Soren's Early Years; Part Three

Story by Soren on SoFurry

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#3 of Soren's Early Years

Part three: a relationship develops, and something bad begins.

Soren's Early Years, Part Three

In his village, Tielo was never looked upon with favor. He was very introverted, preferring to stay alone in his den and sketch plans for repairs on old buildings or just whatever came to mind. He kept a small collection of sketchbooks he made himself, bound in leather. His pens and pencils were pilfered over time from a local village. Each book had a different set of drawings; one was architecture, one quick sketches of things around him, and the third was all porn. If there was a position, act, or toy, it was in that book. Most of his raw sketches were of him, with a different name, receiving whatever act was portrayed.

He was a right-minded creative type, and had been hired by the alpha's mate several times to paint murals in their den (and by den, I mean bad ass house chiseled into the side of a mountain). Tielo was a basic brown Wulf, and usually treated as such, despite his amazing gifts. He loved to be in the alpha's home, alone with his mate. He loved her smell, the way her tail slightly curled when she was relaxed.

One evening, he had finished a mural of the alpha in battle, standing over the carcass of a werewolf, bloody sword in one hand, the other resting on the hilt. Not a bad piece, but a little flamboyant for his taste. He packed up his paints, and searched out the alpha female to let her know it was finished.

He peeked around a corner, and found her straddling a huge stone dildo, half already gone inside her. Tielo froze, caught completely off guard. As luck would have it, guess who should happen home?

Tielo had literally been thrown out of the den. He scrambled to his feet, leaving his paints behind, and raced across the village towards his own tiny home. He got there and slammed the door shut. In his haste, he only grabbed his three sketchbooks, roll of pens, and was back out into the rain. He didn't stop running until the sounds of the village (and the roar of the alpha) were hours behind him.

Dante pressed the tip of his cock against the cool, wet nose of the secured Ingvarr. The grey Wulf snarled and tried to bite, but the metal brace around his jaw prevented much movement. The black Wulf danced his cock all over Ingvarr's muzzle, delighting in the angry snarls.

Soren entered the room, staring down the tied animal, with the same look she would give a rotting carcass. Dante took a step back, leaving his master room to step around the table. She stopped at Ingvarr's muzzle, reached back and caressed Dante's dick. She bent over, nose to nose with Ingvarr, ass pressed against Dante.

"You will regret the day you entered my home. I will make you suffer in such a way that you'll beg me to rip you apart like I did your lover." Soren snarled. She stood up straight, cocked back her arm, and swung down one Ingvarr's cheek with such force, the straps holding his head in place snapped. Drops of blood escaped the grey Wulf's mouth, and splattered across the floor. He whimpered, and she lifted the same arm up, closed her hand into a fist, and slammed said fist down on top of his head. His teeth clacked together hard, and she got a solid whine out of him. Ingvarr drooled blood when he bared his teeth, one tooth with a visible crack, multiples hanging loose in their sockets.

The she-wolf wiped her hand on Ingvarr's back. He tried a snarl, but only bubbles of saliva and blood popped from his broken mouth. Soren grabbed him by the muzzle, forcing his jaw shut, and held tight, pulling his head up to stare into his dark brown eyes.

"And to think I wanted you in my pack. You're nothing but an overgrown dog. So hellbent on revenge for something you knew nothing about."

"You murdered my mate. That is all I need to know." Ingvarr spat blood and spit at Dante's footpaws. Dante bared his teeth.

"I was being raped by your lovely honey. All I did was serve justice. But I don't need to explain myself to you. You are nothing. A nobody. A misfit. You could've been well off living here, even if you are a link to a crappy memory. Did you say mate? That's what I thought." Soren glared at the bloody-mouthed animal.

Just then, a light tapping on the front doors. Soren glared over her shoulder. Could've just been a branch. It was a nasty winter, and the trees could barely contain the snow. Tonight was a freak rain storm, which was turning everything to ice, making it twice as heavy. Dante shrugged.

Ambros peeked around the corner, stopping still at the sight of Ingvarr. Without breaking his gaze, he pointed at the front door. Soren left the room, closing the door securely behind her. Ambros stayed within a pace of his mistress as she crossed the Grand Entry towards the heavy front doors. As she reached for the handle, there came the tapping again.

Her loyal brown hugged up to her, and she opened the door slightly. It was like she was looking at Ambros, except instead of mellow brown eyes, this waterlogged Wulf had crystalline green. He was shivering violently, icicles built up in his fur clattered lightly. He clutched three soaked books to his chest, and looked at Soren with a mix of surprise and plea.

