Furries University: Chapter 12 Unordained meetings

Story by Kitsune Warui on SoFurry

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#18 of Furries University

Chapter 12: Un-ordained meetings (September 17th 2019 A.D. - Wednesday 5:00 AM)

Kitsune was a young kit now, knocking on a familiar red door. A tall female lynx opened the door slowly.

"Is Jeremy their?" asked Kitsune looking up at her.

"I haven't seen him leave his room all day, but I haven't checked" spoke the woman "you can go back there if you want". Kitsune walked into the house looking around at it. Something in the pit of his stomach didn't feel right. He walked down the hall and stopped at a door on the right. He stopped it was cracked open from the slit he could see that the room was very dirty. He pushed the door open, the desk was turned over and many things broken.

'what was he doing in here' thought Kitsune walking into the messy room. He walked over to through the room, he could see little patches of blood.

"Jeremy" spoke Kitsune softly his childish voice carrying not very far in the room. He waited for some kind of answer but nothing followed. He looked at each small patch of blood it led to the closet. HE tilted his head to the side.

"Are you playing hide and seek with a nose bleed?" asked Kitsune innocently walking up to the closet door. He placed a paw on the door and suddenly a feeling of fear ran through him. He shoved the closet door open. Kitsune's eyes widened and the world around him began to fade. Kitsune suddenly sat up in his bed looking about his eyes widened.

'That dream' he thought 'I hate that dream. It's never going to leave me alone'. Sakura shuffled in her bed and then looked at Kitsune.

"What's wrong?" she asked in a tired voice as she awoke.

"N-nothing" he lied rubbing the back of his head "just a silly dream".

"Then go back to sleep" spoke Sakura turning her head and laying down. Kitsune laid back in the bed, but he kept his eyes open wide. Fear was running through his entire body. Fear of that dream.

'It's too early now' though Kitsune 'I don't want to wake him so early. It has to be at least 6 o' clock'. Kitsune could feel the tears running down his face. He resisted the urge to sniffle and pout, yet he wanted to just let it all out.

'don't worry everyone with your problems' thought Kitsune 'not like they really need to care'.

"Why?" asked Kitsune into the darkness of the room softly "why can't you leave me alone. I don't want this". Kitsune could swear he almost heard a slight whisper. He slowly climbed down from the bed, his feet paws hitting the ground softly. He walked out of the bedroom and looked about the room but the whispering had vanished quickly. Kitsune looked around once more. He then turned about but the thought of him falling asleep occurred. He quickly turned tail and walked over to the couch. As he sat he looked out of the window it was still dark outside, it must have been earlier than he thought.

(Meanwhile in Jerry's dorm)

Jayson walked into the dorm room, Jerry lay sprawled on the couch a beer can in his hand and his tongue hanging out. The can was leaking beer through the top and it was falling onto the carpet. Jayson shook his head in disbelief at the disregard. Suddenly Jerry stirred and turned to look at Jayson.

"What'chu doin' her so late" Spoke the drunken man barely able to keep his head up.

"What were you doing?" asked Jasyon.

"I wash watinin' fer Elwod...woodel...Eli..." spoke Jerry his head waving back and forth "But now I got tish head ache wish hurs really bad".

"Go back to sleep" spoke Jayson "Elwood quit". Jerry stared at Jayson his drunk looking face only mixed with confusion then he suddenly fell backwards onto the pillow. Jay looked around the dorm but didn't see anything broken.

Why is Jerry drinking this much? Thought Jayson.

"Heya" spoke a woman's voice from behind the wall. She walked out. It was a female wolf.

"Oh hey Rebecca" spoke Jayson.

"Hi where is my Elwood at" she asked Calmly.

"How'd you get in here?" asked Jayson.

"Jerry let me in" answered Rebecca. Jayson took a sniff into the air and then turned to look at Jerry.

"Oh...well Elwood quit he isn't coming back to this dorm" spoke Jayson.

