After The Battle

Story by Granyx on SoFurry

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As for this, I decided to make a story on two of the characters out of the three you could select in the Kemo Colisuem demo because why not? I thought it would be cute to have these two as a pair.

Yes, I know the husky's name is originally 'Volga' but if you translate it, his actual english name is 'Boruga' and there are no 'R's' in Japanese, only 'L' (I heard this from a friend who is studying and taking classes on it so...yeah)

Now that all of that is out of the way, enjoy^^ I tried really hard on describing but I think I did okay.

If there are any tags I'm missing out on, say something please and thank you^^

After The Battle- A Vorga & Tharsix fanfic

Vorga sighed as he sat up on the bed, mind still in a frenzy from the events that happened earlier today in the coliseum that led to where he was now; Patiently waiting for this man to come and do whatever it was he intended to do and be on his merry way.

Now normally, he had no problem waiting for hours because often enough the husky would be doing something to occupy himself; Which was mainly training his muscle toned body to be in top physical form but since the sun had sunk beyond the horizon and the stars had shown above...well...there was nothing to do now and his patience was growing thinner by the second.

And as if things weren't bad enough, there were still the lingering questions that needed to be answered once the guy arrived. Why make such an odd request? What was the reason for him to be here? And why an inn of all places? Well, that last question was redundant but he was still curious to know.

With another sigh, Vorga turned his head to the right and stared out towards an open window into the night sky, moonlight shining in the distance. It was such a beautiful sight to behold but there was no way for him to become captivated by it like he used to, and it was because of those simple words uttered earlier that became etched into his mind but he flushed them out as quick as it came, focusing on another matter.

A small smile formed on the husky's thin lips as he recalled how eager he was to fight in the coliseum and win the prize money that was spoken about. He could still remember being prepared for the fight against...

...Tharsix, a bear who had become a slave as of late (thanks to the husky hearing about this from civilians when he strolled about) and was being forced to compete to slake his masters thirst for money.

Vorga didn't care much about the background on his opponent, all he wanted to know was how good he fought in the ring. As he set foot inside the entrance, there wasn't anything to stop the small gasp from coming out as his sky blue eyes gazed upon the vast open space around him. To both his right and left were large pillars while in front of him stood two statues facing opposite one another holding torches in the palms of their hands.

At the very top stood two lions plastered against the wall and just like the statues below, they faced each other as if the majestic beings were ready to attack one another in fierce combat. Looking up further, Vorga could see that a part of the ceiling let part of the sun shine through what appeared to be blue tinted glass, causing the whole setting to take on a oceanic scene almost.

"I see I'm not the only one who finds this part of the coliseum to be extravagant." The husky's ears flicked to the sound of a feminine voice that was nearby and turned to see an elegant fox wrapped in a toga, her lithe form fitting into it quite nicely around her.

"Yes, it is quite lovely but I'm not here for sightseeing as you can see..." Vorga said as he looked down on himself then back at the woman before him. His attire consisted of a dark green bandanna atop his head, a chest piece that covered only one side of his chest with a leather belt connecting the upper torso and right shoulder pad. On top of the shoulder pad lay a small cloak that bore the same color as the bandanna. On his arms were tightly wrapped bandages and wrist guards. At the waist he wore a red loincloth with a belt consisting an emblem of a golden wolf with sky blue eyes, silver gems adorned around it while a small bag was attached to the right side. On his feet, he donned green leather worked pads and on the soles you could see bandages there as well and to complete the look he wore a medium sized necklace with three dog tags clipped on.

The vixen took notice and simply nodded her head with a smile. "I see, so you're here to take part in the fights. Well you're in luck, for I'm the person to see in order to participate!" She chirped gleefully.

It was Vorgas turn to smile as well, excitement and anticipation fueling his body as he wanted nothing more than to just burst out into the ring and test his mettle but he cocked his head to the side in confusion for a moment as he considered something. "Alright but where do I sign up?"

At this, the woman chuckled before responding. "That will happen_after_ you hear what I have to say...are you all ears pup?" She didn't wait for him to give any indication of an answer and went on. " Good, now in this coliseum the rules are pretty simple and that is to strip your opponent down...all the way down."

The husky blinked for a moment, completely taken aback by the last phrase but he did hear her word for word. He understood what she meant but the problem that was staring him in the face on earth was he going to do that? Sure, he could use his fangs and claws to tear apart the fabric but everyone knows armor doesn't exactly come cheap!

Noticing the evident look of confusion on his face, the fox spoke once more. "Yes, yes I know armor is a tad expensive but don't worry none of it will be harmed in any way." She smiled again and it didn't belie anything to what she had said.

