Runaway Experiment: Part 7 - The Secret Is Out

Story by StrikerSA on SoFurry

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The road was very bumpy, and Andronia could feel it on her butt as she bounced in her seat. The police squad car's suspension was made for flat roads, not the dirt-covered old path they were driving on right now. The female border collie held on to the dashboard and the handle of her door as they hit another deep pothole. She nearly struck her head against the ceiling.

"A bit rough, isn't it?" Bruiser the bulldog's voice came from the backseat. He too was bouncing about, though his massive bulk kept him down somewhat.

"Yeah, this road isn't used much anymore, so I doubt the city would spend money on fixing it when they could be paying for their holiday yachts." Andronia's partner, Skip the Squirrel, joked while he kept on driving. Andronia heard Bruiser laugh and couldn't help but to laugh along.

Andronia, Skip and Bruiser were all from the Furtropolis Metro Police Department (FMPD). Their uniforms were the standard issue dark navy police shirt and pants with combat boots. Their department's badges were attached to their belts and their police caps. All of them had their pistols holstered, and there was a single shotgun mounted on the dashboard. Andronia was full-figured, and the slightly body-hugging uniform made that a little more prominent, though the dark colors did help disguise her curves. Her black fur was broken up by white fur running from her muzzle down her chest and tummy, at the ends of her arms and legs, the tip of her tail and her long hair (which she kept tied in a ponytail). Skip was a tall and athletic creature with well-kept light brown fur and a large, curling tail. Bruiser was a muscular dog who, along with his bulldog face, looked very threatening. But only to the bad guys, since he was a great canine to get along with and always willing to help out.

Andornia looked at Skip as they hit yet another pothole. "Where are we going anyway?" She asked.

"To the old copper mine. It's not too far from here." The squirrel replied.

"Think we'll find anything there?"

Skip shrugged. "It's worth checking out. There's no security there and it's a good way from the city, so anybody up to no good or has something to hide might use the mines as a hide-out. And with the mayor breathing down our chief's neck and the chief breathing down ours, we might as well look at all possibilities."

Andronia and Bruiser nodded their heads. The spates of disappearances in the city recently have gotten bad in the last three days. A week ago, when it started, the few missing furs were a big story, but not so much as to be a really big concern. That changed in the past two days. First came the disappearances of thirty female police cadets at the police academy, followed the next day by the disappearance of the celebrity Elayne McCoon and a large portion of her staff. The whole story became front page headlines and the top story on TV and the Internet. The mayor was now really up in arms over it and was giving their chief a hard time, since his department had so far not found a single clue or suspect. Investigations were getting nowhere, and the police had called up every male and female in the force to help with this. There was a shortage of squad cars, so Bruiser had to ride with Andronia and Skip.

After a few more minutes of bump and shakes, the first of the old mining buildings came into view. Nestled amongst the hills, the mine's surface structures were in various stages of decade. Since of most of the buildings were built from wood and corrugated iron sheets, they looked as if a disease had taken hold here. The wood was rotted and falling apart in some places. The iron sheets were brown with rust. Much of them were lying on the ground, having ever fallen apart or been blown away by the wind. Rusted mining machines and tools lay in heaps here and there. Railroad tracks lead from some of the buildings into the single mine shaft entrance.

The squad car came up and stopped not far from the mine entrance. After Skip turned the engine off, all three police officers climbed out of the car. The sound of their doors slamming home echoed through the hills.

"This place looks like a good sneeze could make it all collapse." Bruiser commented, looking at the dilapidated structures.

"Yeah." Skip agreed. "Movie crews sometimes come here to do shoots, but even they don't want to spend money on upkeep of this old place."

The sound of an engine caught Andronia's attention. She perked her ears to try and figure out where it was coming from. When the noise came closer and louder, Andronia was able to pinpoint the source and turn her head towards it. She sighed when she saw it. Coming along the road towards them was a news van of the local FUR-TV television station. The big grey vehicle bounced about in the potholes and at several points it seemed to Andronia that it was going to tip over. But it managed and a few minutes later it pulled up near the squad car. Skip and Bruiser now also turned their attention to the news van with the station logo on the side and an array of antennae on the roof.