"Oh is that so" spoke Rebecca.

"That's right" spoke Jayson as he walked through the room towards a door "Get out of this dorm". Rebecca turned her back and walked out the door. Jayson smiled as he pressed through the door and walked through.

(Meanwhile in Kitsune's dorm)

I can't go to sleep he thought he just won't leave me alone. What more does he want from me.

He looked around the dark room a cover wrapped around him. Tears were strolling down his cheeks. Shadows seemed to move around in the darkness. Shapes moving about back and forth. Kitsune looked at the images knowing them to be figments of his imagination. They continued to move around as his head began to spin, his eyes sight began to blur as his head shifted around. His eyes closed as he collapsed forward onto the ground.

*** (2 hours later)

Kagome shook her head as she got up. Her ears flinging about as she did it. The sunlight was peering in and snoring could be heard from across her. She looked to see Ryu laying face first into his pillow and drool covering it. She smiled a bit before rubbing her eyes and getting up from the bed. She began to stumble toward the door not fully awake yet. She opened it, to see Kitsune laying on the floor face first a small bit of blood coming from under his snout. She quickly ran over and began to shake his shoulder.

Kitsune began to push up looking about confusedly. Then he put a paw to his nose to feel the blood.

"Are you alright?" asked Kagome.

"huh" breathed Kitsune "Oh I must of hit my nose when I...fell asleep".

"I thought you were asleep in your bed" replied Kagome.

"No...well I was but then I woke up and came in here" answered Kitsune "What time is it?"

"Time to get ready" answered Kagome. Kitsune nodded and stood up.

"Why isn't Ryu or Sakura up" asked Kitsune.

"Ryu is sleeping like a baby" spoke Kagome "I didn't want to wake him". Kitsune wiped his snout with his paw and then stood up.

"Hmmm" breathed Kitsune "Well I got a nice sleep. How about you?".

"Oh well yeah I suppose, I don't have class today. Neither does Ryu but he does have it tomorrow...sadly I have the day off tomorrow".

"So do I" spoke Kitsune "Tommorow and Friday. Nice days to be off I think".

"Well 'you' should get ready, Ryu and I are going to go out and get some food for this place. I'm sick of starving" spoke Kagome. Kitsune paused for a second looked around the room and then paused again. He breathed out as if to say something then he paused again.

"You alright Kit?" asked Kagome.

"Huh, oh yeah it's just that....I think I left my stuff in Oz's room" answered Kitsune "Well I have some clothes in the closet but my stuff for Class is in my bag". Kitsune walked into the bad room and then a muffled giggle could be heard through the door. Kagome looked about the kitchen and then sat down on the couch and looked out the window. Outside the sun was bright, the blazing summer obviously beating down on the earth. Kitsune walked out of the bed room now.

He was wearing a light blue tanktop and under it was a long sleeved white shirt.

"do you have any sense of fashion?" asked Kagome.

"Course' I do, But if you don't take risks how do you find out what 'you' like...who cares what others like it's what 'you' like that matters" answered Kitsune pulling up the tight jeans he had on.

"Well whatever" replied Kagome "speaking of which...do you ever take that collar off?"

"Huh" Kitsune said as he looked down "heh, what do you know, I forgot I had it on this whole time. I even wear it in the shower so it's easy to forget I suppose".

"And that's not weird" spoke Kagome sarcastically.

"Whatever" said Kitsune shaking his head left and then right, the chain at the end of the collar following his motion somewhat closely "Well I gotta go, you and Ryu better not messs up the room". Kitsune walked out the door laughing.

"Weirdo" said Kagome under her breathe as the door closed.

Kitsune ran down the steps rather quickly. He tripped as he moved so quickly, he fell to the ground, but he placed his paws down towards the ground quickly. His muzzle was only an inch from the ground when he stopped himself. He got to his feet and then continued down the stairs.