Vorga was unsure but what little choice did he have? Yes, he could turn back now and find someplace else to fight but that would be the cowards way out and he was certainly not that. "Alright...I trust you. So what happens if I'm the victor?"

"You'll get to have the prize money, which is enough gold pieces to feed a family for a full year."

"Is there a catch?"

"None whatsoever"

"And if I lose?"

At this, a devilish smirk crossed the vixens beautiful features and it almost made Vorgas hackles raise. "Then you will have to do whatever the winner asks of you...sexually of course in front of the ever loving crowd."

Those sky blue eyes widened in horror as he registered those words in his mind. In front of thousands of people? Where all eyes would be on him? What kind of fighting was this? Again, he wanted to turn his back and forget all of this but the warrior in him wouldn't let that happen and he opened his muzzle to respond. "Is that all?"

"Yes. Now that you've heard all of this, what is your decision?" She asked with a dead set serious look on her face with intensity in her eyes as she gazed at Vorga.

To say he was worried would have been an understatement, for he was scared of being defeated and losing his dignity but somewhere deep down inside of him made the husky flush out those thoughts and he looked back at the vixen with determination. "I accept"

"Are you sure? There is no turning back once you do this."

"Yes, I'm sure"

The fox smiled and extended a paw out towards Vorga. "Then take my paw and you'll be on your way"

He did so without hesitation and almost immediately upon contact, the air around him shifted but only slightly. With his eyes never taking off their joined paws, he saw a completed symbol begin to mark his fur and just as he was about to try and decipher whatever he could from it, it disappeared and so did the shift of magic.

"There! You're all done and signed up!" She said with a giggle and pointed at his paw where the mark had just been visible. "Now, what I had just done is basically allow you to strip your opponent and all you have to do is touch whichever part you feel is best and poof! It's gone with nary a scratch."

Vorga looked at his paw for a second, not seeing anything aside from his dark blue fur then put it back down at his side and looked at the vixen skeptically. "Alright, and where does our armor go?"

"With me. And don't worry, I won't touch if that's what you're thinking," she said with a chuckle and hiked a thumb over her shoulder. "Now get on out there and give us a good show!"

The feeling of anticipation and excitement welled up so much inside the canine that it felt like he was ready to burst but he marched on down the hall past the statues. Down along the corridor he walked until light could be seen and soon he could hear the cacophony of civilians cheering.

Reaching outside, he quickly placed a paw in front of his eyes to shield them from the sudden brightness. Pupils dilating to focus, Vorga took a look around and couldn't help but be swelled with confidence as he saw all the attention was drawn on him.

That moment was short lived however as he saw from out the corner of his eye, a hulking figure in the distance at the opposite side from where he stood and it was drawing closer. Now that it was within close proximity, Vorga got a real look at his opponent and his confidence wavered a little.

_So this is Tharsix..._he thought with a grimace as he looked up at the stockily built brown bear who had a scar running across his right eye. That wasn't the only scar on his body as he counted two more on both pecs, both 'X' marks while also noticing a symbol he couldn't recognize near the left nipple.

Another thing that was even more perplexing was the harness he wore, for in the middle bore a keyhole. For the briefest of moments, Vorga wondered where the key could be until he shook his head rapidly to focus. The wrist guards and leg guards the bear wore looked to be built for battle on the field than entertainment such as this and on his rotund waist appeared to be a belt.

Aside from the armor, Tharsix was heavily built as his biceps were big enough to crush anyone if he so much as dared to give a bearhug while his powerfully thick thighs appeared to do massive damage if any poor soul got in the way of an incoming kick. All in all, his body seemed to say one thing; Strength.

Doubt started to creep into Vorgas' mind as he severely underestimated the situation but he wouldn't back down, he would win that prize no matter what it took. Puffing out his chest, he stared into the bears amethyst eyes, determination overflowing. "I won't lose to you," he huffed out with clear resolve.

Tharsix simply blinked, as if what was going on did not interest him in the slightest and looked down at the husky. "Try your best little one," he rumbled out in a deep, gruff voice and bowed his head in respect.

Vorga was a little taken aback by that but he never let it show, for if he did that would make him vulnerable but not wanting to be rude, he had done the same gesture.

