This Rock

Story by CrimsonRuari on SoFurry

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#2 of Atomic Mars

Fresh, hand-crafted Martian Dog Smut, aged nearly two months!

Seriously, though, a little slice of life between an engineer and her geologist friend. This is intended to point straight at Waiting for Repairs, so go check that out if you want a quick jolt of smut to follow this up. I hope to revisit Helena in a later story, she was entirely too much fun to spend time with. I hope you enjoy it!

"Look, John, ain't neither of us gettin' off this rock anytime soon, so why don't you just cool your heels and let me work?"

Helena Dunham, coywolf bitch and damned fine engineer, she was not the least shy to admit, glared at John until she was sure he'd gotten the message, then turned back to the rover's wheel. It was thoroughly stuck in the Martian soil. Under normal circumstances, that would not have been much of a problem, but it was now firmly wedged under a hidden outcrop. She couldn't entirely blame John for that, though he'd been driving; the sand squall had cropped up unexpectedly and hidden the rock from them until the rover's all wheel drive had enthusiastically heaved them up on it. The rover had rolled as it beached, and wheel had dived under the outcrop, while sand had backfilled the space.

She sat back and rubbed her glove over the ear channel on her helmet. She'd have been scratching her ear, if not for the helmet. She grumbled about that as she considered the problem. The weight of the rover was keeping the wheel wedged, and it wasn't exactly safe to tip it, what with the angle at which it sat. She pondered the rock itself. It looked solid. On the other hand, so did the jackhammer in the back.

Safety first, though, not third. "John, I'm going to get the jackhammer out of the back. Get the chocks and see if you can put a little weight on the free wheel."

John got to work with a quick, "Aye." He was good that way -- give him a direction and he was off. He didn't do well when he felt useless, but, damnit, he was a geologist, not an engineer, and he'd be the first to tell you, preferably over a beer. She shook her head, there was work to do. She hefted the jackhammer from the cage on the back of the rover and flicked on the power on the pump. Mars was kind in that sense, for all the gear was easier to move than it would have been in full gravity. That would work against her on the hammer, of course. As Mars giveth, Mars taketh away.

She shrugged and keyed her mic. "John, you done yet?"

The rover shifted subtly. "First wheel's got load. Give me a minute to get the other."

She counted out a minute, then keyed up, "John..."

"Chrissakes, woman, you are impatient! You sure you don't have any collie in you?"

"Not a drop."

"You want to fix that?" She could practically hear the grin.

"John, you don't hurry up, I'm gonna be the one pounding you with this hammer." She hefted it and set the tip against the rock about a foot past the wheel.

The rover shifted again. "There! Now do whatever the hell it is you're going to do."

"Stand back, Johnny boy, I'm gonna give this rock a piece of my mind." She grinned and squeezed the safeties in the handles. The hammer surged to life, and she leaned into it as the beast of a machine kicked in her grip. Chunks of the rock parted around the breaker tip, while a few smaller chips flew past her helmet and smacked her suit. She was glad they'd kitted out for a rough geology job, as it meant they had up-rated suits and the jackhammer along. Fortune smiled on her from time to time.

John wandered around the rover's far side to watch. She grumbled at his grin and leaned harder into the hammer. It jostled her, but the rock parted in a most satisfying fashion. She settled it in a new spot and leaned in again. More chunks of rock split off and slumped around the outcrop. After a couple minutes, she looked up at John. "You get what I'm after here?"

He nodded. "Aye. Break the rock off, rover should free itself. But not too fast, thanks to the chocks."

She grinned. He was, indeed, a sharp one. "That's it. You work that side of the rock, I'll go see if I can rustle up a couple of blast sticks and a drill tip to speed this along. You tell me if it starts to break loose." She passed the hammer over the outcropping and left him to the breaking.

The sound of hammering carried thinly through the air. Mars never was good for much more sound than the wind bearing another load of dust. It wasn't even a proper wind, like she'd heard on Earth, and especially not like some of what she'd run into working a platform on Venus. Her mind wandered like this as she rummaged through the cargo box of the rover until she turned up a length of cutting line. It wasn't exactly what she was after, but it should do the job.

"John! You gonna get in a mess of paperwork if I use anything consumable in this box?"

The drill paused while he keyed up, drawling in her ear, "Nope. Particularly not if we bring back a sample of whatever you blow up with it. For Science, you know." The drill resumed before she could reply.

She paused a moment, then grinned. Perhaps she'd been friends with John too long. He seemed to have given up on being especially polite. She shrugged and pulled the coil of cutter and a blast blanket from the box. She rounded the corner of the rover and held them up triumphantly.

John paused his hammer work and looked at her. "Ah. You would." He hoisted the hammer and hopped over the rock, hauling the hydraulic lines back over. He killed the pump and unceremoniously dropped the hammer back in the box. "You know you don't have to use the whole line, right? It's good for a lot of rock."

Helena just grinned at him and pulled off a couple arm spans of the line, doubling it back on itself, then cutting off the section. She laid the cord across the rock where she and John had already done a number on it, then draped the blanket over top. The material was heavy and tough, and would keep the blast going the direction she wanted, while cutting down on debris.