"Stupid clumsy gene. Stupid mom" spoke Kitsune to himself as he went down one more flight of stairs. Kitsune shook his head in front of Wolf's door and began to move his paw through his head fur as if trying to tend to it. He then knocked on the door.

He could hear movement inside, and the slight sound of something dropping to the ground. Kitsune sighed and then crossed his arms. Suddenly the door opened and Ozwot stood, dressed in nothing but a sleeping gown.

"Hewo wolfie" said Kitsune smiling.

"Sleep well?" asked Ozwot.

"Uhhh....oh yes I did, at least as good as It gets without you beside me" answered Kitsune.

"How about you?" asked Kitsune.

"Huh, not really I had a paper to do, so I didn't get much sleepy. It was on the mixing of chemicals and about the new science of liquefying gasses" answered Ozwot. Kitsune tilted his head to the side and then sighed.

"How do you liquefy a gas?" asked Kitsune.

"Please" breathed Ozwot "I'd rather not, I'll just let you look at the paper when I get the grade back".

"okie dokie love, I can wait" replied Kitsune "I came to walk with you to the university and...because I left my bag here".

"Oh yeah" blurted Ozwot "I was gonna bring it up to you". Kitsune suddenly embraced the wolf.

"You're so nice mate" spoke Kitsune his arms rapped around Ozwot's neck.

"Well come on then, can't be late, besides we've got all night foxy" spoke Ozwot "I've got something planned tomorrow anyways". Kitsune let go of Ozwot and then the wolf winked at him.

"Really.... Hmmm now I'm intrigued" spoke Kitsune.

"Stay that way" giggled Ozwot grabbing Kitsune's hand "Now come on don't wanna be late do you?" Suddenly Ozwot jerked Kitsune into the house and pointed to his back pack.

"Now you wait for me in here and I'll get ready" spoke Ozwot "Kay foxy". Kitsune nodded at the white furred wolf and then walked over and picked his bag up then put it on his back. Kitsune then sat on the couch as Ozwot walked into the bed room. The red fox looked about the room. It was somehow seemingly unused other than the desk which had a computer sitting atop it. Kitsune stared at the computer for a little moment.

'wow, We've come such a long way' thought Kitsune 'no...he came such a long way....I didn't do anything...'. Kitsune then let out a sigh.

A few moments later Ozwot walked out of the bedroom wearing a pair of blue jeans, a white tank top and a leather jacket over that.

"You're gonna burn up Sexy" spoke Kitsune smiling.

"Only because you're so hot" chuckled Ozwot.

"Funny" said Kitsune standing up.

"What's wrong Kit?" asked Ozwot.

"Nothing. Just that I want to transfer into a different class from my old one" answered Kitsune "What physical class are you taking".

"Huh, you do know you don't have to choose one right?" blurted Ozwot in a questioning tone.

"I didn't" gasped Kitsune "Well then I'll just drop that entire thing then. Hee hee great now my day won't be so long. Eight hours would have been annoying and it would have reminded me of regular school".

"Silly foxy" spoke Ozwot "Hee hee don't you have history of furs as your first class today".

"Yeah" answered Kitsune.

"Yippee" said Ozwot suddenly embracing Kitsune "We have class together!"

"Really?" Kitsune gasped "That's great!"

"Come on foxy we've got about thirty minutes to get to class" replied Ozwot taking Kitsune's paw into his own. He lead them out the door and Kitsune brought it to a close.

(Meanwhile with Yoshi and Shadow)

Yoshi quickly parked the car in the lot near the university and got out, followed by shadow.

"I told you we wouldn't be late" spoke shadow sticking out her tongue.

"Well I thought there would be more traffic" replied Yoshi.

"Well then let us get going kay?" breathed Shadow.

"I wanna visit Kags and them" retorted Yoshi "we don't get to see them much".

"Oh well your day off is tomorrow isn't it?" asked Shadow.

"Yeah but I think we could wait at the doors for them" answered Yoshi "at least until the bell rings".

