
Story by pigglesworth on SoFurry

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#6 of Sold

Matt tossed and turned. He wasn't getting any sleep this night, his mind racing with what he had threatened to do to the bunny wasn't sitting well with him. Inside his head he had voices arguing with each other.

He doesn't deserve this.

I just can't let this go without consequences.

If you go through with this you might break him.

You are his master, you can do whatever the hell you want.

Exactly, so choose to drop the punishment and just hug the poor thing.

He needs to learn his place.

Would you beat your precious pet? Because You told him that's his place.


Matt was on his feet instantly, running down the hallway, down the 2 flights of stairs until he had reached his bunny. Nate was panting hard, his head completely covered in sweat and his head looking around trying to see something, which the blindfold made impossible. Kneeling down and placing his hand on the bunny's shoulder Nate calmed down visibly, his head snapping to the side.


"I'm here bun-bun. What happened?"

"J-just a nightmare Sir. No need to untie me."

Stupid bunny, just ask me to untie you already, Matt thought to himself

"But... maybe... maybe you could stay a minute or -"


Matt was as surprised as Nate was by that answer, he had no idea where that came from, just that now, after he had said it, he couldn't take it back, so instead he walked back upstairs, doing his hardest to ignore the bunny's sobs.

When the sun woke him up Matt dreaded the day to come, he barely had gotten an hour's worth of sleep during the night, though he doubted Nate had gotten even that much. He didn't want to get up, getting up meant to be cruel to the bunny he cared for and even worse having to see him in his broken state again. Feeling violently sick he jumped out of bed and quickly ran to the bathroom.

Sitting in the kitchen he chugged down the last of his herbal tea, hoping that would help his upset stomach. With a sigh he stood up and slowly walked towards the basement, mentally rerunning to the things he had planned last night, that would hopefully minimize the time he had to spend punishing the bunny. As he descended into the basement only one thought was on his mind, Please don't mess up bun-bun.

Kneeling next to the bed he couldn't resist showing the bunny at least a tiny bit of affection before starting the day. He gently placed his hand on the bunny's cheek and planted a small kiss on his nose.

"Once I remove the blindfold this day officially begins, are you ready for your punishment?" he whispered into the bunny's ear while inside his head a voice was screaming; Please, say no!

"Yes Sir"

Matt sighed.

"Did you get any sleep?"

"I'm not sure Sir, I kept remembering ... him, and then the nightmares started."

Without another word Matt began to undo the ropes, causing the bunny to wince a few times. He had made sure to tie them loosely but be hadn't considered the bunny twisting and turning, tortured by nightmares of his former captor. After he removed the last rope he sighed again and stood up.


Go easy on him! a voice reminded him

Slowly the still blind bunny moved his stiff body to obey the command, putting his paws in the floor before shakingly getting up. It was then that Matt noticed something about the blindfold, its edges were soaking wet. Undoing the strap he found the reason. Nate's eyes were completely red and swollen, tried tears had noticeably matted the fur around his eyes.

"To the bench and bend over."

He saw the bunny's expression as he obeyed, like a prisoner walking to his execution. Matt's face looked similar as he followed the bunny and picked up a wooden paddle from the wall.

Placing one hand on the bunny's lower back he drew back the paddle.

That's when a thought crossed his mind. The bunny had spent the night reliving the past five years, he had suffered even in his dreams, his eyes were proof of that. He had suffered just as he himself had the day before. Again a voice spoke up t_here is your loophole, please take it!_


The sound of the paddle hitting the floor startled the bunny and caused him to turn around. Matt pulled him in and held him tight.

"I can't do this! I'll accept what you went through this night as punishment. I'm sorry bun-bun, please forgive me."

There was no reaction and Matt feared he had undone all the work he had put into the bunny and possible broken him even more. He let go of the bunny and took a step back, only to see the brightest smile on Nate's face.

"Got you!" the bunny said as he jumped forward to hug him.

Realizing what the bunny just had done washed away the fear he had just a minute ago as he caught the jumping bunny and carried him to the bed. Carefully placing him down before laying down himself, pulling the blanket over their bodies and pulling his bunny close to him.

"We're sleeping in today!"