She held out a paw. "Your starter?"

He sighed as he handed it over. "One of these days, I'm going to get in trouble for letting you use these. You are most definitely not on the agency's list."

She shrugged and grinned. "And yet you keep giving it to me." She elbowed his side. "If only that wasn't all. Go dark." She played out some slack from the starter's reel and wrapped the end of the line in the bare copper. She backed around the corner of the rover, where John was waiting with another blanket, already sheltering behind it. She tucked up against him and tapped his arm three times, then pressed the clacker.

The ground shook sharply with the blast, and chips of rock skittered across the ground, a few thudding into their blanket as though to remind them why they sheltered under it. As soon as the blast's debris seemed to settle, she poked her nose around the blanket and grinned. The rover had definitely shifted, though the rock hadn't quite come loose.

She reeled in the starter's wire and keyed up. "Clear for traffic. Let's see what we got." She nearly skipped over to the work area and heaved the blanket back. It had a fresh scorch line and a heavy coating of dust. The rock had fared far worse, and was cracked clear through. Unfortunately, cleavage hadn't been entirely kind to her, and the outcrop was still wedged.

"John, get the hammer. We're doing pretty well, but we need to finish our work."

Ten minutes later, the rover settled all four tires onto the dirt at last.

As they finished packing their gear, she nudged him. "John, y'know, what with your record today, I think I'll drive."

He grumbled and shook his head, but tossed the chunk of rock they'd broken off into the cargo box and climbed into the passenger's seat without further comment. She hauled herself up into the pilot's seat and started the rover with the satisfying 'clunk' of a switch. She hooked her boots into the throttle pedals and eased the rover off the rock back towards Smithton. The steering stuck a bit. She'd no doubt be seeing it before it went into the field again.

Helena's tail swayed behind her as she walked into the pub. The day had been exhausting, but some quality time with her auto brusher had left her feeling invigorated and smelling much better. A little cinnamon powder on the brush hadn't hurt, of course. She always liked it when she could smell like something other than iron dust and hydraulic fluid. She'd slipped into her nicest casual outfit, which, being unsuited for shop use, stayed considerably cleaner than her everyday clothes.

She rolled her shoulders as she slipped onto a stool at the bar. It wasn't terribly crowded, but a fairly regular crowd had settled in. She at least had a little personal space at the bar, and it didn't take but a moment for the hound behind the bar to notice her.

"Hey there, Helena. What can I get you?"

"Hey, Chris. Deimos, neat, please."

"Sure thing."

It was a matter of moments before a glass of amber liquid sat in front of her. The Martian whisky was far from the cheapest liquor on the menu, but the engineer in her appreciated the effort they went through to provide something that rivaled any Earth-based whisky, and she simply enjoyed the smokey, vanilla notes and dry palate. She stuck her nose in the glass and drank deeply, steadying herself with a paw on the bar as the rich scent flooded her senses. She lapped at the whisky and savored the smooth warmth on her tongue.

Chris raised an eyebrow at her and shook her head. "I am always surprised when you don't just go home with a glass of that."

Helena grinned. "It just doesn't go down on me the same."

The hound bitch chuckled. "Can't argue with that. Enjoy."

Helena nodded and then swung her stool around to survey the room. It was typical Martian architecture, chock full of steel and bioplastics and lit indirectly by a handful of halide lamps. The ceiling was primarily covered in a sheet of dimpled steel, which gave the place an indistinct, bluish glow. She wasn't entirely sure about it, but it was fairly efficient and certainly gave the bar a certain character.

Other patrons sat individually and in small groups at tables throughout the space. It wasn't large, and a survey didn't take long. One caught her eye: a dingo sitting in in a small corner booth, a book and reusable print sheets in front of him. He looked up and met her gaze, giving a grin and a nod before looking back to his printouts. She raised an eyebrow and studied him for a moment. She was hardly in the pub every night, but she didn't recognize him as a regular. He seemed to be enjoying his reading, for his pointed ears were cocked forward and twitched as he read.

She sniffed her whisky again and shrugged, he was worth a shot. Another lap at her drink, then she slipped from her stool and made her way over to his table, putting a little extra sway in her walk, tail swishing behind her, ears perked.

"Hey there. Mind if I join you?"

He looked up from his book and grinned. "Sure." He tucked his prints into the book and closed it, pushing it aside. "The rocks can wait."

She grinned as she slipped into the edge of the booth, curling her tail to tuck into the gap between the padding of the bench and back. "And what fate do you have in store for the rocks?"

"Oh, the usual. Grinding, drilling, spectrography, dry memos about their composition and the implications thereof, related to their locations." He tapped his claws on the cover of the book. "The usual thrilling adventure for a geologist around here."

She grinned, leaning on the table. "You know, my best friend is a geologist."

His ears perked, and he matched her lean. "Now there's a phrase you don't hear every day. Who is it?"

"John Talyer. Know him?"