Soren stepped back, pushing Ambros back, and allowed this suffering creature into the Entry.

Across the Entry, the tower room door opened partway. Dante peered around the door, glared at Soren, glared at the frozen Wulf, back at Soren, then disappeared back into the room. The door clicked shut.

Ambros stared at the new brother. "You kinda look like me, except frozen stiff."

"Ambros, go get a fire going in room six." Soren led the cold Wulf slowly to the stairs.


"Yes. We need to warm him slowly, otherwise he'll go into shock. He's already hypothermic." Soren wrapped an arm around the shivering pup. He stumbled up every other stair, unable to control his most basic motor skills.

Once in the room, Soren led the wet Wulf partway in. She grabbed a blanket and began sopping up the water from his fur. The icicles had melted, but he was still so saturated he was just as bad off. Soren was on the fourth blanket by the time the short hairs on his head and hands stood at attention. Soren enlisted Ambros to help her haul him to a short couch far enough from the fire to not heat him too fast, but close enough to soak up the warmth.

She wrapped him in more blankets and furs, then she took Ambros to the kitchen to warm up some beef stock. They worked quietly. It had been an eventful evening. The blood on Ambros' back had barely dried before this new Wulf walked in to their lives.

Ambros poured the broth into a wide bowl. He set it down and looked up at Soren.

"Don't worry. I will pay more attention to you. I don't need anyone more than you." Soren cast her eyes down at the counter.

The brown wolf stared at her. She glanced back up at him. Their eyes locked.

"I love you, Ambros."

When Soren and Ambros returned from the kitchen, Dante was standing outside the door to the newcomer's room. He was leaning against the wall, arms crossed, watching the unmoving bundle on the couch.

"I do not have ill feelings towards this one, but it is not a good time." Dante kept staring at the Wulf. He was so cold his ears didn't swivel to take in a single extra sound. They stayed half flat, kind of floppy, immobile.

"I know. What kind of soul would I be if I turned him away? He would've died out there." Soren entered the room with the bowl of warm beef broth.

The Wulf had stopped shivering. He looked up at the she-wolf, and slowly produced two shaky hands to take the bowl. He lapped at the soup. Soren noted the soaking wet books on the table in front of the couch.

"What's your name?" Soren asked.

"Tielo. Thank you for letting me in." He slurped the broth. His stomach rumbled in reply.

"What are those?" Soren gestured to the books.

"Probably ruined." Tielo replied sadly.

Soren reached forward and gently picked up the top one. Tielo reached to stop her, but she had already opened it gingerly to the first page. A schematic for some sort of electrical system greeted her. It was smudged, but still readable.

She carefully closed the book, and carried all three closer to the fire, laying them just off the hearth, where they could dry out. She laid them side by side, without opening all of them. The white Wulf returned to the couch and sat next to Tielo. He had finished the soup. Ambros took the bowl and headed back downstairs to the kitchens.

"You're a thinker. A creative type, aren't you? Obsessed with mechanical stuff, right?" Soren prompted.

"Yes. I like to put things together, fix things, build things." Tielo glanced around the room, resting his eyes on the fireplace, "I was an artist before..."

"Before what?" Soren asked, but she already knew. He was an even newer Wulf than she.

"I was out for a walk in the fresh snow. You know, everyone was afraid of the snow, and the dark, so it was a perfect time to go for a walk. I came to a street where some new electric street lamps had been installed, and being the way I am, I stopped to look at them." the brown Wulf coughed. "I was so absorbed into my thoughts, I didn't see the werewolf in the shadows behind me. It tried to attack me, and it slipped on the ice. I barely got away from that horrid thing. I ran off the street, and ended up in the forest. After a little while, I got lost. Next thing I know, I must have passed out, and I woke up in a stone-walled hut. Long story short, I am a wolf now, and without a home. They didn't much care for me. I don't like people, and use my mind in ways that didn't suit them."

Soren knew exactly how he felt. She preferred the peace and quiet away from others. She liked this guy. She felt no attraction to him like she had with Dante and Ambros, but he seemed alright. Already, she knew more about him in half an hour than she did about Ingvarr in three weeks.

"I will let you rest now. You can stay as long as you'd like. Make yourself at home." Soren went to stand, but Tielo stopped her.

