Collector Manson 4

Story by Sludawg on SoFurry

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#4 of Collector Manson

Warning: some may call this dark, disturbing, and all out racist. I do not have a master plan for this and will come as it comes. Do note that this is a long piece. I am proud to call this worthy of watching and waiting for. Due note the tags are not for the weak of mind on this one...

This is set at least 600 years from today, were interplanetary travel is possible and slavery has reintroduced itself to our lands.

This is FANTASY and any likeness to living people are coincidental. Do note that anything here is illegal in your area, it is on you. I hold no responsibility for you reading this and getting caught by younger persons asking what this site is... If you are underage, do note that this contains sex, murder, and slavery situations of all ages. This is strictly Fantasy and for enjoyment purposes.

If there are missing tags please add them or mention it in the comment area.

Please rate and talk about this below. Should you wish to become of this 'World' you are welcome to ask and I will share what details I have come up with thus far.

Thank you for being patient with me... I have been doing some brown-nosing and finally got out of third-shift. I am a daywalker now and should be able to work more on my writings. Wish me luck as I get used to that bright round thing in the sky ;)

Collector Manson and the slave, Niah, stood on top of a holo-pad. Their view was of an empty Slaver Guild's High Council conference room. They only waited a couple minutes as nine of ten members of the High Council entered the tiny room and sat down at a table of which the Slaver and the slave 'stood.' Once all the members had sat, the head of the Guild spoke, the voice was slightly off from the projection.

"Councilman Manson, you have news of Councilman Five?"

"Yes. He signed all of his property to me, his Second informed me of an attack upon him and his accompanying slaves. I have her here to share the news with the Council. Niah," Collector shifted so the Mouse was the center of everyone's attention. She knew each of the Masters only by voice and knew that they could be very harsh.

She took a breath then began her tell of the day. The room was silent, until she finished with the news of her being successfully bred by her Master.

"Slave, you are saying these Carat'ma were attacking your Master as you fled with your orders?" Councilman Seven was leaning forward into the little bit of light there was for them to read documents, he was a Valhanian.

"Yes, Master Elder. It took me nearly a half day of running to get to Master Manson."

"Has your locator gone black?" A female voice broke out, this was Councilman Three.

Niah pulled out a charm-like device from a pocket of her suit, indeed it was pitch black. This set a murmur through all of them.

"Silence!" Councilman One slammed his fist into the table. "The tide has changed. I truly hate to do this, but the circumstances leave us no choice. One of our own has been slaughtered by outsiders. Galactic Law will take ages tracking down the killers. We need the Council whole. Councilman Manson, step forward."

Collector swapped places with Niah, she looked like she was about to urinate on herself.

"Collector, though your true name has been stricken from proper records. We of the High Council know your true and proper origins. May the name 'Collector' be as a title to you now, Richard Henry Manson will now be set in the permanent records." Councilman One took a deep breath and held it momentarily as though in thought. "Until you come back to Earth, do know that this remains secret. You have been inducted into the High Council. Councilman Ten, welcome to your new position. The formal ceremony will be held when you get back. We hate to do this in this manner as Char'zi wanted to retire after you were properly trained as his replacement as Breeder Coordinator. He wanted your offspring to be the prime subjects as your training sessions went on."

Collector had no words; his life has changed dramatically in just under a decade. He bowed lightly as lights flicked on and revealed the High Councilmen and woman. There was only one human, the woman.

"Niah will help you with the work Char'zi was working on. Documents will be gathered and readied for your return. She will also be tasked to train your Mitalin on how to be a High Council's Second." Councilman Seven spoke out calmly.

Collector nodded and found the others silent for a moment. "I feel I must ask why I did not take position five."

"High Council works on seniority. It keeps untrained Slavers from controlling the Guild. That and... you are also the first free-slave that has made a true name within the Guild. Your name is known throughout our system. There are several poverty bound planets that have requested shipments of your affordable foodstuffs." Councilman Two shifted to examine a folder as he spoke. "The lowest position will help you change things for the Guild as it will still allow you to be fully known in public. My suggestion is that you keep your proper name hidden."

"That I will. Am I bound to remain living on Earth?"

"Only during the short few weeks of your proper training. Then you may return to Valhan for the larger housing. I would also recommend hiring more... caregivers to aid your current ones."

"Indeed. Shall I see about returning Char'zi's body home?" Collector heard Niah whimper behind him.

"Beyond the Guild, Niah was the only one he considered family. There was no record of living blood kin." Councilman Seven spoke up.

"Are events like this common?"

"Most certainly not. Usually it is infighting that makes us part from positions, not outside sources."

"If there is nothing else, Councilman, enjoy your vacation." Councilman One stood, he is a stunning specimen of the Dulisdae race.

"No, Sir, I have nothing else. Thank you." The holo-pad buzzed as it shut down. Collector huffed and collapsed to his knees as he finally realized he was holding his breath. "Niah, you have your orders. Try to be discreet. We have just over three weeks left here. I also want you to be ready to leave very soon, I am going to my security lead and have a small team readied to retrieve Char'zi for you. Let's hope he is alive."

"The locator is placed next to his heart, when it stops beating for more than five minutes the gem stops glowing. You and Richard will get a set after your ceremony, simple injection. I... wanted to tell you myself, but the Council and Char'zi ordered me not to."

"You're forgiven. Find Richard and give him a redacted update. We shall give him all the details later today."

Collector stood and adjusted his shirt before walking away. He found Butch and his mate sitting with Max as they gave him a valuable lesson about the need to exercise in his position. He broke up the session leaving the pup with the female as he gave Butch a discreet order to gather a small security team. Butch did just that as Collector found Roger and told him to get a vehicle ready. He then went to get the Mouse and escorted her to the garage as the security team caught up to them. Butch and his small team of five wore armored gear that seemed to fit a swat team. On their chests, the Guild Seal, a set of crossed whips with a collar at their center, was adorned in bright white. They had not worn that since Collector's last show.

"You broke them out? Let's just hope they won't be needed."

"Agreed." Butch's voice was even huskier than usual as he was falling into his 'On Duty' mode, aggressive and intimidating.

Niah was sat into the front seat beside Roger to give directions while Will handed Collector a set of armor that used to be placed on him after each show to help guard him from over enthusiastic fans and rivals. As he suited up in the car, Roger took off and followed the directions from the Mouse.

Five minutes of flying did show that Niah did run for half the day to the plantation. They landed in front of the five star hotel and the security team pooled from the car and into the hotel. The manager and staff quickly got in their way and Collector pulled his Guild ID from his pocket and told them that they were there for Guild Business. When the manager still refused entry, Niah came up beside them and the manager went silent.

Collector then had his team shove through while he kept Niah close. They went right to the penthouse suite where Niah opened the door. They found signs of distress and the rod-like locator placed on a bloody rag along with a small chunk of fur and flesh. The dark red blood had dried. Butch's team found Char'zi in the large tub, bleeding. Niah went ballistic as she tried to get to the cat as the two Wolves carried him out to the main room.

"Char'zi, can you hear me?"

The Cheetah nodded slowly, fingers were broken along with his tail and ankles. "Thank you."

"The Council made the decision."

Again the cat nodded. "Good, I'm useless now."


"I'm dying."

"Not yet. Come on, let's get you to the hospital."

"Internal bleeding, they stole the locator, not to mention I gave everything to you."

"Your child needs you."

This made Char'zi look up and search for Niah he found her sobbing and rubbing her stomach. "She's..."

"Yeah, now let's get you downstairs." Collector went to the room phone and called emergency services to ask for a medical pickup.

They got him into medical care, Niah and Collector was all who stayed. The two watched as Char'zi was placed inside a vat of liquid with life support cables. The doctors said they got him just in time, but he would not be the same once the rejuvenating services finished. He would limp and needed a kidney grown, but he would survive.

Niah glued herself to the vat and whispered to the unconscious Cheetah within. Collector allowed her to stay as he went back to the staff to ask some more questions. He convinced the staff to ship him to the mansion to allow a more comfortable recovery, though more for Niah than Char'zi. Though they compromised by sending a team of six to oversee his recovery. He heard the Mouse squeal and followed the staff back to the recovery room. Char'zi was convulsing, three different doctors did their thing and stabilized the seizure.

"This seizure is common as the body rejuvenates."

"If you say so, doctor, but I truly do hope he comes out of that thing whole."

"Minus a kidney, but yes. Whole. The kidney should be fully grown within the week when he wakes. The implanting will be done before he is released from the vat."


Izzlinta Mansion was a blur of activity, the micro staff that accompanied Char'zi directed various things as they were quickly put into a secure place. Niah was sent away several times as she got underfoot of several people and slaves. She was focused currently on Richard as Collector had him take her outside.

"Right, so being a High Councilman's Second is far different then anything else. We may hide in the shadows, but we direct slaves across the controlled space in the Guild Houses of which our Masters' control. We also deal with abandoned and orphaned slaves. We control the little things while our Masters deal with the public and bigger things. If there is something we cannot handle, then we take it to the Masters. I will quietly train you and be your guide. But do know that the locator that they will be inserting into your Master holds much more then a Galactic Positioning System locator. Char'zi's locator will be examined and see if any data on it was compromised. Not only do we hold the keys to the paired locators, we also keep outsiders from knowing this. Our silence is the only thing keeping the Guild safe from the villains who wish to destroy us and let the galaxy fall into chaos.

"So, be prepared to hide a crystal on you at all times. Above all, never tell anyone the true purpose of the crystal. Now that you will be taking my place within the Council, you will ordering around a few thousand slaves a day not to mention you will be coordinating all your Master's paperwork and making sure his work stays on the path he deems."

"Why are you telling me this?" Richard looked at her curiously.

"You and he are member ten of the High Council. Once you return to Earth, you will be inducted officially. I plan to have you fully trained before we return. Now I need you to remember several things..."

"Don't worry, Butch, we won't tell anyone he is alive. We will keep him hidden until he is ready to show himself." Collector and Butch stared at the occupied vat now that it was installed and the staff was on break.

"How? The Council knows what he looks like, they are the most likely suspects for this."

"Well... we could disguise him as a slave."

"Think he will allow it?"

"We'll find out. Find a collar and a razor, just keep this plan between us for now."


"We will have to give him some patches of Mange or balding, whatever you mammalians types call hair loss."

"Each species has their own word for balding, humans go through it far more often though. I... I will set a watch detail to make sure he stays safe, Master. May I be dismissed to perform this duty?" Butch forced himself to change 'modes' as a doctor came in to check on his patient.

Collector sighed. "Dismissal granted. If you come across Mitch, send him to my room please."

"Yes, Master."

"If anything changes, doctor, send someone to find me. I would like to keep in the loop with my mentor's health. Even if it is just a generic, 'He's stable,' note."

"You have power of attorney over him, you will be notified."

Collector nodded then left to go to his room. He came across Dianos on his way and coaxed the Draskian to join him. They did not wait long once inside the room. Tara and her fellow nestmate grumbled at each other before Collector his breeding female stepped in between them. Mitch came skidding in, his loincloth had been loosely tied on, a sign he was following up on his ongoing punishment.

"Mitch, since you have been good, I thought a little reward would be in order. Dianos, you may use this tiny little creature to your pleasure, but it stays within this room."

Dianos puffed up and flapped his wings against his body. His sister chuckled and climbed up onto the bed and laid in a position where she could watch the show while still being able to provide services to her Master.

"Tara, I do believe you are starting to show signs of your pregnancy. I do hope you are getting plenty to eat."

"I am Master, especially thanks to that kill you made." She pointed to the flattened out pelt of the Valhanian male that was his task earlier. "And to the exotic beast you caught."

"Good. Now, let us enjoy the show."

