Meet the Gabumon Brothers! Part IV

Story by Ernest258823 on SoFurry

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Anubismon finally hatched from his egg. And to celebrate the brothers reunion, they all decide to hold an all day farting contest. With Veemon as the judge. But when they have trouble trying to decide who goes first, they decided to have a Duel Monsters match. I don't own Digimon or Yu-Gi-Oh!

"W-wow...did I just wake first?" Gabumon asked as he looked around. He heard a rustling anld saw Veemon walk in even more timid than he was before. "Did I say you could come in here?" Gabumon asked glaring at him. Veemon flinched and walked out. "Ha. Poor Veemon." Gabumon turned around. "Hi. I'm Kyupimon. I hatched from Anubismon's egg." Said Kyupimon. Gabumon gasped and hugged Kyupimon. "Morning." X said as he woke up. Kyupimon waved. "Yo." He said. Kyupimon looked at the entrance to the room. "VEEMON! You got five seconds to get in here and smell my butt!" He yelled. Veemon rushed into the room and nearly knocked Kyupimon over burying his face in his butt. Gabumon and X watched as Veemon took huge sniffs of Kyupimon's butt. "A lot more timid than I would've liked...oh well." Kyupimon said with a chuckle. X laughed and nudged Gabumon. "Food?" He asked. Gabumon nodded and they left. "Morning guys." Psychemon said as they walked out of their room. X waved and tossed them some apples. "Where's Veemon?" Asked BlackGabumon. X pointed to his room. BlackGabumon shrugged. "Hey. Toss me an apple." Kyupimon said as he walked out into the room. Psychemon tossed him an apple and watched as Veemon hovered around Kyupimon's butt. "You want him?" Asked Kyupimon. Psychemon looked at Veemon and nodded. Veemon slowly walked over to him as Psychemon got up. Veemon laid down and Psychemon sat down on his face. "It might be just me...but his face is actually a lot more comfy." Psychemon said bouncing a little.

Gabumon laughed as he munched on his apple. Kyupimon finished his apple and walked over to Gabumon and asked him to get up. "Hm? Why?" Asked Gabumon. "Just because Veemon's now a butt slave doesn't mean that we can't sniff each others." Kyupimon said laying down. Gabumon shrugged and sat on Kyupimon's face. "Oh wow. You're really comfy!" Laughed Gabumon. X rolled his eyes and looked at BlackGabumon. "I still owe you..." X got up. "Yeah, yeah. I know." He said pointing to the ground. BlackGabumon laid down and X sat on his face. FRRRRRRRRT! "Ahhhh! That felt good." Psychemon said pushing Veemon's face deeper into his butt. X chuckled and ripped a fart of his own. Psychemon looked at him. "Are you challenging me?" He asked. X just simply smiled and winked. POOOOOT! X laughed and countered with more force. FRRRRRRRRNNNT! "MMPH!" BlackGabumon grunted. Psychemon shook his head. "What a baby." He said. FRRRRRRRRRRNNNNT! "MPH!" Veemon was grunting but then stopped. BLOOOOOOOORP! FRRRRRRRT! "MMMPH!" BlackGabumon dug his hands into the dirt. X laughed and winked at Psychemon. FRRRRRRRRRT! BRRRRRRRRRRNT! FSSSSSST! Veemon copied BlackGabumon and dug his hands into the ground. X looked at BlackGabumon and at Veemon. "First one to knock out their victim wins." Gabumon said covering his nose. Both Digimon looked at each other as the countdown began. "!" Both X and Psychemon released their gas with all their might. Gabumon was nearly about to pass out when a winner was declared. "X won. BlackGabumon passed out a few seconds earlier than Veemon." Gabumon said trying not to vomit. X nodded his head towards the cave entrance and told Gabumon to go. Gabumon rushed out of the cave to get some air. "I'm surprised he lasted." Kyupimon laughed as he saw Gabumon rushing out. X laughed and looked at Veemon. "He alive?" Psychemon checked his pulse. "He'll be fine." He said. A few minutes later, Gabumon walked back in.

"Hey X? I need to poop." Complained Gabumon. Kyupimon and X looked at a freshly healed Veemon. "Hey! What did he just say he needed to do?" He asked. Veemon rushed over to Gabumon and laid down. Gabumon sat down on Veemon's face and began ripping a few farts. "Oh man! You got some good ones, Gabumon." Kyupimon laughed and covered his nose. Gabumon laughed and pooped in Veemon's mouth. " head." BlackGabumon said waking up. He looked around and saw X. "Next time we have a farting contest, I'll make sure you wish you were never born." BlackGabumon said getting up. X laughed. "Let's have one tonight." Chirped Kyupimon. They all looked at each other and nodded. "So...who get's who? I mean how are we going to do this?" Asked Psychemon. "Well we already know who BlackGabumon how about older brother versus older brother, younger versus younger, and Kyupimon vs. Veemon?" Asked X. They all nooded in agreement. "What determines the winner?" Asked Kyupimon. "Whoever knocks out their victim the fastest." Said X. Kyupimon shrugged. "Hey Psychemon. Lay down on your stomach." Said Gabumon. "Why?" He asked laying down. "Trust me. If BlackGabumon loved this, then you will too." Gabumon said getting off of Veemon. "Hey. Go put your face in Psychemon's butt." Gabumon ordered. Veemon rushed over and shoved his face deep between Psychemon's cheeks. "I'm gonna sit on the back of his head...okay?" Asked Gabumon. Psychemon nodded his head. Gabumon sat on the back of Veemon's head forcing his face deeper into Psychemon's butt. "Oh man...that feels good!" Psychemon laughed. Kyupimon laughed and shook his head. "I gotta guys accept me without so much as an angry question? I don't feel right about that." Kyupimon said looking away. X and Gabumon looked at each other and nodded. "Hey BlackGabumon? Do you mind switching with me?" Gabumon asked. BlackGabumon nodded and sat on the back of Veemon's head. "What do you think we should do?" Asked X. Kyupimon thought about his options for a bit, then he pointed to Veemon.

