
Story by pigglesworth on SoFurry

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#12 of Sold

A loud noise coming from downstairs woke up Nate. It was still early, yet for some reason his master was missing. Assuming he had just gone to get something to drink Nate moved his focus over to something else demanding his attention.

Between his legs his cock was demanding attention, the piercing had been healing well and by now there was no pain anymore, just the occasional over-sensitivity of new skin. It was tempting for the bunny to just reach down and give himself a stroke, just one, his master wouldn't have to know. Knowing his luck though that would be the exact second the otter would step through the door.

He waited. No one was moving inside the house as far as he could hear. Had his master gone already? Nate knew that today he would have to start working again, but he would have said something had he to leave early, if only to let the bunny know.

Getting up and carefully making his way downstairs he reached the kitchen and turned on the light. On the ground a jar of jam had shattered, spilling its sticky contents on the floor and some the fridge. On the table sat a folded note with his name on it.

Good morning bun-bun,

I'm sorry to be gone already when you wake up,

I totally forgot to tell you that on the first day after the

holidays I had to be the first one in.

If you feel up to it maybe you'd like to join me for lunch.

The bus stops directly in front of my office

(line 36, stop: old town hall).

My break starts at 12:15, so if you take the bus at 11:50

you should only have to wait 5 minutes or so.

Either way, enjoy your day


PS please take care of the mess, sorry!

Nate smiled, folding the note back up and putting it next to his wallet before taking care of the mess left behind by a clumsy otter. As he decided to get an early start as well he smiled, wondering about where they'd eat, if his master had enough time to show him around a bit or if they could just quickly get a sandwich and then sit down somewhere, just enjoying watching people.

Time flew by for the bunny that morning. Always careful to regularly check a clock Nate couldn't wait any longer and got dressed at 11 o'clock. His master had written down the bus line, so why not take a bus a bit earlier, maybe look at the area around the otter's office.

Leaving the house he made sure to lock it, not that it would have been particularly necessary, he just loved using his key. The bus stop was quickly reached and Nate spent his waiting time memorizing the schedule.

Stepping into the bus he was confronted with any annoyed looking lemur.

"Uhm, I need to go to ... uhm old town hall I think it was."


Nate nervously reached for his wallet handing the driver the money and got on. It seemed strange to Nate. Back, before the bear, he was no stranger to the bus, but right now it was a bit intimidating. The fact alone that it was packed made him panic slightly. The most people in one room for him the last five years had been three or four, now it were over twenty. The noise was getting to him as well, he had learned to avoid shouting people at all cost, but in here everyone was shouting, or at least talking loudly, which woke the training inside him to drop to the floor and ask for forgiveness.

His lower lip was quivering by the time the bus had reached the next stop. Each shout made him jump in his seat. The smells were making him uncomfortable and when a baby started crying he finally couldn't stand it anymore and got off the bus at the next stop.

It took him a few seconds to start breathing normally again and realize his next problem, how would he get to his destination now. He didn't know the city. He knew the general direction he had to go in by watching the bus drive off but other than that he had no idea. He started walking, hoping maybe he'd get lucky or he'd just have to ask around.

Nate was freezing when he finally saw his master, standing in front of the office building with his phone in hand. He quickly went to hug him, hoping he'd be able to steal a bit of heat from the otter in the process.

"Nate you're freezing! Why weren't you on the bus?"

"I-I t-t-ttook an e-e-earlier b-bus."


"I couldn't wait any longer. I was excited to go out."

"Then why were you walking?" Matt asked while slowly massaging a bit of heat into the bunny's sensitive ears.

"I couldn't ... stand the people. They were so loud, I ... I got scared. Then I got off and walked."

"I'm sorry, I should have thought about that. Let's get something to eat, I'm starving, and you could do with something warm."

Nate was lead by the otter like a child. His hand firmly grabbed by Matt, who proceeded to pull Nate through the sea of people. A quick tug made the bunny vanish into a small side street which they followed until they reached a small store.

"Best Asian food in town! And the best part is barely anyone knows this place!"

Entering Matt was warmly greeted and brought to a table.

"Same as always?"

"For me, yes."

Nate was still looking over the menu, but since he didn't want to make the nice older lady serving them wait he quickly settles on some fried veggies with rice.

"So bun-bun, I get to go home early today and I was wondering if you'd be interested to go to the movie theatre or something. I don't know if you ever went, but there is an ice rink they usually set up around somewhere in the park."

Ice rink ... Nate was beginning to think, there was something about an ice rink, something from back then. Why couldn't he ... the memory flooded over the bunny.

"Nate? I just hit a nerve, I can see that, is it a bad memory?"

The bunny shook his head, while smiling.

"Just something I haven't thought of for a while, from back when I was at college..."

Something was off, Nate felt some weight on his chest, opening his eyes he saw an excited squirrel laying on top of him.

"How did you get in here?"

"Your roommate let me in. Now get your cute little butt out of bed, I have something planned before you leave."