Suddenly, the crowd grew silent as they turned their heads to the vixen that sat atop a chair with a goblet in paw. "Alright ladies and gentlemen! We have two fine contestants here ready to provide some lovely entertainment for us! First off, we introduce a slave who has come here from another country and this isn't his first time fighting in tournaments folks...I bring you the meanest, toughest bear that will crush all in his way! Give it up for Tharsix!" Her announcement definitely brought the crowd back to it's usual cheering but this time it was louder. "Next," she continued and it fell silent once more "we have a newcomer who has fire in his eyes...a passion for fighting that cannot be snuffed out! Oh lovely people, give it up for the underdog Vorga!"

As the cheering was brought forth once again, Vorga had his eyes set on the bear in front of him; ready to give it all he's got and be victorious. He bent his knees in a form of crouch, shifting his right leg back slightly and raised both paws, palms up and outward.

Tharsix hunkered down just a little and spread his legs a bit further apart, raising both paws up as well, as if ready to block any blows that were aimed to the face.

The two furs waited patiently in the middle of the coliseum, sun high above beaming it's radiant rays down on everyone. It wasn't long before the sound of a bell could be heard, signaling them to begin.

Vorga sprung into action as he rushed forward, right paw extending outwards to take hold of the harness but Tharsix was already on the defensive and reached out to grab the assaulting limb. Little did he know though, that this particular stunt was a diversion and feinted at the last second once the husky got close enough, sidestepping out of the way and dived down to take hold of his leg guards.

Unfortunately that attempt didn't go far as the bear was one step ahead, swiftly moving aside in time for Vorga to miss and become unbalanced. Taking advantage of the situation, he swiveled around and grabbed his still outstretched arm, touching the bandages that were attached to his wrist guards and in seconds, they disappeared in a flash. Seemingly satisfied with the result, Tharsix let go.

Having become free for the mere moment, Vorga steadily but hastily backpedaled away a few steps from the bear, growling in anger. How could he have been so careless? And how could such a big male like him move so fast? He didn't have time to answer those questions however as his mind went straight back into focus, trying to figure out a better strategy.

He stared down Tharsix, scanning to see if there were any vulnerable spots that were left open, anything to give him an edge to win but his hopes were dashed away as there was nothing he could find. For a brief moment, the husky thought about going for his tightly wrapped orange undergarment but he found himself staring way longer than necessary and blushed, wondering how big the guy was down there.

Focus! Vorga furiously shook his head and snapped back to reality, tensing his muscles once more to strike. As he moved to the left in a circular pattern around his opponent, he noticed that the bear never moved an inch, which was odd to him but that thought never crossed his mind fully once he neared the backside and saw a very appealing muscular rump.

Perfect round cheeks and smooth looking...probably firm to the touch if he ever got a chance to feel them. His daydreaming came to an abrupt end once Tharsix turned and closed the distance between them, one meaty paw taking hold of the chest piece along with his necklace, both disappearing in seconds.

Vorga blinked, unaware for a moment that he was fighting. Once his eyes focused back to what went on around him, he saw that same paw reaching for his belt and quickly slapped it away before jumping back. That was the second time he had gotten bested and this time he didn't even attack! Plus, the bear had taken two more pieces and not a single one has become lost from his own body.

Now bare chested and left with only whats below his waist and legs, the canine started to really get pissed off. His opponent didn't seem to give him any chance to plan out a next course of action for he started closing in the distance one more and he was reaching for the loincloth now.

He sidestepped out of the way with fluid ease but that didn't stop Tharsix. Dodge after dodge, swipe after swipe...not one of them relented in the slightest and the crowd went nuts over the spectacle in front of them, glad to have a great show.

Vorga tried to counter with an attack of his own but he couldn't do anything with how fast the bears paws were moving in tandem with him and he couldn't keep this up for long as he started to sweat from the exertion along with the sun shining high above them. He could see it dripping off Tharsix as well whenever the big male swung a meaty digit in his direction.

As he kept dodging back, the husky wasn't paying attention to his surroundings and tripped, his muscled ass hitting the ground hard. To make matters worse, he never had time to recover as the bear was already looming over him and touched the belt, loincloth and guards around his legs; all disappearing in a flash.

The familiar sound of a bell could be heard, signaling the end of today's match and once more, the crowd began cheering while Vorga silently fumed, looking down at the ground and blushing all the while in defeat. He had not only lost the match but his dignity as well...something he never imagined would happen and now it was time for him to receive his 'punishment.'

He knew Tharsix was still above him, for he could feel hot breath brush against his fur and blunt claws softly scratching his chest. He wouldn't dare look up...he didn't want to see the mocking grin that was probably plastered on that muzzle of his.

