Part 1- A Wolf's Bone

Story by Erebus86 on SoFurry

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#3 of Scraps

Erebus seems to have gotten himself between a rock a hard place here. And don't believe a word he says! He loved every second of it; he just doesn't know it yet~

A couple of things. First, yes, I know that the title is cliche, but I thought it was funny. I know it's kinda short, and I'm not exactly sure how well it came out, but I hope you guys enjoy it.

And for all you into literature, I would say that this is a pretty good example of the unreliable narrator. For those who don't know, that means that even though the narrator is doing his best to describe the situation, he might be misrepresenting by stating what he believes to be true, and not what is the actual truth.

Dungeons & Dragons belongs to Wizards of the Coast

One last thing, would anyone be interested in seeing male/female content. I kinda wanna take a tally to see whether I should make some or not.

What... The... Fur...? I'm still trying to wrap my head around what happened today; it just doesn't make any sense...

Day 2

I was out scavenging for food and water. It was going pretty well; I had just found a small stream a little ways East of my camp, so I shouldn't have any problem running out of water. I was going back to camp to eat lunch when I heard a low growling.

My heart rate must've doubled when I looked over and saw a wolf crouched in an attack position. I slowly tried to back away as I pulled out my axe. The wolf charged at me, and I was barely able to get out of the way before it hit me. It quickly turned back towards me after it bounded past me. I took this opportunity to take a swing at it.

The wolf quickly ducked away from the axe and then bit my arm. The bite wasn't too severe, but it drew and hurt. I had already been in a fight earlier today, and I was still weary from it. I had to end this quickly, or it might be my end.

I grip my axe tightly and rush the wolf. As I swung, I managed to underestimate the necessary counter-balance; therefore, not only did I miss the wolf, but I stumbled forwards and fell on the ground. The wolf pounced on top of me and knocked the wind out of my lungs. I gasped for breath, and before I knew it, the wolf had me pinned.

I closed my eyes and waited for the end. It never came though. The low growling returned, so I opened my eyes and looked up. I blushed furiously when I saw what was happening. The wolf, who was now obviously male, had positioned himself so that his now rock-hard, canine cock was just inches away from my face.

I was having trouble processing it. I was confused, embarrassed, and stunned all at once. I couldn't help but murmur, "What... The... Mmmmgphh!" The wolf suddenly thrusted his hips and forced its warm dick into my mouth. I gagged slightly as it touched my throat. He wasted no time in getting down to business and thrusting rapidly into my maw.

It took me a while to register what was actually happening, and when I did, I panicked. I tried to back away, but stopped when the wolf began growling again. It was clear that he had no intentions of letting me off easy. It was either let him mate my mouth or get killed. Well, I would prefer a mouth full of cock than a stopped heart any day.

I decided to try and get this over as quickly as possible, and the best way to do that was help get him off quicker. So I fought back my pride and began helping him along. I began sucking on his cock and licking it as he thrusted into me. To my incredible surprise, it actually didn't taste all that bad, just about like any other fleshy part of the body. I didn't like it though. There was no way I was enjoying being raped by a wolf. I just wanted to get this over as quickly as possible.

I brought my hand up and began squeezing the wolf's knot. I vaguely recalled that pressure on a canine's knot could get them off quicker. I didn't know how I knew it, but I did. And it seemed to be true. Not ten seconds after I began gripping his knot, he began spraying his seed into the back of my throat. I immediately swallowed out of reflex. I felt sickened by the fact that I just drank wolf cum. A few more spurts landed on my tongue before the wolf had enough.

He pulled out of me and quickly ran off to do gods-know-what. I quickly rolled over and spat out the remaining cum. I wiped my tongue on my arm. I took one of my water-skins and sipped some. I gargled it in my throat and spat it out, trying to get rid of the taste. I didn't know why, I mean, I hated every second of it, but for some reason I had become hard. I don't know when it had happened, but it was still there.