Nate groaned, wasn't college supposed to be the magical place where you get to sleep all day? Were all those movies lies? Or was it that they dropped the overeager boyfriend in order to get the PG ratings.

"I told you I'm not sure I wanna do that yet, I'm not that big on pain."

"And I told you there wouldn't be any pain, as long as you relax and let me take care of the rest, but that's not what I meant with 'something'."

"How about a compromise? You calm yourself for another hour or so and in return you can slip under my blanket and grab my butt and play with it a bit while I sleep some more?"

"Tempting, but no. C'mon Nate, you've been blue balling me for over a week now, the least you can do is get up to enjoy my surprise."

"How exactly am I blue balling you, I distinctly remember having to take a shower yesterday evening because someone wasn't content with me swallowing and made a complete mess out of my face."

"Details details. You get another 10 minutes to get up, or I'll come back in with a glass of water."

Groaning some more he pulled the blanket over his head as he was mentally preparing himself to get up. Alex had a point, he would be gone for 10 days, so it was only fair he spent some more time with his boyfriend before leaving him alone on campus during the Christmas break.

Nate sat up, and not a second too soon, because true to his word Alex had just opened the door, glass of water in hand and a look of determination on his face.

"What do you have planned anyway?"

"Not telling!"

Putting the glass down the squirrel went over and kissed Nate before sitting down.

"Now get dressed, slowly though, I'm enjoying the view"

Nate blushed.

Making their way to the shopping mall Nate was wondering why they needed to be there that early, it was almost an hour before the stores would even open. Following the obviously excited squirrel he walked past the front entrance and to the side of the huge concrete monstrosity. Nate remembered there being a ice rink, they had visited the week before but decided against staying due to the amount of people on there.

"Merry Christmas bunny!"


"You looked so disappointed when we didn't get to use it the last time we were here, so I asked them if they'd let us on early. It opens in 2 hours, but until then it's ours!"

Nate began laughing and quickly tackled the squirrel in an attempt to hug him. This had been the best gift anyone had ever gotten him. He ran to the side of the ice, where the skates were already waiting for them, snapped them on to his regular shoes and jumped on the ice, letting his inertia move him forward. Slightly curving to the left, then a bit more, completing a tight circle before ending his drift with another small left curve exactly where he had started.

"Is that supposed to impress me?"

"No, but that is" Nate pointed to the outline of a huge heart he had just carved into the pristine ice with his little skate performance.

They spent the rest of the two hours on the ice, Nate giving lessons to Alex, who, as it had turned out, only was on ice once before in his life and that ended with a broken finger for him and a broken leg for the guy he crashed into.

Nate enjoyed his time immensely, being able to teach the things he had learned during the years and seeing Alex slowly get more and more comfortable on the ice. Every small improvement Alex made was rewarded with a skate-by kiss from Nate, occasionally leading to the squirrel losing his focus and ending up on his bluffy behind.

After their two hours were over they made their way into the mall, desperately in need of something warm to drink. Drink in hand Alex literally dragged Nate out of the food court and up to a photo booth on the second floor.

Tears were running down Nate's face, but as painful was it was, he was still smiling.

"I'm so sorry bun-bun, I shouldn't have asked. That was stupid of me."

"No! I-It's ok, I don't remember much from back then, but this is one of my favourite memories."

"Back then? You said you were with the bear for 5 years, so I always assumed you were taken by him. I .. I'm afraid to ask, and feel free to slap me in the face, but ... how long exactly were you ..."

"It were just those five years, yes, but it felt longer, and ... not remembering made it ... easier. Over time I started forgetting and now... I only just have a few things left." Nate buried himself in the otter's chest.

"I had no idea."

"It's strange sometimes... I smell something and suddenly feel incredibly happy or sad and I just can't remember why."

Wiping away the last of his tears he turned away when their food was being brought. Nate had to agree to what his master had said earlier, even for something as simple as veggies and rice, this was very well done. You could still taste every vegetable that had went into this. The otter's plate was severely lacking in vegetables, as always, then again there usually isn't much room for vegetables in sushi.

"So, about my free afternoon, would you like to go out or do you have something else in mind?"

"I have something else in my pants." Nate blushed, had he really just said that?

Matt laughed, drawing the looks from every other customer to him and Nate, who quickly hid his face behind his hands.

"You think you're up for that? No longer sore?"

"Leon said it was ok as long as I'm careful."

"Ok then bun-bun."

They continued to talk, mostly Matt did the talking, complaining about his lazy coworkers and how his boss wouldn't be able to keep the department running if he ever had to call in sick. The lunch break ended far too soon, for both of them.

"You can wait for me to finish up if you want to drive home with me, it'll be boring though, or I could call you a cab."

"No! I can do this. I know what to expect now."

"I'm proud of you bun-bun." Matt kissed Nate's nose before making his way back to his office.