He grinned. "Oh, aye! John's a good guy. How'd you two meet?"

"My first night here, saw him here in the bar, thought he looked cute and smart, figured I'd chat him up." She flicked her ears back and grinned sheepishly. "I was a bit tired, so it took me almost half an hour to figure out I was barking up the wrong tree, and John was too nice to shut me down."

The dingo chuckled, his tail thumping behind him on the seat. "That sounds like John. It probably took him most of that time to figure out what you were doing." He stuck out a paw. "I'm Jake by the way. You must be....Helena, I think it was?"

She raised an eyebrow as she took his paw, squeezing firmly. He matched it with a solid grip that felt present and strong, without trying to prove anything. Her ears flicked and she grinned. "I see my reputation precedes me. Has John been telling stories?"

Jake's ears splayed and he glanced at the ceiling, muzzle tracing a figure eight as he considered his answer. "Well, yes. You two seem to have more fun on your excursions than the rest of us, and there isn't much else to talk about out here. 'Oh, aye, ten cubic centimeters of dust in your boots today? Well I had a cubic meter in in my rover!' " He rolled his eyes, then grinned at her again. "Besides, you two go through three times the cutter line anyone else does. We figure you have to be up to something."

She grinned widely, tongue lolling out of her muzzle. "Well, you know, cutline is fun. 'Makes rocks blow up real good, donchaknow?'" She shook her head, as though to clear the accent from her muzzle. "In any case, it's not my fault the rest of you rock boys don't have the imagination to put it to use. John's never complained, so I can't imagine the company has too much problem with our work."

"No. The boss has just resigned himself to assigning John the surveys that need things blown up. The rest of us get to slave away with picks and shovels and tiny brushes. I've had to stop myself singing old work songs, more than once." He lapped at his drink and shook his head.

She grinned and reached out to rest her paw on his, giving it a squeeze as she offered her best concerned, pitying look. "Now, you know they do make drills for that, right? Do you know how to operate a drill?"

He raised an eyebrow and shot her a look that was as dry as anything she'd seen outside the dome. "Yes, I know how to operate a damned drill. Would you like me to show you?"

She licked her muzzle. "Oh my, Mr. Dingo, I might like that very much." She leaned in closer. "Show me your drilling skills."

He coughed and his ears flicked back. "Ah. Well, that escalated quickly." He grinned at her and shifted, his ears rolling forward again as he leaned in, meeting her gaze. "On the other hand, if that's a serious offer..." His ears flicked as the door to the bar opened, and he glanced up, then sat upright sharply. "Oh, hey, John!"

Helena about bit her tongue off as she snapped her muzzle closed, grinding her teeth. She gave the floor a sharp kick, then sat up. So close. She looked over her shoulder to see John approaching. She stood to greet him, wrapping him in a warm hug and tucking her muzzle up next to his ear. "Unless you're here to wing for me, get out," she hissed.

The collie shook his head slightly and hugged her tighter. "Sorry, I really need to talk to you right now."

She pulled back, holding him at arms' length to look him over. He was putting up a good front, but his tail hung lower, his ears were off their perk, and he slumped just slightly, like he was exhausted. "Ahh, shit, John. Ok." She slipped an arm around his waist and pulled him into her side, then turned to Jake, still seated. "John here needs to steal me away. Best friend's privilege. He'll owe you a drink and a blowjob sometime." She turned away, then turned back, picking up her drink. "And come by my shop sometime. You know where it is?"

Jake raised an eyebrow and grinned. "I'll look you up." He pointed at John. "And don't think I'll forget to collect."

John chuckled softly and waved. "Sure, Jake. I would expect nothing less."

She led John over to a booth tucked into the corner of a quieter, darker part of the pub. John slipped into the booth, and she sat next to him, thigh pressing against his, her arm around his shoulder. "So, you look like shit. What's up?"

He leaned heavily against her, his gaze resting on the table. "Dan left."

"Well, shit." She leaned in and nuzzled the back of his ear. "I guess you two couldn't work things out?"

"I thought we had, but I guess I was being optimistic. He shipped out sometime while we were in the field. Left me a note, said he could tell it just wasn't going to work out, and the offer back on Earth was just too good to pass up." He sighed and leaned harder into her. "Fuck."

She nodded. "Fuck." She nosed over his ear, snuffling through the long fur of his rough coat, noting he still smelled like his suit. "John, have you even taken time to brush off?"

He shook his head. "No, I went to the office to get some paperwork done, then when I got home, I found a box waiting for me with the note. Came straight here after that."

She rubbed his shoulder and glanced down, noting he was, indeed, still wearing his jumpsuit, with just his jacket over top. She pushed her glass over to him, still mostly full. "So, first, you finish this. You need it more than I do. Then we'll see about getting you cleaned up."

He picked up the glass and sniffed, coughing as the whisky flooded his nose. "Ahh, Deimos, your favorite. Oh well." He shrugged and stuck his muzzle in the glass, lapping at the whisky.

She chuckled. "We can get you some gentler drinks from the bar if you want. Everything back at my place is hard and manly." She leaned against him and sighed. "Ah, which is what I'd hoped to get from Jake there..."

