
Story by pigglesworth on SoFurry

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#2 of Sold

Part two, this time from the otter's perspective

As he approached the stairs Matt was unsure where he wanted his bunny to spend the first night in his house. Having spoilt his new slave more or less all day the play room would help Nate not to forget his position in this household, on the other hand Matt still felt pity for the bunny that had been suffered for years. Still, sooner or later he would have to get into his role as a master, he bought a slave after all, not a kinky boyfriend.

Reaching the stairs he decided on going upstairs to the guest room and on letting the bunny settle in, his training would start tomorrow. That would give his new possession a bit more time to process all that had happened today and maybe make tomorrow go more smoothly.

"This is your room for this night." he said while opening the door to a small room that was only big enough for a bed.

"As long as you behave you get to stay either inside this room or with me in my bed, if you don't you'll sleep a lot less comfortable." Looking at Nate he saw a tiny hint of fear in his eyes. He grabbed his shoulder in an effort to calm the bunny. "Don't worry too much, I doubt you will piss me off intentionally. Now there is still the punishment you've earned yourself earlier. Do you remember?"

"Yes Sir, 10 for lying to you Sir."

"No complaints about them?"

"No Sir, I deserve them."

"Even though I told you I'd not punish you for rules you didn't know about?"

"No Sir, I shouldn't have lied, period."

"Bend over a bit, put your hands on the wall and keep facing forward." Watching his bunny get into position made him realize how tight his pants had become. The perfect ass before him made his bulge throb and his brain scream at him to finally drop his pants and claim his slave. He fumbled for a second with his belt before slowly pulling it out of the belt loops and folding it in half.

"Tell me again what you did wrong."

"I lied to my Master." The otter swung the belt towards Nate's ass. Hard enough to hammer home the lesson but not going all out. The bunny did is best to stay silent, but couldn't keep a grunt from escaping


"I lied to my Master." Another smack and another grunt, louder this time.


"I lied to my Master." The belt hitting the same spot for the third time finally did it and broke the wall that was holding back the bunny's scream.

"I'm sorry for lying to you Sir!" SMACK

"Please forgive me Sir, I'll never lie again!" SMACK

Tears were starting to roll down Nate's face, the otter unsure of whether it was too painful for his new slave or if it was caused by the emotions he had kept bottled up for so long. Opting to finish this quickly Matt decided on giving him the remaining 5 hits in quick succession but at a lower intensity. Still each one made the trembling slave before him scream just as loudly as before. Dropping his belt he pulled Nate into a hug, letting the bunny cry into his shoulder.

"You doing ok?"

"I'm sorry Sir, I really am."

"That's not what I asked." he said while pushing Nate a bit away to look into his eyes "Are you OK?"

"Yes Sir, I don't know why I'm crying, it's not the pain, I've had worse than that, but I just can't stop. I am sorry Sir."

He began petting the bunny's back. "Everything is ok, there is nothing to feel sorry about, you took your punishment so everything is forgiven."

Slowly Matt noticed the bunny calming down, his breathing became slower and more regular and his tears were beginning to ebb as well. He walked the bunny over to the bed and carefully set him down which caused the bunny to wince as his ass made contact with the bed.

"Rest now. I'm guessing you'll need a bit time to process all that has happened today, so I won't expect you to be up early tomorrow. I will come wake you up around noon if you're still asleep by then so we can start your training and get you accustomed to what I expect you to do around the house. There is only one rule I expect you to follow tonight." he grabbed the bunny's cock and balls in his paw and gave them a light squeeze "THIS is mine. You don't play with that unless I allow it. If I see your hand around your cock at any time you will be locked back up immediately."

The bunny nodded solemnly. "Understood sir."

Letting go of Nate's privates Matt got up and left the room, and more importantly left the bunny alone with his thoughts.

When he was woken up by his alarm the otter cursed slightly. Between the bunny walking around in his room, his cock demanding attention and his excitement about today he barely got two hours of sleep. The only thing on his mind right now was coffee. Walking past the bunny's room he risked a quick look inside, seeing his slave turned into a giant blanket burrito made him smile. Just as he turned to go the bunny sat up

"Do you want me to get up Sir?"

"Nah, just checked everything was ok, I gave you until noon so I won't force you to get up earlier."

"I'm not used to sleeping that long to be honest Sir, with my ... with him I always had to be up around 6am."