"Alright then. X lay down." Said Gabumon. X shrugged and laid down on his sromach. Kyupimon buried his face between his cheeks and Gabumon sat on the back of Kyupimon's head. "Psychemon wasn't kidding! This feels awesome!" X said as he tried to get comfy. "Hey Gabumon?" Gabumon looked over at BlackGabumon. "How does it feel sitting on X's face?" Asked BlackGabumon. "WHAT?! Are you serious?!" Laughed X. "It depends on when you're doing it. Early to mid morning, it's not all that good. Afternoons...a lot better. But nights...oh man nights. That's when to do it." Gabumon said bouncing a little. X rolled his eyes and chuckled. "Veemon. Kiss my butt." Said BlackGabumon. Psychemon laughed as Veemon began to make out with his brother's ass. X looked at Kyupimon and started to grunt. BRRRRAAAAP! Kyupimon grunted and dug his hand in the dirt. "Maybe it's a good thing that you got Veemon." X said laughing. Gabumon shifted around and picked up a binder. "Hey! Let's duel!" Said Psychemon. They all looked each other and laughed. "Sure. Why not?" Gabumon said getting up. "Battle royale?" Asked Kyupimon. They nodded and picked a deck. Kyupimon motioned for Veemon to walk over and tapped him on the head. "3...2...1...DUEL!!!" Yelled Veemon. This duel went on for several minutes before BlackGabumon was knocked out. Gabumon was the next one to fall. Now it was just Psychemon and X. "Awww man! I lost!" Yelled Psychemon. "Meh. You'll get him next time." Gabumon said putting the cards up.

Kyupimon tapped Veemon on the head. After a few seconds, Kyupimon buried his face in Veemon's butt. FRRRRRT! "I like my chances." He said. X laughed and looked inside the food chest. "Well I say we get this farting contest started. Any objections? " Asked Kyupimon. X raised his hand. "I object because we're out of food." He said pointing to the trunk. Kyupimon pointed to the trunk and to X's surprise, began to fill it with food. " are we going to measure the time?" Asked Psychemon. Kyupimon pointed to the other side of the cave and made a large timer appear. "Showoff." X said laying down in front of BlackGabumon. Kyupimon rolled his eyes and shrugged. Kyupimon snapped his fingers and a set of chains appeared on X. "The clock stops when the chains feel you relax." Said Kyupimon. "Correction, it stops when one of us passes out." Said Gabumon. They all laughed at that comment. BlackGabumon sat down on X's face and waited for Kyupimon to start the clock. " I'll come to your funeral...GO!" Yelled Kyupimon. FRRRRRRRRRT! BRRRRRRRRRRNT! FSSSSSST! X grunted and dug his hands into the dirt. BRRRRAAAAP! BRRRRRRRRRRNT! FSSSSSST! X jerked around but still managed to stay awake. "I find your large amount of persistence...disturbing." BlackGabumon said ripping another fart in X's face. Kyupimon laughed his head off. FRRRRRRRRRT! FRRRRRRRRRRNNNNT! X finally passed out forcing the clock to stop.

"Two minutes and fifteen seconds. I'm surprised he lasted for that long." Kyupimon said as he revived X. X quickly sat up and gasped for air. "I told you that I would make you regret being born." BlackGabumon said laughing. Gabumon looked at Psychemon and they both played a quick game of rock paper scissors. Gabumon laid down and Psychemon sat on his face. "!" FRRRRRRRRRT! BRRRRRRRRRRNT! Gabumon grunted and twitched his tail. "I find your large amount of persistence disturbing. That's the line you go with?" Asked X. Before BlackGabumon could speak, the clock stopped. "Two minutes and ten seconds. You two have some stamina." Kyupimon said reviving Gabumon. Gabumon sat up and rubbed his head. Kyupimon looked at Veemon and pointed to his face. Veemon slowly got up but didn't walk over to him. "Tch. For crying out loud." He grumbled snapping his fingers. Veemon flinched and walked over to him. Kyupimon laid down and Veemon sat on his face. Kyupimon counted down and started the clock. "Yes. That's the line I went with." Said BlackGabumon. They heard Kyupimon grunt and looked at the clock. FRRRRRRRRRT! BRRRRRRRRRRNT! FSSSSSST! Kyupimon passed out and Veemon got up to heal him. "Two minutes and five seconds." Said X. Kyupimon shook his head. Suddenly, Gabumon and Psychemon collapsed. "You guys!" Cried X. Kyupimon checked on them and heard them snoring. "It is getting late. Let's just pack it in and go to bed." Said BlackGabumon. X nodded and began to pick up Gabumon. "I'll trade you." BlackGabumon said walking over to Psychemon. "Heh. Sure I'm game." Said X. Kyupimon teleported all of them to their rooms and everyone went to sleep tired from today's event.