"Reserve a spot for me in the nearby inn." The bear whispered close to his ear, causing him to snap his head up in surprise. Of all the things Vorga was expecting, this wasn't one of them and just when he was about to spout off a thousand questions per second, a single finger pressed against those thin lips. "Just do that alright?"

There was no protest and after a few moments he nodded. After leaning away and standing back up, the big male padded off to where he first entered the ring, leaving a very confused husky to tune out everything...

...and here he was now, bare chested in only his loincloth waiting for whatever was to come. Of course, Vorga was nervous (which was in itself very surprising since he had just fought not long ago) but he calmed his nerves down enough to just watch the stars twinkle.

Just when he was about to become entranced by the blinking of lights in the night sky, his ears flicked to the sound of footsteps entering and smiled when he found Tharsix standing there. "So...will you mind telling me why I had to wait for so long?"

The bear flinched a little at that (which was so cute) but regained himself and closed the door behind him before coming over to sit down on the bed. " Ah, forgive me...I had to take care of some things." He rumbled in his usual deep voice then sighed with a smile.

"What are you so happy about?" Vorga asked in curiosity. In answer, Tharsix pointed to his chest where the harness he wore with a keyhole earlier was now long gone and it didn't take much to piece two and two together to figure out what this meant. "You're a free man now?"

He nodded, grin never leaving. "And it feels great! I get to do whatever I want now with no chains holding me back any longer!" A chuckle escaped him then, amethyst eyes beaming brightly.

Vorga wanted to be a part of that same joy but he just couldn't and he had to ask, "well since you can choose to bed whoever you want...why choose me? I'm nothing special and we've fought not that long ago." He didn't mean to rain on the guys parade like that but he had to know for sure why this man decided to be alone with him.

Tharsix soon lost his smile and turned to the husky before leaning close to him, amethyst eyes meeting sky blue and hot breath brushing against each others fur. He stayed silent...his muzzle inching closer... a meaty paw reaching up to caress the others cheek gently before angling his head slightly, parting his mouth open then dived in to give a deep kiss.

Vorga didn't resist neither of these things, allowing the bear to do what he pleased. At first, it was lighthearted kissing before gradually both males started to tongue wrestle, huffing and growling at one another playfully while they swapped spit. Suddenly, those lips pulled away but before the pup could even whine he was pushed down on his back, both wrists being help up high over his head with one paw holding them together and soon that muzzle joined back with his own.

They've stayed like that for a few more minutes until this time both were ready for air, the bigger male leaning away leaving behind a small strand of saliva between them. "Does that answer your question?" Tharsix rumbled out, his voice more gruff now that he was riled up.

All the canine could do was nod, satisfied as he too became out of breath from that. Vorga was rock hard and the tent in his red loincloth attested to how turned on he was right now. His malehood throbbed in need and there was no stopping the small whine that came out.

Tharsix chuckled at the sound. With his free paw, he teasingly stroked the dogs chest before going all the way down to the fabric, moving it out of the way to reveal soft pink flesh that flexed in the open air. He let out a lusty growl after seeing that and leaned in close to take a deep sniff of all the pent up musk. "Smells like you need it bad pup..."

Vorga blushed crimson yet he still smiled all the same and sniffed the air himself, noting his own musk and the overwhelming smell of bear. It was so intoxicating that it almost made him dizzy and chuckled. "I'm not the only one though," he said before hitching a gasp then moaned as wet lips wrapped around his dick.

Tharsix lashed that broad tongue around the base and tip, coating it in saliva while a paw that wasn't still holding the canine down gently massaged those musky balls. Satisfied with how slick it became, he started bobbing his head up and down, being mindful of the teeth so as not to graze anything and growled. The husky started writhing and squirming above him and he had no choice but to apply some force on his chest to keep from disrupting the rhythm. Each time he went down, his tongue would coil around the base and lap at the tip and after going up, he'd suck hard.

It didn't take long for pre cum to start leaking out of Vorga for he was really pent up and needed some sweet release. He wanted so badly to buck into the bears throat but that paw was holding him down and he wouldn't dare try to do anything to move it out of the way so he stayed there whining pitifully while all the delicious juices he made get milked out.

His huffs and growls started to get louder once the bobbing started to pick up in speed and he didn't know how long he was going to last at this rate, especially with their combined musk hitting him all at once. "T-Tharsix..." he warned, hoping the bear would hear him and thankfully he did, for a wet pop sound was heard and the pressure on his chest was gone.

The bigger male grinned and licked his lips. "Enjoyed that?" He asked, panting himself now as he looked down at the flustered wolf who had a goofy smile on his face.

