A fox named Tai_Part 2

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#2 of Stories

Part 2 in the "A fox named Tai" series.

The still sleeping cub gets his first 'taste' of what the wolf has to offer.

Content warning!

This story contains scenes of a sexual nature between adult & underage furries.

If it is not legal for you to be reading such content then please leave now.

This story is a work of fiction and should be treated solely as such. I do not in any way condone the

acts described therein. This story is Copyright © loopyLunamoon 2015.

Part 2.

The sun was nearly set as the wolf pulled the car into his driveway and killed the engine. He quickly jumped out of the car and around to the passenger side, unbuckling and scooping the sleeping Tai into his big paws. "This is going to be fun" the wolf whispered into the little fox's ear as he headed to his front door. Once again he was thankful of the trees and shrubs around his house as well as a big fence that gave him privacy from any prying neighbors.

The wolf stepped through the front door, quickly closing and locking it behind him. Heading straight for the master bedroom upstairs, the bulge in his sheath growing with every footstep. When he got to his room he gently lowered the fox onto his big bed and headed straight to the bathroom for a piss. He hurriedly undid and kicked off his pants letting out a big sigh as a torrent of steaming wolf piss jetted from the tip of his slick member. He licked his maw, almost drooling at the thought of the gorgeous fox pup which was now all his.

He would need to play his cards carefully so that the little pup stayed on his side. 'I'm doing the kid a favor anyway' he thought to himself. He had been watching the little guy for quite some time before today. He'd seen the mess he had to live in and the abusive drunk of a father he had. "I can give you a way better life, you'll see" he muttered to himself, giving his dick a shake and deciding not to flush. He wasn't a monster and wouldn't force his new pup, but right now he would give him the first taste of what would hopefully become his favorite drink.

His bladder now empty, the wolf padded over to his bed, removing his shirt as he went. Leaping onto the bed he crawled close to the sleeping fox and started removing his clothing. Slowly he stripped the fox,more to tease himself than out of necessity. The last thing left were some short little boxer briefs with dog bones all over them. He eyed the little fox hungrily, licking his maw once again. "Well don't you just look delicious!" he breathed, leaning in close to give the pup's crotch a sniff. He playfully nosed and licked the little furry balls and smiled with a sigh. "And you smell delicious too pet, I can't wait to taste you!" he said with a toothy grin.

The wolf gave the fox's sheath gentle rubs until just the smallest bit of his cubhood started to peek out. He then switched to using his tongue, using it to gently caress the tip helping it to grow. Soon enough all of the little fox's two inches had fully emerged from its furry tunnel and the wolf's eyes lit up happily. 'It's such a cute little cock' the wolf thought as he moved even closer and let it slip past his lips. It tasted just as good as it looked, the wolf could tell that he'd be servicing this little guy just as much as he'd be getting serviced.

The wolf was almost mesmerized as he suckled on his pup's cock. It was so sweet and silky, giving him a feeling of calm as he quietly enjoyed it. The little fox moved slightly in his sleep, although not consciously aware, he was well on the way to his first orgasm. The wolf kept slurping and licking on the little member in his maw, he could feel his pup tensing now and then in his sleep and smiled knowing he was doing a good job.

Tai was having a very arousing dream, in it there was a sexy big wolf licking at his cub bits making him feel really good. He wished hat he could tell the wolf how he was feeling, to let him know that he had needed this feeling for a long time. All the little fox could do was sigh contently and allow the sexy wolf to ravish him. The wolf noticed that the little pup was staring to become more aware, whether he realized it or not. Now and then he a squeaky groan escaped from his lips and he ever so lightly thrust into the warm tunnel enveloping his member.

In Tai's dream the feelings he was experiencing were building, he felt as though something would happen any moment. There wasn't a thing he could ever remember that had made him feel like this. The wolf peeked upwards as he continued to work the little fox's member. He could see his eyelids fluttering now and then, the soft moaning was becoming more frequent too. Some part of the wolf wondered if he should be doing this; part of him wanted to help the cub and then there was another part that needed him for his own release.

The wolf's ministrations were really starting to have an effect on the little cub. Tai was now writhing in his sleep, a squeaky moan leaving his lips every other second. The wolf took the little fox deeper into his maw, all the way past his baby knot. Gently fondling the pups little orbs in his paw, using the other to stroke his own steel hard member. Suddenly it all got too much and the kid let out a big moan, his body vibrating with the effort of his first dry orgasm.

Almost in slow motion the wolf let the cubs member slide from his maw, his balls screaming for release. Tai had stopped writhing and had gone back to sleeping soundly, but now with a happy smile on his face. The wolf looked him over and stroked his cheek, gently opening his mouth. Scooting up close he got over the sleeping fox and rubbed his leaking cock against the cubs cheek. Carefully he slid his member into the moist tunnel before him, moaning loudly at the silky feeling on his tip.

The wolf's hips thrust back and forward his cock sliding in and out of Tai's maw. It was taking every bit of restraint he had to not push in deeper. This pups maw was amazing but he couldn't go too far or he might choke him. All of a sudden the kid closed his mouth and started to gently suckle on the large piece of meat between his lips. "Ahh fuck!" The wolf swore, still thrusting in and out. "Yea that's right, suck daddy's cock! I've got some puppy milk for you baby."

The wolf gripped his aching knot and applied pressure, letting out a massive howl as his orgasm finally hit. A torrent of cum streamed from the tip of his cock as he leaned over the suckling pup. He could see the kids throat working overtime guzzling down the first taste of his steaming puppy batter. The wolf was panting hard, it was the most intense orgasm he had ever experienced, if the kid was this good asleep he couldn't wait till the next time.

Finally, after what seemed like an hour, but was really ten minutes, the last squirt of cum left the wolf's cock. He gently slid his shrinking member from the foxes silky lips and flopped down on the bed beside him. "Man kid you really made made me blow a load there, can't believe you managed to drink it all down." The wolf sighed leaning over to gently rub the cubs belly. "I can't wait till you wake up pup, we've got a lot to talk about." The wolf leaned in to give his new pup a kiss and then quietly got up and left the room to prepare for what was to come next.

To be continued...