"Okay, but I'm not gonna be late I've creative writing and Kit says that guy is crazy" Spoke Shadow.

"So do I" Spoke Yoshi "or did you forget".

"Well it must have slipped my mind with all of the rushing you made me do" spoke Shadow. Yoshi giggled a bit and then looked over at shadow. Then she turned around and began to walk towards the school doors. Shadow quickly followed. Yoshi sat on a bench along with shadow watching the many furs go by.

Suddenly in the distance they could see Kitsune and Ozwot, they were walking side by side. Yoshi looked around perplexedly for the others. Kitsune approached Yoshi and smiled.

"Hey sis, how are you?" he asked.

"Uh, fine....where is Kags or Ryu?" she asked.

"Oh it's their day off" answered Kitsune "Hee hee they're alone in that dorm. No doubt what's happening".

"Yeah like you and Oz" blurted Yoshi. Kitsune shook his head.

"No, I'm serious me and him haven't done that yet" spoke Kitsune "we played around a bit but....it was never yiff". Yoshi shook her head.

"Uh huh, whatever you say bro" spoke Yoshi.

"There they are here, can we get to class now" blurted Shadow.

"Not yet, there is still..." Yoshi spoke as she looked at her wrist then realized she didn't own a watch. Kitsune shook his head again almost chuckling.

"It's about 7:46 AM" he breathed "I looked at the clock before we left Wolfie's". Ozwot hugged Kitsune from behind and put his muzzle to Kitsune's ear.

"Come on foxy, let's let the girls get to their classes and us to ours" spoke Ozwot "Kay?".

Kitsune nodded. Yoshi stood up along with shadow and they walked through the doors.

"It's funny that she doesn't believe me" spoke Kitsune "But it's true". Ozwot nodded.

"Does it matter what others think" he asked "as long as you know the truth?"

"Yeah that's true" replied Kitsune "let's go wolfie". Ozwot let his embrace of Kitsune go. The red fox walked through the doors as he let out a great big yawn.

*** (five minutes later inside of History of furs class room)

Kitsune sat down in a seat furthest back beside Ozwot. A male brown furred Wolf somewhat small in size sat down beside them, and beside him sat what to Kitsune appeared to be a female hybrid of a horse and fox. Kitsune blinked a little at the site, it seemed rare to him.

A male well built tiger stepped into the room, and sat in a large desk at the front of the room.

"Hey, Wolfie" whispered Kitsune "what class do you have after this".

"umm, I have anthropology" answered Ozwot in a whisper.

"I wouldn't talk in this class if I were you" whispered the brown furred wolf "I hear Mr. Thomas is really really harsh when it comes to people talking".

"You bet" whispered the woman on the other side of the brown furred wolf " My friend had this class yesterday and she got a lot of extra work because she was talking to a friend". Kitsune blinked then looked at them.

"Really?" questioned Ozwot "then you better keep those pretty lips closed Foxy". Kitsune blushed a bit and then looked at the other two.

"Hi" he pronounced "I'm Kitsune Warui and this is my mate Ozwot Wolf".

"Mate?" questioned the female "that would mean you two have 'mated'".

"Well not exactly" replied Ozwot "but we do plan our lives together".

"Ah" breathed the brown furred wolf "Well anyways my name is Shon Tonga".

"and my name is Shanny" blurted the female.

"Nice to meet you" spoke Kitsune and Ozwot at the same time.

"Hey, would either of you want to join a group I made" asked Kitsune "It's not very big but it was only approved yesterday, and I haven't really got too many members".

"What kind of group?" asked Shanny.

"Yeah I'd have to know that kind of thing first" retorted Shon "Don't wanna get dragged into something racist, or anything like that".

"Oh yeah, It's called GLS, gay life society, you don't have to be gay to join of course it's just a group were people can come and get a little more in touch with homosexuality...I mean so they can get to know it better. A lot of people misinterpret things" spoke Kitsune "Also it's a nice way to be able to have events and fun stuff like that".

