Toons From Space!, Amanda

Story by Von Krieger on SoFurry

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#2 of Toons from Space!

Toons from Space!


By Von Krieger

Molly crept into the bedroom on all fours, her lanky, feline form easily adapting to the altered gait. It was so easy to move like an animal, and it made her feel even more predatory. She was a sneaky sexual predator with a particular prey in mind.

Her experience in the woods had lasted for hours, her brother and his girlfriend having long since headed to bed. They'd left a few slices of pizza on the counter, which tasted like sawdust until Molly had held them long enough to make them real, then they had become absolutely delicious, and fun. She'd heated them up in the microwave, and played with all the melty cheese for awhile. She didn't know why, but it was something instinctual, and it had been fun. Even though she'd somehow managed to tie herself up with the cheese from one slice and had to eat her way free.

The lioness had let a bit of air out of herself, as she kept hitting her head against the tops of doorframes, light fixtures, and in one case the ceiling. She'd staggered around, seeing stars circle her head before she shook them away.

She missed being big, but once the entire house was made real; it would be easily molded in order to fit her at whatever scale she wished to be. The low ache in her loins had developed into an almost growling sexual hunger.

Molly closed the door behind her with her tail, creeping slowly towards Amanda's bed. Molly had to stifle a giggle as she slithered across the floor like a snake, another one of those weird, instinctual things that made her feel good.

She slipped up into the covers at the base of the bed, the scent of the sleeping woman strong, but still dull to her keen feline nose. She would soon change that. Amanda slept in nothing more than a pair of panties and one of Jeremy's t-shirts. With two quick motions with one of her retractable claws (that oddly didn't damage her gloves at all), the woman's nethers were no longer guarded.

Molly paused for a moment, thinking. Amanda was more like a girl in her mind than a woman, she was immature, snobbish, prone to fits of temper, and compared to Molly somewhat underdeveloped. The lioness's physical development was that of a young woman a few years older than Amanda. The thought brought a fanged grin to her face, as she rather liked the turn of events.

Her sex had begun to leak, small droplets dripping onto the bedsheets, beginning to spread rapidly, giving the sheets the proper color and texture. All the excesses were stripped away until nothing was left but the essence of what they were supposed to be. Amanda made a soft noise in her sleep, detecting the altered texture of her bedclothes.

Molly purred softly as she ran her hands over the girl's smooth legs, Amanda being fastidious about having a complete lack of hair everywhere save for her head. She recalled the smooth feeling of her skin before she was given fur, and wondered if she should make Amanda's skin perfectly smooth forever more, or go the other way and grant her fur like Molly herself sported.

The girl let out a soft gasp, Molly's touch inspiring her to spread her legs. Even in slumber she behaved in the manner of a slattern whore. It didn't bother Molly as much as it once had. Amanda was a slut, and once Molly had stripped away the disguise and revealed the real woman underneath, everyone would know that.

The lioness licked her lips, lowering her head slowly towards the human's sex. Amanda was so full of potential; it left Molly conflicted as to what to do. Should she coax out the inner reptile in Amanda? Making her cold, sleek, sinuous, and sexy, or perhaps something of the mammalian sort in nature? Hot-blooded, covered in soft fur, and prone to periods of intense, needful, lustful heat.

Yes, that seemed more akin to her nature. But how to advertise her slick and smooth nature? Amanda seemed a sort of con artist, trying to worm her way into Jeremy's life in order to pad her own nest. Or actually perhaps, to provide her with such a nest from which she could go out and continue her slattern ways.

As Molly began to lick a wicked thought appeared in her mind; the perfect way to advertise Amanda as exactly what she was. The lioness ran her rough tongue over the human's netherlips, feeling them already growing slick with moisture. She wrapped her paws around the girl's rump, pulling her closer to Molly's mouth; Amanda began to moan in her sleep, her dreams taking on an erotic tone.

The lioness's tail twitched as she drove her tongue deeper, lapping at the human's inner walls. Amanda was growing more awake and conscious with each passing second. But it was too late for her to do anything, the altered color that denoted Molly's new reality had begun to creep across her body. Her tanned skin became a uniform mocha in color; its well cared for smoothness becoming an inherent quality.

Molly could see this with her feline eyes, ideally adapted for sight in dark places. She ran her paws over Amanda's brown belly, coaxing the changes onward. She wanted Amanda to be made completely a part of her world before she awoke. The lioness licked forcefully at Amanda's cunny, feeling the girl's hands moving beneath the covers, settling upon her head. Amanda half consciously was coaxing her on, wanting more and wanting it more intensely.

The cartoon lioness was only happy to deliver, shifting her focus from Amanda's sex to the sensitive nub of her clitoris. The act made the girl cry out with pleasure, her fingers gripping Molly's mane, pulling the lioness even closer against her. Molly could feel Amanda's body opening itself for opportunity; the opportunity to be shaped into whatever Molly desired.

"Slut," Molly whispered, "You're a slut, you're going to be a slut, a whore, a harlot, a lustful, brazen beast of a woman that lives for sex. Men, women, or anything in between you'll crave them, long for them, need them."

