
Story by OliverTheFox on SoFurry

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Sylva has finally succeeded in taking out Blaze. In the Process, she destroyed the entire complex in which Blaze and his men worked. In Blaze's dying words he told Sylva something very important. Sylva now is worried about what is to come of her fate.Chapter 3Sylva was racing away from the scene of desolation she had created on her speed-demon of a motorcycle. In the blackness of the night, the vixen couldn't help but worry and ponder upon the troubling last words of Blaze before he breathed his last.Sylva then conjured the scene once more...Sylva stared into the tiger's eyes and she saw them wreathed in fire and pure hatred.Blaze: Th-The world w-will burn....Sylva then snapped out of her flashback and concentrated on trying find out the meaning pre-death phrase.Sylva: I should call Lucille...Sylva  pushed the button on her right handle bar that had the cellphone insignia upon it.The bike's artficial intelligece then responded to her with a question.Motorcycle AI: Who would you like to call?Sylva: Call HQ and contact Lucille's cell would you please...Motoecycle AI: Right away, Ma'am! Contacting "Lucille Cell"... beep...*beep*Lucille: Hi Sylva! So did you get em' good! Are you safe!? Your not hurt are you!? You better not! I had to put in seven stitches last time and I don't feel like doing it again anytime soon!Lucille was Sylva's assistant, a Pink colored cat whom had a peppy and upbeat personality. Lucille had a lengthy resume of technical and computer science skills as well as many skills in martial arts. Lucille had a deep care for Sylva to the point of being practically sisters.Sylva: Luci-Lucille: I have to be honest with you Sylva I don't think you should going out alone on missions this dangerous!Sylva: Luci-Lucille: And another note, why didn't you call me earlier? You have FBI on your ass!Sylva: LUCILLE!! Listen goddamnit!! Forget the pigs for now!Lucille: ...Sylva: I need you to look deeper into the history of my target, Blaze Vendetta... I think I've gotten in way over my head with this contract...Lucille: Okay..., I'm on it Boss!Lucille hung up the phone and got to her task immediately.Sylva was racing down the alley way and busted into the traffic of her city, New York City. Sylva took off like a jet in the glowing lights of New York, like a wraith piercing through a viel of souls, yet these souls were other animals. Amidst the screaming of animals in fear and confusion Sylva kept cool and rode with finesse and abnormal perfection.To her dismay the authorities had spotted her on were on her tail and hard at that.Sylva: Damn...Meanwhile...Lucille had dug down deep into the roots of Blaze and what his

involvements of business were. What she began to find out was quite surprising.Lucille: So Blaze! You seem to be involved in something in the big picture... the real big picture...Lucille: I should contact Sylva... No... I think I'll call the contracter, I'll find out why he wanted Blaze dead so bad... and why he is getting into this mess... This is bad, very bad!End of Chapter ThreeEnd Note from Oliver Hey Everyfur! I just want to say if you read Chapters one and two and are following the story, Thank you! Thank you so much for your support and I'm so glad to write for my fellow Furries. I hope you guys are excited to read chapter four and I hope you enjoy life and what good it really has to offer. Oh and don't forget these! furry hugs you all ^u^ Love ya all! <3 -OliverTheFox 


Sylva the fox is currently fighting the vicious yet personality speaking, colorful, Blaze the Tiger. Blaze is highly aggrivated with Sylva and her evasive tactics, while Sylva is toying with his head she is also trying keep her cool.The fury of Blaze...

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Sylva was a Vixen with Black fur and and a Silver secondary coat. She had a blue nose with eyes of a likewise color. The Vixen wore a black leather jacket and a scarlet scarf.Sylva's main occupation was a freelance bounty hunter, and in fact she was...

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