"If you don't know what to do with yourself you're welcome to join me, but if you do your day starts, so think it through, there is no going back to bed, and starting tomorrow I will expect you to get up early."

The bunny looked kind of lost, like a child being told the first time it could choose instead of being told what to do before deciding on getting up. Matt watched as he threw the blanket off himself and jumped out of bed completely naked. Having underestimated the temperature he shivered a bit, but quickly found his composure.

"Look at that, slowly starting to look like an actual cock again" the otter chuckled while nodding towards Nate's half hard cock. Nate started blushing, quickly covering his erection.

"Rule number 1, you don't cover yourself up. With the exception of when I give you something to wear I want you naked. Also I remember warning you about touching that, didn't I?" The bunny's eyes opened up in shock.

"Wait for me in the livingroom."

"But ... I... I didn't play with myself, I just ... yes Sir," The bunny's shoulders sagged.

Watching the bunny walk past him and downstairs with that defeated look on his face nearly broke Matt's heart. While it was just a technicality, he needed to be firm, for the bunny as well as for himself. Making his way downstairs Matt was sure he was doing the right thing. Slaves needed to learn to behave as their masters want them to and if they don't they get punished. So far he had been more than nice, but now Nate will need to follow ord-

The picture he saw once he stepped into the living room completely snapped him out of his train of thoughts. Next to the table where the chastity device came off yesterday evening, where his slave had started to smile and almost glow, now stood the opposite. The bunny's head hung low, his ears pressed to his skull and his lower lip quivering. He looked like what Matt imagined he had looked for the last five years, broken, afraid and empty. Slowly walking over and sitting down he looked at Nate. "Sit down" he said while patting his knee. Nate obeyed. Matt grabbed the base ring of the device and slipped Nate's balls through, followed by his penis. "You messed up, it happens" he said calmly. Next came the tube, sliding over the bunny's cock. "But you need to pay attention to what you're doing." he inserted the lock and clicked it close. Looking at Nate's face he saw one tear rolling down his face. He took a deep breath and decided on how to phrase the next bit.

"Look at me. " Nate didn't react. "NOW!" His head turned his eyes were full of confusion and anger, but also regret.

"Trust me, I don't like doing this. Punishments are by far the last thing I want to do to a slave. I'd rather have the smiling bunny I met yesterday evening in my lap right now than a broken slave. I know you didn't mean to break that rule, you probably didn't even think about covering yourself up as touching and more likely than not you wouldn't have broken it if I hadn't gotten the urge to tease that cute bunny that greeted me this morning or if I had thought a bit more about that rule before giving it to you." Matt gently put his hand on the bunny's back before continuing. "The cage will stay on until this evening, and then the no touching rule get's changed into no touching with the intention of pleasure. Hate me if you must, but don't forget that you are mine. Now go get breakfast ready, I'm in the mood for eggs, you can make yourself whatever you feel like."

Nate got up without a word and quickly made his way to the kitchen, only stopping before entering for a second to almost whisper "I don't hate you." Matt took a few seconds to fight down the urge to apologize to the bunny then got up and went to get his hard earned morning coffee. Not much was said during the breakfast, Matt listed a few chores he expected the bunny to do while he would be busy working. Once both had finished and Nate had cleaned the table Matt made his way to his office upstairs.

He finished up an email he had started yesterday evening to the company that helped him purchase Nate. They had a rather strict policy regarding false information given by masters. Matt didn't have any illusions regarding the effects his mail would have but still felt that someone claiming to have trained a slave in certain things should not be rewarded for basically throwing his slaves to the wolves. Other masters wouldn't be as understanding as he was and would probably expect their new slaves to perform anyway, or punish them severely for failing to do so.

After sending the mail Matt tried to get some of his actual work done but quickly realized he couldn't focus today, so instead he turned on the camera system he had installed and started looking for Nate. The bunny was kneeling in the kitchen scrubbing the floor. The bunny's ass wiggling on camera was mesmerizing to the otter, his cock quickly springing to life after having spent the last few days without any release. Matt was fighting his urges, he really wanted to wait for tonight, where he had everything planned out, though after the way this morning started we was beginning to doubt the evening would be going as planned.