The doors swung open and out climbed the two occupants. One of them was instantly recognizable. Wilfred Weaselton was, as usual, well dressed in a light green suit and had his hair combed and premed into a perfect curl. But there was no disguising the look on his face. He was here for a story. Andronia folded her arms as Wilfred, holding a remote microphone in one paw, and his parrot camera fur Pollux, carrying the camera on his shoulder, approached her. He was all grins.

"Hello, hello, hello! And how is Furtropolis' finest doing today?" Wilfred spoke in a very clear and loud voice. He spent too much time in front of the cameras, thought Andronia.

"Busy, Wilfred. What are you doing here?" The collie replied.

"We're out here with you to get the story of the week, Officer Andronia. The discovery of what had happened to all those missing individuals." Wilfred answered with a smirk.

"But we have not even started to look around, let alone find anything."

"Yeah, I know. But the whole business is making big waves in the news and every media outlet is looking to be the first on getting the big story out. That's why I'm tagging along with you, officer. When you make the big break, Wilfred Weaselton will be there to get the exclusive story and pictures. Maybe even an interview with you, Officer Andronia. Your face could be on the front pages, you know." The weasel winked at the collie.

Andronia sighed. The collie knew that it will be impossible to get rid of Wilfred. The weasel will not miss the chance to be in the headlines and will stick to them like glue. She walked up to the weasel and stabbed a finger into his chest. "Fine, you can come along, but stay out of our way. And if things get ugly, stay back and keep out of harm's way. You'd rather not an article about yourself under the obituary section." She spoke sternly to the weasel.

Wilfred was unperturbed and shrugged his shoulders. "You got it, officer."

Andronia nodded and decided to let it be. She'd rather not waste time arguing with him. The collie turned around to rejoin Skip and Bruiser. The two male officers were at the entrance of the mine. They were prying away wooden planks that were nailed over the entrance by using steel pipes. Andronia came up to them as Bruiser pulled away another plank, groaning and grunting with effort as he did so.

"What did you find?" She asked them.

"Nothing in the buildings around here. We're going to take a look in the mines." Skip said, tugging with his pipe on a stubborn plank.

"I doubt we will find anything, if the entrance has been boarded up like that."

"Don't underestimate the bad guys, Andronia. I've been in the force a long time and I've learned that criminals will go a long way to hide something they don't us cops to see." Bruiser said, moving to help Skip with the plank. Andronia nodded. Bruiser had been an officer for years longer than she had, and there was some truth in what he said.

It did not take long for the officers to pull away enough planks to make a hole big enough to climb through. They glanced into the tunnel. It ran perfectly level for a couple of meters, then dropped down at a thirty-five degree angle into darkness. Wooden beams that held up the ceiling were evenly spaced from each other. Andronia, Skip and Bruiser pulled out their flashlights and turned them on. They climbed through the hole and looked into the tunnel, pointing their torches to where they were looking.

"Well, let's go." Skip said, looking at the sloping tunnel. Andronia and Bruiser nodded their heads, and then followed the squirrel as he lead the way down. Behind them another light came on. Andronia glanced back to see Wilfred and Pollux climbing through the hole. Pollux had turned on the light on his camera.

"Watch your step here, and don't get lost." Andronia told them. Wilfred and Pollux gave the thumbs-up signal. The collie then turned her attention to her fellow officers as they headed into the mines proper.

Skip lead the way as the officers made their way deeper into the mines, brushing aside large cobwebs and tripping now and then on an object on the floor. They shone their torch lights about, looking out for any clues or something suspicious as well as any possible dangers. Behind them Wilfred and Pollux followed, using the camera's light to watch where they were going. There wasn't much to see. Old mining gear, wooden support beams and the occasional mining cart was the only things they saw along the way. There was no sign that anyone had gone into these mines in a long time.

Finally the group came to a point where the tunnel branched off into three different directions. They stopped and pointed their flashlights down each side tunnel. They looked no different from the one they had just come in with.