And with that she planted a kiss upon Amanda's netherlips and exhaled a deep breath from her lungs. Much as Molly had earlier, Amanda's form began to inflate with the lioness's breath. This act pulled her fully into the realm of the awake and she tore the covers off the bed, exposing the cartoon lioness that was lapping at her sex.

She opened her mouth to protest but all that came out pleasured moans. She looked upon Molly with confusion, passion, and more than a little fear. She could feel herself expanding, inflated into a new shape by the exhalations of the lioness. Amanda couldn't help but cry out with pleasure, bucking her hips against Molly's muzzle.

The first change was her skin, the mocha tone darkening even further to a rich, deep chocolate in some places, in others it remained the same coffee cream shade, especially on her belly and breasts. Her nipples grew, and thickening and elongating as they grew erect; the cool night air upon them making her gasp with delight.

She tried to pull Molly from her groin but the lioness was too strong and insistent. Molly merely extended her claws, lightly pricking Amanda skin. From the pinpoints spots of near-black formed, matching spots spreading down the upside of her legs and appearing on her rump.

Another exhalation from Molly made Amanda arch her back in bliss and pull her hands from the feline's head, instead gripping the bed covers. Molly pulled Amanda up as she exhaled to allow for the former human's tail to emerge. It was a very long breath, Molly going so far as to reduce her size and shape in order to assure the perfect form. It was long, it was thick, and it was soft and squishy; more like a pool toy filled with foam than an actual appendage. Soon though Amanda would have feeling inside it as well as control.

The transforming human fell back onto her squishy new appendage and it made her gasp as she felt it. Molly pulled back for a moment, taking in deep breaths to put her back at her proper size for she continued to inflate Amanda. The sexualization came next, the girl's lips, bust, hips, and rear puffed out further even then Molly had given herself. The lioness wanted her new toy to advertise her gender and sexuality. She wanted to make sure people would see Amanda as a whore and a harlot from a mile away.

Amanda threw back her head and howled with bliss, Molly's desired changes now taking root in her mind as well as in her body. Her body also continued to alter to suit her new role and identity. Her nails darkened and lengthened, reshaping into short, blunt, black claws, her ears growing larger and moving higher up upon her head as they took on a smoother, more rounded shape.

Her skin as a whole seemed to grow even smoother to the point where it began to reflect the moonlight that shown into the room. She panted and wrapped her legs around Molly's neck, grinding her sex against the feline's snout. She was still confused, not understanding exactly what was happening to her, but it felt so good and anything but felt as this did in her increasingly sexual mind meant that it was something she should be doing.

"More, I want more!" Amanda cried.

Molly was only too happy to oblige, sending another breath into the new toon-animal. This one made Amanda moan and growl with sheer animal delight. Her legs let out a series of soft little pops as they reshaped themselves into a more bestial form. Her feet puffed up to become thick, heavy cartoon paws with even larger claws.

Her face puffed outward as well, extending into a short muzzle. Amanda looked down at her lover, her gaze half lidded with lust as her transformation completed. She let out a soft, satisfied moan as the final touches were added to her form. Her artificially bleached blonde hair became her natural color with mocha streaks running through it to match the brown and tan pattern upon the toon skunk's body.

"Don't you just love this, Amanda?" Molly asked, "Isn't this just the most beautiful you that you could ever imagine?"

The new skunkette licked her lips and looked over her lovely latex form, "No, we can do little bit better." She said with a grin. "And by better I mean bigger."

"Oh yes, we can do bigger," Molly said with an answering grin, "Much, much bigger. But only if you promise me something."

"Anything!" Amanda cried, "Whatever it is you want, I'll agree to it eagerly, just make me bigger and more beautiful."

Molly laughed, "Then you'll be mine, won't you? Be my sweet, slutty, little whore of a skunk?"

The lioness ran her tongue over the near-black nub, making Amanda just about scream with pleasure.

"I'm yours," Amanda cried, "Your sweet little slut of a skunk, ever and always, please make me huge!"

Molly was only happy to oblige.


The lioness lay on the floor, panting, her body completely and utterly deflated, having put a great deal of effort into giving Amanda the huge curves she desired. Though it wasn't quite the effort that had made the lioness weary but the complaining.

"Mmm," Amanda hummed, a bit of a whining lilt in her voice, "It doesn't feel right." She said, giving her half-again-the-size-of-beachballs boobs a squeeze. Molly had been gasping and trying to regain her breath, but the comment had just deflated her emotionally as well as physically. Even as her sextoy Amanda could still be annoying.

"Oops!" the skunkette said, kneeling beside her mistress, "Let's see here..." she reached into the pockets of the lioness' labcoat, removing a string of handkerchiefs, a dust bunny (which scampered off under the nearby bed), a wallet out of which several moths flew, a steamer trunk (which she'd thrown across the room, which had opened upon contact with the wall and revealed a load of skimpy clothes), a bowling ball, a stethoscope, a brass urn emblazoned with the word "HOFFA," and then finally the bicycle pump that the skunk had been searching for.