John lifted his muzzle from the glass. Whisky beaded on his muzzle fur, and he licked. "Mm. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to get in the way."

She shrugged and nipped at his ear. "I'm not sure I could live with myself if I blew off my best friends just to get laid, and I don't feel like finding out tonight." She hugged him again. "Besides, if he's worth anything, he'll drop by my shop later and we can...catch up."

He nosed her cheek. "You are a right decent bitch sometimes, you know that?"

She pawed at his muzzle. "Shhh! Don't spread that around. I have my reputation to think of!"

John shook his head. "Uh-huh." He lapped at the inside of the glass, getting the last drops of whisky from it, then set it down, eyeing it. "Hmm, I'm feeling better already."

She patted his shoulder and squeezed him against her. "That's it. Let's go settle my tab so we can get you all cleaned up, then get back here and get you a girly drink and a manly man."

She stood, then slipped an arm around John's waist and led him towards the entrance. She glanced at where Jake had been sitting, and he was gone. Well, perhaps she'd see him again at the shop. She approached the bar to pay her tab, but Chris waved her off and pointed to the door. She shrugged, but steered John towards the door. She'd have to see what that was about later.

Her apartment was a short walk from the pub, located just above her shop. It was a convenient sort of arrangement, even if it did seem sometimes like the company simply hated the idea of its employees being far from their work. She supposed she couldn't complain much, as it was, indeed, a short walk, and the footprint of the place covered the office and low bays of her shop, which gave it fairly decent room. She worked solo most of the time, so it wasn't like shop noise was a big concern, and if anything tried to catch fire, well, she was right there to deal with it. The place suited her well enough.

The door slid open for her when she punched in her code and she guided John through the door. He wobbled a bit as he shrugged out of his jacket. She took it from him and hung it next to the nearly-identical one she kept. "You didn't remember to eat anything tonight, did you?"

His ears splayed and, his tail wagged behind him. "Ah, no."

She hung her head in resignation. "John, I don't know how you manage on your own." She pointed past him. "Kitchen, there. Go grab a protein stick or something. I have all the flavors, and some of them are even close."

She glared at him until he started for the kitchen, then ducked into her bedroom to change. She and John has been clothing-optional friends for a while, so for this, change really meant strip. She returned a minute later, shaking herself out, her fur fluffing up nicely, free of the confines of clothes. She padded into the kitchen, her claws clicking on the floor's plastic, and pressed herself up against John, slipping her arms around him. She nipped lightly at his scruff while her paws worked up his front, giving him a blatant feeling up while she worked the offset zipper down. "When was the last time anyone had to remind you to stuff your muzzle with meat?"

He grumbled, but his tail swished against her legs and gave lie to his response. "Hey now. I've been having a bad day." He finished the first stick and took up a second, leaning back against her. "I mean, first I spent the whole day cooped up in a rover with you..."

She nipped his ear at that, and he chuckled.

"Then paperwork, then, well..." He bit into the end of the stick and chewed, giving himself an excuse not to speak.

"Yeah." The front of his suit opened down to his waist, and she ran her paws up his chest to hook into the collar. She reached up to push the stick deeper into his muzzle. "Hold that, don't bite. Again, something I shouldn't have to tell you." His arms no longer occupied, she peeled the suit down, working it off his chest, pinning his arms back temporarily until he shrugged out of them. When the suit hung from his waist, she ruffled up his belly fur, then coughed. "Yeah, Johnny, you really need to get cleaned up. And wash this thing. Oof."

He grumbled. "Hey, it was kind of a last minute thing! This was the only one I had around, and it was pretty clean."

"That was before a three-day mission." She shook her head. "Well, bucko, you need to get out of it. Either I strip you or you do it yourself."

John grumbled again, but tucked the protein stick back in his muzzle, talking around it as he pushed the jumpsuit off his hips and onto the floor. "Fine. I can do this myself just fine."

She stood back as he stripped, a grin slipping across her muzzle. She couldn't help but enjoy the view. John was a well-formed collie, and he took good care of himself when he wasn't too distracted by work. If he swung her way, having him stripping down to nothing in her kitchen would be a lot more fun. She huffed and shook her head to clear the thoughts. Ah well. "Ok, dirt dog. Finish your meat and it's to the brushers with you."

She patted his back to guide him towards the bathroom and kicked his suit into the corner by the washer. Something to deal with later. For the moment, there was a naked John Talyer wandering around her apartment, so at least the scenery had improved.

John had the brushes turned on by the time she joined him and was leaning into them like someone who'd finally realized how badly he needed them. Which he did. She took a hand brush from the rack next to it and worked over his muzzle, then back to his cheeks. She brushed over his head, then ruffled between his ears. "Feeling better?"

He grinned and shifted to press his side up against the brushes. "Ahh, yeah."

She chuckled, and brushed down his front, working the stiff bristles over his thick fur. He shifted to lean his other side into the brushes as she finished his belly. She knelt down and worked the brush along his inner thighs, chuckling a bit. "Y'know, John, I kinda like the view down here."