"So, which way do we go?" Skip asked.

"I say we split up and check a tunnel each. We'll cover more ground that way. Then we can head back to the surface, since I don't think we'll find anything." Bruiser suggested, which got agreeing nods from Skip and Andronia.

"I'll take this one." Andronia said, point to the tunnel on their right. "Bruiser can go left and Skip straight ahead."

"Roger." Skip and Bruiser said in unison. The officers then split up, each going into a tunnel. Wilfred and Pollux remained behind for a moment, looking between the three cops.

"Which way, boss?" Pollux asked.

"Let's follow the collie." Wilfred suggested as he walked after Andronia. Pollux nodded and quickly caught up to him as they followed the collie into the tunnel. Brushing aside another cobweb, Andronia looked back towards Wilfred and Pollux, then looked forward as she spoke out to them. "Is there a reason you're following me in particular?" She asked them.

"Oh, just a random choice." Wilfred answered smugly.

"It is? I thought it was because she was the sexiest." Pollux said.

Andronia heard Wilfred elbow Pollux in the gut, knocking a good deal of air out of the parrot. The collie sighed, and then chuckled silently to herself. She certainly was sexy, no doubts there. Even before she joined the police the collie was good to look at. She had gotten plenty of attention from the males at high school, but she turned them all down because they were more interested in her body than her brains (she was a top achiever). After joining the force, the fitness and exercise programs she did fine-tuned her figure to near perfection. Some asked her whether she wouldn't be better off being a model, but Andronia had always wanted to be a police officer and do good, rather than just being a pin-up.

Turning around a sharp bend in the tunnel, Andronia stopped in her tracks. Her flashlight revealed that the tunnel ended abruptly with some kind of grayish wall. It looked smooth and light, much like the cobwebs she had passed. But this certainly did not look like something a spider would have made. She stepped up to it and reached out with one finger. When she touched it, she found it was still very moist and slightly sticky. Andronia pulled her finger back and looked the entire thing over. Behind her Wilfred and Pollux were also staring at the funny barrier.

"Should I get the camera rolling, boss?" Pollux finally asked.

"Eh? Oh, yeah. Get it rolling. This might be something." Wilfred said. As Pollux got the camera running, the weasel went right up to the barrier. "What do you think this is, officer?" He asked Andronia.

"No idea, but it seems to be some kind of spider's webbing." The collie said.

"I certainly don't know of any spider that..." Wilfred started to reply. Suddenly there was the sound of a muffled moan from beyond the sticky wall. Andronia and Wilfred brought their ears to wall, being careful not to actually touch it. A minute or so past before another sound, this time a muffled howl, came through the barrier.

"There's somebody behind this thing! Stay here while I go get something to break the barrier down." Andronia told Wilfred as she ran back into the tunnel. Wilfred dug around in his pockets and finally pulled out his microphone. He ran his fingers through hair. "How do I look? Am I picture perfect?" The weasel asked Pollux. The parrot gave the thumbs-up in reply.

"Good. We'll be taping this one right away." Wilfred said. He positioned himself correctly as Pollux aimed the camera at him, and then counted down from three on his fingers. When the parrot hit one, they started the shoot.

"This is Wilfred Weaselton reporting from the abandoned copper mines north of Furtropolis. I'm here with FMPD officers, who have made a usual discovery within the mines' tunnels." The weasel started his news reported just Andronia arrived with a rusted pick axe. Putting her torch on her belt and taking the axe with both paws, she swung at the barrier. The axe managed to slice into the barrier, though it was tougher than Andronia expected. She pulled the axe free of the sticky wall and swung again, aiming for the gash. Again the axe cut away more of the wall and she could some kind of faint glow from beyond. She swung a third time and this time she slashed the barrier through. Using the axe she pulled the gash wider until there was a sizable hole for her to climb through.

Andronia tossed the axe aside and pulled out her flashlight again. She climbed through the hole as Wilfred tells Pollux to take images. Once the collie was through, Wilfred started to the hole. "I'm now following Officer Andronia through the opening. What lies beyond this barrier?" The weasel spoke in a slightly over-dramatic tone of voice.

