I was built for this...

Story by Shade Dyerwood on SoFurry

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After a long and tiring day of crashing through the forest and fighting enemy minions the mighty Tryndamere is angry and ready to get a good nights rest. Unfortunately for the Barbarian King the forest hides many dangerous predators and one has had its eyes on him for a long long time.

The crunch of his thick heavy boots was the only sound the large, bare-chested man could hear. He had spent the last several hours traipsing through the thick, dense forest searching for signs of the path he was meant to follow. He had started this quest with a party of four other champions who had all agreed to split up to cover more ground. They were meant to travel in pairs, but the Barbarian King, who was headstrong and fueled by rage, decided to travel alone.

Tryndamere was as large a man as humanly possible, standing at an enormous 6' 6'' tall and weighing close to 300 pounds of pure beefy muscle. The bear of a man was a force to be reckoned with. With his bulking body, he could withstand almost any attack, endure almost any pain, and still be nimble enough with his god-like sword to dodge almost anything, even death.

Growling to himself for his poor choice in exploration, he hoped that he wasn't too far behind the rest of the party. He had already missed out on taking the last three enemy turrets, so he was determined to not miss out on the next. "I swear by my summoner, if they take the Nexus again without me, I'll raise the fury of the Pit on them!"

The large man grunted as he used his large sword to slice through the towering shrubbery, tall enough to hide even him, and create a path towards what he assumed would be an exit of the endless forest. His sour mood grew worse as time passed, with no sign or hint of enemy activity. After another hour of nothing, the Barbarian King roared in anger, tossing his sword randomly away from him. The weapon split the air with a sharp whoosh before the blade sunk into a thick tree trunk with an even louder thud!

A slight vibration sound resonated from the blades handle as it sat wedged deep in the wood. Tryndamere grunted and let out a deep huff of air as he stood there staring at the impaled weapon. "Curse this foul forest," he growled, "should have taken the mountain pass with the mage."

As the large man continued to gripe and groan about his situation, he paid no attention to the rustling in the trees above him. Little did the brutish king know, he had been followed ever since he left the enemies' demolished tower. Not usually one for stealth and subtlety, the large mass of dark green slime found the building frustration in the human to be an endless source of amusement. He bubbled and chuckled to himself as he watched the tank of a man continue to venture in the wrong direction and now stand around looking about ready to explode. Sadly it seemed that most of the fun was over as he found less amusement with the show before him.

Suppose I've wasted enough time here, the amorphous being thought.

As the blob began slowly descending the tree to the ground, Tryndamere had calmed down enough to realize how tired his body was starting to feel. True he was a power house of muscle and will power but even so lugging around his heavy sword, which was to his shoulders in height, all day long and engaging in several skirmishes of varying length, would leave even the mightiest of warriors withered. Letting out a heavy sigh, he reasoned that he wouldn't get anywhere being so aching tried like he was and with the sun going down he wasn't too worried about the others getting to far ahead of him. He knew they wouldn't risk traveling by night so he decided strip out of his clothing and relax for a few hours.

With a great stretch, he popped several joints, his neck being the most audible, and back being the most relieving. Groaning in this newfound relief, he made his way over to a fairly wide river nearby to wash the dirt, sweat and grime from his body.

While he was bent over the stream, the green shadowed figure began to slowly ooze toward heedless man, now only a few feet behind him. The sentient goo began to rise and expand, quickly taking on a slightly humanoid shape. Two thick legs held the form up right while the torso puffed out, slimmer at the waist and more built at the chest and shoulders. Two long arms ballooned out from the torso, thin at first before bulking out at the forearms and hands. An almost too small head formed with hardly any neck giving it the appearance of being connected to the shoulders. Finally a long thick cord of slime shot out from the top of the mass' head, extending a good six inches upward before bending backwards and adding another six, carrying the weight of a small extra glob at the end.