"Please don't think of me as a nuisance. I can be an asset here, if you will have me. I am grateful for your hospitality; you are the first Wulf to treat me with respect. I am not like the one you have locked up...I know the story...I heard it in the village from a visiting medicine woman. He is crazy and dangerous. I...have...well, I have some schematics for tools and whatnot...that may interest you, if you want. Your dark Wulf will know what they are for." Tielo smiled.

Soren glanced at the sketchbooks by the fire. Dante peered around the doorway, the same glare from earlier now tainted with curiosity.

"Get some rest. We will see you in the morning." Soren backed out of the room, followed by Ambros. Dante had the look of a puppy with a new toy. "What exactly do you do back there?" Soren shrugged towards Dante's rooms.

Dante grinned, a rarity for him. "I build things."

The dark Wulf had poured ice water on top of Ingvarr's head, waking him from a fitful sleep. He startled awake, snapping at the air with broken teeth. His mouth was stained almost black from the dried blood, as was the table he was still secured to.

"I apologize for leaving here last night. Had other matters to tend to." Dante fiddled with some leather straps.

"I know. I can smell him from here. She replaced me awful fast." Ingvarr sneered.

The black wolf whirled around and slammed his fist into the back of the prone wolf's neck. "She is not replacing you. How can she replace something that was barely there?

Ingvarr looked as if he had another snide comment brewing, but instead of spewing it, he just settled back into painful silence. Was better to do what was told, and wait until a good opportunity presented. After all, he wanted to keep the remaining teeth in his mouth.

Soren entered the tower room, followed by Ambros. The brown Wulf closed the door behind them.

The she-wolf wandered over to the dark one, who handed her the leathers. Soren took the leathers to the subdued Wulf. One at a time, she hooked a chain from each corner of the table to a metal ring stitched into the leather straps. Then, each leather was secured tightly around both wrists and ankles. All the ropes were removed, leaving Ingvarr bound only by four corners.

Dante turned around, his cock at full mast and glistening with lube.

Ingvarr snarled and backed against the restraints, "like hell you will!" he spat.

The black Wulf smirked as he walked back around to Ingvarr's ass, pulling his tucked tail away from his puckered asshole. Ambros wrinkled his muzzle and looked over at Soren as if asking to leave.

Without hesitation, Dante pressed the tip of his dick into Ingvarr's ass, lining up, then thrusting hard enough to make Ingvarr snarl and howl at the same time. He pressed his knot against the grey, forcing him open even wider. Ingvarr tried to pull away, a futile effort against Dante's finely crafted restraints. The black Wulf grabbed Ingvarr's collar, pulling back hard, choking the grey. At the same time, Dante gave another shove, forcing his knot fully in.

Ingvarr made a gurgling whine as Dante fucked the shit back into him. Soren smirked at Ingvarr's bugeyed expression, portraying the horror any straight homophobe would have in this case.

The wild grey wolf closed his eyes, trying to block out the events, but Dante jerked the collar hard enough to keep him focused. Dante fucked in short, hard jerks, keeping the grey locked to him.

Finally, Dante released his load into the pissed wolf. He released the collar, letting the grey wheeze air.

Soren took Ambros, and they left the room. Dante was nowhere near finished, and she could sense Ambros wasn't particularly thrilled about watching Dante rape Ingvarr into submission.

The snow began to melt, exposing the first little buds of spring.

Throughout the remainder of winter, Tielo had been busy in the castle. He carried one of his sketchbooks, wandering the castle at all hours, busily scribbling. By the time the first signs of spring showed themselves, the Wulf had finished running all new electrical through the castle, and was waiting for some solder and glass to arrive from town. The electrical wiring originated to Tielo's windpower generator buried in Dante's garden.

Dante had forged beautiful wall sconces, freestanding lamps, and built a chandolier for the Great Entry out of shed antlers and forged iron. Dante and Tielo spent an insane amount of time together, whether it be out and about in the castle, or locked behind Dante's door.

In the darkness, a lone Wulf wheezed. His stomach growled. The blood from his fucked up mouth was his only sustenance, and all it was doing was making his stomach upset.

Ingvarr pulled feebly at the bonds holding him. He was too weak to growl.

The collar had been tight, but his constant pulling wore the leather down. He could barely reach his bonds...just a tad more...

Ambros crawled up into Soren's cozy bed of furs. The she-wolf pulled her omega into her arms, locking his muzzle with hers. She pressed her body against his.

Soren ran her hands up his back, digging her claws in, pulling him as close as possible. The brown wolf pressed his raging cock against his master's warm belly, rubbing against her fur. He slowly crawled on top of her, pushing her down into the furs, pulling a knee up between her legs.