He coughed and pushed himself off the brushes, nearly bumping her nose with his sheath. "Ahh... I think I'll handle that area myself."

"Aw, John, you're no fun at all. I promise I give good head." She finished brushing his thighs and patted his hip, then stood and handed him the brush. "But have it your way." She grinned toothily. "There are fresh toothbrushes behind the mirror, if, y'know, you want to freshen up after you're done."

She turned and walked out, brush tail swaying behind her, leaving John grumbling in her wake. It was probably mean to tease him so much right after a breakup, but if she wasn't mean to him, he'd think she was ill. She flopped on the loveseat, stretching out across it lazily. It was a nice change of pace after being stuck in the rover and a suit for three days.

John joined her after a couple of minutes, pushing her legs aside and settling heavily onto half of it.

She shifted to lean against his side, ruffling his ears fondly. "All clean?"

He nodded.

She sniffed his muzzle pointedly. He pawed at her nose. "Come off it." He leaned against her. " have any clothes that'll fit me? 'Cause my suit really does need a wash, and...that's all I had on..."

She grinned. "No walking down the street buck naked and proud? I'm sure the guys would all enjoy it before security showed up. Mmm, come to think of it, a couple of those guys might appreciate it, too."

John grumbled and nipped at her cheek. "Pest."

She ran a paw over her ears. "Big, luxurious ears, delicate, pointy snout. Pretty much guarantees pest."

He patted her muzzle. "Not so delicate as you like to tell people. We both know your father was a wolf."

Helena grinned. "Well, he did have a weakness for the 'yote bitches. Mom's just the one that got to keep him." She huffed. "So, John. I have some things that should fit you, if you want to head back to your place for clothes and meet back at the bar."

He shrugged. "Yeah... I dunno."

She raised an eyebrow and waited until it was clear he wasn't going to continue. "So...just remembered why you're here, didn't you?"

He nodded, then shifted to kick his legs over the arm of it and rest his head in her lap. "Yup." His ears laid back and he looked up at her. "I don't really think I'm up for tying to pick someone up tonight. Cheap, hollow, just physical... Plus putting myself out there to get rejected? I've had enough rejection for a while."

She patted his chest and scratched lightly behind one of his ears. "Mmm, I'll bet." She gruffed. "So, what do you want to do? Stay here while the suit washes up, get drunk, go home in the morning?"

"Something like that. I mean, I feel like shit. Part of me just wants to get pinned and fucked and wake up that sort of nice sore in the morning."

She grinned. "Sounds like my kind of solution." She trailed her paw lightly through his thick belly fur, letting her claws drag over it. "But you don't want to go out." She leaned over and licked his muzzle. "I don't think dial-a-dick has service here. I mean, I'd know."

He chuckled at that, and reached up to rub her cheek fondly. "Mmff, yeah. So I dunno what to do. Y'know, if you were a guy, this'd be easy. You want to jump me, I want to get jumped..."

"That is true. I've wanted to climb your fluffy bones since I saw you. You haven't gotten any less sexy with time." She gruffed and ran her paw over his lower belly, teasing alongside his sheath. "Y'know, I do have some toys and a harness. Might not be a real dick, but I've been told it does a pretty good job."

He looked at her, rolling his hips to press his sheath into her paw. "Ahh, now I want to know who told you that. Mmmfff... I just, mm, I want to make sure we'll still be friends after."

She grinned and licked his muzzle again. "Far as I'm concerned, we will be. I'm just giving my best friend the comfort he deserves. In the morning, you'll feel sore and a tiny bit better, I'll feel horny enough to jump Jake in the shop, and we'll both move on. And, y'know, if you need this sort of thing again, you just let me know."

He sat up and wrapped his arms around her, hugging her tightly. "Thanks. You're too good to me."

She patted his ears. "I know. I'm also being selfish, since I really want to bone you."

His tail thumped. "Mmm, well, I can get in front of that. So..." He trailed off, looking towards the door to her bedroom.

"No waiting, mm?" She stood and took his paw, leading him around the loveseat. "Come on hot stuff." She led him into the bedroom, sliding the door shut behind her. The lights were off, but the windows in the room overlooked the high bays in her shop, and the soft glow of equipment lit the space dimly. She'd always liked that.

She led John over to the bed and gave him a firm push so he sat heavily on the edge. Leaning over, she licks his muzzle warmly, one paw slipping behind his head, holding him into it, the other sliding down his belly to squeeze his sheath. The collie was already excited, and his pointed tip greeted her paw, smearing a little thin musk along her palm. She gave him a few slow strokes, teasing more of his cock from his sheath, then stepped back.

"Stay there. I'll go get the gear. Mmmm, speaking of...big, small, somewhere in between? We have options..."

He panted softly, then chuckled. "Mmmm... Right down the middle, please."

"That was the idea."