Dianos licked his lips during the time his sister and Master spoke, he became aroused just thinking of the tightness the smaller male would have. The Otter, in turn, feared for his health but was willing to risk that for the pleasure of a male mounting him. Mitch was pushed down onto his back as the dragon took position over him. The Otter grunted as the initial thrust into him was made. Dianos did not waste time, he made a pace that made the Otter moan loudly. Collector's nester weaseled up between his legs as he leaned against Tara and coaxed out his shafts to begin working on both. Dianos stretched twice as long as his current sexual conquest, but that did not stop him from twisting himself to allow him to cover the little male's muzzle with his own and shove his tongue down into the Otter's throat. He pumped his tongue into the convulsing throat pausing every few thrusts to allow the tiny one a breath. By the time Dianos forced an orgasm out of the Otter, the head of the little creature was neck deep in his mouth. When Dianos finally had his fill and allowed his seed to flow, he pulled away from the Otter's head and flared his wings as he fought a roar.

He fell from the heavens panting, the afterglow left him unable to pull from the Otter and barely could keep himself from laying on top of him. If it wasn't for Tara moving away from her mate and helping her brother onto his back with the Otter laying barely conscious on his stomach. Collector smiled and saw that the Otter had been stretched so thin that he could see the larger male's form within the folds.

"Alright, Dianos, pull him off. Let me know when you need another release. There are a few free females that I do wish to see filled with your brood."

"Y-yes, Master." That shocked the room, Dianos only called Collector that during visitations, he must had been out of it.

"Mitch, I want you to lick him clean."

The Otter did not speak, but he did nod and turned as soon as his sore tail hole was freed. Sloppy licks came from the loins of the dragon and a moan from the large male. Dianos gave light thrusts as his sensitive organ was stimulated. Collector licked his own jaw line and lost his focus as his seed flowed down the throat of his lovely female.

"Mmm, good. Mitch, I want that female of yours to get a pregnancy test done. Both of you report to Karen. I want to hear the results, almost as much as you do."

"Yes, Master. If I may, if the results are to your liking, will you hold yourself to your word?"

"Mitch, when have I ever lied to the family?"

Mitch looked at his Master with an open mouth then closed it slowly. "Never, sir."

"Good, lad. If you can walk, you are dismissed."

The Otter slid off the dragon's belly with a whimper from him, his thick shaft throbbed lightly begging for more. Mitch waddled out of the room slowly and closed the door behind him.

"My dear, I need to you to go ask our cousins to send all of the free females up here. I do not want the mated ones. Then send Richard and Niah here. After all that, you are free to do as you please until tonight."

"Thank you, Master," The female pulled herself from his groin and ran off to do as he asked.

"Dianos, I do not expect you call any of these females as 'Mate,' but I do wish for you to sire young to keep your sister's company so that they may not feel alone in the galaxy. Is this too much to ask of you? I will allow this to be your decision."

Dianos rolled to his side and looked upon both his sister and the Iguana. He was silent for a moment, their breathing is all that could be heard within the room. "I shall do it, I will keep my flame for someone I can truly trust."

"Thank you. I know it is difficult to keep things secret, but know that I am on your side."

"I know. I am glad I have you for a Master then anyone else. I am glad Master Brenson rescued me."

"Ditto. I would never have been able to find my children otherwise."

A knock on the door silenced anything else that Collector wanted to bring up. He rose and answer it and found it to be Richard and his teacher, she looked like she had been dragged around by the tail. He told them both to get on the bed and relax. This was probably the first time Niah actually stopped moving since her original Master had been attacked. She was pulled up against Tara by a tail, word of her being pregnant had reached Tara and that she empathized with the Mouse. Another knock revealed twelve Innodiate females. They filed in and waited for their instructions. Collector smiled, he did not know he had this many in the family that was free, he could have saved money if he had known this, but he would have never had met Richard then.

"Right, ladies, you know Dianos. I wish him to breed, so I am asking for volunteers who are willing to lay with him. Those who do not wish this may leave now."

Only one left, she was the youngest of the females; Collector could not blame her for this.

"Alright, Dianos, if you have the control, reveal yourself to them."

He stood and focused for a moment then turned to allow the females the sight of his phallus.

"Now, again I will ask if anyone wishes to leave. You will have to put up being bred by that hardy log. I have seen it in use and it looks like a lot to take, but doable."

Their eyes were glued to the male, no one left.

"Dianos, you may choose however many you wish, they will be yours until they are pregnant."

The stud turned to the nesters and swallowed hard. "If it is up to me, then I chose to let them decide on this matter."

"Very well." Collector turned to his bed and grinned, Niah was asleep with Tara's tail locked within her arms.

Supper was called and all that sat at the table were the main family. Collector looked about the empty places and sighed. At least Niah ate with him and the others. Everyone was silent, no one wanted to speak because of the guests they had could easily nark on them all. Collector did not wait per his usual to talk with everyone, instead, he ate quickly then went to Char'zi's recovery room and sat with the Galactic News and actually read it in the near silence.

"Sitting with him will not help his recovery, Slaver." This doctor, a Naisian male, barely glanced at the Innodiate sitting beside the vat.

"It calms my nerves to know he lives. I can hardly believe the cat survived what he did. I will do what I can to make sure that continues on."

"Do what you must, but sitting with patients has been deemed unnecessary for a long time."

Collector scowled, "Yes, but since his life is at risk I am doing my part to protect him. Don't make yourself a need to be watched by my security team."

"Noted." The horse gestured at the holopanel and brought up the vitals, he then adjusted the temperature slightly then checked the vitals again. He snorted then pulled his pager from his lab coat.

After paging his fellows, he stepped into a corner away from lone guard at the vat and waited. Collector did not need 'ears' to hear their concerned whispers once the other doctors came in. He found that Char'zi was coming out of the induced comma and was not responding to the meds within the vat's systems. He fought the smile that was forming. Niah would perk up at least. The doctors eyed Collector over their shoulders then went to the vat and began the awakening sequence. Once the vat drained beyond Char'zi's head, they stopped there and allowed him to come to. There they allowed him to know what was going on. Once he was answering fluidly, they allowed the vat to drain slowly to allow him to gain control of his body as it had been brought down to the basic functions. The vat hissed as the seal undid and the glass parted, he was helped out of the remaining fluid and was wiped down with towels.

He was examined head to toe and was scanned by numerous devices. He passed the doctors' tests and was left to sit in the chair Collector had once claimed. The doctors left him sit in his bare fur as they brought him up to speed and asked him what he remembered. Once they were satisfied, they left the room warning him that he should rest and not do anything for a few weeks.

"Did you tell the Council?"

"They did not want me to search for you. So, no."

"As soon as they find me-"

"My security leader and I have a plan if you wish to hear it."

"Sure," Char'zi shivered slightly.

"We give you mange, dress you up as a slave and collar you. Then when we get to Earth, we'll go get you reconstructive surgery."

"Mange? Really? You might as well remove teeth as well." The Cheetah said sarcastically.

"That can be done." The Iguana looked upon the cat with a sternness that only came with being a Second.

"Richard, don't go there... Let's hope your plan works and keeps me alive."

"They did not mention anything about your locator either. Niah is in possession of it."

"Good. I did not have much on it. Only building numbers and their population numbers, useless to those who do not know how I numbered them. Me and Niah... and soon you, will be the only ones that know that."

Butch came in with a robe, Niah was not far behind him.


"Zi! You're awake, I have been so worried."

"Niah, it's been only a few hours, really he shouldn't be awake. The doctors are worried more that he did wake." Collector turned to Butch and took the robe from him. "Butch, help him up, we don't need Niah lifting his weight."

"Very well, sir."

They robed him then assisted him up to a bedroom next to Collectors where they proceeded to make him look more like an aged slave much to Niah's complaints. Once done, made sure that they did their best to cover up his natural scent with citrus and lavender oils. They had Richard come in to give the cat a sniff. Without hearing his voice, he could not tell who the cat was. This made Char'zi smile.

"At least the Mitalin cannot tell one Carat'ma from another from appearance alone."

Richard growled, "Not very nice, you know."

"Count that as a compliment, mutt, your race judges by scent. Humans might be able to pick me out... at least those that actually know me." Char'zi shifted his robe and hissed a little. "So they weren't kidding about having a permanent limp. What did they do? Take part of my tibia to replace a rib?"

"Your hip, actually."

"Figures. Do you know how we can permanently hide my scent?"

"Of course. Butch, will you set that up, make sure it is someone we can trust and that their scent over powers his."

"Will do, I have two in mind that I can rotate."

"Thank you. Char'zi, for now, we need to think of a different name."

"Easy, Zam'bra. Common name, over one hundred thousand have claim on that name alone."

"If you feel that is secure, then I will not argue. Niah, I am sorry, but you will not be able to cling to him except in private. You know how often slaves can have privacy."

Niah drooped her ears and wrapped her tail around her left leg. "I understand."

"Until you start to become laden, you may help in his recovery. At least you can be close to him, but do not act like a lover around others. Remember his life could still be in danger."

"Yes, Master."

"After I become official, I will declare you my foreman. It will be the best I can do that I can think of right now, and you know the facilities."

"You do realize that if I am found to be an unregistered slave-"

"I do have my ways. I am not blind to the world around me. Earth's resistance and I are on peaceful terms, I can turn in one of my favors. Let's just get you off your feet and resting. I will make sure a meal is sent up for you."

"Thank you. Niah, I do have to agree with him. It would be wise to keep distance from each other for a while until we are sure I am safe."


"I mean it, love, your title is in his hands now. I will even have to bow to him for a while. Do not make this harder on us both. I will be close by when you give birth. I just hope by then we are in the clear."

"Sirs, if I may... I would like to your permission to... leave." Niah held back tears.

"Granted, Niah; do us a favor though, spread the word that Char'zi died after we get rid of the doctors. We do not know if we have a mole within the family, I rather not find out."

Niah nodded then walked out of the room sniffling.

The three males made their way up to an open room as stealthily as possible. Granted it was hard for the injured cat to keep from hissing at the pain with each step.

"Richard, I have a favor to ask." Char'zi huffed as he sat on his bed. "I need to be... whipped. Scarred. Just in case someone decides to strip me down and do a full body exam."

"Of course." Both replied in unison then looked at each other.

"I will let you, my dear Fox. Your inexperienced hand will be perfect at digging into his flesh at various intervals."

"Front and back. I need to look freshly broken by a criminal breaker." Char'zi rubbed his knees and then hefted his legs onto the bed. "We'll sneak out tonight after everyone is well asleep and get far enough away to keep the place from hearing the commotion."

"Very well, sirs. I shall go nap and prepare myself. I advise the same." Richard bowed then left.

"He's a good pup, you know that, right?" The cat looked at the lizard with a tired, yet amused look.

"Indeed I do. Rest up, I will join you both when you're ready. It is my duty after all."

Collector left the new Zam'bra and wandered through the halls. He stumbled across Roger and Karen sitting on a loveseat reading the translated version of Galactic News Tribune. He told them that he was leaving them in charge of hiring help. Karen clicked her tongue and went back to reading while her husband took control and confirmed the request. After that, he went down to the kitchen and made him up a cup of tea. As he sipped in silence, Vector sat down beside him and stared with one of his scaled eyes.


"Just checking in with you."


"I know something is up, Butch refuses to speak about it and Richard has no clue. So... I am here for you to vent to."

"I am all good, Vector. I'm a little stressed, but nothing serious. Hopefully everything will make sense soon enough."

"You sure?"

Collector sighed and looked upon the one fellow slave that had been on stage with him as a partner. "Let's just say our lives are on edge. Will be for a while. So, instead of worrying about me, worry about getting the cousins together tomorrow night for a much needed mix-up. Don't forget to include Dianos and Tara. We definitely do not want to ignore our larger scaled family."

"Very well."

"Thank you. I think I saw a pool out back, I would love to use it at least once."

"I will inform the staff to make sure it is of proper pH level."

"I do not mean to be cruel, but I honestly must know who I can fully trust. So, please leave me."

"I understand, at times like these, even your own brother can be an enemy. Just know, no matter what happens I will stand beside you."

"I know." Collector sighed. "I know. Watch your tail, Vector."

The Chameleon stood then bowed before leaving the Master as instructed.

