back her pleasure. Her whole body shook with an orgasm as the stag pulled her further inside, and then her sex vanished into his deep, moist mouth, and one more piece of her was gone.

She was throbbing with excitement as his muscular throat pulled her deeper into his chiseled body. He kept sliding her down his gullet until she was all the way up to her ribs, and then he pushed his hand on the back of her head, forcing the kitsune down against his hardness.

The tip of his cocked pressed against her muzzle and she found herself blushing. "You're eating me! I'm not going to go down on you." She growled, looking back over her shoulder. He responded by crunching down on her with his teeth, which hurt bad enough that Ii'lan let out a whimper and started licking the cock in front of her. The teeth eased up as she began to work him over, bobbing her head up and down the long, pink hardness the deer was forcing upon her.

She would have been deeply upset if she hadn't been enjoying it so much. The taste of his precum and the throb of his shaft in her mouth was getting her off again. As his throat caressed her body, tugging her downward into his stomach, she realized that she was probably going to cum again. She began to moan around the cock in her throat, and the silly thought occurred to her that she was eating him as he was eating her.

The buck took a handful of her purple hair and began to fuck her mouth then, and all funny thoughts fled as his big dick began to push deep into her throat. Ii'lan was used to swallowing big things, so it wasn't a problem at all. In fact, she became even more aroused. The stag's cock began to throb, and a few moments later he released in her muzzle. Ii'lan moaned as she took his cum into her, and then she came.

She groaned in pleasure as she ate what would be her last meal, a huge, hot slurry of buck semen sprayed directly down her throat. As the last of his seed poured into her, he began to swallow her again. Her mouth was pulled off of his shaft as she began to vanish further into his mouth.

Soon she was up to her breasts, the tender flesh being dragged into the stag's mouth, drawn ever deeper, and and then she up to her neck. Teeth pressed against her throat as she slipped further in, his tongue moistening her so she would slide easily down to his stomach. Her time was almost up, and strangely she couldn't help but be excited about it. Even having cum twice already, her sex was still tingling.

She gave one last look at the outside world as her head vanished into her prey's mouth, and then she was lost to his inside as he swallowed and forced her down and into his stomach. It didn't take her long to slide the rest of the way down to his stomach. It was a tight fit, and she knew from experience that she would be causing him to bulge in a somewhat unsightly fashion.

"How do you like it in there?" She heard his voice, though it was muffled by the layers between them.

Ii'lan growled a reply, not happy about the situation at all, or at least pretending to be not happy about the situation at all. In truth she was still quite excited. She began to shake around a bit, and she realized that the stag was masturbating again. She could feel the press of his arm against his massive, rounded belly as he reached around his distended stomach to pump at his cock.

"You were just as delicious as I thought you were going to be." He said. "I really liked making a meal out of you. Did you enjoy your last meal, little fox?"

Ii'lan blushed, but nodded despite herself. The memory of his cock filling her mouth, and then pouring his seed into her stomach made her horny. He rubbed his belly with the hand that wasn't stroking his cock and she could feel it as though he was rubbing her.

"That's a good supper." He said with a laugh. "You're such a little vore-whore of a kitsune. That makes the taste all the better." He began to pump his cock harder.

This had the result of making his stomach acid begin to kick up more. Ii'lan could feel it starting to sear away way her fur and burn into her flesh. It wasn't easy, but she managed to reach a hand down between her legs so she could rub her clit. Acid poured onto this as well and she began to dissolve as she played with herself. Her delicate bits went first, melting into her hand as she worked herself closer to an orgasm. She didn't get to achieve that orgasm however, as her clit began to burn and bubble away.

Pleasure became pain, and yet somehow she was still enjoying it as her body began to soften to become nutrients for the deer that had consumed her. She pushed her melted fingers inside of herself and began to get off in time to the rhythm of her masturbating captor. She should have been horrified by the whole process, but instead she was only aroused further and further. She knew she didn't have too much longer left, but that just made her want to get off faster.

The buck laughed. "You're getting off in there, aren't you? You're such a little whore." He began to moan loudly. "Yeah, keep going. I like the way that feels." He said, rubbing his belly as he stroked himself. "Do you think you can come before I finish with you?" He asked in a teasing voice. His breathing was getting harder.

Ii'lan wasn't sure if she could finish in time. Her flesh was slogging off in sheets, her time running out, but she kept working her sex, plunging into what was now little more than a dissolved hole of flesh into her body. She let out a whimper somewhere between pleasure and pain. Her melting tunnel clenched around her fingers and she began to cum.

The release was perfect. Never had she achieved such a difficult and at the same time rewarding sexual peak. The stag also came. She heard him let out a groan of pleasure as his lower abdominal muscles spasmed around her in his orgasm.

"Yes, little fox, yes!" He moaned loudly, probably just so she could hear.

The last of her orgasm began to subside, and as it did, the last of her consciousness also began to slip away into a pleasant, gurgling blackness. The last thought through her head was that she'd died giving someone what was one of her favorite things, a really, really good meal.