He chuckled, and she heard him flop back onto the bed. She found the toy box in her closet and clicked on the small work light attached to it, casting a soft yellow glow over the box and its drawers. She liked to be prepared. She rummaged around until she came up with the leather harness and ran a thumb across the leather fondly. It was a fetching red and black in the light, with stainless buckles and snaps. She sometimes had to fight the urge to wear it in public, it looked so good. The bitch chuckled and strapped it on, pulling the straps to their familiar positions. It had been a very fun year when she'd first gotten this thing.

The harness in place, she pulled out another drawer. She pulled out a rather absurdly large dildo, purchased more for entertainment value than anything else. She waved it at John. "Thor, Dog of Thunder. Ready for him?"

John yelped and tucked his tail up between his legs. "Hell no!"

She laughed and put it away, then fished out a more reasonably sized cock and a bottle of lube. She clicked the light back off and stood, looking John over as she fitted the dildo into her harness. She growled softly, feeling it shift against her mound. It had been too long since she'd worn one of these.

Stepping over to the bed, she set the bottle of lube on the side table and reached out curl her fingers into the fur of John's scruff. She pulled him closer and lowered a grin at him that revealed her lupine ancestry. "If you want to get fucked, you'd better get me warmed up, pretty boy."

The collie shuddered a bit and lowered his muzzle obediently, lapping slowly at the tip of the toy before pushing his muzzle lower.

She growled softly, rolling her hips to bump his nose with the toy's knot, her paw heavy on his head. "Mmmm, that's it."

Her tail swayed steadily behind her as John worked his muzzle along her fake shaft, lips bumping steadily into its knot as he got into it. She grinned when she glanced down and saw he was enjoying himself, his free paw stroking his sheath along his erection, hard flesh glistening in the low light.

She let him bob his muzzle at his own pace at first, then thrust her hips, pushing the point deeper into his mouth. She rolled her hips steadily, gripping his scruff in one paw and one ear in another, holding him steady while she gave his muzzle a good pounding. The dog was clearly enjoying it, for he moaned around the shaft.

She growled softly and pulled back, slipping the toy cock from his muzzle, the pointed tip hanging in front of his lips. "Did you enjoy that, pup?"

He panted softly and nodded. "Yeah..."

She took the lube from the night table and grinned down at him as she smeared it slowly along the shaft, warm from his mouth. "Mmmm, good, pup. Now, get up on the bed and show me that ass like a good bitch."

John groaned softly as he complied with the order, scrambling up on the bed, settling on all fours, facing the head of the bed, looking out the windows over the shop. He hiked his tail, the feathery fluff waving slowly over his rump, as though it was afraid she couldn't find his rump.

She grinned and followed him up onto the bed, planting a paw on his rump, running fingers through the long, soft fur and squeezing at the toned muscle underneath. A fine ass indeed. She ran her paw higher and gripped the base of his tail, hiking it up to further expose the pucker underneath. She shifted forward, guiding her toy with her paw to settle the slicked tip of it against his hole. John shuddered and let out a soft moan. She growled in response. "That's a good bitch."

Helena eased her hips forward, and the tip of her dildo slipped into the collie. She pushed in slowly, easing the cock a few inches inside and pausing, letting John get used to the feeling of the shaft inside him. He panted softly, and she could see him gripping at the sheets as he got used to the feeling of her toy inside him. She leaned over and growled in his ear, nipping at the back of it. "Now that's a good boy. You can take it all, right?"

He nodded eagerly, still panting, and rolled his hips back, pushing himself deeper onto the toy. "Yes, definitely."

She grinned, keeping still for a moment, then slowly pressed forward again, easing the well-slicked length of that toy cock into his ass until the knot pressed against him. She growled, rolling her hips to grind it against his ring. He pushed back against her, his body shuddering. She nipped his ear and growled into it, "Good boy. You'll get the knot soon enough."

She drew back slowly, watching the shaft slip slowly from the dog's rump until just the tip remained, then pushed in again. The bitch shivered a little, herself, savoring the view and the warm sensations as the dildo rocked against her mound. She took John slowly, her ears perked to catch his quiet moans, nose twitching as the scent of his arousal filled the air.

She gripped his rump in her free paw, kneading the firm flesh. Her other paw gripped the base of his tail tightly, using it for leverage as she gave him a firm, steady thrust, grinding the knot against him again. He groaned, then buried his muzzle in the pillows, muffling the sound. She chuckled above him and let his tail go, paw trailing up along his spine. She gripped his scruff firmly and pressed her forearm into his back, leaning forward to push the dog down into the bed, leaving his rump in the air. He groaned louder at that, the pillows only muffling it so much.

With the dog suitably pinned, the bitch worked her hips faster, making shorter thrusts that pulled back a few inches, then drove in again to the knot. She panted above him, her tongue lolling out as she basked in the warmth of being on the giving end of a good fuck. John rolled his hips beneath her, his rump grinding back to her hips, stretching himself around the knot.

She took a break from thrusting to grind hard against him, pressing the knot against the tight ring of his ass. She felt it slipping, then the sudden thump of her hips against his ass. John shuddered hard and rutted back against her. She gripped his scruff tightly and leaned over him, growling in his ear as she bucked her hips against him, tugging that knot in his ass. His body tensed all over, then shuddered. He tipped his muzzle up and howled, the sound echoing off the hard walls of her bedroom. She was suddenly glad she had no neighbors to disturb.