Once the cup was emptied, the Iguana made his way up to his private bath and made himself ready for a nap. He was awoken by a dulled claw poking him in the shoulder, the room was dark save a single, covered candle. Richard sat the candle he carried on the nightstand and help his Master untangle himself from the breeder that latched onto him. Collector donned his robe and then joined his Second and the Cheetah in the hall. No one stirred in these late hours, not even the 'nocturnal' slaves, this made their escape easier. They went to the gardener's shed and found it unlocked with plenty of room inside.

Char'zi removed his clothes then strained to kneel in the center of the room. "I want twenty each, please. I do not want all of the scars looking random."

"Do you want a muzzle?" Collector asked quietly trying to bite his tongue.


Collector drew in a sharp breath then looked up and saw restraints hanging from the ceiling as though the mutt before him had once used this hut for mindless beatings. Richard looked silently with him and agreed just the same.

"Richard, you take his backside, we do not want him losing an eye."

"Yes, sir."

They quickly got the cat to his feet and locked his wrists into the restraints then the two unfurled their whips. The Fox had a worried looked glued upon his muzzle while his Master had fallen back to his training and went blank. For what seemed like an eternity, silence ruled until Char'zi grunted and told them to begin. Collector mindless struck at the open chest first. Richard took a swipe at the cat's legs and a monotone 'One' came from Collector.

They continued on Collector's count followed by a scream from Char'zi. Little did they know that Niah had been watching the entire time silently crying watching her old Master die and a fellow slave be born. She knew the pain of the whip all too well and the breaking force two carried. She dared not enter until Collector called out the twentieth strike, Char'zi did not scream at this strike but grunted instead.

"Master... I brought various strengths of Bleed Stop to help induce scarring." Niah sniffed and avoided looking at her lover.

"Do you wish to tend to him?"

She shook her head and held out the bucket filled with bottles. Richard took them and began with the weakest of them and went up from there.

"He wanted this." Collector whispered into her large, drooping ear.

"I know. Zam'bra, be brave... b-brother."

The cat smiled weakly before letting the pain send him to unconsciousness.

"So, what now? The family will certainly notice a new face enter now."

"The arrival of the trophy hunter's slaves will be arriving tomorrow. He will join them. Niah, will you make sure he gets into the group as Richard and I take the attention of the delivery crew?"

"Yes... Master."

"Thank you."

The two took him down and laid him down where he would be out of sight should anyone come in. The three went back to the mansion and sat down in the kitchen where they cleaned any sign of blood from them before parting.

Morning light arrived, Collector was the first moving around. The morning cook crew found him in the kitchen with a cup of coffee and a fresh copy of the Tribune, supposedly there was a super nova on the Outer Rim and the explosion could be seen in the Inner Rim today. Too bad he was not in space for it. Niah and Richard was part of the crew today and had come in first to prep the meal for the cooks. They did not speak about last night, though Niah did manage to 'sneak' a plate out to the shed.

An hour past the meal, the delivery came and the plan was set in motion. Richard went through judging the conditions with one carrier while his Master took his time signing for them and making sure the numbers matched. As the slaves were unloaded, Niah shoved 'Zam'bra' into the mix and got him inside without suspicion. Richard directed everyone inside then Collector addressed them. After they were dismissed, Richard pulled the cat away and took him upstairs. He was given the small task of dusting knickknacks alongside a young Ferret male. Not many could stand their natural aroma, Collector got two males to help balance the vary stenches in the Manor.

Char'zi looked upon his new partner with a practiced neutral face. He hated the smell, but he knew it was necessary for his safety. With a huff, the two dusted in near silence. The Ferret, he found, was given the name Musket. While working, Musket said he did not like to speak so he could remain focused. Char'zi actually respected the mustelid's dedication. His first day as a slave was grand, all he did was hobble around dusting random things or getting out of the way of the mansion's staff.

Come noon meal, Char'zi reeked of Ferret musk, the Valhanians snorted and rudely told him to clean himself. He just chortled and went on to eat ignoring comments towards him. Collector 'inspected' the pair's work after lunch with them in tow along with the other Ferret, Sean, they covertly conversed about how the two musky polecats were to be near him at all times. All they knew was that the cat had to be hidden from outsiders and kept busy.

After the 'failed' inspection, Collector hunted for his protégé. He found him on the lift bench with his father spotting. He told the pup that he made a list of those he did not want under his name and that they were his if he wanted. Max rested the bar on its hooks then sat up.

"Sir, what am I to do if the Alpha Council will not allow me to own slaves? Will I have to sell them?"

"That choice is yours. I am sure you can look through all the laws and bylaws for such. But from what I remember, the Guild is relatively new here so it could be in your favor to convince them that you need to remain a Master to keep the peace they have with the Guild and Galactic Governor who is also a Slaver."

"They did not mention anything when they inducted me. So I may be good for a while."

"Just keep your nose clean and it will be better for you."

"I hope you are right.

"Just know I would support you."

"I know, but how can your support do anything?"

"It can't." Collector sighed wishing he could tell his little secret, but he did not want to risk his pupil's health over the simple matter.

"Can we go to the Guild Market? I want out of this place for a while, even if it is window shopping."

"Sure, you go tell Richard, I'll hunt down Roger."

Collector walked away, he felt the pup's pain, but he doubted the Alphas would deny him his right to become a Slaver after his grandfather did all this for him. Once Roger was found, the two adults waited in the garage for Max. The young Slaver came to the car they leaned on looking at a holographic display of a bank account, Collector glimpsed at the amount and was shocked to see it rival his own accounts in total. He did not ask, considering the Brenson name held weight on this planet, he assumed he was heir to a large sum of money as well.

"Payments finally came in," Max said remorsefully. "I am officially rich, and the proper owner of BMS Inc."

"You are the owner of a corporation?" Roger was a little more shocked then Collector.

"Brenson Mechanical Systems... yes. Mother... well, she bought out the company after father's judgment, before I was born. Took them a year to get it through the all the red tape."

"Sounds like you don't want it." Collector said quietly

"I don't... but I have to." Max got into the hover car and buckled in.

"At least you have a running business at this age, it's harder to start one from the ground up."

"I just hope I can be as good as her. I might just let my sisters run it in my stead, it gets them out of the Pack life."

Roger set off for the Guild Market, which did not allow the two Masters much time to converse. Though Collector did change the subject and had the pup focused on the reason he wanted out of the house. Turns out he just wanted to be away from Butch and his watchdog team. He remembered that he needed to go to the tailor and check on his order. Max looked at various tool shops and shuddered at the thought of using tongue clamps and scale rippers on any of his slaves. He did purchase scale polishing brushes along with a set of thick coat brushes.

While He was doing the mundane things, Collector purchased Richard his own whip and a set of leashes. He knew that the unruly slaves would be coming in rather soon, it was a matter of time and Richard had to be ready. He let an involuntary shiver travel down his spine as he tried to forget a particular moment in his early life. He and Max went to a slave vendor, the shop was small, unclean and reeked of urine and feces. Collector did not need to tell Max to watch his step as they found the Valhanian vendor. The pin Collector showed the vendor brought a grin to the shepherd's muzzle.

"Greetings, Guild Master. Not many sales to Lessers here. How may service brought?" The standard was visibly difficult for the dog.

At least Max translated as best as he could. "I need a fresh slave... unruly."

The dog nodded then went behind the counter to pull from his cages a young Innodiate of a silver coloring. The young Iguana hissed and snapped at the vendor but the restraints and slightly oversized muzzle kept the reptile from doing any harm.

"You keep chain and guard. Needed until broke."

"Thank you. Shall we?"

After the papers and payment were done, Collector grabbed the back of the muzzle and tugged it up so the fellow would look him in the eye.

"I need you to remain strong for as long as you can. My Second has yet had to deal with a slave who has not listened to him. All I ask of you at this time is that you do not escape, you will be rewarded later for this service."

"Hissdon'ta mussa."

"I do not speak our tongue, young one. Just know that you will be alive for a long time. I will give you proper orders once we are leaving the Market. Be silent and good and I will not have to whip you."

"Kuss suu."

"Come." Collector attached a leash to the slave's collar and left it slack. The teenager pulled back once then followed silently.

The shackles clinked with each of the Iguana's steps. Collector glanced down at the title and found it a male and was sold to the Guild as a hatchling. So the true training had yet to begin. They stopped at the tailor and picked up Collector's order. Then they went to the food court and got a rather expensive midday snack, mostly for the young slave. Collector feed him through the muzzle, after that, they went back to the car and left.

When they arrived at the mansion, Elite Guild Hunters stood at the ready at the door. Collector hastily got out of the car at the front dragging his new slave with him. The Hunters saluted him then one, presumably the one in charge, took off the winged helm and revealed himself as a human.

"Collector Manson, I am Lieutenant Thomas Issen. We have brought you and your pupil a little present that might make your day. It awaits inside with the Commander."

"Which... one?"

Thomas smiled proudly, "Michelle."

Elite Commander Michelle, an excellent female example of the Naisian race, with a coat that matched every example of a zebra to boot, except she dyed her black stripes a bright red through genetic tempering. Almost every male in the galaxy drooled at the sight of her, especially when she walked around in her favorite short black dress she wears to the galas.

Collector had only met her once and that was at a meet-and-greet after his final show. He rushed in, getting a chuckle from the lieutenant and tried not to trip over his tongue as he saw her in the lobby with a shaved and extremely well muscled draft horse in chains and a rather tight muzzle.

"There's the showboating slave. How are you dear?"

"Rather well off, thank you. I have to ask, why is your squad out here?"

"To see you, silly. I volunteered us to deliver you little present here. Number One thought you could use a fresh target for your mentorship."

"Definitely defiant of his position," Collector watched as the only thing allowed to move freely was the tail. The Naisian still pulled every so often to no avail.

"Yep, grand theft, robbing the elderly, child neglect, and to top it off domestic battery. This beast is the prime example of 'defiant.' I guess you have a matching set with that silver scale."

"Hmm? Oh I forgot all about him. Want to meet my Second? I got this little scamp as a test for him."

"Sure, sugar, we don't have anywhere to go until tomorrow."

"Excellent! He should not be far. Richard!"

He was correct, Richard and his fellow Second came scrambling in to greet their respected Masters and asked for orders.

"First off, my dear Fox, this is Elite Commander Michelle of the Guild Hunters. Remember what I told you about my duties? That slave is just that. This slave behind me is yours. He is a fresh youngster, he has his two outstanding orders from me. The rest of it is all you." He passed off the leash and the small bag of supplies to Richard then turned to remove the shackles and muzzle. "Max, why don't you take the worker there from the Huntress and then we can have some tea while the male can prove he can be good."

"Yes, Sir." Max happily took the 'reigns' of the horse and led the way to the kitchen where Collector interrupted the cook crew and had one boil some water.

As they waited for the water and tea to steep, the horse slave stood between the two Masters glaring down at the table.

"So, do you know why they sent him to me?"

"Honestly, no. I just know he is a freshie. Did Tom give you anything?"

"Was he supposed to?"

"From the High Council, yes. It was a sealed folder. I'll go find him." The Commander walked briskly away, almost every male in the room watched as her tail swung seductively behind her.

"I so wish I was compatible with her... I would so ask her out and be the one every male wants to be. Who needs celebrities when she's around..." Collector half muttered.

"What's stopping you?" Max leaned back in his chair with a grin."


"Nothing... then ask her when she gets back. I can handle one night by myself. I'm sure of it."

Collector glared at the pup. "You are acting far too mature for your age."

"It's this planet... she does that to us."


"Go sniff that tail."

"Alright, hush."

As Max laughed, Michelle returned with a folder in hand and slapping it against her open palm. "You let your slaves get away with far too much. That dragon just tried to ask me out." She chuckled as she took her seat. "I bruised his ego though. He doesn't take a slap well."

"Ah, Dianos, yeah, I can see that easily happening. But... speaking of going out..."

"You too?"

"Up to you, you got the night off and I bet you could use a night away from your squad."

"I really doubt my fiancé would like that offer, but I could go for a coffee."

"Fiancé? The woman who told media she would never get married is getting married?"

"Yes, such a shame, right?" Michelle laughed heartily. "He's bigger than that brute, and he refuses to have a harem as is the custom on our home world. So, bonus for me."