The wolves kept their muzzles locked, tongues playing at each other. Soren dropped her hands to Ambros' cock, wrapping one warm hand around the shaft, the other seeking out the coin purse. Ambros arched his back out, bringing his pelvis up closer to the pleasureful hands.

As her skilled hands worked his shaft, using the precum as lubricant, Soren broke their muzzles loose, and nibbled on his shoulder. The brown Wulf lowered his head, and caught Soren's eyes. They stopped moving. She stared at him. He stared at her.

Without breaking eye contact, Ambros maneuvered his hips into a prime thrusting position, lining his dick up with her hot pussy. She moved her hands to his hips, gently pulling him towards her. He lightly licked her nose, smiling when she wrinkled her muzzle, and started to pry into her tight box with his rigid cock.

Ambros pushed partway in, causing the she-wolf to moan and arch. She dug her sharp claws into his flesh, through the fur.

"Fuck me now, Ambros."

The Wulf needed no command, and rammed into her up to his forming knot. He pulled back, then rammed again. Soren wrapped her legs around him, tightening down to prevent him pulling completely out. He thrust into her, only pulling out a couple inches, then bottoming out on his knot. As it swelled, it stretched her slightly each time he pressed it against her. Carefully, and slowly, to prolong the feeling, Ambros pushed his heavy knot against her sex, stretching. The knot widening her pussy, until popped inside.

Ambros pumped into his master. She held tightly to him, keeping him locked to her in the unlikely event his knot should fail. She maintained eye contact with her omega as he rapid fire coaxed his seed from his tight balls. Ambros rammed a final time, loosing his cum into her guts, and letting a low howl escape his throat.

The she-wolf allowed herself to succumb to her mate, her orgasm washing over her like fire. She kept her legs locked around him, until she felt too exhausted to hang on.

Ambros nearly collapsed on her, waiting for his knot to retreat enough so he could relax. Soren ran her claws up his back, throwing him into another spasm. More of his seed topped her off.

The pair laid quietly in the dark, Soren holding the panting omega close to her, content with her full, warm, belly.

Dante padded quietly through the hall, and down the stairs. He entered the kitchen, where Tielo had already been making breakfast. The slender sub turned to the dark Wulf, a shy smile painting his muzzle.

"You smell like sex." Tielo said. Dante cast a wary glance back over his shoulder.

"I do not know how my mistress will handle us. Keep it to yourself until I tell you otherwise." Dante spoke firmly, as if mildly scolding a child.

"You didn't honestly think I didn't notice you two?" Soren poked her head around the kitchen door, startling the usually placid Dante, and causing Tielo to drop the spatula with a yip.


"Dante. It's ok. I knew from the day I met you, that one day you would find yourself. You were never meant to be an omega, or a beta." Soren half-smiled.

Dante lowered his head, showing his mistress the respect he always had.

"You don't have to leave. You can stay as long as you wish, so long as you understand this is my house, and respect it as such. I won't require you to fulfill your beta duties any longer. Tielo, don't piss him off." Soren winked at the new Wulf, then turned back to Dante "When was the last time you checked on Ingvarr?"

"Yesterday morning. It is time to check again."

Soren strode across the Grand Entry, Dante flanking her, Tielo trailing behind. The white Wulf stopped a couple yards from the door. The other two sensed it as well...something was wrong.

The tower room door was open a few inches. The smell of old blood and piss was rank, but the mere fact the door was open put it out of their minds.

Soren snuck to the hinge side, easing the door open with an outstretched arm. Tielo handed Dante a lit torch, who directed it into the room.

Once open, the trio realized the restraint table was empty. The room itself yielded no better news.

Ingvarr was gone.

To be continued in Part Four.

Soren's Early Years; Part Four

Soren's Early Years; Part Four * * * The castle had been searched top to bottom. Poor Ambros' moods had been a rollercoaster the last few weeks, and now this was too much. He stayed glued to Soren's hip like a puppy. The only thing Soren noticed...

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Soren's Early Years- Part 2

Soren's Early Years, Part Two * * * Most of the rooms in the castle were empty. It was hard for Soren to fathom having fifteen inhabitants to care for, feed, protect, and keep track of. Dante's room was at the far end of the eastern corridor,...

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Soren's Early Years Part One

Soren's Early Years; Part One They were too fast. Too agile. I could not outrun them. Not in a million years. I knew their sense of smell was beyond any other living creatures', but I tried to hide nonetheless. I scaled the nearest tree, and...

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