"I'd like that Sir."

Some time after noon the otter woke up as the bunny was awkwardly trying to move stealthily over him, failing miserably.

"Finally making a run for it bun-bun?"

"Coming back actually Sir."

"Slept better this time?"

"Almost like a rock Sir"

"Oh, what bothered my pet rock then?"

"My balls Sir, they are getting really sensitive."

Carefully reaching for them Matt quickly realized why that was, he had completely forgotten the bunny was still wearing the weight around his balls. In his rage yesterday he had assumed Nate would remove it immediately and later on he wasn't really interested in his bunny's privates.

"It's ok, you can remove the weight for now, but your balls will stay sensitive for a while, if you think it helps you can massage them lightly, but only your balls."

He had never seen the bunny's hand move that quickly. The strap was gone one second after he had finished his sentence and the bunny let out a groan of relief. Matt moved the hand that had previously rested on the bunny's belly lower, grabbing the one thing the bunny wasn't allowed to touch, making Nate's body first grow stiff and then almost melt.

"It has been a while, hasn't it?"

His bunny just nodded as he slowly started stroking his cock. Just the first touch had caused a bit of pre to start leaking out, the stroking now quickly began to pool on the bunny'S belly. Matt enjoyed the sound coming from Nate. All those little moans, grunts and the shallow panting. Changing the speed and the areas he was stroking at every few seconds.

"Does bun-bun think he earned another release"

"YES! please!"

"And what exactly did you do to deserve something that big?

"I-I kept the house clean, I endured your endless teasing, I hardly ever talked back, You said yourself you like my cooking and then there were all your stupid pranks ... Sir."

"I don't know, you haven't brought it up before now, so it can't possibly be that bad yet."

"I could have asked?! Ahhhhh!"

Matt smirked, he had to remember that spot he just found.

"You can always ask, if I agree though, that's a completely different story."

"So have I earned an orgasm Sir?


Matt said while stopping his teasing and pulling the bunny into a hug. Nate groaned in pure frustration. The dull ache in his balls alone driving him insane and the teasing otter wasn't helping at all.

"Slaves don't earn orgasms, they are a gift from their master." he kissed the bunny's neck.

"But Christmas is coming up in a few weeks, maybe if ... " he couldn't bring himself to finish that sentence after the bunny had turned his head toward him and gave him the best puppy eyes impression he had ever seen.

"Please Sir, I'll do anything you want, just let me cum!"

"You'd do that anyway, or I'd make you. Well, try to make you" Matt laughed

"I mean it Sir, anything."

"So a few piercing through your dick then?"

The bunny's eyes widened.

"Bit off more than you can chew bun-bun? I'd be careful with the word 'anything' if I'd were you."

"You're kidding, right?"

"Of course I am, glad to see you catching on by now. Honestly though, I am thinking about getting you a PA. As for your orgasm, how about you go upstairs and put on your chastity device, at least that way you have something to unwrap on Christmas."

"How many days until Christmas Sir?"

"Ten or so I think."

"And I will get to cum? With an actual orgasm?"

"Maybe even more than once, but only if you go put it on now."

The bunny nearly jumped out of the bed running upstairs. Matt decided now was as good a time to get up as any, and slowly followed the bunny. Making it up the first staircase he saw the bunny not walking up the second one, but standing in front of a window, pressing his nose against it, completely focused on something. Moving next to him and looking outside he saw nothing but white.

"A white bunny that loves snow, who'd have guessed." he teased.

"Don't you have to go put something on bun-bun? You can watch the snow after that or if you want to we could go out for a bit."

Words could not describe how happy Nate looked at his master, shaking with excitement. He ran upstairs while chanting.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

A few minutes later Nate came back downstairs, still naked, except for collar and the silver cage around his balls, carrying a t-shirt and pants in hand. Matt watched him put on the only clothes the bunny owned and run towards the door to the backyard.

"Stop it! Where do you think you're going?"

The bunny stopped dead in his tracks, turned around and looked at Matt with a confused look.

"You said we could go outside Sir."

"I meant out, as in actually going out, there is a Christmas market about half an hour away, but you'll need to wear something more suited for the occasion. Follow me, I think I still have a few old things that should fit you."

