Camping Trip

Story by Neerkat on SoFurry

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Hey guys! So, I am going to start to re-upload some of my stories onto here so some of the same content is visible here as well as on FA. This is a story I wrote recently about two sexy little dogs who go on a camping trip, and discover more of their friendship than they could ever possibly imagine. Enjoy!

I was sitting in my desk at school, staring at the clock while I was tapping my foot out of excitement, just waiting for the clock to strike 2pm. I was almost there, I was almost out of class for the week! Matt and I go on this annual camping trip up to the mountains, and this is the first year we are going without our parents. Paying attention to the clock made the day go even slower, but I didn't care. Soon I would be on my way up the winding roads with my best friend for an amazing weekend!

There was one minute left in class, and my tail started wagging, so fast you could barely follow it with your eyes. At the sound of the bell, this huge smile swept across my face, and I raced out of the room faster than you could possibly imagine. I ran over to Matt's locker, where we meet after school usually, and there he was! The tall black lab that he was, was standing there just as excited as me.

"Hey there Jake! You ready for the camping trip?", he asked.

"Am I ready? I've been ready for the past two weeks! We just need to drive to my house first to pick up some of my things and I'll be ready to go!", I said.

And with that, we headed out to his car, and drove over to my house. I told Matt to stay in the car, since I was only going to be a second. I went up my stairs as fast as I could so we could get on the road already. All of my things were packed already, so all I had to do now was get my bags and go! As I was speeding down the stairs I accidentally tripped over myself because I was so excited and stumbled down the last four steps. I almost fell over, but I caught myself at the last minute. I quickly said goodbye to my parents and left the house and put my things in Matt's trunk.

"Alright, let's get on the road! We have a few hours drive ahead of us!", Matt said.

"Yep! Let me put on some music so we have something to listen to.", I said. I put on the 'Car' playlist I have, which is pretty much just all of my favorite songs. As we were driving out of the city, you could see more and more space between each building, until there were no buildings left to see. The sun shining down on the brownish-red dirt that covered the ground beneath us added a subtle red tint to the air, making the contrast between everything in front of us and the sky absolutely stunning. Matt's car is a convertible, and because of how beautiful it was outside, we decided to have the top down. Matt was a long haired lab, so his hair was flowing majestically in the wind caused by us going 70 miles per hour. As we started to drive, the ground started to transition to having more trees, grass, and hills. The mountain was right in front of us, as it came into visibility. When we started making our way up the mountain, the sun started to set. The vibrant reds, yellows, blues, and everything in between started to appear behind us.

"Matt, the sky is absolutely gorgeous!", I said, as I wrapped my paws around the seat to easily see behind me.

"Right? I know, I can see it in the mirror! I can't believe how pretty it is today, definitely a good way to start off our trip!"

Our camping site is about halfway up the mountain, and we arrived right as the sun finally set. Matt is the bigger and stronger pup of the two of us, and once we parked, he took all of the camping gear while I carried my bags. Once we got everything out of the car, Matt put the top back on his car, and we walked over to where our bags were.

"Alright. So, I think what we should do is set up the tent first, and then start unpacking our stuff.", Matt said.

"That sounds good to me! This was so much easier when our parents were here to help us."

"Yeah, but it's still more fun this way! I think it's going to be a lot of fun without them here! Anyway, let's get this all over with, I'm already starving."

As we started to take everything out and put the tent together, we were talking about our past and just remembering all of the good times we shared. Matt and I have been friends since we were both 5 or 6. One day, when I was just a small yellow retriever puppy, I saw this lonely lab on the swings by himself. I decided to go over there and introduce myself as I wasn't hanging out with anyone either. He had this sad and sulky frown across his entire snout, and soon we started to play hide and seek together. We have been best friends ever since. Every year we have been coming up on this camping trip, and every single time we have learned more about ourselves, and gotten even closer than before the trip started. But, this is the first time we've come here without our parents, which will probably be even better for us.

After about 45 minutes, the tent was completely set up, and all of our things were inside and unpacked. The sun was completely down, and it was basically pitch black out. We quickly went over to the campsite's market to get some food. We both got the steak burritos there, since for some reason, this small little market has the best burritos we have ever had.

"So, it's about 10 now. What do you want to do? We can either go hike somewhere or we can call it an early night. I brought a router with me so we can watch a movie or something too.", Matt said.

