"Seeking Fertile bitch for mating purposes"

Story by _Kit_ on SoFurry

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This is my first ever yiff story, let alone transformation, so sorry if it isn't the best

Dan sighed and leaned back at the chair, scanning through the craigslist ad he had just posted. Owner seeking purebred female German shepherd for breeding shone at the head of the classified, with an offer of half of the litter for whoever had a female German shepherd available for breeding. Dan gazed to his own dog, Titus, a large, masculine beast, who was lazily snoozing on his bed under a ray of sunlight. He clicked the "OFF" button on his monitor and stood up to ready for bed...

Over the course of the next few days, Dan received no calls, except from a woman who claimed her dog "kind of looked like a German Shepherd but I'm not sure". Dan groaned and realized the breeding business may not be for him, even as a side business venture, but as a college student near graduation, money was tight, so he had to hope an agreement would come through with a worthy mate.

While scratching down notes during a lecture, Dan felt his phone buzz, but not wanting to upset the lecturer, he let it continue to buzz until an end. After the lecture let out, he glanced down at the cheap phone screen to see "Voice Mail (1)" and an unrecognized number. He hit play and held the phone up to his ear. "Hello Dan, my name is Helda, and I'm very interested in your offer of half the litter in exchange for use of my dog as the mother. Give me a call back and I'm sure we can set something up, thanks!". Dan heard the message click off and did a silent fist-pump in celebration of the anticipated money that would come from the puppies.

That day, he called Helda back and arranged a meeting between dogs in the following week to make sure that the pair was compatible and the deal would go through. As planned, Dan heard the doorbell ring at 4 PM one Saturday evening.

"Hello! You must be Helda!" Dan declared, beaming at the punky-looking girl of about 18 with wavy purple hair overflowing from her shoulders. "That's me! Can we meet Titus?" "Of course you ca-...." Dan voice trailed off when his eyes shifted down to the unimpressive elderly shepherd in front of his feet. The poor thing was nearly double the age of Titus and in the few moments of waiting on the front porch had already fallen asleep. "I'm sorry, but are you sure you have the right house? I was looking for a younger, more suitable mate for my dog." The girl looked fiercely up at him to such an extent that Dan almost jumped backwards, half because of the quickness of the movement, half because of the almost red her eyes flashed when she looked up at him. "What? is my dog not good enough for the mutt you have in there?" she spoke in a voice sounding almost too deep to be hers. "W-well no..." Dan stammered "I was just expecting.... you know...". She spoke again: "If Betsy here isn't good enough, then I'd like to see you do better" she spoke defiantly. Dan bit back with "I could do better any day of the week" with a smug grin and closed the door in her face.

Dan sauntered over to the counter to grab an orange from the fruit bowl while smiling at Titus, thinking "Now what kind of sensible person wouldn't want their dog to breed with such a strong, beautiful creature" in a way that made him feel less like an owner and more like a lover. Dan snapped out of the haze and nearly dropped the orange with the realization of what he was thinking. Why was he thinking of his dog in that way? He shrugged and put the orange down before setting off to his bed room.

Dan plopped down on his bed before yelping and jumping up. He felt as if he had sat on something and it had prodded his lower back with a dull tap. He ran his hands over the covers of his bed, trying to feel for any intrusions that may have caused the poke, but felt nothing suspicious. He scratched the back of his neck, and that's when he realized what was happening.

On the back of his neck he felt soft hair, but not the normal human hair, thick, warm dog hair. "What the?" he gasped as he pulled his hand back. His shoved his hand behind his neck again and plucked a piece of hair and gazed at it in his palm. "Black hair?" he thought, "but my hair is brown!". As he stared, puzzled and the tiny piece of hair on his hand, he noticed parts of his hands getting darker and shrinking. "What?" he shouted as his hands grew furrier and smaller. Just then, he felt a bump on his backside by a heavy snout, compliments of his own dog, Titus. He turned around and placed his hands on his bottom, looking a little angrily at his dog when the felt where the prod had come from; he had sat on his newly forming tail.