"Nice, is he a Guild man?"

"Yep, and a Lesser Councilman. I think he's like... thirty or something."

"So, I outrank him..." Collector grinned trying his luck.

"I'm not power hungry, just cock hungry."

"Understandable. Always going for that right fit. So, coffee. You want to head out now or would you rather look up a simple, quiet club?"

"I doubt the jazz clubs exist off Earth, but we can look."

"There's one I know of. Cube." Max leaned back and looked at the stallion standing beside him still glaring at the table.

"Cube?" Michelle asked before Collector could.

"It's in the downtown district in Golanch. My second cousin owns it. I can get us in as VIPs."

"At your age?"

"As soon as the Council declares you an adult all restrictions are lifted. I could drink the liquor if I wanted, I just don't like it and the imports are far too expensive. I hate that Earth has the age limit of twenty for off-worlders."

"Drunk Wolves... I don't know I like that idea..." Michelle shivered.

"I'll dress up one of my security and keep them from drinking." Collector gave her an assuring smile.

"Alright, I know how your old Master trained those pups."


"On my way, Sir." Richard had come in to check on the crew and over heard his Master. "I will have Butch send the Doberman in."

"Smart choice, Mitalin," Max grinned as he got a glare from Richard. "They are respected for their bodyguard attributes here."

"Please do not call me that, Master Maxwell. I honestly do not like it."

"You would had you been born free and here."

Richard walked away ignoring the retort.

"I think you hurt his pride, Max. Please be careful with the racial remarks, we do not need an uprising against you."

"I-" Max sighed. "Very well. I think I have spent too much time around family."

"We just might make this a permanent place, so please try to force yourself to be better."

Max nodded as he folded his ears back. Collector decided to leave the stallion here.

Karen and Roger and the Doberman, fitted with show gear, came in; the dog was panting as though he ran to get here. He slammed his fist against his chest and announced himself. Karen huffed with an annoyed tone while Roger said they were going on a date after they drop them off. Collector nodded and told them that was fine as long as they kept their Comms on them. Lucky for them there was a limo Collector was dying to sit in.

They followed Roger and got into the mini-limo, Karen got in beside her husband and was heard growling at him. Once they got in motion, things calmed down and directions were shared. In less than ten minutes, they were being dropped off at the Cube which was a building shaped as a Cube on its point. Max took point and smiled at the Bouncer.

"Maxwell Brenson. Is Gossamer here today?"

"He is."

"Will you let him know his little cousin is here for a visit with friends?"

"One moment."

The Bouncer, a burly Doberman, went to an intercom and spoke quiet Valhanian. The same was received in kind. Once he returned to the group, he let them in with directions to go to the White Room and wait. Inside, as they followed a hostess, they found that the place was packed not to mention loud. Until, that is, they arrived at the VIP rooms and was shown to the White Room. The décor matched the name. Five minutes passed before a Wolfhound came in and scooped Max into the long, wooly arms.

"Li'l Maxie! It has been too long. I take it you made it in? How's gramps?"

"He's fine, and yes I did. Meet my mentor, Master Collector Manson. He's a great guy."

"Really, I never met an Innodiate before. Is it true insects are delicacies on your home world?"

"I wouldn't know, never been there." Collector chuckled. "I am Earthborn."

"Ah! So am I, are the Cubs winning still?"

"Not for the past two years, from what I've read, their star pitcher is going to jail for public intoxication."

"Damn, I need to read the Post more often. Anyway, I will go make sure you all have a five course meal and drinks on the house. I'll come back in a while, I have to keep an eye out for riffraff." Gossamer put Max back down and rubbed his head. "Besides, I don't want to miss the chance to talk to my baby cuz... I mean big, bad Alpha. News of you has traveled quickly, you know that?"

"No doubt." Max smiled as his older cousin walked out of the room and shut the door behind him. "Fun guy, but he's more of an outcast of the family because of his father having a thing for the weaker races."

"Kind of like me." Collector stretched a little before picking up the menu. "Not in standard. I really need to learn how to read other kinds of script."

"You really thinking about moving here?"

"Yep, including making another farm here too so everyone can have something to do. It's how I made a name for myself. Buying up land and turning it into a low-cost, high yield foodstuff farm has helped multiple people, not only slaves."

"I would recommend talking to the Council of Alphas first. Get on their good side and you can get the land you need and keep the hunters away."

"I would need your help for that... little Alpha."

Max growled deep in his throat as he rubbed his muzzle. "I guess I stepped in that. Of course I would help you. It's my duty, ordained or not."


A waiter came in with a book for the drinks and a pamphlet to write down the orders. For a club, it acted more like a restaurant. They gave their orders and fell silent after that. Food came along with Gossamer with mobile salad and dessert carts and sat down beside his cousin. He began chatting in his native tongue, the Doberman listened and watched them until his Master waved a bite of food in front of his nose. A little prod got the dog to eat with the others, but he still did his duty as guard.

They were in the middle of their second course when screams could be heard coming from the dance floor Gossamer stood and rushed to the door but projectile firings coming from the other room stopped him cold and got him to dig out his Comm to call the authorities. The Doberman growled but when he tried to place himself between Collector and the door, the lizard told him to protect Max. He did so reluctantly.

Collector and Michelle carried their whips, daggers, while Michelle also had a cleavage pistol tucked away. Together they got Gossamer away from the door and then peered carefully down the hall while telling the curious VIPs across from them to stay silent and in their room. Collector dropped to the floor and thanked the heavens for his sharp claws as he went to climb the wall even though Gossamer hissed at the slight damage.

Another gunshot sounded and Michelle snuck out of the room and carefully went down the hall with Collector above her, he scuttled quietly and managed to get above the criminals, two hounds in masks demanding valuables and credit chips from everyone. Michelle caught their attention when they aimed their archaic weapon at a whimpering teenage girl and shot a plasma round at the hound's weapon which sent it flying from his grip. The other one was quick to aim at her, but Collector managed to drop down on top of him and began to fight.

Michelle bum-rushed towards the other taking him down and quickly subduing the felon as though he was a slave. She ended up breaking both his wrists and slapping a collar on him with an energy muzzle and energy clasps to fully subdue him. Collector flat-out knocked out his target and let Michelle restrain that one as well. They removed the hoods to reveal two young males that looked like shaved poodles. It did not take long for Gossamer and Max to join the scene then the local police showed up to put the two into 'proper' restraints. They tried to arrest Collector and Michelle, but the crowd interfered along with Max whom held more authority. He also demanded that the criminals to be placed in Guild control since they endangered lives including Guild members. Needless to say, the police hated it but pushed the two to their knees and allowed Michelle to collar them once more.

Things finally went back to normal after an hour save a reporter crew asking for the hero and heroine. The two quickly let the reporter get a holo-image and interviews. After that, the reporter noticed Max and attempted to interview him, but an elder Alpha intervened and shooed her away. He gathered the group and spoke choppy Standard for Collector's and Michelle's sake.

"You do well. Induct them to Guild, yes? We do same. Know that you Alpha, no power. Guild Master, power, you take as enforced. We let."

"Donda sai, Genchi." Max knelt at the elder Wolf's feet as he listened to the words.

"Elder, may I speak freely?" Collector asked quietly and received a smile from the Alpha along with a nod. "As Maxwell's mentor and guardian, I feel that it is necessary that I learn your culture and language. May I receive your blessing over this matter?"

"Yes, do. He help. Find... hotat'ichi... learn."

"Donda sai, ic mu yolla hotat'ichi du menca." Max spoke carefully and received a pat between his erect ears from his elder.

"Hoochi mallia, Maxiculla. Un doolu Allcalhun yuco." The Alpha turned to Collector and Michelle and placed his fist over his heart as the Guild hunters do before leaving. Michelle managed to return the gesture before he turned away.


"I told Alpha Genchi I would find a teacher... a hotat'ichi. It's an off-worlder tutor or more literal: Alien Tongue."

"Ah, he also called you Maxiculla, I assume that is your name in the native tongue?"

"Yep. I prefer the Standard though always have. At least 'Maxwell' does not sound like a human's estrus cover."

Collector chuckled, so the pup lacked human biology knowledge, he would help that later. "Michelle, what do you recommend with the freshies?

"Max inducted them, though technically we captured them. By the Laws, they belong to us, even though I broke mine. Max, what do you wish to do with them."

Max shrugged, "Dunno, I just prevented them from being released back into public." He glanced at the two currently being held by leash in the Doberman's grip.

Collector ground his jaw then pulled Michelle away to speak quietly. "Until I am back on Earth, I honestly have no power, but I have been inducted into the High Council. I think it would be good practice for the boy, you?"

Michelle's jaw dropped momentarily, "As you wish, I will confer to the High Council and ask their opinion on the matter."

"Do not let this out. I am a secret until the proper ceremonies are done."

"Very well. But I still must report this, your life was put at risk by civilians."

"So was Councilman Five and they declared him dead without allowing me to search for him."

"You think this was planned?"

"This incident? No. Five's... yes. I do not wish to end up like him."

"Very well, take them."

Collector and Michelle returned to Max and told him that he would learn how to break them.

They made it home without any other incidents. Karen was finally in a good mood, Roger said something about the alcohol being twice as strong than that at home. They got back to the mansion and pulled the two criminals out of the trunk and dragged inside. Michelle, Collector, Max, and Richard took the two criminals and the cranky stallion to a room dedicated to beating slaves.

"Alright, Max, I need you to watch but be quiet. I will be a very different person once I begin. If you cannot handle this... leave as quietly as you can."


Collector turned away from Max and took a deep breath as he centered himself. He grabbed his whip from his side and let it uncurl. The stallion was chained on the wall while the criminals had been stripped bare and restrained by their wrists an inch above the floor. Richard stood behind Max, his ears folded back as he watched. He flinched as his Master slowly swung his arm over his head then snapped it across both of the criminals in one stroke.

"You no longer have names. The sooner you learn this, the better off you are." Collector said as he smacked them again. "You are nothing but property." He smacked them again, blood started to run down their bare chests matting their fur. "You are nothing but mutts."

One of them growled, Collector crossed the whip across both muzzles.

"You are animals, bound only by the will to survive. You will obey!" He smacked the thighs of the two, legs curled as pain surged through. "I am your Master, I am the only thing keeping you alive." Once again he smacked them, sixth count, he rested for sixty seconds. "You live because I demand it." He swung again.

Richard whimpered slightly and glanced down at Max and noticed he was in the same state of disgust.

"You have no name, only Slave."

This mantra went on for two hours when he got to forty strikes. Collector then turned to the horse and started on him. The horse, being a prey type creature, was glassy-eyed with the scent of blood in the air. Collector knew this and stayed silent as he beat the forty strikes into the horse. After this, he offered Max to take over. The pup stepped up and took the next tool, it bore two sets of prongs and sparked when the trigger was pulled. Collector had him press the prongs into the first one's groin.

Collector bent down to the pup's ear and whispered, "Demand his name and shock him until he breaks and proclaims he has no name some hold out for weeks let's hope these two do not do that. I have a different device for our larger friend. One you would not be able to handle, but Richard might be able to."

The Fox yelped and came to his Master's call. Collector pulled a device from a bag, it folded out to reveal shoulder braces and what appeared to be a claw. Collector had his Second put the device on then he put the claw inside the sheathe of the horse. Michelle let a squeal and turned away, apparently being a witness to such tools being used in a wrongful manner.

"Pull the triggers together at a slow pace. You start to see blood, stop immediately, I do not want him useless."

"Yes, Master."

"Begin." Collector tugged the muzzle of the horse so the slave would look at him. "Do you have a name?"

"Yes." The horse spoke quietly trying to beat the pain back.

"Wrong." Collector used his claws to draw blood from the fresh wounds causing the stallion to scream. "Who am I?"

"... the... Master." The stallion huffed.

Collector lifted a finger to Richard whom stopped the device. "Who do you obey?"




"That'a boy. Richard release the triggers." Collector then helped Richard take the device off. "That was a miner's tool once upon a time, to harvest ore from asteroids. Effective, is it not?"

"Sir, I am to learn this, yes?"