Opening his pants he fished out his moderately sized cock and slowly started stroking. His fingers spread around the pre-cum that was starting leaking as soon as he touched himself, slowly massaging his shaft. He throbbed, feeling his cock getting harder and harder. In his mind he called up what he had planned for the evening, how he would make the bunny moan and pant, how he would slowly drive him insane with lust, before finally allowing him to cum and then - KNOCK KNOCK "Sir?"

While rolling his chair closer to the table to hide his erection he answered "Come in."

The door opened and the otter could see the bunny's nose twitch.

"Sir, would you like me to take care of that for you?"

"No, I already finished." he lied "What do you want?"

"I just wanted to ask what you would like for lunch Sir"

"Anything is fine, just no honey, unless it's in the dessert." he smiled

"Understood Sir." said Nate while returning the smile and leaving the room.

After the door had been closed Matt put his head into his hands and sighed, wondering why he hid his erection from Nate, there was nothing awkward about it, taking care of such things was basically his job. His mood however changed for the better when he thought about the smile Nate had given him, maybe his plans for the evening weren't completely ruined.

The rest of the day went by quickly, at least for Matt. After a still somewhat quiet lunch he went back upstairs and managed to actually get some work done, occasionally checking up on Nate through the cameras. Once the evening came around he went downstairs and found the bunny awkwardly standing in the living room.

"Don't tell me, you were not sure whether you were allowed on the couch?"

Nate didn't answer, he just blushed and looked to the floor.

"Silly bunny! Let me make something clear. You can sit where you want and once your chores are done you can watch tv or read a book. If you are hungry you can eat and if you are thirsty you can drink. Did I forget anything?"

Nate's face was almost crimson by the time Matt finished. Again he just barely managed to slightly shake his head which made the otter laugh out loud. Matt closed the distance between himself and the bunny and held out his hand, a tiny silver key inside it. "Get that god awful piece of metal off, it's time to properly welcome my new slave."

With the chastity device again removed Matt lead the bunny to the door at the side of the stairs and slowly opened it. Looking over he again saw fear in the bunny's eyes as he saw the wooden stairs leading down into the basement. He offered his hand to the bunny but Nate didn't react at all. Just by looking at him Matt was sure that inside his head Nate was thousands of miles away, back with the polar bear.

"Look at me" Matt said calmly, but the bunny didn't move a muscle.

"What is wrong? ... ANSWER ME!" he shouted, snapping Nate out of whatever nightmare he was having.

"I-I don't w-want to be cold again S-Sir, please don't lock me in there!"

Matt's jaw dropped "He kept you locked in a cold cellar?!"

Nate nodded. Matt wasn't sure how exactly to proceed from here on. He grabbed the key from the door and handed it to the bunny. "This is the only key, take it. I will never lock you inside there, ever, I promise you that. But down there is where I keep most of my toys, down there is also where you will spend the night if you are being punished." Grabbing the bunny's shoulders he looked into his eyes to make sure Nate was listening "BUT the door will always be open and for what it's worth the basement is heated."

Nate nodded and slowly took one tentative step down the stairs, then another and another until he eventually made it downstairs. Matt watched his bunny look around his playroom visibly relaxing once he was satisfied that this was indeed not the same cellar he had been kept in for so long.

"Ready?" Matt asked

"Yes Sir."

"Then kneel."

He waited for his bunny to kneel down, then went to a shelf, picked up a plain looking brown leather collar with a single d-ring attached to the front and returned to stand before his slave.

"Now I know that a collaring is usually only done in relationships where one partner is submitting to the other willingly, but I like a bit of ceremony." The bunny looked up to his master with a confused expression.

"Nate, as my slave you will be treated fairly and will be well cared for. You will however be my property. If I want to fuck you, you will be fucked. If I want to hurt you, to hear you scream and cry, you will do just that. But I promise you that I will not cause you harm. Do you accept this collar?"

"What if I say no?" Matt's face clearly showed disappointment.

"If you say no you can either stay with me and work until you've paid me back, after which you are free to go. Think of that as an unpaid housekeeper job, or if you prefer I can put you back up for sale. I'd do my best to screen potential buyers, so you don't end up with a worse version of your previous owner, but ultimately it's up to chance who you end up with."

"You'd do that for me Sir?"

"Yes, like I said before, I want a happy slave, well, as happy as one can be in that life anyway."

"I ..." Nate hesitated. It was confusing, yet part of him was pushing him to agree.

