The Sheppy Sister's Backstory

Story by Angel Schaferhund on SoFurry

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Decided to upload this as a story instead of having is plastered across my whole profile since nobody really reads it anyway C:

How the three came to be

Angel was born to a family of high royalty, great linage and temperaments along with some of the healthiest backgrounds that could be found in all the lines of the hard working breed. Unfortunately, Angel was born discolored, her fur pattern was white with pink markings. She looked to be all that a shepherd SHOULD be, but her coat was considered to be a disgrace. Anything other than what was in the written standard was frown upon in pups, most being sold to slavery. Any who didn't have enough conformation points would go to better places like pet homes, or working service jobs. It was a strict society, lines and litter's tracked and followed down to the fine details to try and keep the gene pool clear and equal, only the best were kept within the empire. The ones that fit into the conformation standards but didn't have the higher scores ended up in armies, police forces and lots of other working career fields.

Angel on the other hand, was very different. Her coloring not even listed in the history of the breed. Livers, blues, solid whites and a few others have been seen here and there. Even the infamous panda shepherd which were usually kept around for a muse and something else to look at although they tended to live poorly and were treated like dirt. Her father was devastated, the king of his land and he of all had thrown an off colored pup with his bitch. His outrage was intense, but his heart still held enough softness to hear his woman's plea's when he had ordered the pup to be put down and disposed of. As sad as that may sound, it happened more often than not to hide bad genes.

Instead of death though, Angel was sent out to live in a shack outside of their society, hidden from them all and never spoken of within the gates of his land. There, Angel was raised by her nanny, a pit bull the mother had hired to care for them while she took rare visits out of the gates safety. She didn't know what went wrong, never had an odd colored pup been thrown in all her families history, but with that motherly instinct still strong inside her she did what she could to protect her only child.

Five years passed and the king eventually mated to her again, hoping Angel was just a rare once in a life time thrown pup and hoping for the best with his next attempt. But alas, his attempts failed again...this time with twins. Karamell and Kirsche came out just as odd as their sister. Karamell though looked to be similar to a liver, yet she threw off an odd vibe that made the king think something was just as wrong with her as the other two. Kirsche was colored with white, pink and cream fur, similar to that of the traditional Neapolitan ice cream.

Again the queen used her charm to save the pups, stowing them away with Angel, but this time at her own expense, she had to agree to be spayed. They had told all that her first pup was lost due to a birthing malfunction, but that wouldn't work the second time around. This time he had her spayed and told his land that it was to save his love, not willing to let her die for a pup he didn't even know yet. This of course opened him up for breeding with other bitches too.

Kirsche and Karamell were locked up in the shack with Angel, the elder pup being five when the younger ones joined her. Their shack was secluded, holding the bare minimum for them with a single restroom, one large room for the children to share and another room for the nanny. A tiny room off the side of the kitchen served as both the living and dining area. Nothing was out there, not a soul passed on the overgrown road that could barely be seen besides the girls' mother who brought them what was needed to survive along with making them each tail bows as some form of her love.

Things seemed fine for a while, the children growing up nicely on the edge of a forest, every now and then even meeting other critters who curiously came out to greet them. Unfortunately, another king of another land caught wind of the bitch who lost her pups twice and sent out spies to follow up on rumor's he had heard from the nurses friend, one being a bird that came across the three pups after scouting the area for months. In the end, this led to the pups being brought up and the father of the three having to take extreme measures for his own safety and for the sake of his throne.

Sending out a crew of hunters, he had summoned for the pups to be killed. Burned without a trace of their color or DNA so that they could never be fully discovered. The pup's mother heard of his orders and rushed out to them, paying the nanny a large fee to try and get them to safety before taking off on her own to start a new life. In the end, the nanny got them far into a forest that was miles away from any thrones, only for the trio of sisters to be left along as the nanny took off and left them.

Angel now only age 11 and her sisters Kirsche and Karamell being only 6, had to fight their way through the woods, running for their lives with just a pack each of food and the bows their mother had made for them. It didn't take long for the hunters to catch up, their demon dogs could pick up scents from far distances. As the pack closed in on them with the humans not far behind them the three morphed to feral form, a technique they learned they could do by watching their nanny transform to hunt. On four legs they were more similar in size, Angel still holding the lead though with her frame being built up over the extra five years she had on her siblings. After days of dodging their pursuers, the girls became exhausted, unsure of how to keep in the lead.

The day the demon dogs and hunters closed in on them, the girls were awoken with a shower of arrows, one piercing into Angel's flank as she took the hit for her little sister Karamell. What happened next though was something even the girls were astounded by. Now surrounded by killers, the three bunched together and began to glow. Nobody knew what to think but it happened so fast that they couldn't sort it out if they tried. Angel, Kirsche and Karamell began to glow, a bright light surrounding them as it blinded their enemies.