The anthropomorphic being stood well over 7 feet tall and even though the slime it was made out of shifted and even dripped at times, it looked very much solid enough to cause harm should it need. Two small slits in the head ripped open, exposing glowing yellow eyes inside. Another much larger one peeled apart just below the eyes and turned up into an evil grin. The massive blob-like creature bubbled with excitement as it watched the human continue to bathe himself unaware of the danger he was in.

The large green creature contemplated if he wanted to just jump the human from behind and end the whole thing quickly or if he wanted to take his time and play with the guy first. On the one hand, he did have to meet up with his own party to protect their strong hold. On the other he had been following the human all day making sure he didn't meet up with his own teammates. He felt that such good work warranted a reward.

With the blob preoccupied trying to decide how to go about things, Tryndamere finished up washing himself and stood shaking the extra water from his hair. "By the gods, that's better," he moaned softly.

As the large man took a moment to bask in the coolness of the approaching night, the blob had decided to let his presence be known. "It's a shame you spent so much time getting cleaned," he spoke, his voice deep and rumbling," 'cause this is gonna get messy!"

Tryndamere spun around and brandished what would normally be his sword in his right hand, only to unfortunately find he grasped nothing but air as the creature in front of him laughed. "Looking for that," it questioned, pointing behind him at the sword still firmly lodged in the tree trunk.

"What manner of foul creature are you," Tryndamere breathed out, trying to stall while he thought of a way to retrieve his weapon.

"Well, guess it's time to introduce myself," the green slime bubbled before bowing low in a mock gesture. "The name's Zac!" His face split into a wide grin again as he kept his eyes focused on the human. "I'll be the one taking care of you today, or rather tonight"

The shadows of the forest were starting to stretch and grow as the sun continued to dip below the horizon. Tryndamere knew that he would need to either beat this creature or flee from it before he sun dropped completely. While he was strong and a fierce fighter, he did not have night vision as he suspected this "Zac" had. "A true warrior wouldn't fight against an unarmed opponent," he said, slowly side stepping, hoping the blob creature would do the same.

"Maybe, but I'm not bound to any rules of chivalry like others are." Zac chuckled, mirroring the barbarian's movements.

"Yet you alerted me to your presence when you could have easily stabbed me in the back," Tryndamere continued, happy to see Zac following his lead. He knew that if he could just get close enough to pull his sword free from the tree, he'd have a chance.

"Don't fool yourself into thinking it's because of any special reason," Zac bubbled out. "After following you all day, I wanted to have a little bit of fun before doing away with you."

"A little over confident, aren't we," Tryndamere questioned, now within a dozen feet from his blade.

"Not without good reason," Zac retorted, his eyes glowing dully in the dimming light. "No one's been able to beat me down."

"Well, we'll just see about that," Tryndamere shouted, mockingly, before diving into a tight roll and grabbing for his sword hilt. With a mighty roar, he ripped the weapon from the tree trunk and stood in a sturdy fighter's stance. His eyes narrowed and a small smile on his face. True he didn't have any armor, but with his mighty sword, few could defend against his strength. "Have at you," He yelled, leaping forward into a small sprint before jumping high into the air, his sword raised above his head. With a mighty roar, he brought the blade slicing down, it severing half of the creature's body apart, from Zac's head down between his legs in a fell swoop. The attack was followed by a thunk as the blade crashed into the ground and sunk deep into the dirt. "Not so tough now, beast!"

Tryndamere was already basking in the glory of victory that he didn't even realize that the slimy creature's two halves where still standing; the two sides of the large being wiggled and wobbled around the sliced edges and after a brief moment, small strands of the green gunk began popping out from each side connecting one to the other. Slowly the two halves began to knit themselves back together, the thin seem showing where the blade had gone through vanishing into nothing. "Okay, now I'm mad," Zac's voice bubbled from his split open head.