"You brought a router?! Well so much for real camping!", I said jokingly. "Yeah, we can do that! Let's head back." Just as we were about to walk out, we saw these new energy drinks we have never seen before on the shelf.

"Hey, Matt, look at those.", I said, pointing to the mysterious drinks. "There's only two left, want to get them? I feel kind of tired anyway and I do want to see that movie, might as well get them to stay up a bit, right?"

"Yeah we could do that!" They were large, vibrant orange cans with the word "Magic" printed in white covering most of the front. Neither of us have heard of them before, but we didn't think anything of it.

After we bought the strange energy drinks, we walked back to the tent and changed into our pajamas and set up the laptop and router. Every year we set up our tent next to this pole with a few outlets located on it. Not only was this spot useful for that, but our spot was right next to the western edge of the mountain. Every evening, we would all come back and watch the sunset from the cliff overlooking the ground below us, with our feet dangling off the edge. Matt and I had some of our fondest memories on that cliff, just talking. There was nothing to cloud us, nothing to distract us. Everything was raw and real, and it was perfect.

After everything was set up, we chugged down the drinks, and immediately felt the burst of energy. But, this was a bit different. We both felt energized, but we also felt a weird tingling sensation which is almost impossible to describe.

"Hey Jake, do you feel funny?", Matt asked.

"Um, a bit. I don't know, I think those drinks had something weird in them.", I said.

"Yeah, it feels like my whole body is tingling and it's a bit harder to breathe.", he said. "Oh well, I think it just had a lot of caffeine in it or something. Let' just watch the movie."

We started to watch this cheesy 70's disaster movie called Earthquake. It was the only thing we could find online we haven't seen yet. About 30 minutes in, the tingling became even stronger. This time, it started moving towards my chest. I could feel my chest pounding, and I could hear my heart beating in my ear. But we just decided to ignore it. At some point, Matt accidentally brushed up against my back, and I could feel this sudden electricity go through me. I could see that it also went through him, because we both jumped at the same time. Matt and I just stared at each other out of confusion, and just as I was going back to watching the movie, he kissed me.

"Oh, um. Well hello to you too!", I said, laughing.

"I'm sorry, that was weird. I didn't mean to--"

"No, don't apologize.", I interrupted. "I just want to ask you something though. Did you, um, want to kiss me again?"

"Wait. Do you want me to kiss you again?", he asked.

"Well, I wouldn't mind it", I said, blushing at the same time.

"I have liked you for so long, Jake. You mean so much to me. I do want to kiss you again."

"Well, then do it you silly dog!", I said.

And in that same moment, he leaned in again for a very slow, long, passionate kiss. I could feel his tongue going into my mouth and his teeth biting my lip. His paws were slowly caressing my arms as I held him tightly. The tingling sensation from the energy drink started to concentrate just in my chest, and it was slowly moving down my body.

"Do you still feel the tingling?", he asked.

"Yeah, it's weird. But I think it's drawing me closer to you.", I said.

I pulled him in again, this time we kissed harder. Our lips were pressing deeply into one another, and I could feel his exhales from his snout blowing over mine, and mine over his. I started to reach under his shirt, showing him I wanted more. His shyness was obvious, because he expressed his feelings towards me, but we couldn't be any happier. As my paws glided over his furry chest, I started to gently rub them up and down his stomach and chest, making him shiver with ecstasy. He started to do the same, very hesitantly. I eventually grabbed his paw, and put it up my shirt, giving him that extra push. After we were making out for a few minutes, I took his shirt off just as he took mine off as well. We revealed our chests to one another but this time not as friends, as lovers. I payed attention to the tiny details, like when his black fur slowly transitioned to white in the middle of his chest, how his heart beat, how his nipples were slowly rising due to the pleasure and cold air lightly blowing on both of us. I was staring at him with a huge smile for a good few minutes.

"What are you staring at?", he asked, laughing due to my awkwardness.

"Nothing, just you. Just at how beautiful you are.", I said. He smiled at me and pulled me in closer to him. We started making out some more, and he started to scratch my head, which made my eyes roll into the back of my head. As he was rubbing my head, I started to move my paw down from his chest towards his pants. I put my paw over his dick, and felt how hard it was, all hidden away.

"Is it ok if I...", Matt asked me.

"Yeah.", I said.

Matt started to unbutton my pants, and as he was doing so, I sat back and let him take care of it. The tingling was now starting to go down into my dick, and I could feel this odd pressure start to build up all of a sudden. When he finally took my pants off, he could see the outline of my dick in my undies, with the precum stains drenching the entire front of them.