A familiar scent filled her nose as John shook under her, and she bit his scruff firmly, tugging at the loose flesh. The dog was cumming on her sheets. She'd have to get him for that later. Her claws pressed tightly into his hip and the base of his neck, while her teeth gripped pressed through his pelt against his hide. He groaned and ground harder back against her, his tail flagged off to the side, brushing her belly.

She lay atop him until he stilled, growling quietly into his scruff. He panted softly as he came down, and she could feel his rump cheeks tensing as he clenched around the toy. Eventually, he sagged to one side, and she went with him. She pressed herself warmly against his back, slipping her paws around and under him to brush lightly over his chest. She let his scruff go and nuzzled his ear. "Feeling better, pup?"

He let out a long sigh, seeming to deflate. "Mmm, yes." He rolled his hips back against hers, shifting that knotted dildo under his tail. "Ahhh, gods, that feels good."

She chuckled and ruffled his belly. "Tell me about it." Her paw slipped lower, brushing over his spent shaft, then lower to caress his balls. "Mmm, you made a mess of my sheets, dog. It's a good thing I like you so much."

His ears splayed, and he chuckled softly, thumping his tail on her side. "Sorry about that. You, mmm, the knot got me by surprise."

She gave his balls a fond squeeze and licked his ear. "I'll live. But, mm, maybe we should get it off the bed, yes? And you're sleeping on that side." She rolled her hips, pulling back slowly, but insistently, feeling his rump catch at the knot, tugging at the harness.

John whuffed softly. "Ah!"

She kept up that gentle tension, planting a paw on his rump to keep a steady pull. She heard him panting softly. Finally, with a lewd slurp, the knot slipped from his ass. The rest of the shaft slipped out quickly.

He growled softly. "Ahh, fuck. It always feels so empty." He stayed still for a moment, then slipped out of the bed, steading himself on the nightstand.

Helena chuckled as she stood and pulled the topsheet off the bed, tossing the wet mess against the wall. Yet another thing to clean in the morning. She padded around the bed and licked John's cheek, then pointed to the bed. "Sleep, dog. I'll join you in a few."

He settled back into the bed, his cock laying against his belly as it softened, slowly slipping back into its sheath. She paused, leaning against the corner of her closet to admire the sight. Even if he wasn't hers, he was a damned fine-looking dog, and she appreciated that she'd at least managed to get him into her bed.

She returned from the bathroom a few minutes later, the dildo and harness disassembled and cleaned. John was already asleep, and seemed to have managed to sprawl across the bed. She raised an eyebrow and shook her head, then picked up the stained sheets. It took just a few minutes more to set John's jumpsuit in the washer with the sheets. She'd run the dryer in the morning. She was certain she'd be down in the shop long before he was awake.

The bitch crawled into bed alongside the collie, pushing the sleeping dog over into something resembling half the bed, and lay alongside him, rubbing a paw fondly through his plush fur until she finally fell asleep.

Helena had just lifted the body off a cargo truck when John walked into the shop. She closed the cover over the control box and let it hang free as she moved to meet him.

She slipped her arms around his shoulders and hugged him tightly. "How ya doing, Johnny?"

He returned the gesture, leaning heavily against her and burying his muzzle in her neck. "Ugh. Still feels like shit, y'know?"

She chuckled softly and rubbed his back. "Mmm, I do, dear." She snuffled one of his ears. He smelled like he'd gotten a morning brushing and nicked some breakfast. She shifted her weight. He wasn't a big dog, but he was bigger then she was, and he didn't seem to be in much of a mood to bear his own weight. "Come on, let's get you sat down somewhere before I get crushed."

He chuckled as she led him over to a couple of crates in a corner. "Hey, I'm not that heavy. And don't you have anything better for seating?"

She nipped his ear lightly. "You came out on the floor. I don't do much sitting down out here." She sat next to him and slipped an arm around his waist, pulling him close against her. "So what's the news, pup?"

He laid his head on her shoulder and huffed. "Not much. Got a new assignment, out again next week. A storm's coming up, so they're keeping us in until after it."

She ran her paw along his side, tracing over the light jacket he wore. Mars was just never that warm, even with the winter pelts everyone kept the year round. "Seems like a good idea. We've already seen how you drive when a little dust devil crops up."

He grumbled, but his tail thumped behind him. "Hmph! You wouldn't have done any better, and you know it!"

She nudged his side. "Sure. You keep telling yourself that, pup."

He chuckled, then licked her cheek. "Hey, thanks for last night. It was...a lot better than going home alone." He chuckled. "Or, worse, going home with a random guy. I think that would have gone...poorly."

She grinned and patted his cheek. "Nice to know I rate better than random bar beef. At least, some of the time."

"That's not quite what I meant."