Tryndamere's eyes widened as he looked up into the angry glowing eyes of the creature. His mouth hanging slightly open, unable to parse that anything could survive being split in two. "What black magic," he stammered. He was unable to finish his thought, though, as one of Zac's large forearms crashed into his bare chest with the force of a bull. The human sailed through the air and crashed into a thick tree trunk, his breath leaving his body, along with a small spray of blood. His vision blacked out for a moment as his head began to spin. Never before had he been hit with such force. It seemed the further their party advanced into this strange new territory, the fiercer the beasts where.

As Tryndamere tried to regain his senses, Zac advance upon him. His head knitting back together into a solid shape once more. The large appendage sticking out from his head, trailing behind him as he moved, swung almost like it had a mind of its own, and as Zac stopped just short of five feet from the downed human it twisted around so it was dangling in front of Zac's body. A series of wet slurps and gurgles filled the air as the long appendage stretched forward even more extending to cover the distance between the two.

Quickly, the slimy, now tentacle-like, appendage began to wrap around both of the barbarian's feet. Once both legs were bound together, it raised them up until he human as bent over into an almost ball shape. His bound feet forced up by his chest. Next, the slimy tentacle started to wrap around each of the human's hands bringing them up until they were pressed against his bound feet. As soon as the slime holding Tryndamere's arms and legs touched, it began to shift and melt together causing him to be hog tide like a pig.

"Wha-what are you doing to me?" He grunted, his vision slowly coming back to him, but his breathing still rough. As his body shifted, he could feel a painful grinding in his chest. He knew at least two of his ribs where broken.

"Like I said," Zac replied before grunting as he used the tentacle binding the human to lift him up into the air, "I'm having some fun!"

When Tryndamere was finally able to see straight, he found himself hanging with his hands and feet bound a good eight feet in the air. He could see the upside-down grinning face of the blob monster and he took that moment to spit in his face. The wad of bile hit the monster right in the middle of his face.

"How rude," he bubbled out low. "You know, I was, at first, just going to just kill you quickly, but now you've really pissed me off." His voice took on a rougher tone. "First you cut me in half, and then you go and spit in my face." Bringing the hanging bound human closer to his burning yellow eyes, Zac growled lowly, "now you're going to die slow."

Tryndamere hadn't felt truly afraid since he had been a young boy. Zac's words ended that. His heart was stabbed by the purest and rawest of fear a human can have. A low bubbling sound filled the air and Tryndamere could feel the ooze holding him helpless wiggle and shift slightly. Looking into the monsters face, he searched for some kind of sign as to what he was doing. It wasn't until the burning yellow eyes shifted down, slightly, that the human tilted his head so he could follow the gaze.

A new appendage had sprouted out from the large slimy body. One that was unmistakable to Tryndamere. Standing erect from between Zac's legs was a large thick pillar of dark green ooze. The see through slime looked firmer than any other part of the creature's body. It was at least a foot long and about as thick as Tryndamere's forearm. His heart began to race as possibilities began to run through his head.

"Wh-what in the name of the gods are you planning," he questioned, pulling at his bonds. "You can't mean to-to do that to me, until I die!"

A deep chuckle made Zac's slimy body vibrate and he shook his head. "Oh no, you're not anywhere close to my type for that," He explained, bringing up both of his large hands to grip the base and part of the shaft of his newly formed erection. "Luckily though, you are exactly the right type to feed it."

Tryndamere was lost as to the meaning behind Zac's words. He was sure that the creature was crazy. No amount of magic could do such a thing.

"Don't worry; I was built for this... literally." The monster laughed slightly before giving his shaft a firm squeeze.

Tryndamere watched as the blunt head of the shaft began to twist and split apart. Slimy walls of ooze began to unfold from the shafts head and before long what looked like a large funnel had taken the place of the head. It wasn't very deep but it was wide enough that it could easily fit around a grown man's shoulders.

"No! No, no, no, no, no," the once proud king muttered as his eyes looked straight down into the slimy opening. He could see how the base narrowed and led into the shaft of the member. A tunnel of dark green ooze with strands of slime crisscrossing the inside, beckoned him down.