"I wouldn't mind I suppose" replied Shanny.

"It sounds....nice" replied Shon "but can I just have a trial member ship...I want to see what it's like before you hold me to it".

"Oh no you can quit any time you like" blurted Kitsune "if it's not anything you want to be apart of I can understand, I won't hold it against you".

"Wow...that's pretty...nice" spoke Shon.

"Thanks, I try to be" spoke Kitsune.

"Try?" questioned Ozwot "You don't need to try foxy".

"I can be mean" spoke Kitsune.

"Whatever you say" retorted Ozwot smiling.

"I mean it" replied Kitsune.

"Sure, if you say so" spoke Ozwot.

"Come on, I'm serious, I can be mean" blurted Kitsune.

"And so can I!" came a heavily deep voice. Kitsune faced front to see the well-built tiger looking towards him.

"And I'll have to show you if you don't stop you're socializing" spoke the Tiger "My name is Mr. Thomas.....you will refer to me as that and nothing else. I don't care if you know me or not, in this class room there are rules. Students must show me respect got that".

Kitsune pulled back a bit. The professor seemed obviously hostile towards everyone.

"As such you will..." Came the voice of the teacher but it was slowly pushed out of Kitsune's head as his mind began to wander.

'normally I'd pay attention but I got enough of that guys voice when I was getting GLS approved......wonder what Wolfie is gonna do tomorrow...he keeps saying he has a gift hmmm...I wonder...I guess I'll have to wait and figure out......hmmm after this class is over I should get these two furs dorm numbers...or if they aren't on campus then I should get a phone number or E-mail address' Thought Kitsune. Kitsune looked at the teacher as if he was listening blinking and nodding, but only moving around with thoughts in his head.

"....and so if you don't follow every one of those rules you will get Extra work. I always have assignments that you can do. If it goes to far then I will throw you out of this class" finished Mr. Thomas.

'uh oh...I should have paid attention...oh well if I don't ever do anything bad I won't get in trouble' thought Kitsune.

*** (1 hour and 40 minutes later. Full of the teacher talking and lecturing. But nothing about history just a lot of stuff about what each lesson will be on and when)

Kitsune Yawned as Mr.Thomas sat down and stopped speaking.

"You may speak for the last ten minutes of class" blurted Mr. Thomas beginning to scratch things down on paper. Kitsune looked about the room at the other furs.

"Hey" Blurted Kitsune in a hushed voice towards the two furs "could you two possibly stop by my dorm on Thursday. If I'm not their I'll have someone their. Anyways I need you two to sign your signatures, dorm number, E-mail address ya' know that sort of thing".

They both nodded. Kitsune looked about the class room quietly now. He couldn't think of much more to say after that. He began to nuzzle up against Ozwot, playfully. Ozwot giggled a bit and then ran his paw down Kitsune's back and then moved back up it. For ten minutes Kitsune nuzzle against Ozwot, not a word coming form his mouth, just a smile and a blush across his face.

Shon looked at the two and cracked a smirk at it. A lot of other furs were staring at the two as well, some whispering into each others ears at the same time. Ozwot knew what was going on, he held in the rage and continued to rub Kitsune, who couldn't see the other furs. Suddenly the bell rang out and everyone stood up quickly. Kitsune broke away from Ozwot and then Kissed him on the cheek.

"Come on wolfie, let's get this day over with" spoke Kitsune "....OH YEAH!...I almost forgot we have to visit Leo".

"Oh yeah I forgot too" Chuckled Ozwot Pressing his lips against Kitsune's. Mr.Thomas only watched almost uncaringly at the two. The halls began to fill quickly, Kitsune ignored the sounds and held into the kiss his eyes slowly closing and his heart throbbing.

'this is what true love is' he thought 'this is what my heart has desired for it's entire being. The furs of AGF just don't understand'.