"Quite so, I'm afraid. You will be breaking many fresh ones to come. Now, since he already declared me Master, I must ensure that he truly believes this. I need you to be ready to stop him if needed."

Collector pulled his dagger from his belt then loosened the chains holding the horse. The stallion collapsed but did not move until Collector grabbed his arm to place the dagger into his grip.

"I want you to stab yourself in the leg."

The horse breathed deeply and looked at the dagger for a moment then stood. The stallion sneered then rose the blade, Collector glared at the slave daring him to attack. The blade swung down into the leg of the horse. For a brief moment, Richard thought his Master was to be struck down.

"Twist it." The demand was set.

The blade was slowly twisted by a shaky hand while its owner screamed in pain.


The blade stopped, the hand rested on the hilt. Collector nudged the hand away before ripping it out of the flesh. The horse collapsed clutching the wound.

"Richard, help stop the bleeding."

He turned to Max's progress, the second mutt spat at him. Max punched the disobedient slave in the gut then pressed the dual pair of electrodes against the jaw and shocked him. Muscles spasmed then went lax after a second.

"Huc kim ncita!"

The poodle looked at the young Master before turning his head and shutting his eyes.

"Looks like we need a stronger method. I truly hate this, I really do. But after all this, he still held on strong. I respect that, yet it cannot be tolerated."

Collector turned to the wall and found a clamp like device made of iron. He took it down and opened the clamps. Dull and rusted, but still had an edge to cut flesh. He went back to the poodle and tapped the moist nose with it. The defiant slave opened his eyes to stare at the device, a loud gulp was heard.

"You know what this is?"

The poodle nodded then tried to move his legs, but failed due to pain and chains.

"Then you know what is coming, I truly hope you had your fun while you could."

Max watched as his teacher opened the clamp and placed the poodle's lightly furred testicles in between the metal.

"Last chance. Do you have a name?"


Collector eyed Max whom translated it as 'no.'

"Who are you." He demanded.

"Ut jucu mallaci."

"A lowly mutt... good. Who am I?"

The mutt hesitated, Collector responded by gently closing the clamps on the orbs.

"Mit Allcalhun."

"His Alpha."

Collector released the small package then gave the mutt a pat between the ears.

"Good mutt. I won't do what I had him do. Michelle, the brand if you will."

A plasma torch that would sear the flesh in a quick fashion, this particular brand had the Manson family crest for its target's flesh. Normally used on cattle, though, these two dogs would be branded for life.

Collector unbound the arms of the two mutts then handed the plasma brand in the hands in the sighing poodle's paw. The mutt looked at it briefly before searing his chest without a word spoken to him. He howled in pain as it cycled and turned off. He then shakily held it up to his Master as he fell to his knees.

Collector took it and then gave it to the first one whom gawked at his companion. He needed to be told, it took him a moment to work the device but got it done. Collector took the device over to the horse and branded the back of his shoulder.

"You three will never be able to leave the lifestyle of captivity. For now on, you belong to me, you do as I say and do it promptly. You will be laborers, working on my farm. You disobey my chosen leaders, you will be beaten. Do it a second time and you will be put down like an animal. Am I understood?"

All three nodded.

"Good, until I purchase land on this planet, you will be put to use as landscapers. My Second will pass on my orders soon. Until then, heal up. Your day starts early. If you perform well enough, I might allow you to breed... under supervision of course. Then if you stay good long enough you may just be promoted to be a part of the actual family and get less work. Let this be your goal. Richard, they are yours now. If Michelle wishes to take one with her, do not forget the collar and leash."

"Yes, Master, it shall be done." He bowed then growled as Collector backhanded the first poodle.

"The word Mitalin shall never be spoken by your tongue again. Do it again and it will be split."

The mutt threw himself prostrate at Collector's feet.

"Begging for mercy gets you no where. Richard, make sure this one is shoveling dung or some other kind of refuse... by hand."

This made the mutt whimper.

"I'm sure you can find something for the other two to do."

Michelle, Max, and Collector left the room. The males went to a washroom and cleaned up, while Michelle went to her squad.

"I don't like that part." Max said after a while.

"Tell me about it. It never gets easier, and I have been doing this since I could talk." Collector took a washcloth across his brow to wipe blood off. "Your Second will learn next. I have a feeling that those two mutts will need a hard reminder."

"I have a feeling you will be making me and my Second deal with them."

"Under supervision, of course. Now, let's go find your girl so you can share what you learned."

Max whimpered, "Fine, but I am not beating her."

"I wouldn't ask you to."

They found his Second talking casually to one of the female Wolves. She smiled at Collector then gave the pup a pat before walking away. Neither male asked about the conversation. They took her to Max's room and began the sharing. An hour later, the lesson was told and then Collector called for a snack break. It was nearing dusk as they walked into the kitchen and helped themselves to the fridge. The long days were wearing on Collector, but Max was still wanting to go for more. As they ate, Richard came in with the three broken and had them sit on the floor. In silence, they did as they were told as they awaited their orders.

"Richard, are you feeding them?"

"Yes, Sir."

"Give them bread and milk for today. Oatmeal from then on until they can prove they are worthy of being called intelligent."

"As you command." Richard seemed a little distant.

"What is wrong, my little Fox? Did the session get to you?"

"No, Sir. One of the knights... they caught a runner, not from ours... they... killed the slave. It was after the session, the Commander did nothing to stop them."

"I see. Try not to think about, I try not to. I've seen too many good fellows cut down just for trying to live. You will never become numb to it, but you must learn to look beyond it."

"Yes, sir. I will do my best."

Collector nodded and continued to watch his Second, he was worried for the you tod and hoped he was growing well enough to truly come to be the leader he wanted of him to be. Richard had a slice of bread in three pans and poured milk over each then placed the pans in front of each slave. He told them not to use their hands then turned tail to sit on the floor beside his Master. Collector gently rubbed his head as he watched over his charges.

"How is the hatchling doing?"

"Annoying, he has been trying to avoid work. I caught him basking in the sun before you got home. I have not been able to check on him lately."

"Go take a break and do that. We'll make sure they do not leave the kitchen."

"Thank you, Master."

Richard got up and walked off, at this time the Butler came and gave a slight bow.

"Master Manson, I have had rooms arranged for the Elite Hunters and have drawn them baths. I have asked a small group of your slaves to make a small meal for them and to deliver it to them. Do you wish there be more for them?"

"I am sure they will ask if they need it. Thank you for arranging this."

The Butler bowed then turned and walked away as four Wolf dames came in and went straight to work.

"Thank you, ladies. I am sure our guests will be grateful as well."

They gave him a slight bow and kept on working.

"Remember when I asked you about breeding? I would like to be taught how to breed my slaves and learn which races can breed with others."

"Well, Innodiates can breed with their kin and humans, obviously, along with Draskin, Nuscoo, Blakidin, and Nichi'duluate. The latter is likely to create a successful mule. Mules, or sterile offspring, will come from the Nuscoo as well. We'll find out about Draskin soon enough."

"What about the others I have?"

"Well... do a little research, pup. There's nothing like looking up breeding habits of other races. Humans call it porn, we would call it a scientific start." Collector chuckled. "But I do suggest you do experiment, over all have fun. Mixing races can have interesting outcomes along with unique bloodlines that can prove to be useful in shows."

"Do you think I should start now?"

"It wouldn't hurt, if your slaves are young visual help may be needed or even intervention. Which is fun all on it's own. There's nothing like helping someone mate. I personally only get involved if asked or pushed... like Mitch's predicament. Would you like me to help you?"

Max took a breath as he thought about this, "Yes."

"Very well, go choose the ones you wish to breed and I will share my knowledge since I have lived on both ends of this subject."

Max left the room leaving his Second sitting there with a worried look.

"Do you think he wishes to have you breed with another race?"

"He does, with one of your kind."

"Hmm, I do not know if that is a compatible mix. But enjoyable either way. If trained right, the males can thrust lightly and bring on immense pleasure to the female, otherwise we just sit there and let the female do the work. Watching the natural mating of our kind is rather boring unless you just like to see the scruff biting and forceful mating."

"I honestly do not like the idea."

"Have you told him this?"

"He said I would have to put up with it once so we can learn."

"Just remember, even though you are still a slave, you are his chosen Second. You have more of a voice than others. Speak your opinion and do your best to make it sound like it would be his idea. But for now, why don't you try your skills on those three since they are done. They also made a mess."

She nodded then stood slowly.

"Alright, I want you two mutts to pick up those pans and wash them. You, horse, I want you to lick the floor clean."

When the three did not move, she pulled her whip out of under her shirt and cracked it between the two poodles.

"Move it !"

"Everyone in this room outranks you three, it would be wise to listen to my protégé's Second before you all get a real beating. You think earlier was harsh, you have yet to see me mad." Collector took a long sip of his cooled tea and stared at the wall. He had not been looking at the three.

The two dogs finally moved, Collector unhooked his whip and quietly sat it on the table. The older family members already knew their outstanding orders to make Council slaves lives a living nightmare, but they also knew the two mutts had unintentionally threatened their Master's life which in turn threatened theirs. The dames growled at them and shoved them around, being natives here, the two were already intimidated by the Wolves. But this was just adding the one feather to the dung pile that made it collapse, they whimpered and fought their own instincts so they could complete their task as quickly as possible. The one that had resisted grabbed the bottle of dish soap, but dropped it when a dame shoved him dumping the slippery liquid on the floor. Collector was quick to snap his whip just under the poodle's tail catching the sensitive flesh of his anus. The dog yelped loudly.

"Clean it up!" He shouted, the dame that had caused this glanced at her Master with a smile on her muzzle, he nodded slightly.

The poodle dropped to his knees with a rag in paw and began to wipe it up. The other continued to wash and dry the three pans. The horse had finished licking the floor clean and stared at the little Wolf awaiting for the next task.

"Do you like what you see, prey?" She growled.

Of course the horse did not answer her, but he did gulp and nervously nodded hoping it was the answer she was looking for. She drew closer then backhanded the stallion.

"I don't think so. Your eyes. At my feet. Now!" She dug her claws into his muzzle until he complied.

"I see you have learned how to be a proper Arkavi, but let's not get carried away and permanently damage his breathing. I'll need him pulling stumps when I get the land I need."

"Very well, Elder Master."

That term sent a shiver down Collector's back. Too many times he had said those very words.

Richard came in with the silver scale behind him. He was covered in what Collector hoped was mud.

"Please tell me he's not tracking."

"It's dry, he found a tuber storage cellar and took a nap."

Collector could not help but chuckle. "Leave it to my kin to find a dark, muddy place to rest out the hotter part of the day. I'll take him from here while you continue with this."

The two poodles quickly rejoined the horse and got down on their knees awaiting for orders.

"I would like to see their coats clean in the morning. You can handle that without assistance, correct?"

"I can, Sir."

"Good. Go."

Richard ordered the three to follow him and left.

"Excellent work," Collector said proudly to the room. "You all are helping with all the training rather nicely, especially you, my delectable young hatchling. You adding to the stress those three are bringing is starting to wear on him. I will shine your scales nicely after my apprentice's lesson, of which you will witness."

"Kints, Suyu."

"You may want ask the cousins to assist you on learning Standard. For now, keep up the façade. We don't want him thinking you can understand it."

The Iguana nodded.

"Ah! Took you long enough, Max. Who did you bring?"

"My colt and one of my Innodiates."

Collector grinned as he saw the look of relief from the young dame. "Ah, good. Let's head to your room."

Max led the way, the four slaves stared at the floor as they walked behind the Wolf. Collector whispered in the dame's ear to convince her that it was her duty to keep the others in line while her Master led. She looked up for the rest of the walk. Once upstairs and in his room, Max ordered his two slaves to strip.

"Alright, you go make yourself comfortable for the moment." Collector told the Innodiate female. "Alright, Max, come. Since both are prepubescent, it will be difficult for either of them to perform correctly but we shall work with what we got. Now grab his sheath as you would yourself. Good. Now unlike you, his penis folds in on itself. So as you massage and caress the shaft, be aware that the flesh does not pull back."