What matt hadn't told his bunny was that the 'old' things were in fact bought specifically for the bunny as soon as he had gotten him. Out of his closet he pulled a thick jacket, some winter clothes as well as a pair of lined leather boots in the same brown as his collar.

"Oh and one thing, when we're there please keep the 'Sir' in check. Matt will do while we're around people."

Nate quickly unbuttoned his pants, letting them drop to his feet and started taking off his shirt. Seeing the vulnerable bunny Matt simply couldn't resist any longer and gave him a shove towards the bed. The bunny landed on his belly, legs handing over the side, his head and arms still caught in his shirt he struggled as Matt undid his own pants and knelt behind him.

Grabbing his bunny's ass and pulling his cheeks apart he buried his head between the two white mounds, inhaling the bunny's barely noticeable, but intoxicating musk.

"Sir, what are you doOOOHHHHH!"

Nate's sentence was cut short as Matt pushed his tongue against his pucker.

Matt circled his price like a shark. His tongue slightly dipping into the bunny, giving his pucker a nice thick coating of saliva in the process. Hearing the breathless bunny up on the bed drove Matt wild, his own cock was twitching furiously, dripping pre onto his carpet. The bunny's cock was doing the exact same thing, only slightly hindered by metal.

"Sir!" Matt stood up, suspecting he had the bunny where he wanted him.

"What? Stop? Don't stop?"

"Fuck me!"

He gave the bunny's ass a slap. More playful than anything, just to get the bunny's attention.

"I don't think I'm the one taking orders here bun-bun, and that didn't sound like you were asking nicely"

Matt positioned his cock at Nate's entrance, rubbed it around to spread some of his pre and then sank into the bunny. Without stopping he buried himself in the the soft, warm bunny. Nate just moaned, unable to do more than that at the moment, his body completely lost in frustrating pleasure.

Pulling out until just his tip remained he gave his bunny another quick slap, and another another. Each move of his hips was accompanied by a slap to the bunny's rear, and the delicious sounds his slave was making.

He felt Nate's ass squeeze down with each slap to the soft bubble butt he was pummelling. Enjoying the slight red glow that started to develop, getting slightly more visible with every slap.

It was then that he noticed that the bunny had been awfully quiet. Leaning down to look at his face he saw Nate completely lost in pleasure. His eyes were unfocused, his maw open and slightly drooling, which would have worried him, were it not for the huge smile on his slave's face.

Feeling the squeezing become more and more intense Matt was sure he'd not be able to last much longer and hilted himself, switching over to short jabbing thrusts. Those seemed to wake the bunny from his trance as he let go of a deafening moan, followed shortly by Matt's, as he climaxed, pumping his load deep into the bunny's increasingly tightening ass.

Matt let himself collapse on his bunny.

"You ... OK ... bun-bun?" he asked trying to catch his breath.

"You kinda ... zoned out there ... for a bit."

"I can't..."


"I can't stand this, please let me cum, please! For a second there I thought I was about to but then... then ... ARGH!"

"Poor, frustrated bunny. I would have loved to make you cum hands free, but no, I won't unlock you before Christmas. Now clench, I don't want you to spill a drop."

Nate obeyed as Matt pulled out. Opening the drawer of the bedside table he pulled out a plug, that quickly vanished into the bunny's backside.

"Good boy, now go get dressed, I promised you a road trip."

Matt chuckled, he must have been the only driver in town that didn't mind all the small potholes. He even drove over some of them intentionally just to hear the bunny grunt when the bump in the road pushed the plug against his prostate yet again, leading to another drop of pre added to the barely visible, but ever growing wet spot on his pants.

Pulling into a parking space and killing the engine he looked over to his bunny.

"Shall we?"

"Yes Si.. Matt." Nate blushed.

"What's the matter bun-bun?

"It just feels strange calling you by your name instead of Sir."

Matt chuckled and left the car.

The air was freezing. Not that Matt minded that, it gave him an excuse to pull his bunny close to him as they walked over the market. Seeing Nate head snap from one side to the other made him glad the day had gone as it had. This happy, curious bunny was by far the best outcome this day could have.

