
Story by Star_Rathion on SoFurry

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Improbable story's

Chapter 1

How did it come to this...

Hello I'm star I'm a wolfmorth and you may be wondering how it may have come to this well I'll tell you. It all started yesterday... or was it Sunday or Monday. It doesn't matter now all I know is I'm going to die. Ooh wait was I telling you how I got here or since you can't see what's happening tell you what's happing. It all started let's say a while ago. Here I am at Catiea home to the kittymoths. Walking around I look so out of place though I am a wolfmorth huh Luckily its night. I have blue hair and eyes 7.2 feet and bulky compared to the rest of my species I'm wearing my black leather coat.

The rain is pelting down and the pub I'm meant to go to is across the road I'm hoping no one will notice me going in. It's warm in here compared to outside roasting even. I take a quick look around for my target but all I see is dead eyes. This place is a shithole, broken tables and stools scattered around. The smell of newly brood booze is in the air and the people. None of them are my target just dreamers and broken hearts here. Although I could ask around my contact did say he was a regular. I start with the gamblers see if he likes to play but no such luck. I walk away with no information and less credits. Next the whores. They've seen him around but never buys. I can understand why you can tell how unhealthy they are practically skin and bones. Plus they are probably on some type of narcotics. I'm off track maybe the barmaid... wait she's looking at me funny. Ok look at the floor pretend not to notice her. Just walk up to her ask her for some information. If she doesn't know anything leave right? Right! I finally get to the bar I take a seat on one of the stools. I look down the table no one else seems to be up here only me and the barmaid. She's a kittymorth with weird short neon pink hair and pink eyes, flat chest, and a skinny frame she looks to be 5.4 feet but the most off putting thing about her is the way she is looking at me. The same way a predator looks at its next meal. She seems to be in her own world right now daydreaming. I catch her attention by looking straight at her. This seems to disturb her daydream. Casually she tries to regain her cool but ends up awkwardly walking towards me. She puts her hands on the table pushing out her chest. Unfortunately there is nothing to show off. Then in a soft and trying to be sensual but failing voice she says "what can I g-get you" I chuckle at her in a friendly way in which I reply "a gin'an'tonic please if youd be so kind" she giggles and walks over to the shelf to get the drinks. When she returns I've taken down my hood show the rest of my face she stumbles and says "wow look at your face" she takes a minute to register what she has just said, she squints, then tries to fumble out a words that would make her seem less creepy it does not help. "I mean you're hot... no I like wolfs... err hi I'm Kai Dara" she extends her arm to me to shake my hand which I accept "star" she has a puzzled look on her face "star what?" I shift "no just star" she mealy shrugs it off not paying any attention to my weird name.

As I'm about to spark up the conversation she has already started "so since you don't look like a mage on his way to the college or the traveling merchants what are you here for. She gives a look around the bar at some of the looks we're getting. She leans across the bar in a whispered voice "you know... this an't the safest place to be... cause you know someone of your race isn't welcome in most parts of town. BUT your safe here don't... worry" ok she gone from helpful to creepy again but I need a lead on my mark "have you herd of someone called donverons" she has a clueless face so I show her the picture of him which ignites some form of information inside of her head "oh you mean him" him? I quickly turn my head to see him at the end of the bar table. Oh my god how didn't I notice that seriously! I turn back to kai who is on the verge of crying "hey what's wrong" I lift her chin up. She looks at me with watery eyes "he's a meenie" a what? Is this girl 5 "him and his friends come in here and crash the place. Once he even hit me because I wouldn't give him and his friends free drinks" she rubs her cheek. Well this job might be easier than I thought I lean across the table "what if I told you I could make him disappear " I give her a coy smile she gasps "you don't mean..." she looks at the end of the bar to make sure he can't hear her " kill him do you?" I nob to her. She has a distressed look on her face after all it's not a simple question to ask someone, that someone that has the same IQ as a 4 year old. After much deliberation and questions she says yes. I nod and get up off my stool as I slowly pace myself up to him I look back at the cat girl who I can see is shaking. I give a quick laugh to this and sit next to Donverons a human man late 40s, a muscular build, no hair just a grey beard. I turn to him to see if I can get any sensitive info on him and his "friends" I'm not sure what to talk about to an angry biker about, but I'm goanna try "hey frie..." he doesn't look at me instead he cuts me off "look you furry fuck I don't care if you're a dog, cat, squirrel or a goddam badger your all the same to me, so crawl on all fours back to what cave you came from". Then he looks at me with a toothy grin smeared across his smug face. He expects me to be in shock or angry...... no I'm smiling and his face changes completely. It was an innocent smile at first but then I started to laugh and it became a demented smile. The kind you see the devil having before he collects your soul. I see he's reaching for his revolver, but before he can even do that I have already slammed his face into the table. I turn on my voice modulator on which makes me sound demonic. Behind me I can hear the commotion, the gamblers picking up they're money. The prostitutes walking outside in a hurry, but kai is still here her hands pressed tightly against her mouth. I let him hear my demonic chuckle he tries to get up, but I have my hand firmly on his head shushing his face onto the wood. He squirms under me and moves his face to see me. My blue eyes have turned a dark shade of red. His eyes widen fear grips him "ahhhh WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU Y-YOU FREAK" this is my favourite part. The part I like to call, hells speech "me, well I'm your sins, every person killed every building burnt every woman you've raped all "form me" and I'm here to drag you to HELLS GATE" he has started screaming music to my ears. Next stage he tries to bargain and pray "I swear I'll never do that stuff again promise!" I lower my head down to look into his eyes paralysed by fear, I ask him "do you want to repent?" he grinds his head against the table and nods I grin at this "well today is your lucky fucken day if you tell me where your gangs hideout is and you can go free. Deal?" he nods write down all the information I need to know, and after that I let him go... *crack* and he's free. I look around to see if anyone's here but no they are all gone even the barmaid is gone.