Vorga nodded, his tail wagging in glee. "Now let me have a taste of you, it's only fair..." he growled out playfully and soon enough, Tharsix climbed up close to him and shared another kiss before rolling over to his back. Excited, the dog clambered over and dove his nose down on the concealed package, taking a good whiff of his musk and again it was overwhelming but in a good way.

After removing the annoying fabric, he stifled a gasp as he saw how big the bear really was and his size was no laughing matter. The width and length were both far bigger than his own and it frightened him but that just made the husky want it inside his ass even more. Licking his lips, he opened his mouth to engulf the whole thing and managed to get most of it in but not all. Not being undeterred, he lashed his tongue around, quickly making the big prick slick as possible before bobbing his head.

Tharsix groaned in bliss, placing a paw on top of Vorga's head rubbing it gently while looking down at him in a loving manner. He was tempted a little to muzzlefuck him but he would save that for another time.

Vorga was so busy getting into tasting the bear that he didn't feel any sort of tapping until he felt it on his nose. Startled, he gazed up to the other male to see him motioning with his fingers to get on the bed and raise tail. His triangular ears instinctively pinned down in submission as he did what was ordered and raised his ass in the air, arching his back and lifting that fluffy tail to expose a winking tailhole.

Tharsix growled at the sight before him, playfully smacking the rump a few times before spitting a good amount of saliva in and rimming him with a blunt claw so everything will go smoothly. Again, the canine squirmed under him but calmed down in a matter of moments once he fully relaxed.

After getting prepped a little for what was to come, the husky felt a hot, throbbing pole between his cheeks and couldn't stop from whimpering and looked over his shoulder. "Y-you'll be gentle right?"

Grinning, Tharsix leaned down to wrap his arms around his bed mate in an ever loving embrace and give him another deep kiss before answering in the softest tone he could ever muster, "I will...I promise I'll go slow and we don't have to do this if you don't want to...I'll understand." He gave another kiss and a soft lick on the cheek.

Vorga shook his head and smiled in return, nuzzling the big bear and loving how soft his fur was. "I want to..." He whispered just as softly before letting himself get back into position, arms clinging onto a nearby pillow for dear life. As he started to breathe in order to relax, pressure was applied and in moments he felt what was the tip push in before the rest slowly came in. A groan of displeasure erupted out of him and bit down on the pillow hard as inch after inch slowly went inside him.

He felt so full and it hurt like a bitch but after some agonizing minutes did Tharsix finally hilt himself. It still hurt and felt like his ass was on fire but once he started relaxing (with help from the bear's soothing words) the pain wasn't all that bad and he could feel the others heartbeat sync in time with his own.

They stayed still like that for a few minutes, the bigger male embracing the smaller one with much love, both just breathing in the same air in peace. "You ready?"

Vorga nodded as he was very calm right now. Immediately after he gave the go-ahead, he could feel Tharsix lifting up his hips causing that dick to slide out as well, making him feel empty inside. Just when he thought all of it was going to come out, a great weight slammed down on him, eliciting a cry of pain and pleasure.

Enjoying the sound, Tharsix did it again...and again...and again until get got into a comfortable rhythm, balls slapping against Vorga's own with much force. He growled in dominance as he pounded that sweet hole to oblivion, all the while the fur under him was huffing and moaning in pure pleasure.

It was a miracle that no one heard them enough to knock on the wall or door and tell them to keep it down as the sounds of their love making became very loud. Flesh slamming against flesh with the combinations of whining, growling and grunting.

With a muscle gutted bear on top slamming his hole with no amount of mercy, it was hard for Vorga to hold on to keep himself from climaxing but he couldn't and let loose thick ropes of hot, sticky cum as he howled into the night.

Tharsix wasn't far from losing his edge either once the husky came, his ass started to milk his big bear dick hard and that was all it took for him to explode and flood his insides with pent up bear seed.

Both furs were huffing and panting now after coming down from their orgasmic high and before he collapsed, the bear suddenly grabbed the small male underneath and rolled both of them to the side and crashed down.

Now that they were calm and in their afterglow, Vorga looked over his shoulder and had to ask the one burning question he had in his mind through the whole day. "Was...this only for pleasure?"

In answer, Tharsix nuzzled his neck and whispered softly in one free upturned ear. "No, because I found you really charming and cute despite the fire you had in your eyes and I knew you wanted more than my body. Now get some sleep pup."

He blinked, wide eyed at what he had just heard but there was no argument coming from him because deep down in his heart, he knew that was the truth. With a smile and tired eyes, Vorga drifted off to sleep in preparation for a better morrow.