When Andronia first came into the chamber, she found the walls were covered with webbing that seemed to give off a fluorescent glow. She turned her torch off, deciding that it was enough. Then she turned to look to the source of the sounds she had heard. She very nearly dropped her flashlight when she saw the source.

Five naked females were bound up on some kind of strange plant in the centre of the chamber, being yiffed in every opening and on every sensitive spot on their bodies. They moaned and made "mph!" noises as they were being stimulated. An elf girl with silver-blue hair opened her eyes and saw Andronia. She lifted her head a little, but other than that she was unable to do much else except accept the stimulation she was getting.

Even as Wilfred and Pollux climbed through the hole, Andronia quickly pulled out her walky-talky and rushed towards the trapped females. She pressed the communications button on her radio, getting a beep that indicated an open channel. "This is Andronia! I've found five females of various species being held in a chamber in my tunnel! Get over here ASAP!" She re-hooked her radio on her belt as she got the urgent "Roger!" replies from Skip and Bruiser. The collie then turned her attention to the females.

The five females were the elf, a coyote, a deer, a skunk and a rabbit. Andronia instantly recognized the deer, skunk and rabbit. They were among the people who went missing in the past few weeks. The collie was stunned by the sight. Their suspected kidnapping syndicate was using plants to yiff females? She wondered where the others were, but then decided to free them first. That was she could get answers. Andronia went over to the elf and patted the trapped girl on the shoulder. The elf glanced at her, trying hard not to moan.

"Don't worry. We're getting you all out." Andronia assured the elf. The elf's eyes was lit up with hope that it had not seen in a long while. Suddenly she closed her eyes and arched back while moaning loudly. It was clear to Andronia that the poor elf was reaching orgasm. The collie started to reach for her knife.

Nearby Wilfred and Pollux were staring breathlessly at the sight of the naked females and the plant. Finally Pollux broke the silence. "Do I still take pictures, boss?"

"Screw pictures. We're going live on this one!" Wilfred quickly dug into his pocket and pulled out a cellular phone. He dialed a number while Pollux prepared the camera for a live broadcast.

Andronia growled to herself. That idiot Wilfred was going to display these females in such a compromising position on live television just for the sake of getting his story. She was tempted to go and break the camera, but right now she had to help these unfortunate victims. The collie managed to pull out the knife and reached for the vine that held the elf's left wrist. She took hold of the vine, feeling the scratchy, rough surface moving under her paw, and started to cut it. A purple liquid squirted out of the cut onto Andronia's uniform, but she was unperturbed. The collie kept cutting.

"And we're live in three... two... one... go!" The collie heard Pollux call out to Wilfred. A second later the weasel was speaking on camera.

"This is Wilfred Weaselton, reporting to you live from the abandoned copper mines north of Furtropolis, where officers of the FMPD have made a shocking discovery with regards to the recent mass disappearances in the city. Inside a chamber is this plant..." Wilfred gestured to the plant and its victims and Pollux turned the lens towards it. "... and the four females that is it yiffing at this very moment."

Andronia cut the vine through. The two segments fell to the ground, squirming and squirting out purple fluids. The elf was able to move her arm to clasp Andronia's one paw. Andronia squeezed the elf girl's hand in reassurance, and the look she got in her eyes showed that she very relieved. As the collie reached over to free her other arm, she saw Wilfred and Pollux move to the female skunk with the camera pointed at her.

"This female skunk you see here I can positively identify as being Sapphire, a lecturer at the Furtropolis University who went missing several days ago with a dozen students. What the plant is doing to her right is beyond any words I can describe." Wilfred spoke to his microphone in one paw and to his mobile phone in the other.

He's gone too far this time, Andronia thought in anger. She shouted in anger at him and his stupid parrot buddy. "Don't you have any kind of sense of female dignity, you b..."

Suddenly a beetle-like creature dropped on top of the plant right between Andronia and the two news members. Her eyes widened in shock as the beetle made a screeching noise at her. Wilfred and Pollux immediately backed away from the creature shock. "What the hell is that?" Wilfred shouted out, looking pretty scared. Andronia dropped the knife and reached for her pistol.