Karamell's light seemed to cover her two sisters, having been close enough to touch both she was feeding them energy without even knowing it. This supplied Kirsche with enough power to launch a lightning attack to her own surprise. After throwing off their enemies and holding them back, Angel's power kicked in, holding her sisters close as she felt it was what needed to be done, the trio soon warped through time and space, finding their way to the other side of the world without even knowing it! Turns out that each sister held a power, and when under enough pressure this power had unleashed to save them all. Now gone without a trace they were safe...but...many challenges still lie ahead as the three had to now learn how to make it on their own.

The forest they showed up in was beautiful. Dogwood tree's speckling the more open areas and filling the air with their scent, the colors of each one pleasing to the eyes as well. Hawthorns riddled along bushes, bluebirds singing in the tree' felt safe...comforting. With no energy left, the three tucked themselves into a dead tree trunk, falling asleep as night crept in. The next morning they awoke to a fox standing over them, allowing the girls to come stay in his den. He had expected them, sensed them in a way and knew they were coming the day they were born. He was a wizard of all magic, and had showed up to teach the girls more about their magic abilities.

Growing up:

As the fox raised them, he did his best to train each one to use their powers for the betterment of themselves and the world around them. Angel did well, having learned that she could do various defensive spells that could shield, block, and slow her enemies all the while being able to teleport her and others to safety. Kirsche focused more on offensive type abilities, her powers creating bursts of energies used to attack and whittle down her targets. Karamell though, couldn't do either, instead playing as a healer and an energy source for her two sisters. It seemed that fate had created a trio to take on anything, but they were only strongest when together. Apart their powers were weakened, caution had to be used to ensure that they didn't overextend their selves and end up fatally injured as the backfire outcome.

Kirsche though couldn't stand the fact that her powers caused harm to others... this concern getting in the way of her teachings and causing her to skip out on learning of them at times. If angered though, her powers would take a toll of their own, lashing out to anything that scared or angered her. Karamell was the opposite, studying both for herself and her twin sister along with learning all Angel could do. Even if she couldn't use the powers they were given, she could keep up on the readings, research and knowledge to help them and help herself provide the correct energy to each one.

The fox being more of a nature loving type lived in the forest that the shepherds showed up in, having actually pulled Angels teleportation to himself as it took off. Of course it was a very far distance for a pup who didn't even know her powers existed, so his help had literally saved their lives. At least for now... the hunters would always be after them, never giving up on a fight even if it was called off. It was not in their nature so the three would have to always watch their backs and learn to be cautious with who they trusted.

A den was what they called home, one that the fox had dug under the largest oak tree in their woods. It was much larger than the normal sized den, he was obviously prepared to take them in far before they arrived. It held three differed rooms with sheets for doors off to the left, his being on the far right. The middle was a single mass of living space, kitchen, and dining area. For showers they used the local lake or streams, there were towns on either edge of the forest that Angel could teleport them to in order to buy groceries and other items they would need.

Living was simple for now, the girls staying with the fox for a few years before he himself had to take leave and find others to help. Before going though, he set the girls up with others who could steer them in the right directions and offer advice, one wolf even bringing in a crew to build them a proper cabin with running water and electricity. Leaving the girls with tasks and instructions on how to find others who could continue to teach them of their powers he to left them, but in a much better state than the others in their past had.

How the three are now:

Angel at the age of 25, and the twins being 19, were on their own. They frequented the small towns, valleys and mountains that surrounded their vast forest they called home. With over a half million acres with no inner cities, their style of living was a bit more loose. The girls had to learn about clothing and dressing up for places that required it along with proper etiquette for making their way around such places. Within the forest though, the critters that lived there did develop communities of their own. Power sources feeding off more natural structures, just enough for the basics. Cable, internet, electricity and running water were accessible where the girls were though, their cabin being not too far from a very small town that helped out their small community in turn of the girls and the other creatures of the forest helping keep them safe from danger and providing crops to trade with.

After Angel ventured out enough times, she brought home a blue wolf that she had fallen in love with. He helped the girls out, expanding and working on their cabin along with teaching them techniques to hunt on their own instead of having to buy meats at the store. All three had grown fond of him, allowing him to move in and keep them company. Another frequent visitor was a wolf named Daemien who is later collared by Kirsche. He had ventured around when the girls were still with the fox, often hanging out with them and being a regular playmate along with a little bunnolf named Asher, whom Karamell has a crush on but refuses to admit it. It was like the girls had created their own little happy family. Other friends had come and gone over time, always teaching the girls new things and touching their hearts in various ways. Life had grown good for the girls. They lived peacefully with no trace of those who sought to kill them...for now...