Her paw shifted up to rub his ear warmly. "No worries, Johnny. I know what you meant, and I know you don't swing my way. I'm glad I could help, and I enjoyed it." She grinned and nipped his chin. "Maybe not as much as you did, judging by the mess you left on my sheets. I've had two guys in bed with me and not make that much mess! I hope you shack up with a boy who likes it wet."

He coughed softly, and she could tell his ears were getting hot. "Ahh...not too many complaints, usually... I do usually try to miss the sheets, though."

She nipped one ear and rubbed the other. "Hmph! So it's just my sheets you make a mess on. I see how it is." Sitting back, she ruffles his ear again. "In any case, I won't hold it against you. Much." She grinned. "So, you're a free man in a crappy little mining town. What are you going to do with all your free time? Do you need someone to leer at boys in the club with you? It would be a sacrifice, but I could manage to help you with that."

John joined her in slumping against the wall. His thigh pressed against her, the dog clearly preferring to maintain some physical contact. "Mmmf. I don't even know, yet. This work coming up. Reports for our last outing, planning for the next one. Probably throw myself into that."

She nodded and patted his thigh. "Sounds like a good distraction for now. You need to talk, come by. You want to explore the wonders of the fairer sex, you give me a call." She grinned, squeezing that thigh. "I mean, I've lusted after you for a long time, dog. I'd be happy to help...distract you."

He chuckled and shifted a bit, tail thumping on the crate as he leaned in to kiss her cheek. "Mmm, thanks, hon. Though don't go thinking you've turned me. Still, it's nice to be close with a friend." He stood, then offered her a hand. "I should be off to work. Paperwork isn't getting done on its own."

They hugged, and she snuck a paw down to squeeze his rump. "Mmm, there you go. Now, get you and your cute rump out of my shop so I can get some work of my own done." She watched him until he pushed through the door into the lobby, his tail no longer tucked quite so tight to his thighs and his ears perked a little more. He should be fine.

She'd just just pressed the button to raise the body higher off the truck when the door to the shop floor opened again. She stifled a growl and dropped the controller again. One of these days, she'd get to work on the stupid thing.

She faced the truck, away from the door, and composed herself. Before she was finished, she heard a familiar voice.

"Ahh, Helena, was it? John said I should bring the rover here."

She turned to find the dingo from the bar. Her tail flicked and her ears perked. He was a pleasant surprise. "Jake, right?"

He nodded, his ears flicking back. "Aye."

She chuckled, taking a moment to look him over. Shop lights were harsh, but his form held up well under the inspection. "Mm. And why'd John send you with the rover? He was just here?"

He shrugged, tail swaying behind him. "He's the senior geologist. I don't think they feel I've quite knocked my polish off yet."

She grinned. "No, I suppose that's true. You're from Earth, right? Mars will wear you down into a different shape, and they won't quite trust you until you start to look like it's worked on you."

"Mmmm. I suppose I can see that. The only thing they haven't sent me after so far is elbow grease."

She laughed. "Hah! They must like you, then."

"Well, I hope so." He grinned at her. "Anyway, I can't say as I was too sad to come down here. I wanted to catch up with you since last night. I hope John is ok?"

She shrugged. "He'll be right in time. Until then, he's as well as you'd expect." She shook a finger at him. "And if you want to know more than that, you'll ask him yourself." She moved towards the door back to the lobby, waving over her shoulder. "Come, join me in my office, we'll get your paperwork sorted."

He leaned on the counter as she rummaged up the forms for the repair request. "So, ahh... Y'know, you and John must be pretty close. He made it clear that if I upset you, he'd be sure I disappeared before I knew what had happened."

She paused and grinned wistfully. "Ahh, the best friends will give you plausible deniability." She turned a page and passed the binder to him, handing him a pen. "Next couple pages." As he started writing, "Yes, John and I are quite close. And I'll tell you the same thing. You treat him well, or else."

He raised his paws. "I get the message. Be nice to both of you." A grin slid across his muzzle, like it belonged. "Thanks for the warning, at least."

She raised an eyebrow, her tail swishing behind her. "It only seems polite. Besides, you're cute. I'd hate to make you disappear if I didn't have to."

He flicked an ear as he bent to fill out the form once more. "Nice to know where I rate. 'Cute enough for a warning.' I suppose it could be worse." He pushed the forms back to her. "Anything else?"

She eyed the forms, flipping through them speculatively. "Mission's not for a week, and they want to rush it?"

Jake shrugged. "I don't know. I just fill out the forms like I'm told." He leaned on the counter again. "So...what's the schedule look like?"

She eyed him speculatively for a moment. "Mmmm...well, I might just be able to fit you in..."


The old wolf sighed and lifted his glass, nosing into the glass and drinking in the rich history of the whiskey. Distilled in Kentucky, aged in fresh, charred oak casks, its notes of vanilla and oak flooded his senses. He took a sip and sighed as it...

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Waiting for Repairs

She huffed as he pushed her roughly into the wall, knocking the breath out of her. She shuddered when he growled in her ear and she felt his cock tip probing her crotch, the point prodding her in the thighs and outer lips until he finally found his...

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