The next moment more of the critters dropped from their hiding place in the ceiling down onto the ground. Andronia whirled around while pulling out her pistol. She was surrounded! The collie looked over at Wilfred and Pollux. Pollux had managed to step aside to the tunnel entrance, but Wilfred was also surrounded by the beetles. The parrot kept his lens focused on the creatures.

"Don't move, Wilfred!" Andronia shouted out to the weasel. But the news reporter was more interested in reporting his story, though he did try and keep still. "I... I am now surrounded by what appear to be... beetles, or spiders, of some kind... perhaps they are defending the plant and its victims..." Wilfred spoke haltingly, no longer the cool fellow he was a moment ago.

He was right about one thing, though. The creatures were defending the plant, and Andronia silently kicked herself for not scouting out the chamber properly before rushing in like she did. She looked at the hole in the silk barrier. There was still no sign of Skip and Bruiser. Where are they? Andronia finally pulled out her gun and placed her finger on the trigger.

A shout for help from Wilfred made her turn her head. The creatures were spitting out what appeared to be webbing at the weasel, catching his arms and legs. "Help! Andronia! Pollux!" He shouted out to her and his cameraman. But Pollux was still keeping his camera aimed at them, too afraid to move, and Andronia herself had her own troubles with the beetles. The beetles attacking Wilfred finally pulled him onto the ground. He grunted as he landed, dropping his phones on the ground. An instant later the creatures crawled over him and started to spin that silk all around his body. He made a last pleading look at Andronia before his head was covered as well. When the beetles were done, Wilfred was squirming inside a cocoon that covered him from head to toe.

Andronia was about to react, but the creatures reacted first. One of them fired silk onto her arm and got held of her wrist. It pulled hard, making the collie drop her pistol. She swore and tried to pull her arm free while kicking away one of the critters. But the beetles were too much for her and they all spat out their sticky webbing at her. Andronia recoiled feeling the sticky strands getting stuck to her body. Her legs were pulled together, and then she was forced to topple over. She yelped when she landed hard on the ground. She could not even recover in time before the critters were over her and spinning her up into a cocoon. The collie tried to fight, but her movements were quickly becoming restricted. To make things worse, something in the silk was causing her to become light-headed. She blinked and tried to look at the hole in the barrier, but her vision was cut off by silk strands over her face. It took less than a minute for the critters to encase Andronia in a cocoon like Wilfred.

Pollux was frozen with fear. The critters were crawling over the cocoons that contained Andronia and Wilfred, making sure their victims were secure. He kept the camera lens pointed at those cocoons. He heard his name over Wilfred's mobile phone as the anchor back at the television station tried to get ahold of him. The parrot wanted to get a good story, but this was way over his head. He wanted to run, but he dared not get the creatures' attention. Pollux began to slowly creep his way back to the hole they had come through. Suddenly one of the creatures noticed the parrot and screeched. The other critters now also saw Pollux and scurried closer until they surrounded him.

"Oh, shit." Pollux said softly.

A shot rang out and one of the beetles flew onto its back, its purple body fluid exploding all over the ground. Pollux swung the camera over to the source, while the critters looked into that direction as well. Standing by the hole was Skip and Bruiser, their pistols out and aimed at the creatures. Skip's pistol was still smoking.

"This is the Furtropolis Metro Police Department! Put your... feelers in the air!" Skip shouted out at the beetles. But the creatures did not understand his words, or if they did they didn't care, and started to scurry towards the two officers. Skip and Bruiser did not wait for the critters to be on top of them and opened fire. Loud screeches of pain echoed through the chamber as several of the bullets hit home. But those critters who survived returned the attack by spitting silk threads. Bruiser managed to jump out of the way, but Skip wasn't fast enough and got both his arms snared. The squirrel did manage to fire off a few more shots at one beetle before being forced to the ground.