As I turn to leave I see someone on the floor it looks like they're worshiping me. Oh it is the barmaid. What is she doing? I lean down to tap her on the back she springs up and has the happiest look on her face "oh my god ah I mean devil your so cool please take me with you please,please,please" she latches onto my leg and wont let go. Is she really that stupid? Ok time to set her strait "ok how old are you?" she snaps back "17" hmm quite young "well what would your father say about you running off with a complete Stanger hmm?" she looks at me tears in her eyes "h-h-he's dead" oh dam ok that didn't work err "what about your job?" she wipes away the tears "I hate it here! Everyone here is mean I don't even get paid minim wage and the boss keeps hitting on he!" ok well perfectly clear that I'm not getting rid of her "haaaaauuu fine well I'm going to Atlantis but I'm paying for your travel cost" like lightning she springs to her feet in glee and starts to jump till she stops "don't worry I've got money saved," maybe she hasn't thought this through completely "you know you need to pay for food, lodging, sub and halves on the gas ok" with cute kitten eyes light up "I can sell my things don't worry I'll be able to go" aaahhhh fine well if she is really wanting to go that bad so be it. As I leave kai she begins to empty the cash register. Well she did say that she didn't have all money she needed to run off but I guess it's better than steeling from me. I drink my gin'an'tonic and just as I'm about to walk out I hear a growl a high one at that. I turn around to see a fat cat. No literally it's a fatass cat on a mobility scooter looking at kai. He speaks in a low southern accent "girl what I tell you about steelin from me ya hear bitch" wow he's stupid. He hasn't even noticed the dead body and me the big fucken wolf with a blood splatter across him but I guess if I saw one of my employees taking my money "girl I told ya if ya stole ma money again id have to give ya another scar ta remind ya" he slowly rolls toward kai. Now that I notice it Kia is missing a slit of fur down her left cheek and that cat has a switch blade in his hand. Ok I know where this is going Time to intervene. As he raises his hand to cut her, kai is up against the wall and passes me a terrified look. Before he can cut her I have closed the gap in between me and the cats. The fat cat doesn't even look at me he just says "ok buddy I'ma gonna give you 3 seconds to let go... 1... 2..............3" he looks slowly up my arm to meet my eyes. He can see that I'm not happy and his tone changed quite quickly "umm... hello sir how c-c-can I help you" I tighten my grip on his wrist "good evening sir can you tell me something you're from down south are you not" he gulps "why y-yes sir" heh "then I assume your parents taught you proper edict on how to treat young woman hmm?" he looks at kai who has cheered up and has stuck her tongue out at him. He growls again "so what did I JUST TELL YOU!" he bumbles and lets go of his knife "th-that w-w-we should respect our woman" ok he clearly doesn't get it "NO!!! Not OUR woman they own themselves you don't own anyone ok?" he nods, kai has returned to looting the cash register "me and my new traveling companion are gonna walk out of this place scot free ok?" he nods franticly

1 hour later...

As we are about to walk away I can see that the fat cat is drinking down a bottle of whisky. I take this quiet moment to reflect on what just happened. Ok I've got a new pet that follows me around I've killed a man and yeah... good day "hay star... umm my lord where are we going exactly" I stop.