The bus back home was easier for Nate, not only because he had been prepared this time, but because his master had told him how proud he was for even making it as far as two stops. Now he had a reason to make it all the way back home. It still took some willpower on his part not to panic but he managed to focus on the fact that these people weren't screaming at him,

Back at home Nate put on a movie, he was however not really paying attention. He kept looking at the clock and got up and to check the window whenever a car drove by. Finally he heard the familiar sound of a key sinking into a lock and the front door opening.

He jumped up and ran over to his master, kissing him deeply, then grabbing his tie and pulling him up the stairs with little to no resistance from the otter.

"My, what an eager bunny."

Nate basically threw his master to the bed, jumped up and quickly undid his belt followed by his pants.

"I kinda assumed you just wanted me to stroke you a bit bun-bun, not that I'm complaining." Matt chuckled.

Nate quickly buried his head in his master's groin, kissing and licking his cock and balls. Matt quickly started getting hard as the bunny just continued to tease him, lightly kissing his glans, squeezing his balls with just the right amount of pressure and hungrily lapping at every drop of pre that appeared.

Finally getting completely hard Nate began moving. Kneeling over the otter he gave him a quick kiss before grabbing his cock and pushing it against his hole, grunting as he slowly sat down. Nate found that he actually started to like the feeling of getting stretched out, the slight burn, the heat and how he started to slightly pant when his master sank into him were quickly becoming one of his favourite things.

The bunny could barely hold himself back and started bouncing on his master's cock the second he had felt the otter's hip making contact with his ass. His own cock was standing at attention as well. Pre dripping along the piercing and onto his master's belly, slowly matting the otter's fur.

Nate's whole spine was tingling already without there being any stimulation to his cock as all. Pure pleasure was flooding through the bunny, radiating from his prostate. His master's moans also fueled the bunny's bouncing. Each movement almost lifting the bunny completely off before letting gravity push him down again.

He was so close, he had reached the edge quickly and had been riding it ever since, daring not to cum, because that would mean losing this euphoric feeling, at the same time though his length was begging for attention, dripping and throbbing without ever stopping. Nate felt his master's hands on his hips, pushing him down.

He knew what this meant and was more than happy to comply, pulling his legs higher to make help his master to get as deep inside of him as possible. The otter's scream of pure bliss was music to Nate's ears. He squeezed his ass, milking the otter for all he was worth, as he felt a heat spreading inside of him.

Pulling himself off his master he kept squeezing, not wanting to lose any drop as he slowly bent down again, licking his master's belly clean of his own pre, his tongue vanishing inside his belly button to get at the last of anything he might have dripped before laying down next to the panting otter.


Nate giggled.

"I don't entirely remember the end, but you didn't cum, did you?"

"Not yet Sir."

"Would it be terribly mean of me to tell you not to?"


"I was thinking, you'd get a minute to play with your new toy and then maybe you'd like me to invite Leon back over the weekend. I don't know if he has time though, but I'm sure if he can't make it we can entertain ourselves even without him. Maybe he even can bring that horse this time around."

Nate was unsure how to respond, the last time certainly had been fun as well as extremely exhausting. A repeat performance certainly did sound nice.

"Would you lock me up until then Sir?

"Come again?"

"I'm not sure I'll manage otherwise."

"Are you sure about that?"

"Yes Sir."

"I'll make this up to you bun-bun."

The bunny's cock was quickly put back into his metal prison with only a few complaints by Nate, who directly afterwards curled up next to his master, resting his head on the otter's chest.

"Bun-bun, could you do me a favour tomorrow?"

"What Sir?"

"I'm not gonna be able to make it to the store, so I was wondering if you could do it for me. You can use a cab or the bus if you feel up for it."



"Are you planning on making me leave?"

Nate had the feeling for some time now. His master had been planning something, that much he was sure about, but he wasn't sure what it was exactly. Since he wanted to give the otter the benefit of the doubt he had went along with it so far, but now he needed to know.

"Why would you think that?"

"The wallet, the key, making me take the bus, taking me out among other people. You are preparing me for something and I'd like to know for what."

Matt sighed.

"I am thinking about freeing you, maybe even get your old life back, if that's possible"

"You don't want me to stay?"

"I'd love for you to stay, but not because I bought you. I like you, maybe even love you, but that doesn't change the fact that you can't live a life of your choosing as long as you are with me."

"So you are throwing me out?"

"No... at least I don't think of it that way. You'll get your old life back, your ID, passport, anything really. The company will take care of all that stuff."

"What if I don't want that?"


"I like this. This is what I always wanted in my life."

"But... I forced this on you. Please don't misunderstand but how would you even know if you actually liked me? This could just be misplaced gratitude for treating you like an actual person."

Nate felt angry. How dare he belittle what he felt. How dare he assume to know what's best for him. Nate got up without a word and left the bedroom, considering for a moment to use the guest room before turning to walk downstairs.

"Nate, please come back, that sounded awful, I know, please let me explain!"

Nate stopped and turned around.

"Are you ordering me to come back to bed?"

"I ... no."

The bunny continued on his way, turning right after he made it down the first flight of stairs he approached the second one. He stopped on the first step, closed the door and locked it before moving over to the bed in the corner of the basement.