The colt buck slightly and aptly apologized, of which Collector told him there was no need for it.

"Now as the shaft becomes erect you should sterilize it with gentle cleansers and antibacterial soaps. That, we do not have right now. Good, the shaft is at the proper erection point. To the female with him. For this, we'll have her lean over the bed with her tail flagged.

"Good, girl. Now you see her vent? You must guide his shaft to that vent and start it in. Many species do not look at their mate's genitals during mating efforts so this will help the copulation."

As the colt entered the scaled female, he whinnied and his body took over, forcing his penis in deep and flaring causing his partner to bite the sheets to keep from screaming. Collector rubbed her shoulder as the male thrust into several times before coming to a rest upon her.

"Always let the male rest for five seconds before pulling him back to ensure ejaculation is finished. Again, species vary at this. Pull him off and wipe him down with his loin cloth. His body is built for fast sex, but with work, you can train him to hold back his orgasm. I think my record was five minutes and twenty seconds, so if this 'pulsar' can hold off that long, think what a proper 'thruster' can do."

Max looked at his horse watching the glans deflate with utmost interest.

"Yes, his kind is rather large, I would not recommend using him for straight breeding if you want cross-species offspring. Artificial insemination is a far safer tool, even if that is painful to the females. At least they don't risk being torn."

"Do you think these two can breed?"

"Never seen it tried, who knows. Though I would like to have his first seed in my filly."

"Sure, that would be fun to watch."

"Indeed. Now, I shall leave you to your fun, don't go breeding the larger slaves without my supervision. Come, my little silver scale, you need a desperate shine."

Collector and the adolescent Iguana went to his room and hunkered down with the cleaning kit and polish. Neither of them lasted more than an hour before calling it a night. The silver curled up alone in the corner away from everyone. Tara was kind enough to give her blanket to the young slave, he eyed her cautiously but did not protest the gift.

When morning came, the silver was first awake and had climbed quietly into the chair once more waiting for the cleaning to be finished. As Collector finally stirred, the slave rushed the bed and readied the Master's robe. Collector chuckled and rubbed the young one's head.

"No need for that right now. Let's finish that cleaning."

"Li-su, Mata."

"That phrase I am overly familiar with. You do not need to call me 'Master' unless we have guests. Since I have not had the chance to fully inspect you, drop that cloth and relax for me."

With a deep breath, the slave did as told. He had been talking to his elders and had learned of the Master's rage. He winced slightly as gentle claws prodded him and pulled his shafts from the vent to be looked at. He watched as his Master examined every crease of flesh and looked for any loose scale that could lead to illness. After he that was done, Collector finished the polishing and cleaning. The silver came out to be a sparkling jewel. Collector was proud of this little guy. He thought seriously upon going back to the shows.

"Damn. I cannot help it. I am going to train you how to be an award winning show slave. With your scale coloring and lack of scarring, you are a perfect specimen for it. Nester, find Richard for me." As the female ran off, Collector removed what little clothing he had on. "Alright, you can forget all about annoying Richard for now on. Your task will be staying fit, learning basic skills, and training for the shows. I used to be a prize show slave, so I know how to win. Training you myself will be a guarantee win."


"Just follow my lead. First we'll start with posture."

Collector fell into old habits and arched his tail as he straightened his back and pointed his snout out level. The slave looked over his Master closely then attempted to match him. Collector looked over and made major adjustments over the slave's body with a grin. He exclaimed several times that the slave was doing 'Perfect.' Richard came in and looked at the slave, shocked. Collector barely looked away as he said it was nothing but a test that was only extended over the new ones. Then he told the Fox to 'Fetch the ornate collar' as a blunt order.

Richard followed the order and quickly brought it out of his bags and presented it to his Master. Collector went to his dresser and grabbed the dagger then went to the slave and removed the riveted collar before putting the show-rewarded collar onto him.

"Excellent. What do you think, Richard? Think he's gorgeous enough?"

"Will he remain nude?"

"For the shows and training."

Richard yipped slightly as he heard that. "Shows? You going to go back?"

"For one or two. Nothing major. I want to show the galaxy that I am still alive and taking after my Master. I need you to quietly get Butch up here, but you are going to help as well. Keep that tail up, you need to learn to keep it raised at all times. I also need the scale kit. Mine does not have the claw files in it... well not the type I need. Also a notepad, I will mostly need you for that."

Richard whimpered.

"Hey, that's your job as my Second. Try taking notes while training for shows. I had a tough life, but I got it done. Stop whining and get things done."

"Yes, sir."

"Good, lad."

Collector's scowl got the Fox moving.

"I will need to check up on the rules and such today, but I doubt they have changed much over the past decade. Go eat, I want you to have a balanced diet of meat and grain from now on, then I will get you into physical shape. That means a lot of work, but for a chap your age, you should enjoy the outcome and the stares from the females. But that also comes to a downside. You won't be able to relieve yourself only a licensed breeder will be able to collect your seed. We'll get to that later. Go."

A few minutes passed, allowing Collector to dress for the day, Butch and Richard came in with the Fox grumbling and fussing with the archaic pencil and paper this planet had. They waited quietly to let their Master dress in peace and gear up for heavy training.

"Sir?" Butch finally broke the silence and startled Collector.

"Gah! How long have you two been there?"

"Few minutes. Is what this mutt said true?"

"Very. I expect you to fall back into the old training regimen and get the fresh meat up to par. I will work with our silver scale personally though I will want your input. You also have permission to look up the updated security partitions and whatnot. Anything you need get with Richard to jot down to get it to me. I will be going to the Guild House here to look up the galactic rules and standards. I am hoping nothing has been changed since my time, but that's rather a big hope that I know is for not. Right, you know of anything off hand now?"

"With what little gym equipment here I can make up with the space of this land."

"Good. Now we have a lot of work ahead of us. Let's try to stay focused and move on to a single goal. Victory. I will be calling on Mac, so he cannot have meal duty or anything that takes too much time."

Butch clicked his heels and slammed his fist over his heart. "Aye, Sir!"

Richard sighed, "Shall I assume that I need to dress and go with you?"

"Assumption is correct, don't forget to bring that pad."

"Yes... sir."

"Richard, do not take this the wrong way, but drop the damn attitude. You are my Second and you will have to put up with a hell a lot more duties very soon. You think this is bad? Ask Niah about all she had to do."

"She still carries the list. I will take it soon."

"See. Butch, you may go. Richard, let's hunt down Max."

"Very well, Sir."

As they went to Max's room, a shrill scream came from downstairs. They rushed down to find a maid stumbling away from a dead Valhanian at the front door. Collector pulled her away and had her sit down before going to check the body. Collector rolled the body and saw the Guild Insignia on the shirt along with a written message in the clutches. There was no visible wounds but the eyes showed signs of asphyxiation. Collector took the note and looked outside for anyone. There were no signs of an attacker.

He pulled the body in and closed the door before looking at the note.


There was nothing else to the note except that the note said it was an urgent message for Master Collector Manson. Collector took a deep breath and caught a glimpse of metal in the fur on the dead messenger's neck. He hissed as he realized it was a needle shard.

"Contact the Guild and let them know their messenger was assassinated."


"Thank you. Richard, I need you to get Max. Have him call the local authorities, I don't care if it is the Alpha Council themselves. This is a blunt attack on the Guild and on us."

"Yes, sir."

With a hiss, Collector crumpled the note in his fist. "Niah!"

It did not take long for the Mouse to run in and huffing from her effort. He pushed the wad of paper into her chest and walked past her half in thought.

"What are we going to do?" She asked quietly.

"I do not know. The Wolves are always on duty, the Ferrets know they cannot leave his side, other than arming him..."

"I know."

"Any ideas?"

"If you move him, he becomes a target, if you don't..."

"He's still a target. Niah, do you know how to fight?"

"I know how to kill, if that's what you are asking."

"Good. There's a chest in my room, get a weapon that you know you can hide on yourself and keep him in you sight. I will figure something out. Your top priority, though, is to keep your child safe."

"Understood, Master."

"Keep this quiet, especially from him." Collector waved her off and watched her scurry away.

Max and Richard slid their way into the room. Max stared at the body and shivered. They remained silent for nearly a minute when Max slump to the floor and crawled up to the body to look at the messenger's face.

"Ki'un dexa, swem Bacc'a-dun. This is not just an attack on the Guild now... they have killed one of my cousins. I will hunt down my prey and I will feast on the fresh corpses I will make!"

"I know this may be a little racist of me, but can you sniff out anything?"

"Carat'ma. Damn cats..." Max sat the body down then went outside, Collector heard the pup howl loudly.

The Iguana and the Fox followed the young alpha Wolf outside and waited in silence.

"My hunters are coming. I know you are a skilled and quick hunter. Will you join the Pack in this hunt?"

"I will give what support I can, my pupil, but I do not wish to be part of an interplanetary offense."

"You won't... as my word as Alpha of the Gountlich Pack, you are an honorary Packmate."

"Very well. But I do not know if I can keep up with proper hunters."

"You don't have to. Richard, I may not be your Master, but I do have a task for you. Protect my growing family for me. My Second does not have the strength yet, and for me to leave the power to her here... I would shame myself."

"I will do so, Master Max." Richard placed his paw on the Wolf's shoulder then went inside.

"Sir, they will be here in roughly an hour. Let me help you dress down for the hunt... and hide your scent."


"You dress like a city mutt. You will not be able to move freely when needed, and I have seen you shift from prey to predator in a blink. I have spare hunter clothes in my suitcases."

"Wait, you have tribal gear? On you?"

"I had to, I knew I would be Alpha and while my previous Alpha was in charge... I would have been a hunter for the Pack. Bacc'a-dun Gountlich rejected his heritage, but not his family. I took his place as Alpha being the only male blood relative... He will be avenged and his heart placed with the Elders."

"I can tell that this has your mind running on a whole new level. I do not think I like this side of you."

"Nor do I..." Max growled as they hit the stairs and made the rest of the journey in silence.

Even after they got into the room and Collector stripped down and oiled with a pungent oil, they remained silent. When Max brought out a loincloth, Collector's jaw dropped. He was not one to complain about being in the scale but a metal woven loincloth seemed a little much for hunting. Max reminded him that nudity was not proper even amongst the Pack. He took the garment and wrapped his scaled loins in the loose fabric.

"Why so large?"

"Had to have room to grow." Max chuckled then turned an ear to the front of the mansion.

"I think the human undergarments would suit me better..."

"Now who's a pup?" Max let a yip of laughter out as his teacher tried to flick his ear. "I guess it's my turn."

As Max changed into his gear, Collector took the liberty to tighten his up and stretched. Then they went back downstairs and waited next to the body. Butch and William came in, Will grinned and looked the two over and adjusted a few things on his Master before stepping back.

"You find those who killed Bacc for me and snap their tails off. He may have left the Pack, but he knew his home. This injustice cannot go on."

"I take it you were close?"

"Nursed off the same Wet Bitch. I would join you if I could."

"I know, father. The hunters come, I will have a hard enough time making them accept Collector."

Butch took a step to the two and pressed a fist to his heart. "Richard, my slave mate... my Master, you have grown. Fight hard, be swift, be cunning. That way you come back only scarred. I do not wish to lose one I dare call brother."


The Wolf waved off his Master. "I can only give this advice, remember what your father and I taught you. It will save your life on this planet should you be separated from the Pack. May Hoka Muawawa watch your tail and make your hide dull for the Great Hunt."

Max huffed and looked away as he folded his ears back. "The Beast God only watches who she deems worthy."

"He has survived more than you can imagine, pup, do not doubt that the deities of the universe watches and protects him. He does not claim to be religious, but they favor him."

"Butch... thank you."

The Wolf nodded then dragged his companion away. "The one who killed him wore black yet had orange fur. It tried to hide the fur and tail, but we saw it. I just wish we could have intervened in time."