With a giggle she stuck the nozzle into her mistress' mouth and gave a few rapid pumps, getting Molly back up to her fighting form.

"Sorry, mistress." The brown and cream skunk said, a bit of red creeping across her features, "I know you've done so much for me, and this feels SOOO good..." a long, licentious tongue slithered from her muzzle and giving a huge lick over one of her massive breasts, the sound of an inflated balloon being rubbed came to mind. "These feel so good, and they're SOOO sensitive," Amanda moaned, her clawtips tweaking her chocolate toned nipples, "But it's only part of the way. They don't FEEL big when you grope them." She said, grabbing Molly's gloves handpaws and forcibly pressing them against her chest. The skunkette moaned happily and pressed hard against Molly's hands, nearly bucking her hips at the erotic sensation.

It made the lioness grin; she loved the way Amanda was showing her true colors. The skunkette openly sought sexual pleasure and found no shame in getting off any way she could. Molly pinched her pet's nipples, Amanda letting her pleasure be known as the additional air rushed out of her.

Her knees went wobbly and she collapsed into Molly's arms. She grinned and wrapped an arm around her mistress' neck, pulling her into a kiss.

"Oh mistress, I think I just had an air-gasm." She said with a lustful giggle.

Molly purred and helped her pet back to her feet. The lioness sat on the bed, trying to figure out how to get Amanda the bountiful beautiful balloon-y breasts she desired, but without the balloon aspect. Couldn't fill her with air. So then maybe...

The lioness grunted and swatted Amanda's thick tail out of the way as the skunk bent down to pick up some of the clothing debris that caught her fancy. Amanda giggled and rubbed her rump against the lioness' knees, earning her a playful growl and a swat.

The skunkette donned a pair of opera length leather gloves with red laces, slipping on a similarly colored choker, a sports-bra type top of the same coloration going on last. Once more Molly found her train of thought derailing, with accompanying sounds, as Amanda squeezed her ample bosom into the garment, with the use of a shoehorn and a crowbar. A black leather microskirt completed the outfit.

The clothes did nothing to hide Amanda's features, the outline of her constantly erect nipples could easily be seen through the top, and the slightest movement would expose Amanda's crotch. And if she bent over? All bets were off, her tail kept the skirt chronically lifted, and due to her whorishness Amanda's tail was also chronically lifted.

There were a few bits of makeup in the trunk as well, which Amanda put to work, adding lipstick, eyeshadow, and mascara. Molly found herself just about drooling at the sight of the sexy skunkette as she found a pair of hooker heels designed to fit her large, toonish paws.

She sighed happily as the last bit of her 'uniform' was slipped into place. "Oh that feels so much better..." she purred, admiring herself in the mirror, cupping her full breasts and giving her skirt-clad rump (the top half at least) a slap.

"Fuck, I bet if I walk down the street I'll be making all the boys jack off right there." She said, a delighted gleam in her eye showing that she would love to do just that.

Molly began to giggle, but then paused, "Jacking! That's it!" she said with a grin, leaping from the bed and dancing with Amanda for a few moments before taking her pet by the hand and running from the room, the toon skunk flapping in the breeze behind her.

"The same hand motion you make for a jack, you make for an old fashioned water pump. And we have an old water pump in the stables! I bet I have a fire hose in one of my labcoat pockets somewhere." Molly said with a giggle, "And then we can get those tits of yours as big as you want!"

Amanda cried out in pleasure at the thought, "Oh that is going to feel so wonderful, that cold metal nozzle in my pussy, and then all that nice, cool water. Flowing up my hot, horny cunt, into my womb, and then with a little squish, making it go just where I want it."

Molly stopped, her high speed dashing having taken them just outside the empty stables. She turned to glare at her skunk-toy, "I wasn't planning on stuffing it in your pussy, Amanda."

The skunkette looked like someone had eaten her puppy, but Molly smiled and ran a gloved hand through Amanda's hair, "But now that you mention it, I think that'll be more fun for the both of us."

The skunk giggled with glee and slipped her hands beneath her mistress' lab coat, caressing her breasts as she sought out the inner pockets, "Mmm... let's see if I can find that firehose..." she said, slowly lowering herself down.

Molly began to purr as the skunk began to lap at her netherlips, "Oh dear, it appears that there's a bit too much heat here. I better put this out before this nasty fire spreads."

The lioness leaned back against the stable wall to prevent herself from falling over; her plaything was so enthusiastic and wonderfully skilled. Getting her properly inflated and fully into her 'true' form could wait a few minutes. There was always time for a little fun.

"Amanda, it's three in the morning," said a sleepy voice, accompanied by the sound of sandaled feet being dragged across the lawn, "I don't mind if you and Amy have a little fun, but the two of you sounded like a friggin' freight train right next door and..."

The beam of a flashlight outlined the lioness and the skunkette, Amanda didn't stop her licking for a moment at the disturbance. Molly purred, her black lips pulled apart to reveal a fanged grin.

"Hello, big brother," she purred, sexy and sultry, "Is that a fire hose in your pants, or are you just happy to see me?"