"There's no way this is real" he said, panicked as he felt the tail behind him grow longer and long to be freed from the fabric prison known as pants. He yanked down his pants and ran his fingers along the furry length now protruding from his lower back. He began to feel a tightness in his crotch when he noticed his cock and balls shrinking before his very eyes. "Anything but those!" he gasped as he placed his hands over them in a vain effort to stop the shrinkage, while they still continued to shrink and turn inward. His knees gave out beneath him and he collapsed to the floor. His vision turned red and he moaned in pain as his felt his bones morph beneath his skin. His feet felt burning hot, so he ripped off his shoes and socks to see his toenails turning black and lengthening as his feet turned to paws. He began to hyperventilate and crawled into the corner of his room, waiting for the painful changes to end.

He came to with Titus sniffing his face. He opened his eyes and looked up at Titus, who was now towering over him. Dan reached out to pet Titus, and his first red flag was when a paw touched Titus' nose rather than the hands he was so familiar with. The second red flag was the surprised yelp that came from his own muzzle. The third was the warm feeling down below.

Dan reached his head around and looked at his now furry body. "What happened?" he thought as he struggled to stand on his new canine legs. As he surveyed the now much larger world, he felt an unexpected but not unpleasant nose sniffing at his behind. He would have jumped around if the warm air from Titus' nose didn't feel heavenly on his new organs. Titus' offered a lick which provided Dan with a strange but wonderful feeling. He gasped and closed his eyes as he felt the dog he was so familiar with interact with him in a whole new way. Lapping at Dan's now wet inner folds, Titus' long, red cock slowly dropped from his thick sheath, revealing a glistening red bulb at the base, with two heavy balls behind it.

"I don't know what's happening, but I don't mind it anymore" Dan thought as he felt two heavy paws being place on his furry back. He snapped out from his euphoria to see Titus preparing to mount his new, fertile toy.

Dan gasped as he felt the warm tip of Titus' cock surveying for an opening to breed with. He gasped, but before he could react, Titus found what he was looking for, and thrusted deep into his new mate and with a quiet whine of pleasure, Dan realized that maybe being his dog's bitch wouldn't be too bad. He hung his head down with his tongue lolling and eyes glazed, looking at the wet dripping on the floor coming from his very own pussy. Titus squeezed Dan's tummy with his big hairy paws while thrusting deeper into the fertile, dripping cunt beneath him, glad to finally have the chance to have his own bitch.

The mating went on for seemingly hours as Dan felt his first female orgasm approach. His legs quivered underneath him and his inner muscles tightened around Titus' bulging cock. He bared his teeth as his first orgasm ripped through him, nearly causing him to fall over in the process. He dropped his head, panting, but Titus was in no mood to stop, and he kept ravaging his fertile bitch. Dan felt his legs lock once again and felt himself clench down on Titus' cock, which was really taking a toll on his stamina. The dog grunted and slammed further into Dan, forcing his entire knot inside of Dan's throbbing pussy. All of the air in Dan's lungs was forced out and his face was stuck with his mouth open in disbelief. Titus had penetrated all the way into him, almost to his cervix. He barely had the air to gasp as he felt rope after rope of hot canine cum shooting deep inside of him, surely impregnating him. Just when the thought the filling was over, Titus slammed forward once again, grinding his knot into Dan while shooting even more cum deep into him.

Titus removed his heavy paws, much to Dan's relief and panted happily, tied to Dan. Titus eventually popped his emptied knot out of Dan's now loose pussy and licked lightly at the small amount of cum that had managed to escape the inside of Dan's warm cunt. Dan moved his shaky legs over to Titus' usual dog bed, gazing mournfully at the cum-trail left behind. Dan suddenly thought "Well, I suppose that settles the puppy problem" as a bead of cum trickled out of him.

The front door opened as his roommate, Dave, walked in and sat on the couch. A few hours later, the doorbell rang and Dave answered it.

"Pleasure doing business Dave" Helda declared, "I'll be seeing you when the puppies are born then."

"Of course" Dave said, accepting a wad of cash from Helda "Until then, your dog can be roommates with Titus and I" he said with a smile.