Max went to the door and stepped outside. Collector joined him in silence. Collector licked the air and sighed. He looked upon the surrounding flora and hoped his scales matched the leaves of the basic trees well enough to hide among them. Though the grasses would do well enough. He dreaded thinking about the water, while swimming did not do a thing to hinder him, it was the fauna in it. He shifted uneasily, the chilly wind was working on him as did the warm star above him. But if he was honest with himself, it was the fact that the killers could very well be on the property and waiting for them to leave. Collector jumped when he heard a rough growl and a deep phrase in the local language. Max replied then turned to Collector.

"I assume you heard Yun-han."

"I believe so, what was that? A greeting?"

"Of sorts. They wait for you to allow them in."

Collector turned and opened the door then stepped aside. Slowly, four adult Wolves came out of bushes. Max spoke to them and they went in. They began to sniff their fallen Packmate and one whined. Max rubbed that Wolf's shoulder then turned to his teacher.

"They have the scent, we will follow then we shall kill. Let us hunt."

"I shall follow."

Max nodded. "Yun-han, hunca sui Collector."

"Hitca, mit Allcalhun."

"Yun-han will hunt alongside you, he understands Standard but knows little words. Hins, totu allu."

A smaller, blacker furred Wolf slammed his fist across his chest and then led the Hunt.

Knows little words? Collector smiled at that, words were not needed when stalking. He may be an overgrown lizard, but he was raised by a killer Wolf and was very proud to say so. As they moved on, Collector gained their preys' scents not to mention the thrill of going into trees, he climbed and moved ahead of the Pack and scouted. He moved silently, something the Wolves could not do in the limbs. He found a small log cabin that had seen better days, but what drew his attention were the two cats that stood alert at the door. He returned to the Hunters and lowered himself to the ground. He then skirted along the dirt and lead them to their prey.

They flanked the cabin and made use of the cat's ignorance of not making a patrol. Two of the Hunters took out the cats then dragged the bodies out of sight. Max used his small form to peer into the one window of the building inside five cats were trying to light a fire for the light along with a sixth one lighting a lamp. Yun-han busted down the flimsy wood door and let a feral howl erupt before charging in letting the other Hunters enter.

Collector found the orange furred cat and went straight for that one. The feline had a dagger in paw as soon as the door hit the floor. The lizard had been trained for such a fight, thankfully, and quickly disarmed the monster. Then it came down to sharper claws, the cat swiped at his opponent, but the oiled scales kept him from achieving any holds. Collector slammed his fist into the short snout, knocking the cat off balance, then swiped his own claws at the chest slicing the thin black fabric. Blood oozed shortly after. The cat retaliated by attempting to kick, the lithe Iguana slipped under the high-flung foot and used his tail to knock the cat onto his face. Collector slammed his foot down on the cat's buttocks and grabbed the tail.

It wailed as he pulled it. The sound of flesh and sinew ripping was sickening, but the tail came free leaving the cat to grasp at the newly formed orifice. At that point, Collector kicked the cat over then pushed his foot down on the throat.

"That was for the life of the Packmate you took. This is for killing a Guild worker." Collector sliced open the pants of the cat and was glad it was male for he grabbed the testicles and dug his claws into the flesh before ripping them off. "It is tempting to keep you alive, cat, but you are useless."

Collector twisted his foot breaking the fragile bones under the skin. Life off the victim ebbed away quickly. In one clawed fist, Collector held a tail; the other held the fleshy orbs the bore the life giving essence to numerous potential killers. He was glad he brought this pain upon the creature underfoot. He looked at the fellow Hunter and found them feasting upon the flesh of their kills.

He clicked his tongue then shoved the testicles into the dead cat's mouth before going outside. He heard a Wolf growl then follow him out.

"I do not have the teeth as you do, I cannot feast alongside you." Collector did not look at the male, nor did he want to hear the complaint.

The Wolf rested a paw upon the Iguana's shoulder. "Good kill. Bring honor to Pack."

"Thank you."

The Wolf returned to his kill.

Collector looked down upon his chest and saw that the cat did manage to break one scale from his hide, but at least it was not bleeding. He huffed, he needed a bath... and sex. At least the Innodiates was joining at the estate pool today, he will be getting the latter for sure. A poke in the ribs made him jump.

"Sorry. Found the broken syringe and the poison. Local stuff, fast acting. Also we found that Bacc'a-dun was genuinely targeted to get to both of us. Who ever is behind this knows how to make us both mad." Max sighed and leaned against the wood as Collector looked over the evidence.

He recognized the writing and hissed. "We need to get back now! This was the plan... to get us both out of the way." Collector spun and kicked the wall, the resounding thud made the Hunters look up at the two.

Max started giving orders before he dropped down and running on all fours. The other Wolves sped by Collector leaving only Yun-han beside him, the two ran after the pack and followed the path the Hunters made. Collector and Yun-han caught up with the others at the estate with Max issuing orders to check the entire grounds the three went inside. Collector licked the air and did not detect any signs of fresh blood. The tail he managed to keep on him was shoved down the side of the loincloth then he told Max to check the mansion main floor while he and Yun-han checked the upper floor. The Wolf and Iguana found the Ferret and Cheetah dusting nearby Niah was also dusting another relic of Gregory Manson's life.

"Musket, find Sean and bring him to my room. Niah, take Zam'bra there now. Tell Tara to be on high alert I want her protecting you two as though you were her young. Go!"

Collector did not wait for them to respond, he was off searching for Butch. It took him several minutes before he slide to a stop and turned to his panting companion.

"Are you able to howl for a fellow Arkavi? His name is Butch, he is my security Alpha."

A nod from Yun-han gave Collector the needed relief he lusted for at the moment. The Wolf took a couple steps away from his companion then howled. What seemed like ages passed before Butch came running down the hall and knelt at the feet of the Wolf that called.

"Butch! Thank the stars. I need the entire team on high alert, that kill was only the beginning work with the Hunters. If anyone finds anything that intends to bring the family harm... try to capture alive, kill if needed."

"Yes, my Alpha."

"Butch... I want someone at my bedroom door."



Butch ran off, Collector and Yun-han made their way through the rest of the mansion searching for the unknown. Once the upper level was searched, they joined Max and helped with his search. They did not find anything, but that did not matter. The Hunters found signs of the Cats outside the mansion more so around gardener's shed where Zam'bra was birthed. Michelle and her squad was looking through that area when three came out.

"Michelle, I thought you and the others left already."

"I'm glad I didn't order it. We would have missed out on this excitement. I just wish we understood what these Hunters are saying."

"The killers of their fellow Packmate and Guild worker had been here..."

The Wolves, including Max, growled at the Lieutenant and surrounded him.

"You! You have the stench of those filthy cats on you! You had your filthy furless hide in on this."

"L-let's not get carried away here... Collector, could you call off your hounds, please."

"I do not see any 'Hounds' here... especially mine. Does he smell of blood as well?"

Max pressed his nose up close to the human. "Indeed his does. A kinsman's blood."

Collector eyed Michelle, she had reached for her weapon but hesitated.

"Can you tell who's."

Max shook his head.

"So help me... if you hurt my Second these Wolves are the least of your problem."

"It was those fucking poodles... they were supposed to kill you, the idiots got greedy."

"Kill him." Michelle said sternly.

One of the Hunters snapped the human's neck, they parted from the dropping body as though it was full of pestilence and plague.

"My own Lieutenant... damn him. Collector, my I use your holo-pad?"

"In the study. Tell them all but my little secret I shared with you."

"Very well."

"So. Let's see if this pink-skin is the end of our worries. I do hope so."

"What little belongings we carry with us, his is still in the room you provided." Michelle rubbed her muzzle then started to walk away.

"Max, take someone with you and check that out."

"On it." Max took the one called Hins with him leaving the others to check the body.


"So, my Alpha, how do you fare?" Hins asked his young Alpha once they were in the human's room.

"I am doing well, for my first Pack hunt. I am more worried about my teacher."

"How so?"

"He's not one of us, but you saw his security Alpha... that mutt was his teacher. You saw what he did to the cat. What do you think he is capable of?"

"He is an Alpha of his own accord, he protects his Pack. I see it in his eyes... he sees you as part of his own Pack."

"The scary thing is that I listened to him."

"He is an Elder, that is why. You listen to the Elders that is how you learn. Here a tome of glass."

"It's not actual glass, just so you know. Hmm, he plotted to gain power through murder."

"You need to tell your Elder."

"Not just him."


"Excuse me, I must get this to Commander Michelle while she is speaking with the High Council."

Max left Hins wondering as he rushed off to the study where he found the fully armored Naisian speaking to the air. He smiled as he approached her and tapped her armor while holding out the data pad. She turned and leaned off the pad to see who approached then took the pad from the young male.

"It... it seems that my lieutenant had been planning this coupe for years. Foolish of him to keep records. But it seems that he was not alone in this, a Hista'mor Vendesta funded him." Michelle heard a curse and a chair slide.

"Seven, explain yourself."

"He got in my way."

"Says here that you promised Thomas forty-five percent of the black-market profits." Michelle added as she flipped through the data.

"Shut your damn mouth, Prey."

"My, my, what a big mouth you have..." She distracted the Wolf as the Bear motioned for guards to apprehend him. "Too bad you risked Collector's life as well as my own. You shouldn't have told Thomas who was next in line for the High Council."

A bluff but the rest of the Council did not need to know that.


"He told us as the Gountlich Pack Hunters surrounded him before the kill." She watched Seven struggle as fellow knights grabbed his arms.

"Councilman Seven, you know that all Council issues are resolved between Slavers via mortal combat. You are hereby relieved of your duties and all living property will be removed from your name. Any immediate living relatives may petition to keep them but you will have no authority to own a license from this point on. Guards remove this blight from the Council."

Michelle waited for the Valhanian to be removed before speaking again. "Sirs, if I may pass a request..."

"Go ahead, Elite Commander." Councilman One answered, vehemence was still in his voice.

"I would like to request to become Councilman Ten's personal guard. With me soon to be married, I know I cannot move throughout the galaxy if I plan on having a family of my own."

The Council leaned together and whispered to each other before Councilman One spoke once more. "Granted. We shall allow you to tell your mate. Also tell young Master Maxwell that he will have to keep what he has heard silent."

Michelle flicked her tail before acknowledging this order. The holo-pad turned off and Michelle finally turned to Max with a smile.

"So... do I need to repeat the Council?"


"Don't tell the boss man what you heard. I want to tell him at his ceremony."

"Why did you tell the Council that?"

"I wanted to confirm it and it was in the data pad. I saw it after I said it anyway."

"Anyway, we need to tell Collector the trouble is over with."

"You need to tend to your boys. I will tell him."

"My boys? I take it you mean my Packmates."

Michelle nodded then nudged him towards the door. As they left the study, Hins found them with a small box in his arms and a grim look on his muzzle. He muttered something to Max and offered the box to Michelle. Max translated and Michelle took the box and looked within it. There sat more evidence that the human even wanted her dead. She was both disgusted and glad that the events happened as they did.

She slammed the box closed and grunted. They continued on their path back outside where they hoped to find Collector.


"I don't see anything unusual. Do you guys smell anything other than cat?" Collector directed everything to Yun-han.

The Wolf translated to his brothers. The few words he could speak in Standard came out. 'No,' was the answer.

"I wonder if Max found anything." Collector sighed as he looked back towards the mansion and watched a bloody Richard come out. "Don't worry about them, Richard, their killer is dead."

"They are not dead. Roger and I saved them. The human stabbed the wrong side. He's taking them to the clinic now."

"Good. You did well, I'm sure. I see he got you as well."

"Just my ear. Roger says it will not scar."

"What happened?"

"He knocked me out. I did not see him, they did though. They locked up and I was about to whip them."

"It's alright. I understand, just remember most Slavers would hold you accountable for this. We caught him before I caught you. So, you need to thank these Wolves from saving you from a whipping."

Richard came up to the Wolves and threw himself prostrate. He thanked each one individually and licked their feet. This brought a chuckle through the males, especially as Yun-han translated for them. Yun-han reached down and patted the Fox's head. He looked at the door as Michelle and his brothers came out.

"What'd we miss?" Max looked at the Fox and rushed ahead.

"Attempted murder on the poodles, what about you?"