Pulling his wallet out of his pocket he took a few bills and handed them to Nate.

"Go explore for a bit and buy yourself something nice. I'll get us something warm to drink and we'll meet under the tree in half an hour."

Seeing Nate grab the money and running off made Matt smile and wonder whether this is how parents felt, watching their children slowly grow up and become more independent.

Sitting on a bench near the huge decorated Christmas tree he waited for the bunny with two large mugs of mulled wine. Looking at his watch he was becoming a bit nervous, Nate had been overdue for more than 15 minutes now and knowing his bunny he'd blame himself for it and would most likely fear absurd and horrible consequences.

Just as he was about to get up to start looking for him a panting bunny came to stop next to him.

"I'm sorry, there was just so much to see and then when I found something I thought looked nice there were so many people at that stand and then it took a while to get it finished and then I ... I'm not in trouble, am I?"


"Open it!" Nate said holding out a small wrapped box.

"You were supposed to get something for yourself!"

"I did!"

He took the box out of the bunny's shivering hands. Pulling of the ribbon he opened it and picked up the silver tag inside it. It was shaped like a carrot and was engraved with 'bun-bun' in curly lettering. He opened his mouth but only managed an chocking sound, so instead he opted for a hug and a quick kiss on the bunny's nose.

"Would you put it on my collar?"

With teary eyes Matt just nodded, fumbling with the ring the tag was attached to a few seconds before finally getting it in The D-ring of Nate's collar.

He picked up the mugs he had left on the bench and handed one of them to Nate.

"This should help you warm up a bit."

Smelling the mug's contents the bunny nose twitched. He took a small sip, only to let the spiced wine flow back out of his mouth into the mug.

"So, not a fan of alcohol or just not this kind?"

"That was the first time, but I guess not a fan of alcohol."

"I can understand that, it's an acquired taste. But still, hold on to that, at least it will keep your paws warm for now. We can get you a hot chocolate on the way back to the car, or whatever it is little cubs drink these days." Matt said while sticking out his tongue.

Taking another gulp from his mug Matt sat down and patted his lap, inviting Nate to sit down as well. The bunny happily complied, leaning back against his master, who answered the gesture by hugging the bunny, careful not to spill any of their drinks. Resting his head on Nate's shoulder both just enjoyed watching the people busily running over the market, while the setting sun slowly caused the Christmas light to come on.

The market day was nearing its end as shops started closing up. Matt had bought Nate the promised hot chocolate and, in an effort to tease the bunny a bit more, may have gone a bit overboard with adding things cubs would beg their parents for, like whipped cream, sprinkles and a cherry on top. Seeing the bunny both excited and furiously blushing when he was handed his drink however made it clear to Matt that this were the best ten bucks he had spent in his life.

The car ride home was spent with Nate going on about what he had seen and how he almost bought ten different things before finally deciding on the tag that was now dangling from his collar, and Matt pretended not to notice that the bunny kept touching his new jewellery only to catch himself in the act and quickly act as if it hadn't happened.

Coming back home Matt took off his coat while Nate stripped down completely, carrying his clothes to the hamper next to the stairs leading to the playroom.

"It's still early, why don't you go pick a movie for us while I use the bathroom real quick"

"Yes Sir!"

Nate watches his master hurry up the stairs while he turned on the TV and started looking through the selection of movies available, until the phone interrupted him.

"Sir, the phone is ringing" he shouted.

"Can you take care of it?" came his master's equally loud answer.

Nate picked up the phone and answered cheerfully.


"Yes, hello, is this Matt Abbott?"

"No sir, he is busy, can I take a message?"

"Yes, please tell him his complaint has been preliminarily processed, we just need him and the bunny, well you I guess, to come in for a few final questions, an examination and a signature before his refund can officially be approved. Got all that?"

"Yes, I'll let him know."

Nate hung up and looked at the phone with a blank expression.



I am really thankful to all of you who faved and/or voted on my stories, even more so to the people who took the time to write a comment, I really love getting feedback. Which is why I wanted to ask you, is there anything you want to know about any of the characters? If so leave it in the comments and I'll get back to you or, depending on how much detail would be needed I might turn it into another chapter along the road.