Bruiser's years of experience and training were paying off today. He kept moving and firing, dodging the threads fired at him and hitting more of the critters. Some of them were trying to cocoon Skip, but his wild thrashings and the critter's reduced numbers made the process difficult. All the while Pollux kept the camera rolling. He wondered how the ratings were at the moment because of what was being shot live. Suddenly a beetle scurried right in front of Pollux. He jumped in fright, but to his fortune the creature was facing the other way towards Bruiser. The parrot decided to take a chance. He jumped as high as he could and then landed with both talons on top of the creature. The beetle didn't even make time to squeak before its purple insides exploded into all directions from the sudden weight. Pollux nearly lost his groceries at that point.

But the tide had turned against the beetles. Bruiser had shot dead nearly all of the creatures despite getting webbed on his left and both his legs. Only two of them remained, but those two still remained surprisingly aggressive. They focused all their energies on getting the big bulldog cop, spitting silk strands at him. Bruiser tried to shoot them, but found his pistol empty. "What the hell." The bulldog growled, tossing the pistol aside. He lunged right at the creatures. The beetles were caught completely off-guard by their quarry's aggressive attack. Bruiser grabbed their faces and squeezed as hard as he could. He heard a crunch, followed by purple liquid oozing between his fingers. The beetles no longer moved.

After checking to make sure that were no more of the creatures alive, Bruiser got up and looked around. The beetles were lying about, oozing the smelly purple juices. Skip was struggling to free himself from the large amounts of silk that entangled him. The cocoons on the ground were squirming slightly, while the plant kept yiffing the females as usual. Pollux was rubbing his forehead off with a rag and holding his camera steady. "You okay?" The bulldog asked the parrot. Pollux simply nodded his head. Bruiser got up, wiped the goo off on the rocks and went over to help Skip.

"You okay, buddy?" Bruiser asked as he helped tear Skip free of the sticky strands. "Yeah, I'm okay. I really thought those buggers had me there." The squirrel said, sitting up and pulling off the strands from his feet. Once enough of the silk had been removed, Bruiser helped Skip onto his feet. They looked past the dead beetles at the plant with the trapped females. "What the heck is that?" Skip said breathlessly, having trouble keeping his eyes averted from the nude females being yiffed.

"Let's get everyone out before we wonder about that. Firstly, the cocoons." Bruiser recommended. He and skip then each went to a cocoon and pulled out their knifes. They cut at the skin, careful not to hurt the trapped furries within them. When Skip had cut a long-enough gash, he ripped open the cocoon to reveal a weakened Andronia lying inside of it. The squirrel helped the collie up. "Andronia, you all right?" Skip asked her. Andronia sat up, feeling very drowsy and, to her slight embarrassment, slightly in heat. "I'm fine... almost... You guys sure took your time."

"Yeah, sorry about that. We had a little trouble finding our way back." Skip explained. Bruiser managed to get open the cocoon and both he and Pollux helped Wilfred up from his silk prison. He was also looking a little unsteady.

"Boss, you okay? The parrot asked Wilfred.

"Yeah... did you get that shot?" The weasel replied.

"Still running live, boss. Your mike and phone are lying over there." Pollux said, pointing to the dropped mobile phone and microphone.

As Wilfred stumbled over to pick up his items, the three police officers went to the plant and started freeing the females. They cut the vines holding their arms and legs, then pulled the ones in their mouth and privates out. They then carried the weakened females off to one side of the chamber, avoiding the attention of the plant's still-active vines. It only took them a few minutes to get all five victims out. They were made to sit and lean against the chamber wall. Bruiser pulled out his walky-talky and made the call back to headquarters.

"This is Officer Bruiser to HQ, come in." The bulldog spoke into his radio.

"This is HQ, Officer Bruiser." Came the reply. "We just saw the whole damn thing on television here. Stay tight. Units have been dispatched to your area."

"Copy that." Bruiser answered.

"Hey, are you okay?" Andronia asked the elf, sitting down next to her and holding a supportive paw on her bare shoulder.

The elf looked at Andronia and nodded her head weakly. "Yes, I'm okay... just exhausted."

"What's your name?"