"Councilman Seven was behind it." Michelle said as she caught up. "I would say it was racism, but with this being Slaver issues... yeah, you know. The Arkavi was removed from the Council and had his license revoked."

"Shit... got to go." Collector ran towards the mansion and hoped his VidComm had a reliable signal. He rushed to his room and nudged Will out of the way. He then tossed his communicator to Char'zi and huffed. "Call Councilman One. Seven was behind this."

"Hista'mor wanted me dead? I knew he hated me, but this?"

"Including me and Michelle. Call get yourself reinstated. You know the jobs."


As Char'zi limped to a corner away from everyone, Niah looked at her lover then to her proper Master. He told bluntly that if they accepted him back, he would gladly hand he title over to her to decide. She sighed then went over to the cat and hugged him from behind. The others heard him talk quietly, though they could not fully tell the tone until he hung up and turned with a smile.

"You will remain in your position, but I will be getting an easier one. I will be over the public marketing. Councilman One is pleased to know you protected me even under when you were told to ignore everything."

"Marketing? Well, that's going to require help... and a Second."

"I... gave her to you to protect her."

"And I did. I know she is the one that means the most to you. So... I don't know."

"You... would give her up?"

"Niah was never truly mine to begin with. Papers mean nothing compared to love." Collector watched Niah's ears flare and blush. "Besides, I promised her this."

"Really? But..."

"Look, I have only received her. Your others have not met me and most likely have not been told of the transfer. So, go ahead and call home to tell those you trust to meet us on Earth."

"Niah... want to meet us on Earth?"

"Absolutely not. I rather stay here." She chuckled and latched onto her cat.

"Well, that's one down. Now to call Frit'atlu."

"Oh, very well, if we must." Niah watched him dial his keeper and smiled for the camera.


"Hi there, Frits." Niah chuckled as they had woken the Carat'ma female up.

"Niah? Char'zi? By the Lat'chi, what happened?"

"It's a long story. Head to Guild House in, what, three weeks. I will be with the VIP until then. I shall reveal my tale after that."

"Oh, dear... very, well."

"Thanks, dear, we'll see you soon." Char'zi closed the connection then sighed. "Well, my fair polecats, it looks like your service towards me is done. Thank you."

Musket and Sean bowed then looked to their Master.

"Nope, you two don't get off that easily, until we head home, you get to stay near by him. We are not absolutely sure all of the attackers are gone yet."

"Yes, Master." Sean answered for both of them.

"Now, do us both a favor and help him move around."

"No offense, Master, but I do believe our charge would mind some time away from our musk." Musket said eyeing Niah. "Not to mention some time alone with the mistress there."

"I suppose you are right, but at least help them to an open room that way they can have their fun."

"If I may interject here. I heard through the grapevine that you plan to family swim with your cousins, I would not mind soaking in the waters and possibly joining the... activities you generally have."

"I guess so. Join us if you wish."

The Ferrets latched onto the cat and helped him hobble his way out and down the hall. Collector smiled and looked to his ladies and told them to make their way to the pool and tell the cousins to join them. They left leaving Collector alone, he sighed and stripped down before grabbing his robe. Society be damned, if they wanted him to dress to swim. He looked down his front and sighed, he still had not washed up since his Hunt. So, he went to rinse off the blood and oils.

At the pool, the Innodiates and Draskins, plus the single Carat'ma and Yoasun, had started to strip down when Collector arrived. Max and his Second invaded alongside his teacher with a smile and a wagging tail each. Even though Max huffed at the bare scales and fur, he still joined them in the bare and quickly dove into the water. The adults chuckled then slowly filled the pool themselves. A few couples, said dry and mixed drinks and chatted. It wasn't until Collector called for the real fun to begin.

That's when everyone got out of the water and started to draw together and rub against one another. Max whined as he watched as an orgy formed in front of his eyes and the scent of sex surrounded him. His second pushed him down and took control with a smile. A yelp later and the Alpha was being dominated by his Second-in-command slave. The elder Masters watched the act with glee then fell into the lust and joined the party properly. Char'zi was welcomed out of hiding with several of the females coming to service him.

One, a particularly busty Anole, just loved to lick him, she drew in his miniscule phallus and used her long tongue to milk him as she used her skinny digits to toy with his prostate. The cat let out a roar and dug his claws into her head as she milked a much needed release from him. Dianos basked as those who wanted a look or even a touch of him do as they pleased until he heard the cat howl. He grinned and rose despite the disappointed hisses and approached the Cheetah.

"So, have you ever taken a male?"

"Taken or be taken?" Char'zi huffed out.


"Yes, but not one as... big as you."

"Care to try?"

"Not at this time, still healing."

"Very well. You know where I shall be when you change your mind, Purry."

The one who had Dianos covered quickly filled in the gaps as the stud laid back down and rolled onto his back to let the Innodiate spear themselves on his arousal.

Collector had almost been too involved with the female between his legs to notice that his apprentice had been eyeing one of his older slaves and not do anything. He chuckled and called out to the young Alpha. He obediently came to his teacher.


"Instead of staring, go ask him, it's the whole reason we are out here."


"Go, have fun. Your girl is already having her fun."

"Huh? Well... alright."

Collector huffed approvingly as the young male walked over to middle-aged female and sheepishly asked her for a moment of intimacy.

As dusk came in gently, the cool air forced the Cold-bloods to huddle up until their Master granted their leave. In fact, he granted everyone their leave and began to dress himself. Collector helped the Cheetah dress then asked him if he would join him in the study for some brandy he found the other day. Char'zi sighed then accepted the offer. Collector made sure Niah kept Richard busy with lessons as the two Masters sat and drank.

"So, mister P.R., how do you plan on expanding your business?" Char'zi said once he got to sit down in the closed room filled with books and a few digital archive tablets strewn across tables.

"Well, I hope to purchase land here and build another farm, but this one will only house a few slaves. I plan on creating jobs for these folks even if it is hard labor."

"A few will like that, but do know that others with disapprove."

"Yep, I figured that. What about you and Niah? Are you planning to get your chip put back in?"

"Once it is dead, there is no reviving it. It will have to be replaced."


"I am assuming there was no need for a backup."

"I am a fool for hard copies. Installation One has all you will need for breeding."

"I take it I'm still doing that then. I was hoping I was going to be out of that."

"Why? The public enjoys the program, they see that the Council cares and does their best to ensure the utmost health in the slaves that are bred and the young that come from the program."

"I suppose, but I would rather let nature do her thing."

"It can... just under supervision. Much like animal husbandry."

"I see. Then I best get in practice... maybe I can even change the way artificial insemination is done."

"Each lead has their own way for that. Most small time breeders do not change their ways."

"I have not been to a breeding facility since my retirement. Care to... show me the new ways, considering I have never been on this side of the hand."

"I could," Char'zi smiled as he emptied his glass. "But my glass seems to be empty."

"It won't be soon enough." Collector chuckled as he got up and went to the door. He did not get to call for his Second as he found one of his Wolves standing across the hall standing guard at the door. "Ah, will you please send Mitch and his female in."

The Wolf bowed then moved off quickly, Collector then went to refill his mentor's glass. The two sat quietly, sipping the spirit. Five minutes passed before a knock on the door sounded. Collector told them to enter, he noticed the guard was back at his post as the two Otters entered. Char'zi instructed them to remove their loincloths. Both slaves looked to their Master whom just waved them on.

Char'zi instructed the female to drop to all four and flag her tail, after that he prodded her anus and vulva extended them out and looked at the flesh near the surface. He hummed with delight as he looked the female over. He praised her Master for such exquisite health care and hygienic practices with his slaves. After her examination, Mitch was examined in a similar fashion including having his sheath stretched much farther than he was used to. He clicked his tongue at the male and told him he needed to start cleaning himself better.

Otherwise, the Otter had a good exam and was ready to go through the steps of 'Proper Breeding.' Char'zi pushed the mustelid toward the female, Mitch sighed and grabbed her hips. The Councilman pulled the male's tail and told him 'Not yet,' he then went to his cup and dipped his handkerchief into the bourbon. He then went back to the slaves and rubbed the male's sheathe and made him yelp as he wiped the contents of the fleshy sock as well. Once the bourbon dried, he directed the male to insert himself into the female.

As Mitch did so, the cat intercepted the full coupling and began to rub the clitoris while stimulating the shaft. The bitch moaned and leaned back into the stimulation. Char'zi did not stop until Mitch moaned and began to thrust. He pulled away and allowed the slaves to go at it with get vigor to keep the pleasure the interloper had brought them. During the mating, Char'zi pushed Mitch's head and forced him to lean over his mate. Her claws scraped against floor as she tried her best to hold against the force of Mitch's thrusting. The female moaned Mitch's name as he brought her to climax, he joined her right after and bit the scruff of her neck just to keep from hollering.

"That, my dear lad, is how a Breeding Master breeds slaves."

"You actually masturbated them both to enhance the coupling? Does that increase the ejaculate amount or does it help induce ovulation?"

"Bit of both, every species has their quirks. Do note that they have not parted yet. They are still riding the telltale afterglow which helps ensure insemination. Now they may be a bit useless for an hour or two as they will likely take a nap."

"Mitch doesn't do much any way. So from this point, could you tell if this is a high chance of a successful breeding?"

"A proper testing will be needed, but her temperature suggest that she is already is pregnant or at most at peak ovulation."

"Excellent, that may mean Mitch may finally get that boy toy he has been asking for."

"Really? The way he went at the female suggests otherwise."

"Good. I have been planning on him turning to a bisexual at the very least."

"What!?" Mitch gasped and pulled ungracefully from his female. "You wanted that!"

"Watch your tone, Mitchell, and yes... I had that in mind the entire time. I wanted you to experience fatherhood. Besides, you cannot back out of your punishment. Like it or not, it is permanent. Now, what did you think about the treatment from a professional breeder?"

Mitch growled still aggravated from his Master's ploy. "I liked it overly well, it brought a pleasure I had not felt all my life."

"Excellent. Remember this as you continue to breed her until she show signs of a proper pregnancy."

"Yes... Master." Mitch slouched then looked away. "Are we dismissed?"

"For now, send in Richard and Uki in."

"Yes, sir." Mitch bowed then ran off.

Collector could not help but laugh as his Otters scurried out of the room. The cat wondered what kind of mischief his colleague was up to, but then again he did not rightly care as he only had the mother of his young under his name at the moment and he did miss the entertaining moments that slaves could give him. As the two Mitalin came in with a smile and ready to serve their Master, Char'zi licked the back of his furred hand and smoothed his poorly groomed (and scarred) chest with it.

"Have a seat." He waited for them to do so. "As you know, Char'zi- or Zam'bra- is a master at Breeding. He's already shared a little bit of knowledge with Mitch and his girl, so here's the deal, I want you to decide if you wish to have his touch or watch. Talk it over and let us know."

The two chatted quietly as Collector refilled the two glasses before filling two more. Char'zi eyed this and drew a questioning look. The Iguana just winked and remained silent.

"We wish to watch and learn ourselves so that we may assist you better."

"Very well. Come sit with us and have a drink. Richard, name a pair that you would think would be the best to learn from."

"I personally wish to learn from Vector and Tish."

"Very well. Send our guardian after them."

Richard went to the door and told the Wolf the request then went back to his mate and quietly sipped his bourbon with a smile.

"I must ask, my dear Fox, why those two?" Collector gently spun the spirit in his glass.

"Just general curiosity and... he owes me after he tricked us into doing something that caused the Elders to laugh."

"Oh? Let me guess... he had you ask Butch the origin of his name?"

"No, I instinctively knew better. He got us to pin down Mac and brush him."

"Ouch... I'm sorry, I am not even going to ask the result of that. I know what that bird is capable of."

"Mac? Is that the hatchling of your show rival?" Char'zi asked.

"Yep. Takes after his mother. Too bad he did not have any siblings in his clutch, the others were bad eggs."

"How many?"

"It doesn't matter and it is wise not to ask him about it."

"No kidding." Richard chuckled and took a sip.

"Is it that hard to find.... Right, I forgot whom I am speaking of." Collector huffed.