Wait, did she just call me... my lord? "ok hold on why did you call me that" she blushes "sorry master I didn't mean to call you star" umm ok she doesn't get how this works "ok kai I'm not your master but I'm not your friend got it... call me star" "oook but can I ask you something?" god she's already getting on my nerves "No" she runs and jumps in front of me before I can leave "god fine what is it?" she takes a step back before asking "I get the whole mercenary get up. You know the whole clocked face scary demeanour and the fake name but since we are traveling together I was wondering what is your real name?" "star" she steps forward putting her arms on mine pleading "oh come on please. Pretty please. Please with suger..." kai backs away seeing the anger on my face "ok... just... star" barely hiding my anger kai sadly nods and with that we leave this god forsaken bar. It's still raining outside so I give kai my jacket "what's this for, I thought I wasn't your friend" she huffs "you're not it's just..." I stop to try to think of a good excuse to give this cat my jacket. "ermmm because it's... proper edict" I say with a smile to cheer her up then we're off kai tries to hold my hand but I jerk away we walk silently down the dark roads and allies of Catiea. First we stop by kai's place to sell or bring her stuff with us. Then to the pawn, to sell some of her things that we got from her house. Then to my favourite place of all the gun shop. Kai walks me to where it is. It's called 'kitty kitty bang bang' as we walk into the shop through the double doors we are staring at a pure meatal wall with a medium sized slot in the middle. Not sure what to do I step up to the wall and tap on the slot. Then I hear a quick *shlink* the slot opens to 8 small orange eyes look at me up and down. Then a low deep static voice comes from a speaker on the wall to my right " shut the door" ok well ok " now how can I help you" despite the wall looking like it was made of tin a quick. The wall shimmered and a large arrangement of guns, knives, and explosives. I even had to look at my own shitty revolver then at some of the guns. Kai has picked up a shotgun that is nearly as big as her "kai really that gun is way too big for you not to mention what's the price tag on that thing. Kai shyly looks up at me "400000 credits" she's hiding it "sorry what?" "erm 400 credits" kai is avoiding my gaze trying not to look at me "if we're going to travel together you can't lie to me ok" she nods "it costs 400000 credits" oh well thatsokhold the phone 400000 "that's ridicules put it back. Find something more affordable" she sighs looking around more. A minute passes until she come up to me with a simple knife belt and 2 short blades. She holds them up to me "please star they are only 500 creads" huh that's cheap well I guess but why is it so cheap. I walk up to the slot on the wall and ask the arms dealer "hay why is the knifes so cheap huh?" all his eyes shift to look at me the speaker lights up " well since knives aren't as commonly used now no one seems to want to buy them" kai pushes me out the way "I'll take them" she puts her hand on the table then he withdraws the creads from the data chip in her hand. " and you sir" his eyes look at me. I look around and see the most awesomest thing ever I pass all the big fancy guns and see a bunch of straps and 4 holsters. Next to that is 2 desert eagles and a variety of bullets Blue, red and purple. Kai snaps me back from my daydream "those bullets are bright and those guns are pretty" she looks at me eyeing up the guns she gives me a coy smile "wellllllll how much is it" I pick up the harness and look at the price tag 25000 "oh well guess you can't buy it" I frown and take out my revolver.

Kai looks scared as I go over to the slot "how much for this" the 8 eyes scan the gun over " is that a 2056 revolver hmmmmm... ill trade ya that set over there for your gun. I saw you eyein it up" I consider this for a second but I'm in a rush so "deal" I hand him my old gear and take the new stuff and strap it on.

Later we walk out of the shop then to the city limits. As we walk in silence it is quickly interrupted when a blur passes by me and nails kai to the wall. It's a cat in a red and blue outfit dressed like some kinda super hero "why hello there little girl what are you doing with the big bad wolf hmmm you should come with me to a safe place" what the fuck is this creep doing "hay guy do you mind letting my companion go" he looks at me with a degrading face "look friend how about you leave us alone ok" he pulls out a rusty old pistol with a knife underneath it. Oh this guy doesn't know what he's just got into. I pull out one of my guns and whistle at him he sees the gun in my hand "h-hay stop or I'll kill her" he pulls kai in front of him. He's playing dirty. Kai quickly pulls out one of her knifes and jabs him in the leg. He cries out in pain dropping his gun and kai slips out of his grip. He weekly tries to grab her again but fails. Bleeding from his leg and then looks at me for pity but there is none to be found "now look I know some guys that would be very upset if I di *bang*" he has his mouth open wide almost as big as the hole in his chest *bang* then another to his head he falls back. Blood starts to pore into the alley. Kai looks horrified by what just happened. She falls back against the wall trying her best not to cry "was *sniff* was he going to do what I think he was going to do" "I should have told you. You think the city is bad... the wasts... nightmares are not compared" she bursts into tears not stopping just sobbing to herself. Oh god I've just made it worse what am I gonna do. I go down and hug her... it's all I can think of. I don't expect her to hug back but she does. I put my hands on her shoulders and push her back to look into her eyes. From the cold air to the bleeding body this is not the best place to set her strait but it will do "hay look at me this line of work is hard and this kinda thing happens a lot and if you're not up to it, I'll buy your stuff back ok?" kai looks at me with emotionless eyes "you're weird" ok not the words I was hoping but what does she mean? "What do you mean weird?" kai looks around "well... at first you were scary then mean then cool now kind and all in the same day. If you were really as mean as you pretend to be you wouldn't have let me come so... why?" haaa I have to tell her "because I can't stand to be alone ok I get..." "get what?" I look away from her taking my hands away from her. Not wanting to see her reaction "I get scared" I expected for her to laugh but no she hugs me again. After getting up looting the dead cat and arriving at the main gate to the city kai asks "what car is yours?" "Car huh I don't do car" kai gives me a puzzled look I point to the motorbike under a tree. As we walk along the cities outer wall and reach my bike. Kai taps me on my back "star" "yes" she looks up at me "will I ever come back here?" this is the question. Will I come home again the one I can't answer "it's up to you kai" she gives me a shy smile and gets on my bike putting her arms around me to hold on as we drive into...


End of chapter one