"I'm Camry. I'm a scientist working for the government. Actually, I'm an assistant working alongside my mentor Andrea. She and the others are still in the main plant."

That got everyone's attention. Bruiser and Skip went over and knelt in front of Camry, while Wilfred and Pollux stood behind them. The parrot was still keeping the camera rolling, but Camry was not aware that her nudity was being shown to the whole world.

"You mean we got more victims trapped like you?" Skip asked Camry.

"Yes. I'm not sure of the number, but it must be about a hundred of us." Camry said. The elf maiden then went on to explain how the plant had been accidentally created in the laboratory and how it used their sexual energies for food. The officers and media members were listening breathlessly to Camry. The other females also backed up Camry's story, telling the officers how they got caught and fed on by the plant.

"So where is this plant now, Camry?" Andronia finally asked once the elf had stopped speaking.

"I don't know. It could be anywhere under the city, hunting for more food." Camry replied.

Andronia, Skip and Bruiser looked at each other. "We got big trouble. Especially if this plant is starting to reproduce." Skip said.

"I'd better calling HQ and tell them we got a serious situation." Bruiser said, getting up and pulling his radio out again.

Andronia nodded her agreement. Just then she noticed that Wilfred and Pollux had knelt before the coyote female. Wilfred was holding his microphone to her. The coyote wasn't yet aware she was on camera.

"What's your name?" Wilfred asked her.

"Elexis." Came the reply.

"And where did this plant get hold of you, Elexis?" The weasel asked again.

"I was on vacation with my husband and friends when..." Elexis started to speak, but then she noticed the camera being held by Pollux. "Am I being taped?" She asked in alarm.

"Live on television. You said something about..." Wilfred never got further than those words, for the next instant the females all shrieked and tried to cover themselves. They were also very angry at him and were blushing furiously.

"Pervert!" The female deer shouted out at the weasel, trying her best to hide her generous breasts with her arms and crossing her legs to hide her more private parts. Similar shouts and worse were hurled at Wilfred, who quickly backed away along with Pollux.

Andronia had enough. She got up and marched over to Pollux. She quickly pulled the camera out of his hands. "What the hey!" Pollux shouted out. Andronia growled at the parrot when he tried to take it back, and backed off. Wilfred was unpreturbed.

"That's FTTV property!" The weasel shouted at her.

"Not anymore." Andronia growled at him. She then hurled the camera at the chamber wall. Wilfred and Pollux could only watch in shock as the camera shattered into a thousand pieces upon impact. Andronia wiped her paws off, then went over to calm the females. At that moment, several more police officers and paramedics climbed through the hole in the barrier and rushed up to help. Though Wilfred was upset over the camera, it had done its job.

The military's runaway experiment secret was out.

Collin was fast asleep. He was in his chair and laid his head on his arms. The collie wanted to take a quick nap, but had fallen asleep. Piles of notes and several experiments were scattered about the table. His laboratory was quiet, with the only sounds being the soft humming noises of the ventilation system and several computers. But somebody else in the laboratory was about to change that. That somebody picked up the metal waste bin and banged it really hard against the side of the metal. The loud noise woke up Collin up instantly. He quickly turned and found himself staring at the fellow who woke him up: General Oscar. The big rhino dropped the metal bin onto the floor.

"Grab your gear. The chopper leaves in one hour and you and I are going to be on that flight." The general told him.

"Why, General? Where are we going?" Collin asked as he rubbed his eyes.

"To Furtropolis. Professor Andrea's little pet plant has just gone public. It's all over the news." General Oscar explained. He then turned around and headed for the door. Just before he went out he looked back at Collin. "One hour. Don't make me come fetch you." He then stepped out and the automatic sliding doors closed silently behind him.

Oh crap, though Collin. The plant was loose in a major city, and the whole world now knew about it. He quickly got up and started to gather his things. He has going to have put his studies, experiments and findings to the test, and soon...


Story by: Gerhard "StrikerSA" Naudé

Elexis and Collin copyright to: Gerhard "StrikerSA" Naudé

Andronia copyright to: Her owner