"Oh, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!" Zac taunted. Slowly he began to lower Tryndamere down to the funnel's entrance. The long member twitched and jerked as Zac's excitement over what was about to happen grew. It had been so long since he had last done this, and he was thrilled to be adding such a fine and large creature to his already considerable mass. A short, thick, and light green tongue poked out from his mouth and noisily licked over his lips. "You'll digest nicely!"

The taunt seemed to spur the human into trying to fight his way free once more. He tried kicking his feet and pulling at his arms. Grunting and growling he did everything in his power to escape. After a few moments of yanking and pulling he felt one of his arms pop free of the slimy binding. Quickly gripping the slime wrapped around his other hand Tryndamere gave it a hard tug and was amazed to find his other hand free as well.

"Ha-ha, not as strong as you think, devil," He cheered.

Unfortunately, for the human, he didn't realize that he hadn't freed himself under his own power. Zac had purposefully let go of his hands, and the man was soon to find out why. With his arms now free and unbound, Tryndamere found his upper body falling back, as his body naturally returned to its full length. The human didn't notice anything wrong with this action until his back and arms connected with a slimy warm surface.

"Whoops, didn't know you were so eager to start your journey down," Zac laughed as he watched Tryndamere's upper body fall with a splat inside the funnel of his shaft. The wide extension easily was able to take in the human's head, shoulders, and even part of his torso, all before he could say or do anything. Shortly thereafter, the opening of the funnel clamped down around his mid-section.

Trapped like bug in a flytrap, Tryndamere shifted and jerked around trying to free himself. His hands, which were still outside of the ooze trap, clenched and wiggled around trying to find perches on something. They found none, however. Zac laughed loudly as the shaft began to jerk up and down in an almost gulping fashion. Thanks to the ooze being see-through, Zac was able to watch as the human's head and shoulders began to slide into the shaft. With every inch of Tryndamere that got sucked down into the shaft, another inch would enter the funnel opening.

Zac enjoyed watching the large muscular human struggle and scream as his journey down the member continued. All that could be heard was Tryndamere's muffled screams and the stead gulping and sucking sound the shaft and head made. Even with how big the human was it didn't take long for him to be sucked in all the way up to his legs. Feeling that it was safe to unbind the human completely Zac relieved his hold on the humans thick legs and watched as they kicked at the air helplessly.

"Oh, I love it when they struggle," he mumbled, using both his large hands to hold up the shaft and stroke over the large bulge inside it.

As Tryndamere's legs got sucked in up to the mid-thigh his head reached the base of the shaft. With a small grunt and the sound of the ooze stretching, Zac felt the human's head begin to descend down into the slimy sac beneath his member. Having to shrink his height a decent amount to accommodate the large human's new prison, Zac moaned in pleasure as he felt Tryndamere's body begin to fill out into the ever growing sac. Having no actual genitals, or at least not in the traditional sense, the whole sac was filled with just the human

Grunting lowly and rubbing the top of his shaft, Zac sighed happily as he watched Tryndamere's feet finally get slurped up into his shaft like two wiggling thick noodles. Once the shaft head sealed behind the feet it was a fast process for them to glide down the shaft and join the rest of the human inside the thick slimy sac. A pleasant shiver rushed through Zac as Tryndamere pushed out against the walls of his new home. Lowering both hands Zac started to rub over the bulging pouch enjoying the weight that was there.

Waddling over to where the human had discarded leather, Zac slowly sank to the ground sitting up with his back against the tree while his legs bent around his massive sac. He could clearly see the human inside thrashing and yelling. Patting him through the thick ooze, Zac smiled down at him. "Don't worry; you won't suffocate," he said in a slightly louder voice. "I promised you a slow end, and I never go back on a promise!"

With that, Zac settled down and continued to rub over his wiggling prey. As the sun finally set beyond the mountains, Zac enjoyed listening to the sounds of the forest. The pleasant noise of the crickets and animals were broken every so often by the struggling human and a series of loud gurgles.

"Ah, what a fine day," Zac sighed out, closing his eyes and welcoming a well-deserved sleep.

The End...