"Wow, he's so big! And he's still growing!", Matt said.

"Wait, what are you talking about, I'm already hard as a rock how can he be growing?"

Matt looked at me with confusion, and started to pull down my undies. My dick went with the undies, and eventually sprung back, and we both stared at it with our eyes and mouths wide open.

"Oh my god, my dick is huge!", I said.

"What, is this news to you or something?", Matt asked.

"Ye-Yes! Yes it is! My dick is growing, look!", I said, as I pointed to it. It kept growing, and the tingling was starting to dissipate. "The drinks we had must have made us horny and is making our dicks grow!"

As soon as I finished talking, I jumped at Matt's pants, and ripped them off, and saw his dick was growing too! This was amazing! Our dicks were at least 10 inches long, if not more! We were both so excited and our tails were wagging, with the anticipation of what to do next. I let him make the first move, and as I went to lay down, he push himself on top of me and kissed me, as we were rubbing our growing cocks together. He was shaking with happiness, and our dicks were throbbing simultaneously. He started to push his cock into mine, with both of our knots rubbing against each other, making us both breathe heavy, deep breaths as we were kissing. He slowly started to make his way down to my dick, starting to wrap his paw around it.

"I want to show you how I feel, I want to make you feel amazing, as amazing as you are making me feel right now.", he said. He started to move his paw up and down, giving me a very sensual handjob, making sure I didn't cum. I rested my head back and laid down, letting him take over.

"How on earth does this feel so amazing? Oh my god, this is fantastic!", I said. He just smiled, and continued on. After a while, he stopped, and I looked up. He was giving me this seductive grin, which obviously meant he wanted more. He started to lick me, very lightly at first, making my dick jump with every gentle slurp. He stuck his whole tongue on my cock, licking up all of the precum, and eventually wrapped his mouth around me. As he was sucking me, his tongue was twirling around my dick inside his mouth. I started to groan and moan from the pleasure, and felt his spit start to run down my dick, since it was too big for him to fit all the way inside his throat. The spit tickled as it went down me and ran over my knot. As he started to get faster and faster, I started to breathe faster.

"I'm gonna cum soon, I'm gonna cum soon!", I said.

And with that, he started to slow down, and eventually pulled hy throbbing red cock out of his mouth, leaving me moist and aching for more.

"I have an idea.", he said.

Before I could say anything, he put his finger over my mouth, telling me to not talk, and gave me a passionate kiss before getting on top of me, with his head facing away from mine. He plopped his big ass on top of my face, begging me to lick his tight tailhole. I started to lick passionately, driving my tongue into his hole, him jumping and shaking every time I did. His hole tasted amazing, so clean from impurities. He had no fur on his hole, so I was lucky enough to taste his hole and feel his smooth, tight skin. He started to suck me again, going up and down slowly and passionately. I slowly moved my body down towards his dick, and put it in my mouth. I grabbed his ass and started to push it towards my mouth, and he started to fuck my mouth. Our dicks stopped growing and reached a size of 12 inches for both of us. As he was fucking my mouth, I started to finger his tail hole while he was also sucking me. Both of us started to twitch fast, and our cocks started to twitch in our mouths. We both started to grab each other tightly, we were both close. He started to fuck me faster, and started to suck me harder and tighter, and I started to finger him faster, at the same speed he was fucking my mouth. Both of our dicks began to extend, and we both started taking each other's knots in our mouths. The saliva mixed with the precum made it extra smooth, ready for us both to enjoy the wonderful elixir we were about to give out. I started to arch my back as I was climaxing, and he started to fuck me even faster, and we both came at the same time, letting out our giant loads. We both let off huge loads, a few cups worth for each of us, and we swallowed whole-heartedly. His cum tasted amazing, the perfect level of sweetness. After, we laid back down next to each other, naked and exposed, holding one another close.

"I think those energy drinks worked wonders.", I said to Matt, as he was about to fall asleep in my arms.

"Yeah, I think they did too. I am so happy right now. I get to be with my best friend, right now and always.", he said.

"Yes, as do I, Matt, as do I", I said.

As we were falling asleep, I heard Matt ask me, "Is it too early to say I love you?"

"No.", I said. "It's not too early. I love you too.", I said.

And with that, we kissed goodnight, and would never sleep another night alone.