"I accept Sir." He said at last. And he realised how sincerely he meant it.

Matt went behind his bunny and carefully put the collar around his neck, making sure it's tight enough without interfering with his breathing.

"Now there is only one thing left to do boy" Matt said while unzipping his pants.

Without the need for another word Nate reached for the slowly hardening otter cock, feeling the heat it gives off. Grabbing it caused Matt to moan loudly, the promise of finally getting his balls drained quickly lead to a drop of pre forming, that almost instantly vanished into the bunny's mouth. The otter watched as his slave inched closer, reaching for his balls to massage them in the same way he had done the previous night while his head came closer to his throbbing cock just drinking in the otter's musk.

Matt put his hand on Nate's head. The bunny understood and immediately let the otter's 6 inches sink into his maw. Feeling the warmth of the bunny's mouth and the tongue dancing over his throbbing meat made Matt's legs turn to rubber. Slowly he started thrusting into the bunny's mouth, each time getting closer and closer to his orgasm. Not wanting it to end this soon however he pulled out, leaving the bunny kneeling below him with a slightly dazed expression and a strand of drool dripping from his chin.

"Bed!" the otter said, which was enough of an order for the bunny to act on.

Laying down on the mattress the Matt watched intensly as the bunny walked towards him, his full balls bouncing with every step. Once there the bunny quickly climbed onto the bed and positioned himself over his master's cock, slowly sinking down until its tip rested against his pucker.

"There's lube in that drawer" the otter pointed out but the bunny simply let gravity do the work and slowly sank down.

"Doesn't that hurt?"

Nate simply shook his head, but his face betrayed that gesture, it was clear that he was focusing on relaxing but feeling that soft bunny ass welcome his cock quickly changed Matt's priorities. Grabbing the bunny's hips he started pushing down, causing Nate to whimper in discomfort.

"Sorry, but I don't think I can stay still for long, this feels just too good"

"Don't worry Sir" Nate panted "Just do, AH, do what you want"

"Sorry" was the only warning Nate got as Matt started to thrust into him in earnest. Every time he moved his hip his bunny moaned, caught somewhere between pain and pleasure, but judging by the amount of pre leaking onto Matt's stomach he assumed it was closer to pleasure than pain. For the otter it was pure bliss, his whole cock felt like there was electricity running through it. Each thrust into the bunny sent shivers up his spine. If there was anything he would have wanted to change about this moment it would have been how quickly he was reaching his orgasm.

Seeing the bunny bouncing around on his lap didn't help with that. Nate's eyes were completely unfocused and his moans and grunts were pushing all the right buttons for Matt.

Finally it was inevitable and Matt grabbed the bunny's hips, pulling him down as far as possible before emptying his pent up balls into his slave.

Matt was unsure how long his orgasm lasted, or if he blacked out for a second or two, but when he came back to the bunny was still riding him, still moaning desperately. The otter grabbed his cock and slowly started stroking, bringing all the bunny's attention to his cock.

"You know, I could get used to this. I really love how small you are right now, and not even completely hard." he teased the bunny, who was desperately trying to reach his edge as well.

"Does my bunny want to cum?" he asked while slowing down the stroking,

"YES! PLEASE! You promised!"

"Technically yes, but that was before you started to make all those cute noises, and I never said when tonight."

Frustration grabbed the bunny, as he was sitting right on the edge of his orgasm, a look of absolute lust in his face when he finally heard the words he hadn't for five years.

"Cum for me!"

For a second Matt was concerned as the bunny's eyes rolled back and he sat there frozen in a silent scream. Then he felt Nate's ass clamping down on his cock and the silent scream turned into a deafening one. The bunny's half hard cock throbbed and to Matt it looked like floodgates were opened. Spurt after spurt of thick white cum landed on his stomach. Nate wobbled as his orgasm finally died down, only to be steadied by Matt.

"That good huh?"

Nate opened his mouth to speak but could not manage any coherent words, so he just nodded with the most stupid grin Matt had ever seen.

"Good boy, now clean up the mess you made and we'll cuddle for a bit before we start round two. Sounds good?"

Nate simply smiled and nodded.


The sun shining through the basement window woke up the shivering bunny. Having lost the privilege of being allowed a blanket two weeks ago and with November slowly coming to an end the only thing giving him a bit of warmth was his winter coat. In his...

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